use 5.006002;
use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;

    NAME              => 'Log::Syslog::Fast',
    VERSION_FROM      => 'lib/Log/Syslog/', # finds $VERSION
    PREREQ_PM         => {
        'Log::Syslog::Constants'    => 1.01,
        'IO::Socket::IP'            => 0.19,
    ABSTRACT_FROM     => 'lib/Log/Syslog/',
    AUTHOR            => 'Adam Thomason <>',
    DEFINE            => '',
    INC               => '-I.',
    OBJECT            => 'LogSyslogFast.o Fast.o', # link all the C files too
    CCFLAGS           => '-g',
    META_MERGE => {
        'meta-spec' => { version => 2 },
        resources => {
            repository => {
                type => 'git',
                url  => '',
                web  => '',
if  (eval {require ExtUtils::Constant; 1}) {
  # If you edit these definitions to change the constants used by this module,
  # you will need to use the generated and
  # files to replace their "fallback" counterparts before distributing your
  # changes.
  my @names = (qw());
                                     NAME         => 'Log::Syslog::Fast',
                                     NAMES        => \@names,
                                     DEFAULT_TYPE => 'IV',
                                     C_FILE       => '',
                                     XS_FILE      => '',

else {
  use File::Copy;
  use File::Spec;
  foreach my $file ('', '') {
    my $fallback = File::Spec->catfile('fallback', $file);
    copy ($fallback, $file) or die "Can't copy $fallback to $file: $!";