The Perl Toolchain Summit needs more sponsors. If your company depends on Perl, please support this very important event.
#  This file is part of WebDyne.
#  This software is Copyright (c) 2017 by Andrew Speer <>.
#  This is free software, licensed under:
#    The GNU General Public License, Version 2, June 1991
#  Full license text is available at:
#  <>
package WebDyne::Compile;

#  Packace init, attempt to load optional Time::HiRes module
sub BEGIN {
    local $SIG{__DIE__};
    eval("use Time::HiRes qw(time)") || eval {undef};

#  Pragma
use strict qw(vars);
use warnings;
no warnings qw(uninitialized redefine once);

#  External Modules
use WebDyne;
use WebDyne::HTML::TreeBuilder;
use Storable;
use IO::File;
use CGI qw(-no_xhtml);
use CGI::Util;
use Data::Dumper;

#  WebDyne Modules
use WebDyne::Constant;
use WebDyne::Base;

#  Version information

#  Debug load
debug("Loading %s version $VERSION", __PACKAGE__);

#  Tags that are case sensitive
our %CGI_Tag_Ucase=map {$_ => ucfirst($_)} (

    qw(select tr link delete accept sub header)


#  Get WebDyne and CGI tags from TreeBuilder module

#  Need the start/end_html code ref for later on
my $CGI_start_html_cr=UNIVERSAL::can(CGI, 'start_html');
my $CGI_end_html_cr=UNIVERSAL::can(CGI, 'end_html');

#  Var to hold package wide hash, for data shared across package
my %Package;

#  All done. Positive return


sub new {

    #  Only used when debugging from outside apache, eg test script. If so, user
    #  must create new object ref, then run the compile. See wdcompile script for
    #  example. wdcompile is only used for debugging - we do some q&d stuff here
    #  to make it work
    my $class=shift();

    #  Init WebDyne module
    require WebDyne::Request::Fake;
    my $r=WebDyne::Request::Fake->new();

    #  New self ref
    my %self=(

        _r    => $r,
        _CGI  => CGI->new(),
        _time => time()


    #  And return blessed ref
    return bless \%self, 'WebDyne';


sub compile {

    #  Compile HTML file into Storable structure
    my ($self, $param_hr)=@_;

    #  Start timer so we can log how long it takes us to compile a file
    my $time=time();

    #  Init class if not yet done
    (ref($self))->{_compile_init} ||= do {
        $self->compile_init() || return err ()

    #  Debug
    debug('compile %s', Dumper($param_hr));

    #  Get srce and dest
    my ($html_cn, $dest_cn)=@{$param_hr}{qw(srce dest)};

    #  Need request object ref
    my $r=$self->{'_r'} || $self->r() || return err ();

    #  Get CGI ref
    my $cgi_or=$self->{'_CGI'} || $self->CGI() || return err ();

    #  Turn off xhtml in CGI - should work in pragma, seems dodgy - seems like
    #  we must do every time we compile a page

    #  Nostick

    #  Open the file
    my $html_fh=IO::File->new($html_cn, O_RDONLY) ||
        return err ("unable to open file $html_cn, $!");

    #  Get new TreeBuilder object
    my $html_ox=WebDyne::HTML::TreeBuilder->new(

        api_version => 3,

    ) || return err ('unable to create HTML::TreeBuilder object');

    #  Tell HTML::TreeBuilder we do *not* want to ignore tags it
    #  considers "unknown". Since we use <PERL> and <BLOCK> tags,
    #  amongst other things, we need these to be in the tree

    #  Tell it if we also want to see comments, use XML mode

    #  No space compacting ?

    #  Get code ref closure of file to be parsed
    my $parse_cr=$html_ox->parse_fh($html_fh) ||
        return err ();

    #  Muck around with strictness of P tags

    #  Now parse through the file, running eof at end as per HTML::TreeBuilder
    #  man page.

    #  And close the file handle

    #  Now start iterating through the treebuilder object, creating
    #  our own array tree structure. Do this in a separate method that
    #  is rentrant as the tree is descended
    my %meta=(

        manifest => [\$html_cn]

    my $data_ar=$self->parse($html_ox, \%meta) || do {
        undef $html_ox;
        return err ();
    debug("meta after parse %s", Dumper(\%meta));

