The Perl Toolchain Summit needs more sponsors. If your company depends on Perl, please support this very important event.
#  This file is part of WebDyne.
#  This software is Copyright (c) 2017 by Andrew Speer <>.
#  This is free software, licensed under:
#    The GNU General Public License, Version 2, June 1991
#  Full license text is available at:
#  <>
package WebDyne;

#  Packace init, attempt to load optional Time::HiRes module
sub BEGIN {
    local $SIG{__DIE__};
    eval("use Time::HiRes qw(time)") || eval {undef};

#  Pragma
use strict qw(vars);
use warnings;
no warnings qw(uninitialized redefine once);

#  WebDyne constants, base modules
use WebDyne::Constant;
use WebDyne::Base;

#  External Modules
use Storable;
use HTTP::Status qw(is_success is_error is_redirect RC_OK RC_FOUND RC_NOT_FOUND);
use Fcntl;
use Tie::IxHash;
use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_hex);
use File::Spec::Unix;
use Data::Dumper;
use overload;

#  Inherit from the Compile module, not loaded until needed though.

#  Version information

#  Debug load
debug("%s loaded, version $VERSION", __PACKAGE__);

#  Shortcut error handler, save using ISA;
require WebDyne::Err;
*err_html=\&WebDyne::Err::err_html || *err_html;
*err_eval=\&WebDyne::Err::err_eval || *err_eval;

#  Our webdyne "special" tags
%CGI_TAG_WEBDYNE=map {$_ => 1} (



#  Var to hold package wide hash, for data shared across package
my %Package;

#  Do some class wide initialisation

#  Eval safe not effective - die if turned on
if ($WEBDYNE_EVAL_SAFE) {die "WEBDYNE_EVAL_SAFE disabled in this version\n"}

#  All done. Positive return


sub handler : method {

    #  Get self ref/class, request ref
    my ($self, $r, $param_hr)=@_;
    debug("handler called with self $self, r $r, MP2 $MP2");

    #  Start timer so we can optionally keep stats on how long handler takes to run
    my $time=time();

    #  Work out class and correct self ref
    my $class=ref($self) || do {

        #  Need new self ref, as self is actually class. Do inline so quicker than -> new
        my %self=(

            _time => $time,
            _r    => $r,
            %{delete $self->{'_self'}},

        $self=bless \%self, $self;


    #  Setup error handlers
    local $SIG{'__DIE__'}=sub {
        debug('in __DIE__ sig handler, caller %s', join(',', (caller(0))[0..3]));
        return err (@_)
    local $SIG{'__WARN__'}=sub {
        debug('in __WARN__ sig handler, caller %s', join(',', (caller(0))[0..3]));
        return err (@_)

    #  Debug
        "in WebDyne::handler. class $class, self $self, r $r, param_hr %s",

    #  Skip all processing if header request only
    if ($r->header_only()) {return &head_request($r)}

    #  Debug
        "enter handler, r $r, location %s file %s, param %s",
        $r->location(), $r->filename(), Dumper($param_hr));

    #  Get full path, mtime of source file, check file exists
    my $srce_pn=$r->filename() ||
        return $self->err_html('unable to get request filename');
    my $srce_mtime=(-f $srce_pn && (stat(_))[9]) || do {

        #  File not found, we don't want to handle this anymore ..
        debug("srce_mtime for file '$srce_pn' not found, could not stat !");
        return &Apache::DECLINED;

    debug("srce_pn $srce_pn, srce_mtime (real) $srce_mtime");

    #  Used to use inode as unique identifier for file in cache, but that
    #  did not take into account the fact that the same file may have diff
    #  Apache locations (and thus WebDyne::Chain) handlers for the same
    #  physical file.  So we now use an md5 hash of handler, location and
    #  file name, but the var name is still "inode";
    my $srce_inode=(
        $self->{'_inode'} ||= md5_hex(ref($self), $r->location, $srce_pn)
            return $self->err_html("could not get md5 for file $srce_pn, $!"));
    debug("srce_inode $srce_inode");

    #  Var to hold pointer to cached metadata area, so we are not constantly
    #  dereferencing $Package{'_cache'}{$srce_inode};
    my $cache_inode_hr=(
        $Package{'_cache'}{$srce_inode} ||= {

            data  => undef,    # holds compiled representation of html/psp file
            mtime => undef,    # last modified time of the Storable disk cache file
            nrun  => undef,    # number of times this page run by this mod_perl child
            lrun  => undef,    # last run time of this page by this mod_perl child

            # Created if needed
            # meta       =>  undef,  # page meta data, held in meta section or supplied by add-on modules
            # eval_cr    =>  undef,  # where anonymous sub's representing eval'd perl code within this page are held
            # perl_init  =>  undef,  # flags that perl code in __PERL__ block has been init'd (run once at page load)

        }) || return $self->err_html('unable to initialize cache_inode_hr ref');

    #  Get "effective" source mtime, as may be a combination of things including
    #  template (eg menu) mtime. Here so can be subclassed by other handler like
    #  menu systems
    debug("about to call source_mtime, self $self");
        $self->source_mtime($srce_mtime) || return $self->err_html()}
        || $srce_mtime;
    debug("srce_pn $srce_pn, srce_mtime (computed) $srce_mtime");

    #  Need to stat cache file mtime in case another process has updated it (ie via self->cache_compile(1)) call,
    #  which will make our memory cache stale. Would like to not have to do this stat one day, perhaps via shmem
    #  or similar check
    #  Only do if cache directory defined
    my ($cache_pn, $cache_mtime);
    if ($WEBDYNE_CACHE_DN) {
        debug("webdyne_cache_dn $WEBDYNE_CACHE_DN");
        $cache_pn=File::Spec->catfile($WEBDYNE_CACHE_DN, $srce_inode);
        $cache_mtime=((-f $cache_pn) && (stat(_))[9]);
    else {
        debug('no webdyne_cache_dn');

    #  Test if compile/reload needed
    if ($WEBDYNE_RELOAD || $self->{'_compile'} || ($cache_inode_hr->{'mtime'} < $srce_mtime) || ($cache_mtime > $cache_inode_hr->{'mtime'})) {

        #  Debug
            "compile/reload needed _compile %s, cache_inode_hr mtime %s, srce_mtime $srce_mtime, WEBDYNE::RELOAD $WEBDYNE::RELOAD",
            $self->{'_compile'}, $cache_inode_hr->{'mtime'});

        #  use Module::Reload to reload modules
        if ($WEBDYNE_RELOAD) {
            local $SIG{'__DIE__'};
            unless ($INC{'Module/'}) {
                debug('loading Module::Reload');
                eval {require Module::Reload};
                return $self->err_html('unable to load Module::Reload - is it installed ?') if $@;
            debug('running Module::Reload->check');

        #  Null out cache_inode to clear any flags
        foreach my $key (keys %{$cache_inode_hr}) {

        #  Try to clear/reset package name space if possible
        eval {
            require Symbol;
        } || do {
            eval {undef} if $@;    #clear $@ after error above
            my $stash_hr=*{"WebDyne::${srce_inode}::"}{HASH};
            foreach (keys %{$stash_hr}) {
                undef *{"WebDyne::${srce_inode}::${_}"};
            delete *WebDyne::{'HASH'}->{$srce_inode};

        #  Debug
        debug("srce_pn $srce_pn, cache_pn $cache_pn, mtime $cache_mtime");

        my $container_ar;
        if ($self->{'_compile'} || ($cache_mtime < $srce_mtime)) {

            #  Debug
            debug("compiling srce: $srce_pn, dest $cache_pn");

            #  Recompile from source
            eval {require WebDyne::Compile}
                || return $self->err_html(
                errsubst('unable to load WebDyne:Compile, %s', $@ || 'undefined error'));

            #  Source newer than compiled version, must recompile file

                    srce => $srce_pn,
                    dest => $cache_pn,

                }) || return $self->err_html();

            #  Check for any unhandled errors during compile
            errstr() && return $self->err_html();

            #  Update mtime flag, or use current time if we were not able to read
            #  cache file (probably because temp dir was not writable - which would
            #  generated a warning in the logs from the Compile module, so no point
            #  making a fuss about it here anymore.
            $cache_mtime=(stat($cache_pn))[9] if $cache_pn;    # ||
                                                               #return $self->err_html("could not stat cache file '$cache_pn'");
            $cache_inode_hr->{'mtime'}=$cache_mtime || time();

        else {

            #  Debug
            debug("loading from disk cache");

            #  Load from storeable file
            $container_ar=Storable::lock_retrieve($cache_pn) ||
                return $self->err_html("Storable error when retreiveing cached file '$cache_pn', $!");

            #  Update mtime flag

            #  Re-run perl-init for this node. Not done above because handled in compile if needed
            if (my $meta_hr=$container_ar->[0]) {
                if (my $perl_ar=$meta_hr->{'perl'}) {
                    my $perl_debug_ar=$meta_hr->{'perl_debug'} ||
                        return err ('unable to load perl_debug array reference');
                    $self->perl_init($perl_ar, $perl_debug_ar) || return $self->err_html();

        #  Done, install into memory cache
        if (my $meta_hr=$container_ar->[0] and $cache_inode_hr->{'meta'}) {

            #  Need to merge meta info
            foreach (keys %{$meta_hr}) {$cache_inode_hr->{'meta'}{$_} ||= $meta_hr->{$_}}

        elsif ($meta_hr) {

            #  No merge - just use from container


        #  Corner case. Delete _CGI if WEBDYNE_CGI_EXPAND_PARAM set to force re-read of
        #  CGI params in case was set in <perl> section - which means would not be seen
        #  early enough. Will only happen after first compile, so no major performance
        #  impact on CGI object recreation
        #  Update: Re-init rather than delete or WebDyne::State worn't work
        #delete $self->{'_CGI'} if $WEBDYNE_CGI_PARAM_EXPAND;
        if ((my $cgi_or=$self->{'_CGI'}) && $WEBDYNE_CGI_PARAM_EXPAND) {

    else {

        debug('no compile or disk cache fetch needed - getting from memory cache');


