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package Email::ExactTarget::Subscriber;

use warnings;
use strict;

use Carp;
use Data::Dumper;
use Data::Validate::Type;
use Try::Tiny;
use URI::Escape;

=head1 NAME


=head1 VERSION

Version 1.3.6


our $VERSION = '1.3.6';


	# Create a new subscriber object.
	my $subscriber = Email::ExactTarget::Subscriber->new();
	# Set attributes.
			'First Name' => 'John',
			'Last Name'  => 'Doe',
	# Get attributes.
	my $first_name = $subscriber->get('First Name');
	# ExactTarget's subscriber ID, if applicable.
	my $subscriber_id = $subscriber->id();

=head1 METHODS

=head2 new()

Creates a new Subscriber object.

	my $subscriber = Email::ExactTarget::Subscriber->new();


sub new
	my ( $class, %args ) = @_;

	# Create the object.
	my $self = bless(
			'attributes'        => {},
			'staged_attributes' => {},
			'lists'             => {},
			'staged_lists'      => {},

	return $self;

=head2 set()

Sets the attributes and values for the current subscriber object.

			'Email Address' => $email,
			'First Name'    => $first_name,
		'is_live' => $boolean, #default 0

The I<is_live> parameter allows specifying whether the data in the hashref are
local only or if they are already synchronized with ExactTarget's database. By
default, changes are considered local only and you will explicitely have to
synchronize them using the functions of


sub set ## no critic (NamingConventions::ProhibitAmbiguousNames)
	my ( $self, $attributes, %args ) = @_;
	my $is_live = delete( $args{'is_live'} ) || 0;
	confess 'Cannot modify an object flagged as permanently deleted'
		if $self->is_deleted_permanently();
	my $storage_key = $is_live ? 'attributes' : 'staged_attributes';
	while ( my ( $name, $value ) = each( %$attributes ) )
		$self->{ $storage_key }->{ $name } = $value;
	return 1;

=head2 id()

Returns the Subscriber ID associated to the current Subscriber in Exact Target's

	$subscriber->id( 123456789 );

	my $subscriber_id = $subscriber->id();

This will return undef if the object hasn't loaded the subscriber information
from the database, or if a new subscriber hasn't been committed to the database.


sub id
	my ( $self, $id ) = @_;
	if ( defined( $id ) )
		confess 'Subscriber ID format is incorrect'
			unless $id =~ m/^\d+$/;
		confess 'The subscriber ID is already set on this object'
			if defined( $self->{'id'} );
		confess 'Cannot modify an object flagged as permanently deleted'
			if $self->is_deleted_permanently();
		$self->{'id'} = $id;
	return $self->{'id'};

=head2 get()

When passed an attribute name as a parameter, retrieves the corresponding value:

	my $email = $subscriber->get( 'Email Address' );

Note that this will only show the live (retrieved from ExactTarget) values. If
changes have been staged locally, this won't retrieve the new values until you
synchronize them using one of the methods in

#TODO: update documentation to reflect the is_live option.


sub get
	my ( $self, $attribute, %args ) = @_;
	my $is_live = delete( $args{'is_live'} );
	$is_live = 1 unless defined( $is_live );
	confess 'An attribute name is required to retrieve the corresponding value'
		if !defined( $attribute ) || ( $attribute eq '' );
	my $storage_key = $is_live ? 'attributes' : 'staged_attributes';
	carp "The attribute '$attribute' does not exist on the Subscriber object"
		unless exists( $self->{ $storage_key }->{ $attribute } );
	return $self->{ $storage_key }->{ $attribute };

=head2 get_attributes()

Retrieve a hashref containing all the attributes of the current object.

By default, it retrieves the live data (i.e., attributes synchronized with
ExactTarget). If you want to retrieve the staged data, you can set
I<is_live => 0> in the parameters.

	# Retrieve staged attributes (i.e., not synchronized yet with ExactTarget).
	my $attributes = $subscriber->get_attributes( 'is_live' => 0 );
	# Retrieve live attributes.
	my $attributes = $subscriber->get_attributes( 'is_live' => 1 );
	my $attributes = $subscriber->get_attributes();


sub get_attributes
	my ( $self, %args ) = @_;
	my $is_live = delete( $args{'is_live'} );
	$is_live = 1 unless defined( $is_live );
	my $storage_key = $is_live
		? 'attributes'
		: 'staged_attributes';
	# Make a copy of the attributes before returning them, in case the caller
	# needs to modify the hash.
	return { %{ $self->{ $storage_key } || {} } };

=head2 apply_staged_attributes()

Moves the staged attribute changes onto the current object, effectively
'applying' the changes.

			'Email Address',
			'First Name',
	) || confess Dumper( $subscriber->errors() );


sub apply_staged_attributes
	my ( $self, $fields ) = @_;
	confess 'The first parameter needs to be an arrayref of fields to apply'
		if !Data::Validate::Type::is_arrayref( $fields );
	confess 'Cannot modify an object flagged as permanently deleted'
		if $self->is_deleted_permanently();
	my $errors_count = 0;
	foreach my $field ( @$fields )
					$field => $self->{'staged_attributes'}->{ $field },
				'is_live' => 1,
			delete( $self->{'staged_attributes'}->{ $field } );
			$self->add_error( "Failed to apply the staged values for the following attribute: $field." );
	return $errors_count > 0 ? 0 : 1;

=head2 set_lists_status()

Stores the list IDs and corresponding subscription status.