    #  Now destroy the HTML::Treebuilder object, or else mem leak occurs
    undef $html_ox;

    #  Meta block
    my $head_ar=$self->find_node(

            data_ar => $data_ar,
            tag     => 'head',

        }) || return err ();
    my $meta_ar=$self->find_node(

            data_ar => $head_ar->[0],
            tag     => 'meta',
            all_fg  => 1,

        }) || return err ();
    foreach my $tag_ar (@{$meta_ar}) {
        my $attr_hr=$tag_ar->[$WEBDYNE_NODE_ATTR_IX] || next;
        if ($attr_hr->{'name'} eq 'WebDyne') {
            my @meta=split(/;/, $attr_hr->{'content'});
            debug('meta %s', Dumper(\@meta));
            foreach my $meta (@meta) {
                my ($name, $value)=split(/[=:]/, $meta, 2);
                defined($value) || ($value=1);

                #  Eval any meta attrs like @{}, %{}..
                my $hr=$self->subst_attr(undef, {$name => $value}) ||
                    return err ();

            #  Do not want anymore

                    data_ar => $data_ar,
                    node_ar => $tag_ar

                }) || return err ();

    #  Construct final webdyne container
    my @container=(keys %meta ? \%meta : undef, $data_ar);

    #  Quit if user wants to see tree at this stage
    $param_hr->{'stage0'} && (return \@container);

    #  Store meta information for this instance so that when perl_init (or code running under perl_init)
    #  runs it can access meta data via $self->meta();
    $self->{'_meta_hr'}=\%meta if keys %meta;
    if ((my $perl_ar=$meta{'perl'}) && !$param_hr->{'noperl'}) {

        #  This is inline __PERL__ perl. Must be executed before filter so any filters added by the __PERL__
        #  block are seen
        my $perl_debug_ar=$meta{'perl_debug'};
        $self->perl_init($perl_ar, $perl_debug_ar) || return err ();


    #  Quit if user wants to see tree at this stage
    $param_hr->{'stage1'} && (return \@container);

    #  Filter ?
    my @filter=@{$meta{'webdynefilter'}};
    unless (@filter) {
        my $filter=$self->{'_filter'} || $r->dir_config('WebDyneFilter');
        @filter=split(/\s+/, $filter) if $filter;
    debug('filter %s', Dumper(\@filter));
    if ((@filter) && !$param_hr->{'nofilter'}) {
        local $SIG{'__DIE__'};
        foreach my $filter (@filter) {
            eval("require $filter") ||
                return err ("unable to load filter $filter, " . lcfirst($@));
            UNIVERSAL::can($filter, 'filter') ||
                return err ("custom filter '$filter' does not seem to have a 'filter' method to call");
            $data_ar=$self->$filter($data_ar, \%meta) || return err ();

    #  Optimise tree, first step
    $data_ar=$self->optimise_one($data_ar) || return err ();

    #  Quit if user wants to see tree at this stage
    $param_hr->{'stage2'} && (return \@container);

    #  Optimise tree, second step
    $data_ar=$self->optimise_two($data_ar) ||
        return err ();

    #  Quit if user wants to see tree at this stage
    $param_hr->{'stage3'} && (return \@container);

    #  Is there any dynamic data ? If not, set meta html flag to indicate
    #  document is complete HTML
    unless (grep {ref($_)} @{$data_ar}) {

    #  Construct final webdyne container
    @container=(keys %meta ? \%meta : undef, $data_ar);

    #  Quit if user wants to final container
    $param_hr->{'stage4'} && (return \@container);

    #  Save compiled object. Can't store code based cache refs, will be
    #  recreated anyway (when reloaded), so delete, save, then restore
    my $cache_cr;
    if (ref($meta{'cache'}) eq 'CODE') {$cache_cr=delete $meta{'cache'}}

    #  Store to cache file if dest filename given
    if ($dest_cn) {
        debug("attempting to cache to dest $dest_cn");
        local $SIG{'__DIE__'};
        eval {Storable::lock_store(\@container, $dest_cn)} || do {

            #  This used to be fatal
            #return err("error storing compiled $html_cn to dest $dest_cn, $@");

            #  No more, just log warning and continue - no point crashing an otherwise
            #  perfectly good app because we can't write to a directory
                "error storing compiled $html_cn to dest $dest_cn, $@ - " .
                    'please ensure destination directory is writeable.'
                unless $Package{'warn_write'}++;
            debug("caching FAILED to $dest_cn");

    else {
        debug('no destination file for compile - not caching');