    #  Separate meta and actual data into separate vars for ease of use
    my ($meta_hr, $data_ar)=@{$cache_inode_hr}{qw(meta data)};
    debug('meta_hr %s, ', Dumper($meta_hr));

    #  Custom handler ?
    if (my $handler_ar=$meta_hr->{'handler'} || $r->dir_config('WebDyneHandler')) {
        my ($handler, $handler_param_hr)=ref($handler_ar) ? @{$handler_ar} : $handler_ar;
        if (ref($self) ne $handler) {
            debug("passing to custom handler '$handler', param %s", Dumper($handler_param_hr));
            unless ($Package{'_handler_load'}{$handler}) {
                debug("need to load handler '$handler' -  trying");
                (my $handler_fn=$handler)=~s/::/\//g;
                eval {require $handler_fn} ||
                    return $self->err_html("unable to load custom handler '$handler', $@");
                UNIVERSAL::can($handler, 'handler') ||
                    return $self->err_html("custom handler '$handler' does not seem to have a 'handler' method to call");
                debug('loaded OK');
            my %handler_param_hr=(%{$param_hr}, %{$handler_param_hr}, meta => $meta_hr);
            bless $self, $handler;

            #  Force recalc of inode in next handler so recompile done
            delete $self->{'_inode'};

            #  Add meta-data. Something inefficient here, why supplying as handler param and
            #  self attrib ? If don't do it Fake/FastCGI request handler breaks but Apache does
            #  not ?
            return &{"${handler}::handler"}($self, $r, \%handler_param_hr);

    #  Contain cache code ?
    if ((my $cache=($self->{'_cache'} || $meta_hr->{'cache'})) && !$self->{'_cache_run_fg'}++) {
        debug("found cache routine $cache, adding to inode $srce_inode");
        my $cache_inode;
        my $eval_cr=$Package{'_eval_cr'}{'!'};
        if (ref($cache) eq 'CODE') {
            my %param=(
                cache_cr   => $cache,
                srce_inode => $srce_inode
                $eval_cr->($self, undef, \%param, q[$_[1]->{'cache_cr'}->($_[0], $_[1]->{'srce_inode'})], 0) ||
                    return $self->err_html(
                        'error in cache code: %s', errstr() || $@ || 'no inode returned'
        else {
                $eval_cr->($self, undef, $srce_inode, $cache, 0) ||
                    return $self->err_html(
                        'error in cache code: %s', errstr() || $@ || 'no inode returned'
        $cache_inode=$cache_inode ? md5_hex($srce_inode, $cache_inode) : $self->{'_inode'};

        #  Will probably make inodes with algorithm below some day so we can implement a "maxfiles type limit on
        #  the number of cache files generated. Not today though ..
        #$cache_inode=$cache_inode ? $srce_inode .'_'. md5_hex($cache_inode) : $self->{'_inode'};
        debug("cache inode $cache_inode, compile %s", $self->{'_compile'});

        if (($cache_inode ne $srce_inode) || $self->{'_compile'}) {

            #  Using a cache file, different inode.
            debug("goto RENDER_BEGIN, inode node was $srce_inode, now $cache_inode");
            goto RENDER_BEGIN;

            #return &handler($self,$r,$param_hr); #should work instead of goto for pendants


    #  Is it plain HTML which can be/is pre-rendered and stored on disk ? Note to self, leave here - should
    #  run after any cache code is run, as that may change inode.
    my $html_sr;
    if ($self->{'_static'} || ($meta_hr && ($meta_hr->{'html'} || $meta_hr->{'static'}))) {

        #my $cache_pn=File::Spec->catfile($WEBDYNE_CACHE_DN, $srce_inode);
        if ($cache_pn && (-f (my $fn="${cache_pn}.html")) && ((stat(_))[9] >= $srce_mtime) && !$self->{'_compile'}) {

            #  Cache file exists, and is not stale, and user/cache code does not want a recompile. Tell Apache or FCGI
            #  to serve it up directly.
            debug("returning pre-rendered file ${cache_pn}.html");
            if ($MP2 || $ENV{'FCGI_ROLE'}) {

                #  Do this way for mod_perl2, FCGI. Note to self need r->output_filter or
                #  Apache 2 seems to add junk characters at end of output
                my $r_child=$r->lookup_file($fn, $r->output_filters);

                #  Apache bug ? Need to set content type on r also
                return $r_child->run();

            else {

                #  This way for older versions of Apache, other request handlers
                return &Apache::DECLINED;
        elsif ($cache_pn) {

            #  Cache file defined, but out of date of non-existant. Register callback handler to write HTML output
            #  after render complete
            debug('storing to disk cache html %s', \$data_ar->[0]);
            my $cr=sub {
                    "${cache_pn}.html", ($meta_hr->{'static'} || $self->{'_static'}) ? $html_sr : \$data_ar->[0])
            $MP2 ? $r->pool->cleanup_register($cr) : $r->register_cleanup($cr);
        else {

            #  No cache directory, store in memory cache. Each apache process will get a different version, but will
            #  at least still be only compiled once for each version.
            debug('storing to memory cache html %s', \$data_ar->[0]);
            my $cr=sub {
                    ($meta_hr->{'static'} || $self->{'_static'}) ? ${$html_sr} : $data_ar->[0]]
            $MP2 ? $r->pool->cleanup_register($cr) : $r->register_cleanup($cr);


    #  Debug
    #debug('about to render');

    #  Set default content type to text/html, can be overridden by render code if needed

    #  Redirect 'print' function to our own routine for later output
    my $select=($self->{'_select'} ||= CORE::select());
    debug("select handle is currently $select, changing to *WEBDYNE");
    tie(*WEBDYNE, 'WebDyne::TieHandle', $self) ||
        return $self->err_html("unable to tie output to 'WebDyne::TieHandle', $!");
    CORE::select WEBDYNE if $select;

    #  Get the actual html. The main event - convert data_ar to html
    $html_sr=$self->render({data => $data_ar, param => $param_hr}) || do {

        #  Our render routine returned an error. Debug
        debug("render error $r, select $select");

        #  Return error
        debug("selecting back to $select for error");
        CORE::select $select if $select;
        untie *WEBDYNE;
        return $self->err_html();


    #  Done with STDOUT redirect
    debug("selecting back to $select");
    CORE::select $select if $select;
    untie *WEBDYNE;

    #  Check for any unhandled errors during render - render may have returned OK, but
    #  maybe an error occurred along the way that was not passed back ..
    debug('errstr after render %s', errstr());
    errstr() && return $self->err_html();
    &CGI::cgi_error() && return $self->err_html(&CGI::cgi_error());

    #  Check for any blocks that user wanted rendered but were
    #  not present anywhere
    #if ($WEBDYNE_DELAYED_BLOCK_RENDER && (my $block_param_hr=delete $self->{'_block_param'})) {
    if (my $block_param_hr=delete $self->{'_block_param'}) {
        my @block_error;
        foreach my $block_name (keys %{$block_param_hr}) {
            unless (exists $self->{'_block_render'}{$block_name}) {
                push @block_error, $block_name;
        if (@block_error) {
            debug('found un-rendered blocks %s', Dumper(\@block_error));
            return $self->err_html(
                    err ('unable to locate block(s) %s for render', join(', ', map {"'$_'"} @block_error)))

    #  If no error, status must be ok unless otherwise set
    $r->status(RC_OK) unless $r->status();
    debug('r status set, %s', $r->status());

    #  Formulate header, calc length of return.
    #  Modify to remove error checking - WebDyne::FakeRequest does not supply
    #  hash ref, so error generated. No real need to check
    my $header_out_hr=$r->headers_out();    # || return err();
    my %header_out=(

        'Content-Length' => length ${$html_sr},

        ($meta_hr->{'no_cache'} || $WEBDYNE_NO_CACHE) && (
            'Cache-Control' => 'no-cache',
            'Pragma'        => 'no-cache',
            'Expires'       => '-5'

    foreach (keys %header_out) {$header_out_hr->{$_}=$header_out{$_}}

    #  Debug
    debug('sending header');

    #  Send header
    $r->send_http_header() if !$MP2;

    #  Print. Commented out version only seems to work in Apache 1/mod_perl1
    $MP2 ? $r->print(${$html_sr}) : $r->print($html_sr);

    #  Work out the form render time, log
    my $time_render=sprintf('%0.4f', time()-$time);
    debug("form $srce_pn render time $time_render");

    #  Do we need to do house cleaning on cache after this run ? If so
    #  add a perl handler to do it after we finish
    if (
        ($r eq ($r->main() || $r)) &&
        !((my $nrun=++$Package{'_nrun'}) % $WEBDYNE_CACHE_CHECK_FREQ)
        ) {

        #  Debug
        debug("run $nrun times, scheduling cache clean");

        #  Yes, we need to clean cache after finished
        my $cr=sub {&cache_clean($Package{'_cache'})};
        $MP2 ? $r->pool->cleanup_register($cr) : $r->register_cleanup($cr);

        #  Used to be sub { $self->cache_clean() }, but for some reason this
        #  made httpd peg at 100% CPU usage after cleanup. Removing $self ref
        #  fixed.


