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package Perl::Critic::Policy::ValuesAndExpressions::PreventSQLInjection;

use 5.006001;
use strict;
use warnings;

use base 'Perl::Critic::Policy';

use Carp;
use Data::Dumper;
use Perl::Critic::Utils;
use Readonly;
use String::InterpolatedVariables;
use Try::Tiny;

=head1 NAME

Perl::Critic::Policy::ValuesAndExpressions::PreventSQLInjection - Prevent SQL injection in interpolated strings.

=head1 VERSION

Version 1.3.1


our $VERSION = '1.3.1';


This is a standalone policy not part of a larger PerlCritic Policies group.


When building SQL statements manually instead of using an ORM, any input must
be quoted or passed using placeholders to prevent the introduction of SQL
injection vectors. This policy attempts to detect the most common sources of
SQL injection in manually crafted SQL statements, by detecting the use of
variables inside interpolated strings that look like SQL statements.

In other words, this policy searches for code such as:

	my $sql = "SELECT * FROM $table WHERE field = $value";

But would leave alone:

	my $string = "Hello $world";


=head2 quoting_methods

A space-separated list of methods that are known to always return a safely
quoted result.

For example, to declare C<custom_quote()> as safe, add the following to your

	quoting_methods = 'custom_quote'

By default, C<quote()> and C<quote_identifier> are considered safe, given their
ubiquity in code that uses DBI. Note however that specifying manually a new
list for C<quoting_methods> will override those defaults, so you will have to
do this if you want to keep the two default methods but add your custom one to
the list:

	quoting_methods = 'quote quote_identifier custom_quote'

=head2 safe_functions

A space-separated string listing the functions that always return a safely
quoted value.

For example, to declare C<quote_function()> and
C<My::Package::quote_external_function()> as safe, add the following to your

	safe_functions = 'quote_function My::Package::quote_external_function'

By default, no functions are considered safe.


You can disable this policy on a particular string with the usual PerlCritic

	my $sql = "SELECT * FROM table WHERE field = $value"; ## no critic (PreventSQLInjection)

This is however not recommended, even if you know that $value is safe because
it was previously quoted with something such as:

	my $value = $dbh->quote( $user_value );

The risk there is that someone will later modify your code and introduce unsafe
variables by accident, which will then not get reported. To prevent this, this
module has a special C<## SQL safe (...)> syntax described below.

=head2 Marking variables as safe

To indicate that a variable has been manually checked and determined to be
safe, add a comment on the same line using this syntax: C<## SQL safe ($var1,
$var2, ...)>.

For example:

	my $sql = "SELECT * FROM table WHERE field = $value"; ## SQL safe($value)

That said, you should always convert your code to use placeholders instead
where possible.

=head2 Marking functions / class methods as safe

To indicate that a function or class method has been manually checked and
determined that it will always return a safe output, add comment on the same
line using the C<## SQL safe(function_name>) syntax:

	my $sql = "SELECT * FROM table WHERE field = "
		. some_safe_method( $value ); ## SQL safe (&some_safe_method)

	my $sql = "SELECT * FROM table WHERE field = "
		. Package::Name::some_safe_method( $value ); ## SQL safe (&Package::Name::some_safe_method)

Note that class methods (a function called with C<-E<gt>> on a package name)
still need to be declared with C<::> in the list of safe elements:

	my $sql = "SELECT * FROM table WHERE field = "
		. Package::Name->some_safe_method( $value ); ## SQL safe (&Package::Name::some_safe_method)

=head2 SQL safe syntax notes

=over 4

=item *

This policy supports both comma-separated and space-separated lists to
describe safe variables. In other words, C<## SQL safe ($var1, $var2, ...)> and
C<## SQL safe ($var1 $var2 ...)> are strictly equivalent.

=item *

You can mix function names and variables in the comments to describe safe elements:

	C<## SQL safe ($var1, &function_name, $var2, ...)>



There are B<many> sources of SQL injection flaws, and this module comes with no guarantee whatsoever. It focuses on the most obvious flaws, but you should still learn more about SQL injection techniques to manually detect more advanced issues.