    #  Put the cache code ref back again now we have finished storing.
    $cache_cr && ($meta{'cache'}=$cache_cr);

    #  Work out the page compile time, log
    my $time_render=sprintf('%0.4f', time()-$time);
    debug("form $html_cn compile time $time_render");

    #  Destroy self
    undef $self;

    #  Done
    return \@container;


sub compile_init {

    #  Used to init package, move ugliness out of handler
    my $class=shift();
    debug("in compile_init class $class");

    #  Init some CGI custom routines we need for correct compilation etc.
    *{'CGI::~comment'}=sub {sprintf('<!--%s-->', $_[1]->{'text'})};
    *CGI::start_html=sub {
        my ($self, $attr_hr)=@_;

        #CORE::print Data::Dumper::Dumper($attr_hr);
        keys %{$attr_hr} || ($attr_hr=$WEBDYNE_HTML_PARAM);
        my $html_attr=join(' ', map {qq($_="$attr_hr->{$_}")} keys %{$attr_hr});
        return $WEBDYNE_DTD . ($html_attr ? "<html $html_attr>" : '<html>');
    *CGI::end_html=sub {
    *CGI::html=sub {
        my ($self, $attr_hr, @html)=@_;
        return join(undef, CGI->start_html($attr_hr), @html, $self->end_html);

    #  Get rid of the simple escape routine, which mangles attribute characters we
    #  want to keep
    *CGI::Util::simple_escape=sub {shift()};

    #  Get rid of compiler warnings on start and end routines
    #0 && *CGI::start_html;
    #0 && *CGI::end_html;

    #  All done
    return \undef;


sub optimise_one {

    #  Optimise a data tree
    my ($self, $data_ar)=@_;

    #  Debug
    debug('optimise stage one');

    #  Get CGI object
    my $cgi_or=$self->{'_CGI'} ||
        return err ("unable to get CGI object from self ref");

    #  Recursive anon sub to do the render
    my $compile_cr=sub {

        #  Get self ref, node array
        my ($compile_cr, $data_ar)=@_;

        #  Only do if we have children, if we do a foreach over nonexistent child node
        #  it will spring into existance as empty array ref, which we then have to
        #  wastefully store
        if ($data_ar->[$WEBDYNE_NODE_CHLD_IX]) {

            #  Process sub nodes to get child html data
            foreach my $data_chld_ix (0..$#{$data_ar->[$WEBDYNE_NODE_CHLD_IX]}) {

                #  Get data child
                my $data_chld_ar=$data_ar->[$WEBDYNE_NODE_CHLD_IX][$data_chld_ix];
                debug("data_chld_ar $data_chld_ar");

                #  If ref, recursivly run through compile process
                ref($data_chld_ar) && do {

                    #  Run through compile sub-process
                    my $data_chld_xv=$compile_cr->($compile_cr, $data_chld_ar) ||
                        return err ();
                    if (ref($data_chld_xv) eq 'SCALAR') {

                    #  Replace in tree




        #  Get this node tag and attrs
        my ($html_tag, $attr_hr)=
            @{$data_ar}[$WEBDYNE_NODE_NAME_IX, $WEBDYNE_NODE_ATTR_IX];
        debug("tag $html_tag, attr %s", Dumper($attr_hr));

        #  Store data block as hint to error handler should something go wrong

        #  Check to see if any of the attributes will require a subst to be carried out
        my @subst_oper;

        #my $subst_fg=grep { $_=~/([$|@|%|!|+|^|*]{1})\{([$|@|%|!|+|^|*]?)(.*?)\2\}/s && push (@subst_oper, $1) } values %{$attr_hr};
        #my $subst_fg=grep { $_=~/([\$@%!+*^]){1}{(\1?)(.*?)\2}/ && push (@subst_oper, $1) } values %{$attr_hr};
        my $subst_fg=$data_ar->[$WEBDYNE_NODE_SBST_IX] || delete $attr_hr->{'subst'} ||
            grep {$_=~/([\$@%!+*^]){1}{(\1?)(.*?)\2}/ && push(@subst_oper, $1)} values %{$attr_hr};

        #  Do not subst comments
        ($html_tag=~/~comment$/) && ($subst_fg=undef);

        #  If subst_fg present, means we must do a subst on attr vars. Flag
        $subst_fg && ($data_ar->[$WEBDYNE_NODE_SBST_IX]=1);