        #  Only bother to update counters if we are checking cache periodically

        #  Update cache script frequency used, time used indicators, nrun=number
        #  of runs, lrun=last run time

    else {

        #  Debug
        debug("run $nrun times, no cache check needed");


    #  Debug exit
    debug("handler $r exit status %s, leaving with Apache::OK", $r->status);    #, Dumper($self));

    #  Complete
    return &Apache::OK;


sub eval_cr {

    #  Return eval subroutine ref for inode ($_[0]) and eval code ref ($_[1]). Avoid using
    #  var names so not available in eval code
    eval("package WebDyne::$_[0]; $WebDyne::WEBDYNE_EVAL_USE_STRICT;\n" . "#line $_[2]\n" . "sub{${$_[1]}\n}");


sub perl_init_cr {

    eval("package WebDyne::$_[0]; $WebDyne::WEBDYNE_EVAL_USE_STRICT;\n" . "#line $_[2]\n" . "${$_[1]}");


sub init_class {

    #  Try to load correct modules depending on Apache ver, taking special care
    #  with constants. This mess will disappear if we only support MP2
    if ($MP2) {

        local $SIG{'__DIE__'};
        eval {
            #require Apache2;
            require Apache::Log;
            require Apache::Response;
            require Apache::SubRequest;
            require Apache::Const; Apache::Const->import(-compile => qw(OK DECLINED));
            require APR::Table;
        } || eval {
            require Apache2::Log;
            require Apache2::Response;
            require Apache2::SubRequest;
            require Apache2::Const; Apache2::Const->import(-compile => qw(OK DECLINED));
            require APR::Table;
        eval {undef} if $@;
        unless (UNIVERSAL::can('Apache', 'OK')) {
            if (UNIVERSAL::can('Apache2::Const', 'OK')) {
            elsif (UNIVERSAL::can('Apache::Const', 'OK')) {
            else {
                *Apache::OK=sub {0}
                    unless defined &Apache::OK;
                *Apache::DECLINED=sub {-1}
                    unless defined &Apache::DECLINED;
    elsif ($ENV{'MOD_PERL'}) {

        local $SIG{'__DIE__'};
        eval {
            require Apache::Constants; Apache::Constants->import(qw(OK DECLINED));
        } || do {
            *Apache::OK=sub {0}
        eval {undef} if $@;
    else {

        *Apache::OK=sub       {0};
        *Apache::DECLINED=sub {-1};


    #  If set, delete all old cache files at startup
        my @file_cn=glob(File::Spec->catfile($WEBDYNE_CACHE_DN, '*'));
        foreach my $fn (grep {/\w{32}(\.html)?$/} @file_cn) {
            unlink $fn;    #don't error here if problems, user will never see it

    #  Pre-compile some of the CGI functions we will need. Do here rather than in init
    #  so that can be executed at module load, and thus shared in memory between Apache
    #  children. Force run of start_ and end_ functions because CGI seems to lose them
    #  if not called at least once after compilation
    require CGI;

    # CGI::->method is needed because perl 5.6.0 will use WebDyne::CGI->method instead of
    # CGI->method. CGI::->method makes it happy
    CGI::->import('-no_xhtml', '-no_sticky');
    my @cgi_compile=qw(:all area map unescapeHTML form col colgroup spacer nobr Header);

    #  Broken under CGI 4.28. Use different method
    if (CGI::->can('_tag_func')) {

        #  4.28
        foreach my $tag (grep {!/^:/} @cgi_compile) {
            *{"CGI::${tag}"}=sub {return &CGI::_tag_func($tag, @_)}
                unless CGI::->can($tag);
            foreach my $start_end (qw(start end)) {
                my $start_end_function="${start_end}_${tag}";
                *{"CGI::${start_end_function}"}=sub {return &CGI::_tag_func($start_end_function, @_)}
                    unless CGI::->can($start_end_function);
    else {
        # Original flavour
        foreach (grep {!/^:/} @cgi_compile) {
            map {CGI::->$_} ("start_${_}", "end_${_}")

    #  Make all errors non-fatal

    #  Turn off XHTML in CGI. -no_xhtml should do it above, but this makes sure

    #  CGI good practice

    #  Apparently not such good practice - but needed.
    #  Update. Now done via local() closer to method.

    #  Alias request method to just 'r' also
    *WebDyne::r=\&WebDyne::request || *WebDyne::r;

    #  Add comment function to CGI, only called if user has commented out some
    #  HTML that includes a susbst type section, eg <!-- ${foo} -->
    *{'CGI::~comment'}=sub {"<!--$_[1]-->"};

    #  Eval routine for eval'ing perl code in a non-safe way (ie hostile
    #  code could probably easily subvert us, as all operations are
    #  allowed, including redefining our subroutines etc).
    my $eval_cr=sub {

        #  Get self ref
        my ($self, $data_ar, $eval_param_hr, $eval_text, $index, $tag_fg)=@_;

        #  Debug
        my $inode=$self->{'_inode'} || 'ANON';    # Anon used when no inode present, eg wdcompile
        my $html_line_no=$data_ar->[$WEBDYNE_NODE_LINE_IX];

        #  Get CGI vars
        my $param_hr=(
            $self->{'_eval_cgi_hr'} ||= do {

                my $cgi_or=$self->{'_CGI'} || $self->CGI();


        #  Only eval subroutine if we have not done already, if need to eval store in
        #  cache so only done once.
        my $eval_cr=$Package{'_cache'}{$inode}{'eval_cr'}{$data_ar}{$index} ||= do {
            $Package{'_cache'}{$inode}{'perl_init'}{+undef} ||= $self->perl_init();
            no strict;
            no integer;
            debug("calling eval sub: $eval_text");
            &eval_cr($inode, \$eval_text, $html_line_no) || return
                $self->err_eval("$@", \$eval_text);

        #debug("eval done, eval_cr $eval_cr");

        #  Run eval
        my @eval;
        eval {

            #  The following line puts all CGI params in %_ during the eval so they are easy to
            #  get to ..
            local *_=$param_hr;
            debug('eval call starting');
            @eval=$eval_cr->($self, $eval_param_hr);
            debug("eval call complete, $@, %s", Dumper(\@eval));

        if (!@eval || $@ || !$eval[0]) {

            #  An error occurred - handle it and return.
            if (errstr() || $@) {

                #  Eval error or err() called during routine.
                return $self->err_eval($@ ? $@ : undef, \$eval_text);

            else {

                #  Some other problem
                return err ('code did not return a true value: %s', $eval_text);



        #  Done


    #  The code ref for the eval statement if using Safe module
    my $eval_safe_cr=sub {

        #  Get self ref
        my ($self, $data_ar, $eval_param_hr, $eval_text, $index)=@_;

        #  Inode
        my $inode=$self->{'_inode'} || 'ANON';    # Anon used when no inode present, eg wdcompile

        #  Get CGI vars
        my $param_hr=(
            $self->{'_eval_cgi_hr'} ||= do {

                my $cgi_or=$self->{'_CGI'} || $self->CGI();


        #  Init Safe mode environment space
        my $safe_or=$self->{'_eval_safe'} || do {
            debug('safe init (eval_init)');
            require Safe;
            require Opcode;

            #  Used to use Safe->new($inode), but bug in Safe (actually Opcode) is Safe root namespace too long
        $self->{'_eval_safe'} ||= do {

        #  Only eval subroutine if we have not done already, if need to eval store in
        #  cache so only done once
        local *_=$param_hr;
        my $html_sr=$safe_or->reval("sub{$eval_text}->(\$::_self, \$::_eval_param_hr)", $WebDyne::WEBDYNE_EVAL_USE_STRICT) ||
            return errstr() ? err () : err ($@ || 'undefined return from Safe->reval()');

        #  Run through the same sequence as non-safe routine
        if (!defined($html_sr) || $@) {

            #  An error occurred - handle it and return.
            if (errstr() || $@) {

                #  Eval error or err() called during routine.
                return $self->err_eval($@ ? $@ : undef, \$eval_text);

            else {

                #  Some other problem
                return err ('code did not return a true value: %s', $eval_text);


        #  Array returned ? Convert if so
        (ref($html_sr) eq 'ARRAY') && do {
            $html_sr=\join(undef, map {ref($_) ? ${$_} : $_} @{$html_sr})

        #  Any 'printed data ? Prepend to output
        if (my $print_ar=delete $self->{'_print_ar'}{$data_ar}) {
            my $print_html=join(undef, grep {$_} map {(ref($_) eq 'SCALAR') ? ${$_} : $_} @{$print_ar});
            $html_sr=ref($html_sr) ? \(${$html_sr} . $print_html) : $html_sr . $print_html;

        #  Make sure we return a ref
        return ref($html_sr) ? $html_sr : \$html_sr;


    #  Hash eval routine, works similar to the above, but returns a hash ref
    my $eval_hash_cr=sub {

        #  Run eval and turn into tied hash
        tie(my %hr, 'Tie::IxHash', @{$eval_cr->(@_) || return err ()});
        return \%hr;


    #  Array eval routine, works similar to the above, but returns an array ref
    my $eval_array_cr=sub {

        #  Run eval and return default - which is an array ref
        return $eval_cr->(@_) || err ();


    #  Code ref eval routine
    my $eval_code_cr=sub {

        my ($self, $data_ar, $eval_param_hr, $eval_text, $index, $tag_fg)=@_;
        debug("eval code start $eval_text");
        my $html_ar=$eval_cr->(@_) || return err ();
        debug("eval code finish %s", Dumper($html_ar));
        my $html_sr=$html_ar->[0];

        #  If array ref returned and not rendering a tag convert to string. If in tag can
        #  use array ref so leave alone
        if ((ref($html_sr) eq 'ARRAY') && !$tag_fg) {
            $html_sr=\join(undef, map {(ref($_) eq 'SCALAR') ? ${$_} : $_} @{$html_sr}) ||
                return err ('unable to generate scalar from %s', Dumper($html_sr));

