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package IPC::Concurrency::DBI::Application;

use warnings;
use strict;

use Data::Dumper;
use Carp;

use IPC::Concurrency::DBI::Application::Instance;

=head1 NAME

IPC::Concurrency::DBI::Application - Application identifier that represents the resource that will be limited.

=head1 VERSION

Version 1.1.0


our $VERSION = '1.1.0';


This module allows controlling how many instances of a given program are allowed
to run in parallel. It does not manage forking or starting those instances.

See the documentation of IPC::Concurrency::DBI for more information.

	# Configure the concurrency object.
	use IPC::Concurrency::DBI;
	my $concurrency_manager = IPC::Concurrency::DBI->new(
		'database_handle' => $dbh,
		'verbose'         => 1,
	# Retrieve the application.
	my $application = $concurrency_manager->get_application(
		name => '',
	# Count how many instances are currently running.
	my $instances_count = $application->get_instances_count();
	# NOT IMPLEMENTED YET: Get a list of what instances are currently running.
	# my $instances = $application->get_instances_list()
	# Start a new instance of the application. If this returns undef, we've
	# reached the limit.
	my $instance = $concurrent_program->start_instance();
	unless ( defined( $instance ) )
		print "Too many instances of $0 are already running.\n";
	# [...] Do some work.
	# Now that the application is about to exit, flag the instance as completed.
	# (note: this is implicit when $instance is destroyed).

=head1 METHODS

=head2 new()

Create a new IPC::Concurrency::DBI::Application object. This function should
not be called directly and its API could change, instead use

	# Retrieve the application by name.
	my $application = IPC::Concurrency::DBI::Application->new(
		database_handle => $dbh,
		name            => '',
	die 'Application not found'
		unless defined( $application );
	# Retrieve the application by ID.
	my $application = IPC::Concurrency::DBI::Application->new(
		database_handle => $dbh,
		id              => 12345,
	die 'Application not found'
		unless defined( $application );

'database handle': mandatory, a DBI object.

'name': the name of the application to retrieve.

'id': the internal ID of the application to retrieve.


sub new
	my ( $class, %args ) = @_;
	my $database_handle = delete( $args{'database_handle'} );
	my $name = delete( $args{'name'} );
	my $application_id = delete( $args{'application_id'} );
	# Check parameters.
	croak "Argument 'database_handle' is required to create a new IPC::Concurrency::DBI::Application object"
		unless defined( $database_handle );
	croak "Argument 'database_handle' is not a DBI object"
		unless $database_handle->isa( 'DBI::db' );
	croak 'Cannot pass both a name and an application ID, please use only one'
		if defined( $name ) && defined( $application_id );
	# Determine what key to use to retrieve the row.
	my ( $key, $value );
	if ( defined( $name ) )
		$key = 'name';
		$value = $name;
	elsif ( defined( $application_id ) )
		$key = 'ipc_concurrency_application_id';
		$value = $application_id;
		croak 'You need to specify either a name or an ID to retrieve an application';
	# Retrieve the row from the database.
	my $data = $database_handle->selectrow_hashref(
			FROM ipc_concurrency_applications
			WHERE $key = ?
	croak 'Cannot execute SQL: ' . $database_handle->errstr()
		if defined( $database_handle->errstr() );
	croak 'Application not found'
		unless defined( $data );
	# Create the object.
	my $self = bless(
			database_handle => $database_handle,
			data            => $data,
	return $self;

=head2 start_instance()

Start a new instance of the current application.

	my $instance = $application->start_instance();
	unless ( defined( $instance ) )
		print "Too many instances of $0 are already running.\n";


sub start_instance
	my ( $self ) = @_;
	my $database_handle = $self->_get_database_handle();
	my $maximum_instances = $self->get_maximum_instances();
	my $rows_affected = $database_handle->do(
			UPDATE ipc_concurrency_applications
			SET current_instances = current_instances + 1, modified = ?
			WHERE ipc_concurrency_application_id = ?
				AND current_instances < maximum_instances
	# If no row was affected, we've reached the maximum number of instances or
	# the application ID has vanished. Either way, we can't start the instance.
	return unless $rows_affected == 1;
	return IPC::Concurrency::DBI::Application::Instance->new(
		application => $self,


=head2 get_instances_count()

Retrieve the number of instances that currently running.

	my $instances_count = $application->get_instances_count();


sub get_instances_count
	my ( $self ) = @_;
	my $database_handle = $self->_get_database_handle();
	my $maximum_instances = $self->get_maximum_instances();
	my $data = $database_handle->selectrow_hashref(
			SELECT current_instances
			FROM ipc_concurrency_applications
			WHERE ipc_concurrency_application_id = ?
	croak 'Cannot execute SQL: ' . $database_handle->errstr()
		if defined( $database_handle->errstr() );
	croak 'Application not found'
		unless defined( $data );
	return $data->{'current_instances'};

=head2 get_maximum_instances()

Retrieve the maximum number of instances of the current application that are
allowed to run in parallel.

	my $maximum_instances = $application->get_maximum_instances();


sub get_maximum_instances
	my ( $self ) = @_;
	return $self->{'data'}->{'maximum_instances'};

=head2 set_maximum_instances()

Change the maximum number of instances of the current application that are
allowed to run in parallel.

	$application->set_maximum_instances( 10 );


sub set_maximum_instances
	my ( $self, $maximum_instances ) = @_;
	# Check parameters.
	croak 'The maximum number of instances needs to be a strictly positive integer'
		if !defined( $maximum_instances ) || ( $maximum_instances !~ m/^\d+$/ ) || ( $maximum_instances <= 0 );
	# Update the application information.
	my $database_handle = $self->_get_database_handle();
	my $rows_affected = $database_handle->do(
			UPDATE ipc_concurrency_applications
			SET maximum_instances = ?
			WHERE ipc_concurrency_application_id = ?
	$self->{'data'}->{'maximum_instances'} = $maximum_instances;
	return 1;

=head2 get_name()

Returns the name of the current application.

	my $name = $application->get_name();


sub get_name
	my ( $self ) = @_;
	return $self->{'data'}->{'name'};

=head2 get_id()

Returns the internal ID of the current application.

	my $application_id = $self->get_id();


sub get_id
	my ( $self ) = @_;
	return $self->{'data'}->{'ipc_concurrency_application_id'};


=head2 _get_database_handle()

Returns the database handle used for this queue.

	my $database_handle = $concurrency_manager->_get_database_handle();


sub _get_database_handle
	my ( $self ) = @_;
	return $self->{'database_handle'};

=head1 AUTHOR

Guillaume Aubert, C<< <aubertg at> >>.

=head1 BUGS

Please report any bugs or feature requests to C<bug-ipc-concurrency-dbi at>, or through
the web interface at L<>. 
I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on
your bug as I make changes.

=head1 SUPPORT

You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

	perldoc IPC::Concurrency::DBI

You can also look for information at:

=over 4

=item * RT: CPAN's request tracker


=item * AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation


=item * CPAN Ratings


=item * Search CPAN




Thanks to ThinkGeek (L<>) and its corporate overlords
at Geeknet (L<>), for footing the bill while I eat pizza
and write code for them!

Thanks to Jacob Rose C<< <jacob at> >> for suggesting the idea of
this module and brainstorming with me about the features it should offer.


Copyright 2011-2012 Guillaume Aubert.

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 as published by the Free
Software Foundation.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
this program. If not, see