Possible future improvements for this module:

=over 4

=item * Detect use of sprintf()

This should probably be considered a violation:

	my $sql = sprintf(
		'SELECT * FROM %s',

=item * Detect use of constants

This should not be considered a violation, since constants cannot be modified
by user input:

	use Const::Fast;
	const my $FOOBAR => 12;

	$dbh->do("SELECT name FROM categories WHERE id = $FOOBAR");

=item * Detect SQL string modifications.

Currently, this module only analyzes strings when they are declared, and does not account for later modifications.

This should be reviewed as part of this module:

	my $sql = "select from ";
	$sql .= $table;

As well as this:

	my $sql = "select from ";
	$sql = "$sql $table";




Readonly::Scalar my $DESCRIPTION => 'SQL injection risk.';
Readonly::Scalar my $EXPLANATION => 'Variables in interpolated SQL string are susceptible to SQL injection: %s';

# Default for the name of the methods that make a variable safe to use in SQL
# strings.
Readonly::Scalar my $QUOTING_METHODS_DEFAULT => q|

# Default for the name of the packages and functions / class methods that are safe to
# concatenate to SQL strings.
Readonly::Scalar my $SAFE_FUNCTIONS_DEFAULT => q|

# Regex to detect comments like ## SQL safe ($var1, $var2).
Readonly::Scalar my $SQL_SAFE_COMMENTS_REGEX => qr/
	(?: [#]! .*? )?
	# Find the ## annotation starter.
	# "SQL safe" is our keyword.
	SQL \s+ safe
	# List of safe variables between parentheses.


=head2 supported_parameters()

Return an array with information about the parameters supported.

	my @supported_parameters = $policy->supported_parameters();


sub supported_parameters
	return (
			name            => 'quoting_methods',
			description     => 'A space-separated string listing the methods that return a safely quoted value.',
			default_string  => $QUOTING_METHODS_DEFAULT,
			behavior        => 'string',
			name            => 'safe_functions',
			description     => 'A space-separated string listing the functions that return a safely quoted value',
			default_string  => $SAFE_FUNCTIONS_DEFAULT,
			behavior        => 'string',

=head2 default_severity()

Return the default severify for this policy.

	my $default_severity = $policy->default_severity();


sub default_severity
	return $Perl::Critic::Utils::SEVERITY_HIGHEST;

=head2 default_themes()

Return the default themes this policy is included in.

	my $default_themes = $policy->default_themes();


sub default_themes
	return qw( security );

=head2 applies_to()

Return the class of elements this policy applies to.

	my $class = $policy->applies_to();


sub applies_to
	return qw(

=head2 violates()

Check an element for violations against this policy.

	my $policy->violates(


sub violates
	my ( $self, $element, $doc ) = @_;

	parse_config_parameters( $self );

	parse_comments( $self, $doc );

	# Make sure the first string looks like a SQL statement before investigating
	# further.
	return ()
		if !is_sql_statement( $element );

	# Find SQL injection vulnerabilities.
	my $sql_injections = detect_sql_injections( $self, $element );

	# Return violations if any.
	return defined( $sql_injections ) && scalar( @$sql_injections ) != 0
		? $self->violation(
				join( ', ', @$sql_injections ),
		: ();


=head2 detect_sql_injections()

Detect SQL injections vulnerabilities tied to the PPI element specified.