        #  Any 'printed data ? Prepend to output
        if (my $print_ar=delete $self->{'_print_ar'}{$data_ar}) {
            my $print_html=join(undef, grep {$_} map {(ref($_) eq 'SCALAR') ? ${$_} : $_} @{$print_ar});
            $html_sr=ref($html_sr) ? \(${$html_sr} . $print_html) : $html_sr . $print_html;

        #  Make sure we return a ref
        return ref($html_sr) ? $html_sr : \$html_sr;


    #  Scalar (${foo}) routine
    my $eval_scalar_cr=sub {

        my $value=$_[2]->{$_[3]};
        unless ($value) {
            if (!exists($_[2]->{$_[3]}) && $WEBDYNE_STRICT_VARS) {
                return err ("no '$_[3]' parameter value supplied, parameters are: %s", join(',', map {"'$_'"} keys %{$_[2]}))

        #  Get rid of any overloading
        if (ref($value) && overload::Overloaded($value)) {$value="$value"}
        return ref($value) ? $value : \$value


    #  Init anon text and attr evaluation subroutines, store in class space
    #  for quick retrieval when needed, save redefining all the time
    my %eval_cr=(

        '$' => $eval_scalar_cr,
        '@' => $eval_array_cr,
        '%' => $eval_hash_cr,
        '!' => $eval_code_cr,
        '+' => sub {return \($_[0]->{'_CGI'}->param($_[3]))},
        '*' => sub {return \$ENV{$_[3]}},
        '^' => sub {
            my $m=$_[3]; my $r=$_[0]->{'_r'};
            UNIVERSAL::can($r, $m) ? \$r->$m : err ("unknown request method '$m'")


    #  Store in class name space


sub cache_clean {

    #  Get cache_hr, only param supplied
    my $cache_hr=shift();
    debug('in cache_clean');

    #  Values we want, either last run time (lrun) or number of times run
    #  (nrun)
    my $clean_method=$WEBDYNE_CACHE_CLEAN_METHOD ? 'nrun' : 'lrun';

    #  Sort into array of inode values, sorted descending by clean attr
    my @cache=sort {$cache_hr->{$b}{$clean_method} <=> $cache_hr->{$a}{$clean_method}}
        keys %{$cache_hr};
    debug('cache clean array %s', Dumper(\@cache));

    #  If > high watermark entries, we need to clean
    if (@cache > $WEBDYNE_CACHE_HIGH_WATER) {

        #  Yes, clean
        debug('cleaning cache');

        #  Delete excess entries
        my @clean=map {delete $cache_hr->{$_}} @cache[$WEBDYNE_CACHE_LOW_WATER..$#cache];

        #  Debug
        debug('removed %s entries from cache', scalar @clean);

    else {

        #  Nothing to do
            'no cleanup needed, cache size %s less than high watermark %s',
            scalar @cache, $WEBDYNE_CACHE_HIGH_WATER


    #  Done
    return \undef;


sub head_request {

    #  Head request only
    my $r=shift();

    #  Clear any handlers
    $r->set_handlers(PerlHandler => undef);

    #  Send the request
    $r->send_http_header() if !$MP2;

    #  Done
    return &Apache::OK;


sub render_reset {

    my ($self, $data_ar)=@_;
    $data_ar ? $self->{'_perl'}[0]=$data_ar : delete $self->{'_perl'};


sub render {

    #  Convert data array structure into HTML
    my ($self, $param_hr)=@_;

    #  If not supplied param as hash ref assume all vars are params to be subs't when
    #  rendering this data block
    ref($param_hr) || ($param_hr={param => {@_[1..$#_]}}) if $param_hr;

    #  Debug
    debug('in render');

    #  Get node array ref
    my $data_ar=$param_hr->{'data'} || $self->{'_perl'}[0][$WEBDYNE_NODE_CHLD_IX] ||
        return err ('unable to get HTML data array');

    #$self->{'_perl'}[0] ||= $data_ar;

    #  Debug
    debug("render data_ar $data_ar %s", Dumper($data_ar));

    #  If block name spec'd register it now
    $param_hr->{'block'} && (
        $self->render_block($param_hr) || return err ());

    #  Get CGI object
    my $cgi_or=$self->{'_CGI'} || $self->CGI() ||
        return err ("unable to get CGI object from self ref");

    #  Any data params for this render
    my $param_data_hr=$param_hr->{'param'};

    #  Recursive anon sub to do the render, init and store in class space
    #  if not already done, saves a small amount of time if doing many
    #  iterations
    my $render_cr=$Package{'_render_cr'} ||= sub {

        #  Get self ref, node array etc
        my ($render_cr, $self, $cgi_or, $data_ar, $param_data_hr)=@_;

        #  Get tag
        my ($html_tag, $html_line_no)=
            @{$data_ar}[$WEBDYNE_NODE_NAME_IX, $WEBDYNE_NODE_LINE_IX];
        my $html_chld;

        #  Save current data block away for reference by error handler if something goes
        #  wrong

        #  Debug
        debug("render tag $html_tag, line $html_line_no");

        #  Get attr hash ref
        my $attr_hr=$data_ar->[$WEBDYNE_NODE_ATTR_IX];

        #  If subst flag present, means we need to process attr values
        if ($data_ar->[$WEBDYNE_NODE_SBST_IX]) {
            $attr_hr=$self->subst_attr($data_ar, $attr_hr, $param_data_hr) ||
                return err ();

        #  If param present, use for sub-render
        $attr_hr->{'param'} && ($param_data_hr=$attr_hr->{'param'});

        #  Process sub nodes to get child html data, only if not a perl tag or block tag
        #  though - they will choose when to render sub data. Subst is OK
        if (!$CGI_TAG_WEBDYNE{$html_tag} || ($html_tag eq 'subst')) {

            #  Not a perl tag, recurse through children and render them, building
            #  up HTML from inside out
            my @data_child_ar=$data_ar->[$WEBDYNE_NODE_CHLD_IX] ? @{$data_ar->[$WEBDYNE_NODE_CHLD_IX]} : undef;
            foreach my $data_chld_ar (@data_child_ar) {

                #  Debug
                debug('data_chld_ar %s', Dumper($data_chld_ar));

                #  Only recurse on children which are are refs, as these are sub nodes. A
                #  child that is not a ref is merely HTML text
                if (ref($data_chld_ar)) {

                    #  It is a sub node, render recursively
                        (   $render_cr->($render_cr, $self, $cgi_or, $data_chld_ar, $param_data_hr)
                                return err ())};


                else {

                    #  Text node only, add text to child html string



        else {

            debug("skip child render, under $html_tag tag");


        #  Debug
        debug("html_chld $html_chld");

        #  Render *our* node now, trying to use most efficient/appropriated method depending on a number
        #  of factors
        if ($CGI_TAG_WEBDYNE{$html_tag}) {

            #  Debug
            debug("rendering webdyne tag $html_tag");

            #  Special WebDyne tag, render using our self ref, not CGI object
            my $html_sr=(
                $self->$html_tag($data_ar, $attr_hr, $param_data_hr, $html_chld)
                    return err ());

            #  Debug
            debug("CGI tag $html_tag render return $html_sr (%s)", Dumper($html_sr));

            #  Return
            return $html_sr;

        elsif ($attr_hr) {

            #  Normal CGI tag, with attributes and perhaps child text
            return \(
                $cgi_or->$html_tag(grep {$_} $attr_hr, $html_chld)
                    return err (
                    "CGI tag '<$html_tag>' " .
                    'did not return any text'

        elsif ($html_chld) {

            #  Normal CGI tag, no attributes but with child text
            return \(
                    return err (
                    "CGI tag '<$html_tag>' " .
                    'did not return any text'

        else {

            #  Empty CGI object, eg <hr>
            return \(
                    return err (
                    "CGI tag '<$html_tag>' " .
                    'did not return any text'



    #  At the top level the array may have completly text nodes, and no children, so
    #  need to take care to only render children if present.
    my @html;
    foreach my $data_ar (@{$data_ar}) {

        #  Is this a sub node, or only text (ref means sub-node)
        if (ref($data_ar)) {

            #  Sub node, we call call render routine
            push @html,
                ${$render_cr->($render_cr, $self, $cgi_or, $data_ar, $param_data_hr) || return err ()};

        else {

            #  Text only, do not render just push onto return array
            push @html, $data_ar;


    #  Return scalar ref of completed HTML string
    debug('render exit, html %s', Dumper(\@html));
    return \join(undef, @html);


sub redirect {

    #  Redirect render to different location
    my ($self, $param_hr)=@_;

    #  Debug
    debug('in redirect, param %s', Dumper($param_hr));

    #  Restore select handler before anything else so all output goes
    #  to main::STDOUT;
    if (my $select=$self->{'_select'}) {
        debug("restoring select handle to $select");
        CORE::select $select;

    #  If redirecting to a different uri, run its handler
    if ($param_hr->{'uri'} || $param_hr->{'file'} || $param_hr->{'location'}) {

        #  Get HTML from subrequest
        my $status=$self->subrequest($param_hr) ||
            return err ();
        debug("redirect status was $status");

        #  GOTOs considered harmful - except here ! Speed things up significantly, removes uneeded checks
        #  for redirects in render code etc.
        my $r=$self->r() || return err ();
        if (my $errstr=errstr()) {
            debug("error in subrequest: $errstr");
            return errsubst("error in subrequest: $errstr")
        elsif (is_error($status)) {
            debug("sending error response status $status with r $r");
        elsif (($status != &Apache::OK) && !is_success($status) && !is_redirect($status)) {
            return err ("unknown status code '$status' returned from subrequest");
        else {
            debug("status $status OK");
        goto HANDLER_COMPLETE;

    else {

        #  html/text must be a param
        my $html_sr=$param_hr->{'html'} || $param_hr->{'text'} ||
            return err ('no data supplied to redirect method');