        #  A CGI tag can be marked static, means that we can pre-render it for efficieny
        my $static_fg=$attr_hr->{'static'};
        debug("tag $html_tag, static_fg $static_fg, subst_fg $subst_fg, subst_oper %s", Dumper(\@subst_oper));

        #  If static, but subst requires an eval, we can do now *only* if @ or % tags though,
        #  and some !'s that do not need request object etc. Cannot do on $
        if ($static_fg && $subst_fg) {

            #  Cannot optimes subst values with ${value}, must do later
            (grep {$_ eq '$'} @subst_oper) && return $data_ar;

            #  Do it
            $attr_hr=$self->WebDyne::subst_attr(undef, $attr_hr) ||
                return err ();


        #  If not special WebDyne tag, see if we can render node
        #if ((!$CGI_TAG_WEBDYNE{$html_tag} && !$CGI_TAG_IMPLICIT{$html_tag} && !$subst_fg) || $static_fg) {
        if ((!$CGI_TAG_WEBDYNE{$html_tag} && !$subst_fg) || $static_fg) {

            #  Check all child nodes to see if ref or scalar
            my $ref_fv=$data_ar->[$WEBDYNE_NODE_CHLD_IX] &&
                grep {ref($_)} @{$data_ar->[$WEBDYNE_NODE_CHLD_IX]};

            #  If all scalars (ie no refs found)t, we can simply pre render all child nodes
            unless ($ref_fv) {

                #  Done with static tag, delete so not rendered
                delete $attr_hr->{'static'};

                #  Special case. If WebDyne tag and static, render now via WebDyne. Experimental
                if ($CGI_TAG_WEBDYNE{$html_tag}) {

                    #  Render via WebDyne
                    debug("about to render tag $html_tag, attr %s", Dumper($attr_hr));
                    my $html_sr=$self->$html_tag($data_ar, $attr_hr) ||
                        return err ();
                    debug("html *$html_sr*, *${$html_sr}*");
                    return $html_sr;


                #  Wrap up in our HTML tag. Do in eval so we can catch errors from invalid tags etc
                my @data_child_ar=$data_ar->[$WEBDYNE_NODE_CHLD_IX] ? @{$data_ar->[$WEBDYNE_NODE_CHLD_IX]} : undef;
                my $html=eval {
                    $cgi_or->$html_tag(grep {$_} $attr_hr, join(undef, @data_child_ar))
                } ||

                    #  Use errsubst as CGI may have DIEd during eval and be caught by WebDyne SIG handler
                    return errsubst(
                    "CGI tag '<$html_tag>': %s",
                    $@ || "undefined error rendering tag '$html_tag'"

                #  Debug
                #debug("html *$html*");

                #  Done
                return \$html;



        #  Return current node, perhaps now somewhat optimised


    #  Run it
    $data_ar=$compile_cr->($compile_cr, $data_ar) || return err ();

    #  If scalar ref returned it is all HTML - return as plain scalar
    if (ref($data_ar) eq 'SCALAR') {

    #  Done


sub optimise_two {

    #  Optimise a data tree
    my ($self, $data_ar)=@_;

    #  Debug
    debug('optimise stage two');

    #  Get CGI object
    my $cgi_or=$self->{'_CGI'} ||
        return err ("unable to get CGI object from self ref");

    #  Recursive anon sub to do the render
    my $compile_cr=sub {

        #  Get self ref, node array
        my ($compile_cr, $data_ar, $data_uppr_ar)=@_;

        #  Only do if we have children, if do a foreach over nonexistent child node
        #  it will spring into existance as empty array ref, which we then have to
        #  wastefully store
        if ($data_ar->[$WEBDYNE_NODE_CHLD_IX]) {

            #  Process sub nodes to get child html data
            my @data_child_ar=$data_ar->[$WEBDYNE_NODE_CHLD_IX]
                : undef;
            foreach my $data_chld_ar (@data_child_ar) {

                #  Debug
                #debug("found child node $data_chld_ar");

                #  If ref, run through compile process recursively
                ref($data_chld_ar) && do {

                    #  Run through compile sub-process
                    $data_ar=$compile_cr->($compile_cr, $data_chld_ar, $data_ar) ||
                        return err ();




        #  Get this tag and attrs
        my ($html_tag, $attr_hr)=
            @{$data_ar}[$WEBDYNE_NODE_NAME_IX, $WEBDYNE_NODE_ATTR_IX];
        debug("tag $html_tag");