	my $sql_injections = detect_sql_injections( $policy, $element );


sub detect_sql_injections
	my ( $self, $element ) = @_;

	my $sql_injections = [];
	my $token = $element;
	while ( defined( $token ) && $token ne '' )
		# If the token is a string, we need to analyze it for interpolated
		# variables.
		if ( $token->isa( 'PPI::Token::HereDoc' ) || $token->isa( 'PPI::Token::Quote' ) ) ## no critic (ControlStructures::ProhibitCascadingIfElse)
			push( @$sql_injections, @{ analyze_string_injections( $self, $token ) || [] } );
		# If it is a concatenation operator, continue to the next token.
		elsif ( $token->isa('PPI::Token::Operator') && $token->content() eq '.' )
			# Skip to the next token.
		# If it is a semicolon, we're at the end of the statement and we can finish
		# the process.
		elsif ( $token->isa('PPI::Token::Structure') && $token->content() eq ';' )
		# If we detect a ':' operator, we're at the end of the second argument in a
		# ternary "... ? ... : ..." and we need to finish the process here as the
		# third argument is not concatenated to the this string and will be
		# analyzed separately.
		elsif ( $token->isa('PPI::Token::Operator') && $token->content() eq ':' )
		# If it is a list-separating comma, this list element ends here and we can
		# finish the process.
		elsif ( $token->isa('PPI::Token::Operator') && $token->content() eq ',' )
		# If it is a symbol, it is concatenated to a SQL statement which is an
		# injection risk.
		elsif ( $token->isa('PPI::Token::Symbol') )
			my ( $variable, $is_quoted ) = get_complete_variable( $self, $token );
			if ( !$is_quoted )
				my $safe_elements = get_safe_elements( $self, $token->line_number() );
				push( @$sql_injections, $variable )
					if !exists( $safe_elements->{ $variable } );
		# If it is a word, it may be a function/method call on a package, which is
		# an injection risk.
		elsif ( $token->isa('PPI::Token::Word') )
			# Find out if the PPO::Token::Word is the beginning of a call or not.
			my ( $function_name, $is_quoted ) = get_function_name( $self, $token );
			if ( defined( $function_name ) && !$is_quoted )
				my $safe_elements = get_safe_elements( $self, $token->line_number() );
				push( @$sql_injections, $function_name )
					if !exists( $safe_elements->{ '&' . $function_name } );

		# Move to examining the next sibling token.
		$token = $token->snext_sibling();

	return $sql_injections;

=head2 get_function_name()

Retrieve full name (including the package name) of a class function/method
based on a PPI::Token::Word object, and indicate if it is a call that returns
quoted data making it safe to include directly into SQL strings.

	my ( $function_name, $is_quoted ) = get_function_name( $policy, $token );


sub get_function_name
	my ( $self, $token ) = @_;

	croak 'The first parameter needs to be a PPI::Token::Word object'
		if !$token->isa('PPI::Token::Word');

	my $next_sibling = $token->snext_sibling();
	return ()
		if !defined( $next_sibling ) || ( $next_sibling eq '' );

	my ( $package, $function_name );

	# Catch Package::Name->method().
	if ( $next_sibling->isa('PPI::Token::Operator') && ( $next_sibling->content() eq '->' ) )
		my $function = $next_sibling->snext_sibling();

		return ()
			if !defined( $function ) || ( $function eq '' );
		return ()
			if !$function->isa('PPI::Token::Word');

		$package = $token->content();
		$function_name = $function->content();

		$function->{'_handled'} = 1;
	# Catch Package::Name::function().
	elsif ( $next_sibling->isa('PPI::Structure::List') )
		# Package::Name->method() will result in two PPI::Token::Word being
		# detected, one for 'Package::Name' and one for 'method'. 'Package::Name'
		# will be caught in the if() block above, but 'method' would get caught
		# separately by this block. To prevent this, we scan the previous sibling
		# here and skip if we find that it is a '->' operator.
		my $previous_sibling = $token->sprevious_sibling();
		return ()
			if $previous_sibling->isa('PPI::Token::Operator') && ( $previous_sibling->content() eq '->' );

		my $content = $token->content();

		# Catch function calls in the same namespace.
		if ( $content !~ /::/ )
			( $package, $function_name ) = ( undef, $content );
		# Catch function calls in a different namespace.
			( $package, $function_name ) = $content =~ /^(.*)::([^:]+)$/;
		return ();

	my $full_name = join( '::', grep { defined( $_ ) } ( $package, $function_name ) );
	my $is_safe = defined( $self->{'_safe_functions_regex'} ) && ( $full_name =~ $self->{'_safe_functions_regex'} )
		? 1
		: 0;
	return ( $full_name, $is_safe );