        #  Set content type
        my $r=$self->r() || return err ();
        if ($param_hr->{'html'}) {
        elsif ($param_hr->{'text'}) {

        #  And length
        my $headers_out_hr=$r->headers_out || return err ();
        $headers_out_hr->{'Content-Length'}=length(ref($html_sr) ? ${$html_sr} : $html_sr);

        #  Set status, send header
        $r->send_http_header() if !$MP2;

        #  Print directly and shorcut return from render routine with non-harmful GOTO ! Should
        #  always be SR, but be generous.
        $r->print(ref($html_sr) ? ${$html_sr} : $html_sr);
        goto RENDER_COMPLETE;



sub subrequest {

    #  Redirect render to different location
    my ($self, $param_hr)=@_;

    #  Debug
    debug('in subrequest %s', Dumper($param_hr));

    #  Get request object, var for subrequest object
    my ($r, $cgi_or)=map {$self->$_() || return err ("unable to run '$_' method")} qw(request CGI);
    my $r_child;

    #  Run taks appropriate for subrequest - location redirects with 302, uri does sinternal redirect,
    #  and file sends content of file.
    if (my $location=$param_hr->{'location'}) {

        #  Does the request handler take care of it ?
        if (UNIVERSAL::can($r, 'redirect')) {

            #  Let the request handler take care of it
            debug('handler does redirect, handing off');
            $r->redirect($location);    # no return value
            return RC_FOUND;

        else {

            #  Must do it ourselves
            debug('doing redirect ourselves');
            my $headers_out_hr=$r->headers_out || return err ();
            $r->send_http_header if !$MP2;
            return RC_FOUND;

    if (my $uri=$param_hr->{'uri'}) {

        #  Handle internally if possible
        if (UNIVERSAL::can($r, 'internal_redirect')) {

            #  Let the request handler take care of it
            debug('handler does internal_redirect, handing off');
            $r->internal_redirect($uri);    # no return value
            return $r->status;

        else {

            #  Must do it ourselves
            $r_child=$r->lookup_uri($uri) ||
                return err ('undefined lookup_uri error');
            debug('r_child handler %s', $r->handler());


    elsif (my $file=$param_hr->{'file'}) {

        #  Get cwd, make request absolute rel to cwd if no dir given.
        my $dn=(File::Spec->splitpath($r->filename()))[1];
        my $file_pn=File::Spec->rel2abs($file, $dn);

        #  Get a new request object
        $r_child=$r->lookup_file($file_pn) ||
            return err ('undefined lookup_file error');

    else {

        #  Must be one or other
        return err ('must specify file, uri or locations for subrequest');


    #  Save child object, else cleanup handlers will be run when
    #  we exit and r_child is destroyed, but before r (main) is
    #  complete.
    #  UPDATE no longer needed, leave here as reminder though ..
    #push @{$self->{'_r_child'}},$r_child;

    #  Safty check after calling getting r_child - should always be
    #  OK, but do sanity check.
    my $status=$r_child->status();
    debug("r_child status return: $status");
    if (($status && !is_success($status)) || (my $errstr=errstr())) {
        if ($errstr) {
            return errsubst(
                "error in status phase of subrequest to '%s': $errstr",
                $r_child->uri() || $param_hr->{'file'}
        else {
            return err (
                "error in status phase of subrequest to '%s', return status was $status",
                $r_child->uri() || $param_hr->{'file'}

    #  Debug
    debug('cgi param %s', Dumper($param_hr->{'param'}));

    #  Set up CGI with any new params
    while (my ($param, $value)=each %{$param_hr->{'param'}}) {

        #  Add to CGI
        $cgi_or->param($param, $value);
        debug("set cgi param $param, value $value");


    #  Debug
    debug("about to call child handler with params self $self %s", Dumper($param_hr->{'param'}));

    #  Change of plan - used to check result, but now pass back whatever the child returns - we
    #  will let Apache handle any errors internally
    defined($status=(ref($r_child)=~/^WebDyne::/) ? $r_child->run($self) : $r_child->run()) ||
        return err ();
    debug("r_child run return status $status, rc_child status %s", $r_child->status());
    return $status || $r_child->status();


sub eof {



sub erase_block {

    #  Erase a block section so not rendered if encountered again
    my ($self, $param_hr)=@_;

    #  Has user only given name as param
    ref($param_hr) || ($param_hr={name => $param_hr, param => {@_[2..$#_]}});

    #  Get block name
    my $name=$param_hr->{'name'} || $param_hr->{'block'} ||
        return err ('no block name specified');
    debug("in erase_block, name $name");
    delete $self->{'_block_param'}{$name};
    delete $self->{'_block_render'}{$name}


sub unrender_block {

    #  Synonym for erase_block
    return shift()->erase_block(@_);


sub render_block {

    #  Render a <block> section of HTML
    my ($self, $param_hr)=@_;

    #  Has user only given name as param
    ref($param_hr) || ($param_hr={name => $param_hr, param => {@_[2..$#_]}});

    #  Get block name
    my $name=$param_hr->{'name'} || $param_hr->{'block'} ||
        return err ('no block name specified');
    debug("in render_block, name $name");

    #  Get current data block
    #my $data_ar=$self->{'_perl'}[0] ||
    #return err("unable to get current data node");
    my $data_ar=$self->{'_perl'}[0] || do {

        push @{$self->{'_block_param'}{$name} ||= []}, $param_hr->{'param'};    # if $WEBDYNE_DELAYED_BLOCK_RENDER;
        return \undef;

        #else {
        #  return err("unable to get current data node")

    #  Find block name
    my @data_block_ar;

    #  Debug
    debug("render_block self $self, name $name, data_ar $data_ar, %s", Dumper($data_ar));

    #  Have we seen this search befor ?
    unless (exists($self->{'_block_cache'}{$name})) {

        #  No, search for block
        debug("searching for node $name in data_ar");

        #  Do it
        my $data_block_all_ar=$self->find_node(

                data_ar => $data_ar,
                tag     => 'block',
                all_fg  => 1,

            }) || return err ();

        #  Debug
        debug('find_node returned %s', join('*', @{$data_block_all_ar}));

        #  Go through each block found and svae in block_cache
        foreach my $data_block_ar (@{$data_block_all_ar}) {

            #  Get block name
            my $name=$data_block_ar->[$WEBDYNE_NODE_ATTR_IX]->{'name'};
            debug("looking at block $data_block_ar, name $name");

            #  Save
            push @{$self->{'_block_cache'}{$name} ||= []}, $data_block_ar;


        #  Done, store

    else {

        #  Yes, set data_block_ar to whatever we saw before, even if it is
        #  undef

        #  Debug
        debug("retrieved data_block_ar @data_block_ar for node $name from cache");


    #  Debug
    #debug("set block node to $data_block_ar %s", Dumper($data_block_ar));

    #  Store params for later block render (outside perl block) if needed
    push @{$self->{'_block_param'}{$name} ||= []}, $param_hr->{'param'};    # if $WEBDYNE_DELAYED_BLOCK_RENDER;

    #  No data_block_ar ? Could not find block - remove this line if global block
    #  rendering is desired (ie blocks may lay outside perl code calling render_bloc())
    unless (@data_block_ar) {

        return \undef;

        #else {
        #  return err("could not find block '$name' to render") unless $WEBDYNE_DELAYED_BLOCK_RENDER;

    #  Now, was it set to something ?
    my @html_sr;
    foreach my $data_block_ar (@data_block_ar) {

        #  Debug
        debug("rendering block name $name, data $data_ar with param %s", Dumper($param_hr->{'param'}));

        #  Yes, Get HTML for block immedialtly
        my $html_sr=$self->render(

                data  => $data_block_ar->[$WEBDYNE_NODE_CHLD_IX],
                param => $param_hr->{'param'},

            }) || return err ();

        #  Debug
        debug("block $name rendered HTML $html_sr %s, pushing onto name $name, data_ar $data_block_ar", ${$html_sr});

        #  Store away for this block
        push @{$self->{'_block_render'}{$name}{$data_block_ar} ||= []}, $html_sr;

        #  Store
        push @html_sr, $html_sr;

    if (@html_sr) {

        #  Return scalar or array ref, depending on number of elements
        #debug('returning %s', Dumper(\@html_sr));
        return $#html_sr ? $html_sr[0] : \@html_sr;

    else {

        #  No, could not find block below us, store param away for later
        #  render. NOTE now done for all blocks so work both in and out of
        #  <perl> section. Moved this code above
        #push @{$self->{'_block_param'}{$name} ||=[]},$param_hr->{'param'};

        #  Debug
        debug("block $name not found in tree, storing params for later render");

        #  Done, return undef at this stage
        return \undef;



sub block {

    #  Called when we encounter a <block> tag
    my ($self, $data_ar, $attr_hr, $param_data_hr, $text)=@_;
    debug("in block code, data_ar $data_ar");

    #  Get block name
    my $name=$attr_hr->{'name'} ||
        return err ('no block name specified');
    debug("in block, looking for name $name, attr given %s", Dumper($attr_hr));

    #  Only render if registered, do once for every time spec'd
    if (exists($self->{'_block_render'}{$name}{$data_ar})) {

        #  The block name has been pre-rendered - return it
        debug("found pre-rendered block $name");

        #  Var to hold render result
        my $html_ar=delete $self->{'_block_render'}{$name}{$data_ar};

        #  Return result as a single scalar ref
        return \join(undef, map {${$_}} @{$html_ar});

    elsif (exists($self->{'_block_param'}{$name})) {

        #  The block params have been registered, but the block itself was
        #  not yet rendered. Do it now
        debug("found block param for $name in register");