        #  Store data block as hint to error handler should something go wrong

        #  Check if this tag attributes will need substitution (eg ${foo});
        #my $subst_fg=grep { $_=~/([$|@|%|!|+|^|*]{1})\{([$|@|%|!|+|^|*]?)(.*?)\2\}/s } values %{$attr_hr};
        my $subst_fg=$data_ar->[$WEBDYNE_NODE_SBST_IX] || delete $attr_hr->{'subst'} ||
            grep {$_=~/([\$@%!+*^]){1}{(\1?)(.*?)\2}/so} values %{$attr_hr};

        #  If subst_fg present, means we must do a subst on attr vars. Flag, also get static flag
        $subst_fg && ($data_ar->[$WEBDYNE_NODE_SBST_IX]=1);
        my $static_fg=delete $attr_hr->{'static'};

        #  If not special WebDyne tag, and no dynamic params we can render this node into
        #  its final HTML format
        if (!$CGI_TAG_WEBDYNE{$html_tag} && !$CGI_TAG_IMPLICIT{$html_tag} && $data_uppr_ar && !$subst_fg) {

            #  Get nodes into array now, removes risk of iterating over shifting ground
            my @data_child_ar=$data_uppr_ar->[$WEBDYNE_NODE_CHLD_IX]
                : undef;

            #  Get uppr node
            foreach my $data_chld_ix (0..$#data_child_ar) {

                #  Get node, skip unless ref
                my $data_chld_ar=$data_child_ar[$data_chld_ix];
                ref($data_chld_ar) || next;

                #  Debug
                #debug("looking at node $data_chld_ix, $data_chld_ar vs $data_ar");

                #  Skip unless eq us
                next unless ($data_chld_ar eq $data_ar);

                #  Get start and end tag methods
                my ($html_tag_start, $html_tag_end)=
                    ("start_${html_tag}", "end_${html_tag}");

                #  Translate tags into HTML
                my ($html_start, $html_end)=map {
                    eval {
                        $cgi_or->$_(grep {$_} $attr_hr)
                    } ||

                        #  Use errsubst as CGI may have DIEd during eval and be caught by WebDyne SIG handler
                        return errsubst(
                        "CGI tag '<$_>' error- %s",
                        $@ || "undefined error rendering tag '$_'"
                } ($html_tag_start, $html_tag_end);

                #  Splice start and end tags for this HTML into appropriate place
                splice @{$data_uppr_ar->[$WEBDYNE_NODE_CHLD_IX]}, $data_chld_ix, 1,

                #  Done, no need to iterate any more


            #  Concatenate all non ref values in the parent. Var to hold results
            my @data_uppr;

            #  Repopulate data child array, as probably changed in above foreach
            #  block.
                : undef;


            #  Begin concatenation
            foreach my $data_chld_ix (0..$#data_child_ar) {

                #  Get child
                my $data_chld_ar=$data_child_ar[$data_chld_ix];

                #  Can we concatenate with above node
                if (@data_uppr && !ref($data_chld_ar) && !ref($data_uppr[$#data_uppr])) {

                    # Yes, concatentate

                else {

                    #  No, push onto new data_uppr array
                    push @data_uppr, $data_chld_ar;


            #  Replace with new optimised array

        elsif ($CGI_TAG_WEBDYNE{$html_tag} && $data_uppr_ar && $static_fg) {

            #  Now render to make HTML and modify the data arrat above us with the rendered code
            my $html_sr=$self->render(
                    data => [$data_ar],
                }) || return err ();
            my @data_child_ar=$data_uppr_ar->[$WEBDYNE_NODE_CHLD_IX]
                : undef;
            foreach my $ix (0..$#data_child_ar) {
                if ($data_uppr_ar->[$WEBDYNE_NODE_CHLD_IX][$ix] eq $data_ar) {

        elsif (!$data_uppr_ar) {

            #  Must be at top node, as nothing above us,
            #  get start and end tag methods
            my ($html_tag_start, $html_tag_end)=
                ("start_${html_tag}", "end_${html_tag}");

            #  Get resulting start and ending HTML
            my ($html_start, $html_end)=map {
                eval {
                    $cgi_or->$_(grep {$_} $attr_hr)
                } ||
                    return errsubst(
                    "CGI tag '<$_>': %s",
                    $@ || "undefined error rendering tag '$_'"