			'1234567' => 'Active',
			'1234568' => 'Unsubscribed',
		'is_live' => $boolean, #default 0

The I<is_live> parameter allows specifying whether the data in the hashref are
local only or if they are already synchronized with ExactTarget's database. By
default, changes are considered local only and you will explicitely have to
synchronize them using the functions of

'Active' and 'Unsubscribed' are the two valid statuses for list subscriptions.


sub set_lists_status
	my ( $self, $statuses, %args ) = @_;
	my $is_live = delete( $args{'is_live'} ) || 0;
	confess 'Cannot modify an object flagged as permanently deleted'
		if $self->is_deleted_permanently();
	# Verify the new status for each list.
	while ( my ( $list_id, $status ) = each( %$statuses ) )
		confess "The status for list ID >$list_id< must be defined"
			unless defined( $status );
		confess "The status >$status< for list ID >$list_id< is incorrect"
			unless $status =~ m/^(?:Active|Unsubscribed)$/;
	# If all the status passed are valid, we can now proceed with updating the
	# subscriber object (we want all updates or none).
	my $storage_key = $is_live ? 'lists' : 'staged_lists';
	while ( my ( $list_id, $status ) = each( %$statuses ) )
		$self->{ $storage_key }->{ $list_id } = $status;
	return 1;

=head2 get_lists_status ()

Returns the subscription status for the lists on the current object.

By default, it retrieves the live data (i.e., list subscriptions synchronized
with ExactTarget). If you want to retrieve the staged data, you can set
I<is_live => 0> in the parameters.

This function takes one mandatory parameter, which indicates whether you want
the staged list information (lists subscribed to locally but not yet
synchronized with ExactTarget) or the live list information (lists subscribed to
in ExactTarget's database). The respective options are I<staged> for the staged
information, and I<live> for the live information.

	# Retrieve staged attributes (i.e., not synchronized yet with ExactTarget).
	my $lists_status = $self->get_lists_status( 'is_live' => 0 );
	# Retrieve live attributes.
	my $lists_status = $self->get_lists_status( 'is_live' => 1 );
	my $lists_status = $self->get_lists_status();


sub get_lists_status
	my ( $self, %args ) = @_;
	my $is_live = delete( $args{'is_live'} );
	$is_live = 1 unless defined( $is_live );
	my $storage_key = $is_live
		? 'lists'
		: 'staged_lists';
	return { %{ $self->{ $storage_key } || {} } };

=head2 apply_staged_lists_status()

Moves the staged list subscription changes onto the current object, effectively
'applying' the changes.

	) || confess Dumper( $subscriber->errors() );


sub apply_staged_lists_status
	my ( $self, $lists_status ) = @_;
	confess 'The first parameter needs to be an hashref of list IDs and statuses to apply'
		if !Data::Validate::Type::is_hashref( $lists_status );
	confess 'Cannot modify an object flagged as permanently deleted'
		if $self->is_deleted_permanently();
	my $errors_count = 0;
	while ( my ( $list_id, $status ) = each( %$lists_status ) )
					$list_id => $status,
				'is_live' => 1,
			delete( $self->{'staged_lists'}->{ $list_id } );
			$self->add_error( "Failed to apply the staged list statuses for the following list ID: $list_id." );
	return $errors_count > 0 ? 0 : 1;

=head2 add_error()

Adds a new error message to the current object.

	$subscriber->add_error( 'Cannot update object.' ) || confess 'Failed to add error';


sub add_error
	my ( $self, $error ) = @_;
	if ( !defined( $error ) || ( $error eq '' ) )
		carp 'No error text specified';
		return 0;
	$self->{'errors'} ||= [];
	push( @{ $self->{'errors'} }, $error );
	return 1;

=head2 errors()

Returns the errors stored on the current object as an arrayref if there is any,
otherwise returns undef.

	# Retrieve the errors.
	my $errors = $subscriber->errors();
	if ( defined( $errors ) )
		print Dumper( $errors );

	# Retrieve and remove the errors.
	my $errors = $subscriber->errors( reset => 1 );
	if ( defined( $errors ) )
		print Dumper( $errors );


sub errors
	my ( $self, %args ) = @_;
	my $reset = delete( $args{'reset'} ) || 0;
	my $errors = $self->{'errors'};
	# If the options require it, removes the errors on the current object.
	$self->{'errors'} = []
		if $reset;
	return $errors;

=head2 flag_as_deleted_permanently()

Flags the subscriber as having been deleted in ExactTarget's database. Any
subsequent operation on this object will be denied.



sub flag_as_deleted_permanently
	my ( $self ) = @_;
	delete( $self->{'id'} );
	$self->{'deleted_permanently'} = 1;
	return 1;

=head2 is_deleted_permanently()

Returns a boolean indicating if the current object has been removed from
ExactTarget's database.

	my $is_removed = $subscriber->is_deleted_permanently();


sub is_deleted_permanently
	my ( $self ) = @_;
	return $self->{'deleted_permanently'} ? 1 : 0;

=head1 AUTHOR

Guillaume Aubert, C<< <aubertg at> >>.

=head1 BUGS

Please report any bugs or feature requests to C<bug-email-exacttarget at>, or through
the web interface at L<>.  I will be notified, and then you'll
automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.

=head1 SUPPORT

You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

	perldoc Email::ExactTarget::Subscriber

You can also look for information at:

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=item * RT: CPAN's request tracker


=item * AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation


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=item * Search CPAN




Thanks to ThinkGeek (L<>) and its corporate overlords
at Geeknet (L<>), for footing the bill while I eat pizza
and write code for them!


Copyright 2009-2012 Guillaume Aubert.

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 as published by the Free
Software Foundation.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
this program. If not, see