        #  Var to hold render result
        my @html_sr;

        #  Render the block for as many times as it has parameters associated
        #  with it, eg user may have called ->render_block several times in
        #  their code
        foreach my $param_data_block_hr (@{$self->{'_block_param'}{$name}}) {

            #  If no explicit data hash, use parent hash - not sure how useful
            #  this really is
            $param_data_block_hr ||= $param_data_hr;

            #  Debug
            debug("about to render block $name, param %s", Dumper($param_data_block_hr));

            #  Render it
            push @html_sr, $self->render(

                    data  => $data_ar->[$WEBDYNE_NODE_CHLD_IX],
                    param => $param_data_block_hr

                }) || return err ();


        #  Return result as a single scalar ref
        return \join(undef, map {${$_}} @html_sr);

    elsif ($attr_hr->{'display'}) {

        #  User wants block displayed normally
        return $self->render(

                data  => $data_ar->[$WEBDYNE_NODE_CHLD_IX],
                param => $param_data_hr

            }) || err ();

    else {

        #  Block name not registered, therefore do not render - return
        #  blank
        return \undef;



sub perl {

    #  Called when we encounter a <perl> tag
    my ($self, $data_ar, $attr_hr, $param_data_hr, $text)=@_;

    #debug("rendering perl tag in block $data_ar, attr %s");

    #  If inline, run now
    if (my $perl_code=$attr_hr->{'perl'}) {

        #  May be inline code params to supply to this block
        my $perl_param_hr=$attr_hr->{'param'};

        #  Run the same code as the inline eval (!{! ... !}) would run,
        #  for consistancy
        return $Package{'_eval_cr'}{'!'}->($self, $data_ar, $perl_param_hr, $perl_code) ||
            err ();

    else {

        #  Not inline, must want to call a handler, get method and caller
        #my $function=join('::', grep {$_} @{$attr_hr}{qw(package class method)}) ||
        my $function=join('::', grep {$_} map {exists($attr_hr->{$_}) && $attr_hr->{$_}} qw(package class method)) ||
            return err ('could not determine perl routine to run');

        #  Try to get the package name as an array, pop the method off
        my @package=split(/\:+/, $function);
        my $method=pop @package;

        #  And return package
        my $package=join('::', grep {$_} @package);

        #  Debug
        debug("perl package $package, method $method");

        #  If no method by now, dud caller
        $method ||
            return err ("no package/method in perl block");

        #  If the require fails, we want to catch it in an eval
        #  and return a meaningful error message. BTW this is an
        #  order of magnitued faster than doing eval("require $package");
        debug("about to require $package") if $package;
        my $package_fn=join('/', @package) . '.pm';
        if ($package && !$INC{$package_fn}) {

            #  Add psp file cwd to INC incase package stored in same dir
            local @INC=@INC;
            push @INC, $self->cwd();
            eval {require $package_fn} ||
                return errsubst(
                "error loading package '$package', %s", errstr() || $@ || 'undefined error'
        debug("package $package loaded OK");

        #  Push data_ar so we can use it if the perl routine calls self->render(). render()
        #  then has to "know" where it is in the data_ar structure, and can get that info
        #  here.
        #unshift @{$self->{'_perl'}}, $data_ar->[$WEBDYNE_NODE_CHLD_IX];
        unshift @{$self->{'_perl'}}, $data_ar;

        #  Run the eval code to get HTML
        my $html_sr=$Package{'_eval_cr'}{'!'}->($self, $data_ar, $attr_hr->{'param'}, "&${function}") || do {

            #  Error occurred. Pop data ref off stack and return
            shift @{$self->{'_perl'}};
            return err ();


        #  Debug
        #debug('perl eval return %s', Dumper($html_sr));

        #  Modify return value if we were returned an array. COMMENTED OUT - is done in eval
        #(ref($html_sr) eq 'ARRAY') && do {
        #    $html_sr=\ join(undef, map { ref($_) ? ${$_} : $_ } @{$html_sr})

        #  Unless we have a scalar ref by now, the eval returned the
        #  wrong type of value.
        (ref($html_sr) eq 'SCALAR') || do {

            #  Error occurred. Pop data ref off stack and return
            shift @{$self->{'_perl'}};
            return err ("error in perl method '$method'- code did not return a SCALAR ref value.");


        #  Any printed data ?  COMMENTED OUT - is done in eval
        #$self->{'_print_ar'} && do {
        #    $html_sr=\ join(undef, grep {$_} map { ref($_) ? ${$_} : $_ } @{delete $self->{'_print_ar'}}) };

        #  Shift perl data_ar ref from stack
        shift @{$self->{'_perl'}};

        #  And return scalar val
        return $html_sr



sub perl_init {

    #  Init the perl package space for this inode
    my ($self, $perl_ar, $perl_debug_ar)=@_;
    my $inode=$self->{'_inode'} || 'ANON';    #ANON used when run from command line

    #  Prep package space
    debug("perl_init inode $inode");

    #$Package{'_cache'}{$inode}{'perl_init'}++ && return \undef;
    debug("init perl code $perl_ar, %s", Dumper($perl_ar));
    *{"WebDyne::${inode}::self"}=sub     {$self};
    *{"WebDyne::${inode}::AUTOLOAD"}=sub {die("unknown function $AUTOLOAD")};

    #  Run each piece of perl code
    foreach my $ix (0..$#{$perl_ar}) {

        #  Get perl code and debug information
        my $perl_sr=$perl_ar->[$ix];
        my ($perl_line_no, $perl_srce_fn)=@{$perl_debug_ar->[$ix]};

        #  Do not execute twice
        $Package{'_cache'}{$inode}{'perl_init'}{$perl_sr}++ && next;

        #  Set inc to include psp dir so can include packages easily
        local @INC=@INC;
        push @INC, $self->cwd();

        #  Wrap in anon CR, eval for syntax
        if ($WEBDYNE_EVAL_SAFE) {

            #  Safe mode, vars don't matter so much
            my $safe_or=$self->{'_eval_safe'} || do {
                debug('safe init (perl_init)');
                require Safe;
                require Opcode;

            $self->{'_eval_safe'} ||= do {
            $safe_or->reval(${$perl_sr}, $WebDyne::WEBDYNE_EVAL_USE_STRICT) || do {

                #  Nothing was returned  - did an error occur ?
                if ($@ || errstr()) {

                    #  An error has occurred. Deregister self subroutine call in package
                    undef *{"WebDyne::${inode}::self"};

                    #  Make up a fake data block with details of error
                    my @data;
                    ]=($perl_line_no, $perl_line_no, $perl_srce_fn);

                    #  Save away as current data block for reference by error handler

                    #  Throw error
                    return $self->err_eval($@ ? "error in __PERL__ block: $@" : undef, $perl_sr);


        else {

            #  Now init the perl code
            my $eval_cr=&perl_init_cr($inode, $perl_sr, $perl_line_no) || do {

                #  Nothing was returned from perl_init - did an error occur ?
                if ($@ || errstr()) {

                    #  An error has occurred. Deregister self subroutine call in package
                    undef *{"WebDyne::${inode}::self"};

                    #  Make up a fake data block with details of error
                    my @data;
                    ]=($perl_line_no, $perl_line_no, $perl_srce_fn);

                    #  Save away as current data block for reference by error handler

                    #  Throw error
                    return $self->err_eval($@ ? "error in __PERL__ block: $@" : undef, $perl_sr);



    #  Done
    undef *{"WebDyne::${inode}::self"};
    debug('perl_init complete');


sub subst {

    #  Called to eval text block, replace params
    my ($self, $data_ar, $attr_hr, $param_data_hr, $text)=@_;

    #  Debug
    debug("eval $text %s", Dumper($param_data_hr));

    #  Get eval code refs for subst
    my $eval_cr=$Package{'_eval_cr'} ||
        return err ('unable to get eval code ref table');

    #  Do we have to replace something in the text, look for pattern. We
    #  should always find something, as subst tag is only inserted at
    #  compile time in front of text with one of theses patterns
    my $index;
    my $cr=sub {
        my $sr=$eval_cr->{$_[0]}($self, $data_ar, $param_data_hr, $_[1], $_[2]) ||
            return err ();
        (ref($sr) eq 'SCALAR') ||
            return err ("eval of '$_[1]' returned %s ref, should return SCALAR ref", ref($sr));
    $text=~s/([\$!+*^]){1}{(\1?)(.*?)\2}/${$cr->($1,$3,$index++) || return err()}/ge;

    #  Done
    return \$text;


sub subst_attr {

    #  Called to eval tag attributes
    my ($self, $data_ar, $attr_hr, $param_hr)=@_;

    #  Debug
    debug('subst_attr %s', Dumper({%{$attr_hr}, perl => undef}));

    #  Get eval code refs for subst
    my $eval_cr=$Package{'_eval_cr'} ||
        return err ('unable to get eval code ref table');

    #  Hash to hold results
    my %attr=%{$attr_hr};

    #  Go through each attribute and value
    my $index;
    while (my ($attr_name, $attr_value)=each %attr) {

        #  Skip perl attr, as that is perl code, do not do any regexp on perl code, as we will
        #  probably botch it.
        next if ($attr_name eq 'perl');

        #  Look for attribute value strings that need substitution. First and second attemps did'nt work as single regexp
        #if ($attr_value=~/^\s*([\$@%!+*^]){1}{(\1?)([^{]+)\2}\s*$/so ) {
        #if ($attr_value=~/^\s*([\$@%!+*^]){1}{(\1?)(.*)\2}\s*$/so ) {
        if ($attr_value=~/^\s*([\@%!+*^]){1}{(\1?)(.*)\2}\s*$/so || $attr_value=~/^\s*(\$){1}{(\1?)([^{]+)\2}\s*$/so) {