=head2 get_complete_variable()

Retrieve a complete variable starting with a PPI::Token::Symbol object, and
indicate if the variable has used a quoting method to make it safe to use
directly in SQL strings.

	my ( $variable, $is_quoted ) = get_complete_variable( $policy, $token );

For example, if you have $variable->{test}->[0] in your code, PPI will identify
$variable as a PPI::Token::Symbol, and calling this function on that token will
return the whole "$variable->{test}->[0]" string.


sub get_complete_variable
	my ( $self, $token ) = @_;

	croak 'The first parameter needs to be a PPI::Token::Symbol object'
		if !$token->isa('PPI::Token::Symbol');

	my $variable = $token->content();
	my $is_quoted = 0;
	my $sibling = $token;
	while ( 1 )
		$sibling = $sibling->next_sibling();
		last if !defined( $sibling ) || ( $sibling eq '' );

		if ( $sibling->isa('PPI::Token::Operator') && $sibling->content() eq '->' )
			$variable .= '->';
		elsif ( $sibling->isa('PPI::Structure::Subscript') )
			$variable .= $sibling->content();
		elsif ( $sibling->isa('PPI::Token::Word')
			&& $sibling->method_call()
			&& defined( $self->{'_quoting_methods_regex'} )
			&& ( $sibling->content =~ $self->{'_quoting_methods_regex'} )
			$is_quoted = 1;

	return ( $variable, $is_quoted );

=head2 is_sql_statement()

Return a boolean indicating whether a string is potentially the beginning of a SQL statement.

	my $is_sql_statement = is_sql_statement( $token );


sub is_sql_statement
	my ( $token ) = @_;
	my $content = get_token_content( $token );

	return $content =~ /^ \s* (?: SELECT | INSERT | UPDATE | DELETE ) \b/six
		? 1
		: 0;

=head2 get_token_content()

Return the text content of a PPI token.

	my $content = get_token_content( $token );


sub get_token_content
	my ( $token ) = @_;

	# Retrieve the string's content.
	my $content;
	if ( $token->isa('PPI::Token::HereDoc') )
		my @heredoc = $token->heredoc();
		$content = join( '', @heredoc );
	elsif ( $token->isa('PPI::Token::Quote' ) )
		# ->string() strips off the leading and trailing quotation signs.
		$content = $token->string();
		$content = $token->content();

	return $content;

=head2 analyze_string_injections()

Analyze a token representing a string and returns an arrayref of variables that
are potential SQL injection vectors.

	my $sql_injection_vector_names = analyze_string_injections(


sub analyze_string_injections
	my ( $policy, $token ) = @_;

	my $sql_injections =
		# Single quoted strings aren't prone to SQL injection.
			if $token->isa('PPI::Token::Quote::Single');

		# PPI treats HereDoc differently than Quote and QuoteLike for the moment,
		# this may however change in the future according to the documentation of
		# PPI.
		my $is_heredoc = $token->isa('PPI::Token::HereDoc');

		# Retrieve the string's content.
		my $content = get_token_content( $token );

		# Find the list of variables marked as safe using "## SQL safe".
		# Note: comments will appear at the end of the token, so we need to
		#       determine the ending line number instead of the beginning line
		#       number.
		my $extra_height_span =()= $content =~ /\n/g;
		my $safe_elements = get_safe_elements(
			$policy, #$self
				# Heredoc comments will be on the same line as the opening marker.
				+ ( $is_heredoc ? 0 : $extra_height_span ),

		# Find all the variables that appear in the string.
		my $unsafe_variables = [
			grep { !$safe_elements->{ $_ } }
			@{ String::InterpolatedVariables::extract( $content ) }