                #return err("$@" || "no html returned from tag $_")
            } ($html_tag_start, $html_tag_end);
            my @data_child_ar=$data_ar->[$WEBDYNE_NODE_CHLD_IX]
                : undef;

            #  Place start and end tags for this HTML into appropriate place
            my @data=(

            #  Concatenate all non ref vals
            my @data_new;
            foreach my $data_chld_ix (0..$#data) {

                if ($data_chld_ix && !ref($data[$data_chld_ix]) && !(ref($data[$data_chld_ix-1]))) {
                else {
                    push @data_new, $data[$data_chld_ix]


            #  Return completed array


        #  Return current node
        return $data_uppr_ar;


    #  Run it, return whatever it does, allowing for the special case that first stage
    #  optimisation found no special tags, and precompiled the whole array into a
    #  single HTML string. In which case return as array ref to allow for correct storage
    #  and rendering.
    return ref($data_ar)
        $compile_cr->($compile_cr, $data_ar, undef) || err ()


sub parse {

    #  A recusively called method to parse a HTML::Treebuilder tree. content is an
    #  array ref of the HTML entity contents, return custom array tree from that
    #  structure
    my ($self, $html_or, $meta_hr)=@_;
    my ($line_no, $line_no_tag_end)=@{$html_or}{'_line_no', '_line_no_tag_end'};
    my $html_fn_sr=$meta_hr->{'manifest'}[0];
    debug("parse $self, $html_or line_no $line_no line_no_tag_end $line_no_tag_end");

    #debug("parse $html_or, %s", Dumper($html_or));

    #  Create array to hold this data node
    my @data;
        #undef, undef, undef, undef, $line_no, $line_no_tag_end, $meta_hr->{'manifest'}[0]
        undef, undef, undef, undef, $line_no, $line_no_tag_end, $html_fn_sr

    #  Get tag
    my $html_tag=$html_or->tag();

    #  Check special cases like tr that need to be uppercased (Tr) to work correctly
    #  in CGI
    $html_tag=$CGI_Tag_Ucase{$html_tag} || $html_tag;

    #  Check valid
    unless (UNIVERSAL::can('CGI', $html_tag) || $CGI_TAG_WEBDYNE{$html_tag}) {
        return err ("unknown CGI/WebDyne tag: <$html_tag>, line $line_no in source file ${$html_fn_sr}")

    #  Get tag attr
    if (my %attr=map {$_ => $html_or->{$_}} (grep {!/^_/} keys %{$html_or})) {

        #  Save tagm attr into node
        #@data[$WEBDYNE_NODE_NAME_IX, $WEBDYNE_NODE_ATTR_IX]=($html_tag, \%attr);

        #  Is this the inline perl __PERL__ block ?
        if ($html_or->{'_code'} && $attr{'perl'}) {
            push @{$meta_hr->{'perl'}}, \$attr{'perl'};
            push @{$meta_hr->{'perl_debug'}}, [$line_no, $html_fn_sr];
        else {
            @data[$WEBDYNE_NODE_NAME_IX, $WEBDYNE_NODE_ATTR_IX]=($html_tag, \%attr);

    else {

        #  No attr, just save tag


    #  Child nodes
    my @html_child=@{$html_or->content()};

    #  Get child, parse down the tree
    foreach my $html_child_or (@html_child) {

        debug("html_child_or $html_child_or");

        #  Ref is a sub-tag, non ref is plain text
        if (ref($html_child_or)) {

            #  Sub tag. Recurse down tree, updating to nearest line number
            my $data_ar=$self->parse($html_child_or, $meta_hr) ||
                return err ();

            #  If no node name returned is not an error, just a no-op
            if ($data_ar->[$WEBDYNE_NODE_NAME_IX]) {
                push @{$data[$WEBDYNE_NODE_CHLD_IX]}, $data_ar;

        else {

            #  Node is just plain text. Used to not insert empty children, but this
            #  stuffed up <pre> sections that use \n for spacing/formatting. Now we
            #  are more careful
            push(@{$data[$WEBDYNE_NODE_CHLD_IX]}, $html_child_or)
                unless (
                ($html_tag ne 'pre') && ($html_tag ne 'textarea') && !$WEBDYNE_COMPILE_NO_SPACE_COMPACTING



    #  All done, return data node
    return \@data;