            #  Straightforward $@%!+^ operator, must be only content of value (can't be mixed
            #  with string, e.g. <popup_list values="foo=@{qw(bar)}" dont make sense
            my ($oper, $eval_text)=($1, $3);
            my $eval=$eval_cr->{$oper}->($self, $data_ar, $param_hr, $eval_text, $index++, 1) ||
                return err ();
            $attr{$attr_name}=(ref($eval) eq 'SCALAR') ? ${$eval} : $eval;

        else {

            #  Trickier - might be interspersed in strings, e.g <submit name="foo=1&${bar}=2&car=${dar}"/>
            #  Substitution needed
            my $cr=sub {
                my $sr=$eval_cr->{$_[0]}($self, $data_ar, $param_hr, $_[1], $_[2]) ||
                    return err ();
                (ref($sr) eq 'SCALAR') ||
                    return err ("eval of '$_[1]' returned %s ref, should return SCALAR ref", ref($sr));
            $attr_value=~s/([\$!+*^]){1}{(\1?)(.*?)\2}/${$cr->($1,$3,$index++) || return err()}/ge;



    #  Debug
    debug('returning attr hash %s', Dumper({%attr, perl => undef}));

    #  Return new attribute hash


sub include {

    #  Called to include text/psp block. Can be called from <include> tag or
    #  perl code, so need to massage params appropriatly.
    my $self=shift();
    my ($data_ar, $param_hr, $param_data_hr, $text);

    #  Normally get:
    #  my ($self, $data_ar, $attr_hr, $param_data_hr, $text)=@_;
    #  from tag, but in this case param_hr subs for attr_hr because
    #  we use that for code called from perl. Check what called us
    #  now - if first param (after self) is array ref, called from
    #  tag
    if (ref($_[0]) eq 'ARRAY') {

        #  Called from <include> tag
        ($data_ar, $param_hr, $param_data_hr, $text)=@_;
    else {

        #  Called from perl code, massage params into hr if not already there
        ref($param_hr) || ($param_hr={file => $param_hr, param => {@_}});


    #  Debug
    debug('in include, param %s, %s', Dumper($param_hr, $param_data_hr));

    #  Get CWD
    my $r=$self->r() || return err ();
    my $dn=(File::Spec->splitpath($r->filename()))[1] ||
        return err ('unable to determine cwd for requested file %s', $r->filename());

    #  Any param must supply a file name as an attribute
    my $fn=$param_hr->{'file'} ||
        return err ('no file name supplied with include tag');
    my $pn=File::Spec->rel2abs($fn, $dn);

    #  Check what user wants to do
    if (my $node=(grep {exists $param_hr->{$_}} qw(head body))[0]) {

        #  They want to include the head or body section of an existing pure HTML
        #  file.
        debug('head or body render');
        my %option=(

            nofilter => 1,
            noperl   => 1,
            stage0   => 1,
            srce     => $pn,


        #  compile spec'd file
        my $container_ar=$self->compile(\%option) ||
            return err ();
        my $block_data_ar=$container_ar->[1];
        debug('compiled to data_ar %s', Dumper($block_data_ar));

        #  Find the head or body tag
        my $block_ar=$self->find_node(

                data_ar => $block_data_ar,
                tag     => $node,

            }) || return err ();
        @{$block_ar} ||
            return err ("unable to find block '$node' in include file '$fn'");
        debug('found block_ar %s', Dumper($block_ar));

        #  Find_node returns array of blocks that match - we only want first

        #  Need to finish compiling now found
        $self->optimise_one($block_ar) || return err ();
        $self->optimise_two($block_ar) || return err ();
        debug('optimised data now %s', Dumper($block_ar));

        #  Need to encapsulate into <block display=1> tag, so alter tag name, attr
        $block_ar->[$WEBDYNE_NODE_ATTR_IX]={name => $node, display => 1};

        #  Incorporate into top level data so we don't have to do this again if
        #  called from tag
        @{$data_ar}=@{$block_ar} if $data_ar;

        #  Render included block and return
        return $self->render({data => $block_ar->[$WEBDYNE_NODE_CHLD_IX], param => $param_hr->{'param'}}) || err ();

    elsif (my $block=$param_hr->{'block'}) {

        #  Wants to include a paticular block from a psp library file
        debug('block render');
        my %option=(

            nofilter => 1,

            #noperl         =>  1,
            stage1 => 1,
            srce   => $pn


        #  compile spec'd file
        my $container_ar=$self->compile(\%option) ||
            return err ();
        my $block_data_ar=$container_ar->[1];
        debug('block data %s', Dumper($block_data_ar));

        #  Find the block node with name we want
        debug("looking for block name $block");
        my $block_ar=$self->find_node(

                data_ar => $block_data_ar,
                tag     => 'block',
                attr_hr => {name => $block},

            }) || return err ();
        @{$block_ar} ||
            return err ("unable to find block '$block' in include file '$fn'");
        debug('found block_ar %s', Dumper($block_ar));

        #  Find_node returns array of blocks that match - we only want first

        #  Set to attr always display

        #  Incorporate into top level data so we don't have to do this again if
        #  called from tag
        @{$data_ar}=@{$block_ar} if $data_ar;

        #  We don't want to render <block> tags, so start at
        #  child of results [WEBDYNE_NODE_CHLD_IX].
        debug('calling render');
        return $self->render({data => $block_ar->[$WEBDYNE_NODE_CHLD_IX], param => ($param_hr->{'param'} || $param_data_hr)}) || err ();

    else {

        #  Plain vanilla file include, no mods
        debug('vanilla file include');
        my $fh=IO::File->new($pn, O_RDONLY) || return err ("unable to open file '$fn' for read, $!");
        my @html;
        while (<$fh>) {
            push @html, $_;
        \join(undef, @html);



sub find_node {

    #  Find a particular node in the tree
    my ($self, $param_hr)=@_;

    #  Get max depth we can descend to, zero out in params
    my ($data_ar, $tag, $attr_hr, $depth_max, $prnt_fg, $all_fg)=@{$param_hr}{
        qw(data_ar tag attr_hr depth prnt_fg all_fg)
    debug("find_node looking for tag $tag in data_ar $data_ar, %s", Dumper($data_ar));

    #  Array to hold results, depth
    my ($depth, @node);

    #  Create recursive anon sub
    my $find_cr=sub {

        #  Get params
        my ($find_cr, $data_ar, $data_prnt_ar)=@_;
        debug("find_cr, data_ar $data_ar, data_prnt_ar $data_prnt_ar");

        #  Do we match at this level ?
        if ((my $data_ar_tag=$data_ar->[$WEBDYNE_NODE_NAME_IX]) eq $tag) {

            #  Match for tag name, now check any attrs
            my $tag_attr_hr=$data_ar->[$WEBDYNE_NODE_ATTR_IX];

            #  Debug
            debug("tag '$tag' match, $data_ar_tag, checking attr %s", Dumper($tag_attr_hr));

            #  Check for match
            if (
                (grep {$tag_attr_hr->{$_} eq $attr_hr->{$_}} keys %{$tag_attr_hr}) ==
                (keys %{$attr_hr})
                ) {

                #  Match, debug
                debug("$data_ar_tag attr match, saving");

                #  Tag name and attribs match, push onto node
                push @node, $prnt_fg ? $data_prnt_ar : $data_ar;
                return $node[0] unless $all_fg;


        else {

            debug("mismatch on tag $data_ar_tag for tag '$tag'");


        #  Return if out of depth
        return if ($depth_max && (++$depth > $depth_max));

        #  Start looking through current node
        my @data_child_ar=$data_ar->[$WEBDYNE_NODE_CHLD_IX] ? @{$data_ar->[$WEBDYNE_NODE_CHLD_IX]} : undef;
        foreach my $data_child_ar (@data_child_ar) {

            #  Only check and/or recurse through children that are child nodes, (ie
            #  are refs), ignor non-ref (text) nodes
            ref($data_child_ar) && do {

                #  We have a ref, recurse look for match
                if (my $data_match_ar=$find_cr->($find_cr, $data_child_ar, $data_ar)) {

                    #  Found match during recursion, return
                    return $data_match_ar unless $all_fg;





    #  Start it running with our top node
    $find_cr->($find_cr, $data_ar);

    #  Debug
    debug('find complete, return node %s', \@node);

    #  Return results
    return \@node;


sub delete_node {

    #  Delete a particular node from the tree
    my ($self, $param_hr)=@_;

    #  Get max depth we can descend to, zero out in params
    my ($data_ar, $node_ar)=@{$param_hr}{qw(data_ar node_ar)};
    debug("delete node $node_ar starting from data_ar $data_ar");

    #  Create recursive anon sub
    my $find_cr=sub {

        #  Get params
        my ($find_cr, $data_ar)=@_;

        #  Iterate through child nodes
        foreach my $data_chld_ix (0..$#{$data_ar->[$WEBDYNE_NODE_CHLD_IX]}) {

            my $data_chld_ar=$data_ar->[$WEBDYNE_NODE_CHLD_IX][$data_chld_ix] ||
                return err ("unable to get chld node from $data_ar");
            debug("looking at chld node $data_chld_ar");

            if ($data_chld_ar eq $node_ar) {

                #  Found node we want to delete. Get rid of it, all done
                debug("match - splicing at chld $data_chld_ix from array %s", Dumper($data_ar));
                splice(@{$data_ar->[$WEBDYNE_NODE_CHLD_IX]}, $data_chld_ix, 1);
                return \1;

            else {

                #  Not target node - recurse
                debug("no match - recursing to chld $data_chld_ar");
                ${$find_cr->($find_cr, $data_chld_ar) || return err ()} &&
                    return \1;


        #  All done, but no cigar
        return \undef;


    #  Start
    return $find_cr->($find_cr, $data_ar) || err ()


sub CGI {

    #  Accessor method for CGI object
    return shift()->{'_CGI'} ||= do {

        #  Debug
        debug('CGI init');

        #  Need to turn off XHTML generation - CGI wants to turn it on every time for
        #  some reason

        #  CGI good practice

        #  And create it
        my $cgi_or=CGI::->new();

        #  Set defaults

        #  Expand params if we need to
        &CGI_param_expand($cgi_or) if $WEBDYNE_CGI_PARAM_EXPAND;

        #  Return new CGI object



sub CGI_param_expand {

    #  Expand CGI params if the form "foo;a=b" into "foo=param", "a=b";
    my $cgi_or=shift() ||
        return err ("unable to get CGI object");
    local ($CGI::LIST_CONTEXT_WARN)=0;
    foreach my $param (grep /=/, $cgi_or->param()) {
        my (@pairs)=split(/[&;]/, $param);
        foreach my $pair (@pairs) {
            my ($key, $value)=split('=', $pair, 2);
            $value ||= $cgi_or->param($param);
            $cgi_or->param($key, $value);

sub request {

    #  Accessor method for Apache request object
    my $self=shift();
    return @_ ? $self->{'_r'}=shift() : $self->{'_r'};


sub dump {

    #  Run the dump CGI dump routine. Is here because it produces different output each
    #  time it is run, and if not a WebDyne tag it would be optimised to static text by
    #  the compiler
    my ($self, $data_ar, $attr_hr)=@_;
    return ($WEBDYNE_DUMP_FLAG || $attr_hr->{'force'} || $attr_hr->{'display'}) ? \$self->{'_CGI'}->Dump() : \undef;


sub cwd {

    #  Return cwd of current psp file


sub source_mtime {

    #  Get mtime of source file. Is a no-op here so can be subclassed by other handlers. We
    #  return undef, means engine will use original source mtime


sub cache_mtime {

    #  Mtime accessor - will return mtime of srce inode (default), or mtime of supplied
    #  inode if given
    my $self=shift();
    my $inode_pn=${
        $self->cache_filename(@_) || return err ()};
    \(stat($inode_pn))[9] if $inode_pn;


sub cache_filename {

    #  Get cache fq filename given inode or using srce inode if not supplied
    my $self=shift();
    my $inode=@_ ? shift() : $self->{'_inode'};
    my $inode_pn=File::Spec->catfile($WEBDYNE_CACHE_DN, $inode) if $WEBDYNE_CACHE_DN;


sub cache_inode {

    #  Get cache inode string, or generate new unique inode
    my $self=shift();
    @_ && ($self->{'_inode'}=md5_hex($self->{'_inode'}, $_[0]));

    #  See comment in handler section about future inode gen
    #@_ && ($self->{'_inode'}.=('_'. md5_hex($_[0])));


sub cache_html {

    #  Write an inode that is fully HTML out to disk to we dispatch it as a subrequest
    #  next time. This is a &register_cleanup callback
    my ($cache_pn, $html_sr)=@_;
    debug("cache_html @_");

    #  If there was an error no html_sr will be supplied
    if ($html_sr) {

        #  No point || return err(), just warn so (maybe) is written to logs, otherwise go for it
        my $cache_fh=IO::File->new($cache_pn, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC) ||
            return warn("unable to open cache file $cache_pn for write, $!");
        CORE::print $cache_fh ${$html_sr};


sub cache_compile {

    #  Compile flag accessor - if set will force inode recompile, regardless of mtime
    my $self=shift();
    @_ && ($self->{'_compile'}=shift());
    debug("cache_compile set to %s", $self->{'_compile'});


sub filter {

    #  No op
    my ($self, $data_ar)=@_;
    debug('in filter');


sub meta {

    #  Return/read/update meta info hash
    my ($self, @param)=@_;
    my $inode=$self->{'_inode'};
    debug("get meta data for inode $inode");
    my $meta_hr=$Package{'_cache'}{$inode}{'meta'} ||= (delete $self->{'_meta_hr'} || {});
    debug("existing meta $meta_hr %s", Dumper($meta_hr));
    if (@param == 2) {
        return $meta_hr->{$param[0]}=$param[1];
    elsif (@param) {
        return $meta_hr->{$param[0]};
    else {
        return $meta_hr;


sub static {

    #  Set static flag for this instance only. If all instances wanted
    #  set in meta data. This method used by WebDyne::Static module
    my $self=shift();


sub cache {

    #  Set cache handler for this instance only. If all instances wanted
    #  set in meta data. This method used by WebDyne::Cache module
    my $self=shift();
    $self->{'_cache'}=shift() ||
        return err ('cache code ref or method name must be supplied');


sub set_filter {

    #  Set cache handler for this instance only. If all instances wanted
    #  set in meta data. This method used by WebDyne::Cache module
    my $self=shift();
    $self->{'_filter'}=shift() ||
        return err ('filter name must be supplied');


sub set_handler {

    #  Set/return internal handler. Only good in __PERL__ block, after
    #  that is too late !
    my $self=shift();
    my $meta_hr=$self->meta() || return err ();
    @_ && ($meta_hr->{'handler'}=shift());


sub select {

    #  If we are in select mode where print output is redirected to handler output


sub inode {

    #  Return inode name
    my $self=shift();
    @_ ? $self->{'_inode'}=shift() : $self->{'_inode'};


sub data_ar {

    #  Return current data node, assumes we are in a perl block or subst


sub data_ar_html_srce_fn {

    #  The file name that this data node was sourced from
    my ($self, $data_ar)=@_;
    if ($data_ar ||= $self->data_ar()) {
        return ${$data_ar->[$WEBDYNE_NODE_SRCE_IX]}


sub data_ar_html_line_no {

    #  The line number (in the original HTML file) this data node was sourced from. Return tag start line in scalar ref, tag start + tag end in array ref
    my ($self, $data_ar)=@_;
    if ($data_ar ||= $self->data_ar()) {
        return wantarray ? @{$data_ar}[$WEBDYNE_NODE_LINE_IX, $WEBDYNE_NODE_LINE_TAG_END_IX] : $data_ar->[$WEBDYNE_NODE_LINE_IX];


sub print {

    my $self=shift();
    my $data_ar=$self->{'_data_ar'};
    push @{$self->{'_print_ar'}{$data_ar} ||= []}, @_;
    return \undef;


sub printf {

    my $self=shift();
    my $data_ar=$self->{'_data_ar'};
    push @{$self->{'_print_ar'}{$data_ar} ||= []}, sprintf(shift(), @_);
    return \undef;



    #  Stops AUTOLOAD chucking wobbly at end of request because no DESTROY method
    #  found, logs total page cycle time
    my $self=shift();

    #  Call CGI reset_globals if we created a CGI object
    $self->{'_CGI'} && (&CGI::_reset_globals);

    #  Work out complete request cylcle time
    debug("in destroy self $self, param %s", Dumper(\@_));
    my $time_request=sprintf('%0.4f', time()-$self->{'_time'});
    debug("page request cycle time , $time_request sec");

    #  Destroy object
    undef $self;



    #  Get self ref
    my $self=$_[0];
    debug("AUTOLOAD $self, $AUTOLOAD");

    #  Get method user was looking for
    my $method=(reverse split(/\:+/, $AUTOLOAD))[0];

    #  Vars for iterator, call stack
    my $i; my @caller;

    #  Start going backwards through call stack, looking for package that can
    #  run method, pass control to it if found
    my %caller;
    while (my $caller=(caller($i++))[0]) {
        next if ($caller{$caller}++);
        push @caller, $caller;
        if (my $cr=UNIVERSAL::can($caller, $method)) {

            # POLLUTE is virtually useless - no speedup in real life ..
            if ($WEBDYNE_AUTOLOAD_POLLUTE) {
                my $class=ref($self);

            #return $cr->($self, @_);
            goto &{$cr}

    #  If we get here, we could not find the method in any caller. Error
        err ("unable to find method '$method' in call stack: %s", join(', ', @caller));
    goto RENDER_ERROR;


#  Package to tie select()ed output handle to so we can override print() command
package WebDyne::TieHandle;


    my ($class, $self)=@_;
    bless \$self, $class;

sub PRINT {

    my $self=shift();
    return ${$self}->print(@_);


sub PRINTF {

    my $self=shift();
    return ${$self}->printf(@_);



sub UNTIE {



=head1 Name

WebDyne - create web pages with embedded Perl

=head1 Description

WebDyne is a Perl based dynamic HTML engine. It works with web servers (or from the command line) to render HTML
documents with embedded Perl code.

Once WebDyne is installed and initialised to work with a web server, any file with a .psp extension is treated as a
WebDyne source file. It is parsed for WebDyne or pseudo-tags (such as <perl> and <block> for WebDyne, or
<start_html>, <popup_menu> for which are interpreted and executed on the server. The resulting output is then
sent to the browser.

Pages are parsed once, then optionally stored in a partially compiled format - speeding up subsequent processing by
avoiding the need to re-parse a page each time it is loaded. WebDyne works with common web server persistant/resident
Perl modules such as mod_perl and FastCGI to provide fast dynamic content.

=head1 Documentation

A full man page with usage and examples is installed with the WebDyne module. Further information is available from the
WebDyne web page, with a snapshot of current documentation in PDF format available in the module
source /doc directory.


This file is part of WebDyne.

This software is Copyright (c) 2017 by Andrew Speer <>.

This is free software, licensed under:

  The GNU General Public License, Version 2, June 1991

Full license text is available at:

=head1 Author

Andrew Speer,

=head1 Bugs

Please report any bugs or feature requests to "bug-webdyne at", or via