		# Based on the token type, determine if it is interpolated and report any
		# unsafe variables.
		if ( $token->isa('PPI::Token::Quote::Double') )
			return $unsafe_variables
				if scalar( @$unsafe_variables ) != 0;
		elsif ( $token->isa('PPI::Token::Quote::Interpolate') )
			my $raw_content = $token->content();
			my ( $lead ) = $raw_content =~ /\A(qq?)([^q])/s;
			croak "Unknown format for >$raw_content<"
				if !defined( $lead );

			# Skip single quoted strings.
			return if $lead eq 'q';

			return $unsafe_variables
				if scalar( @$unsafe_variables ) != 0;
		elsif ( $is_heredoc )
			# Single quoted heredocs are not interpolated, so they're safe.
			# Note: '_mode' doesn't seem to be publicly accessible, and the tokenizer
			#       destroys the part of the heredoc termination marker that would
			#       allow determining whether it's interpolated, so the only option
			#       is to rely on the private property of the token here.
			return if $token->{'_mode'} ne 'interpolate';

			return $unsafe_variables
				if scalar( @$unsafe_variables ) != 0;

		print STDERR "Error: $_\n";

	return defined( $sql_injections )
		? $sql_injections
		: [];

=head2 get_safe_elements()

Return a hashref with safe element names as the keys.

	my $safe_elements = get_safe_elements(


sub get_safe_elements
	my ( $self, $line_number ) = @_;

	# Validate input and state.
	croak 'Parsed comments not found'
		if !defined( $self->{'_sqlsafe'} );
	croak 'A line number is mandatory'
		if !defined( $line_number ) || ( $line_number !~ /\A\d+\Z/ );

	# If there's nothing in the cache for that line, return immediately.
	return {}
		if !exists( $self->{'_sqlsafe'}->{ $line_number } );

	# Return a hash of safe element names.
	return {
			{ $_ => 1 }
			@{ $self->{'_sqlsafe'}->{ $line_number } }

=head2 parse_comments()

Parse the comments for the current document and identify elements marked as
SQL safe.



sub parse_comments
	my ( $self, $doc ) = @_;

	# Only parse if we haven't done so already.
		if defined( $self->{'_sqlsafe'} );

	# Parse all the comments for this document.
	$self->{'_sqlsafe'} = {};
	my $comments = $doc->find('PPI::Token::Comment') || [];
	foreach my $comment ( @$comments )
		# Determine if the line is a "SQL safe" comment.
		my ( $safe_elements ) = $comment =~ $SQL_SAFE_COMMENTS_REGEX;
		next if !defined( $safe_elements );

		# Store list of safe elements for that line.
			@{ $self->{'_sqlsafe'}->{ $comment->line_number() } },
			split( /[\s,]+(?=[\$\@\%\&])/, $safe_elements )

	#print STDERR "SQL safe elements: ", Dumper( $self->{'_sqlsafe'} ), "\n";

=head2 parse_config_parameters()

Parse the parameters from the C<.perlcriticrc> file, if any are specified

	parse_config_parameters( $policy );


sub parse_config_parameters
	my ( $self ) = @_;

	if ( !exists( $self->{'_quoting_methods_regex'} ) )
		if ( $self->{'_quoting_methods'} =~ /\w/ )
			my $regex_components = join( '|', grep { $_ =~ /\w/ } split( /,?\s+/, $self->{'_quoting_methods'} ) );
			$self->{'_quoting_methods_regex'} = qr/^(?:$regex_components)$/x;
			$self->{'_quoting_methods_regex'} = undef;

	if ( !exists( $self->{'_safe_functions_regex'} ) )
		if ( $self->{'_safe_functions'} =~ /\w/ )
			my $regex_components = join( '|', grep { $_ =~ /\w/ } split( /,?\s+/, $self->{'_safe_functions'} ) );
			$self->{'_safe_functions_regex'} = qr/^(?:$regex_components)$/x;
			$self->{'_safe_functions_regex'} = undef;


=head1 BUGS

Please report any bugs or feature requests through the web interface at
I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on
your bug as I make changes.

=head1 SUPPORT

You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

	perldoc Perl::Critic::Policy::ValuesAndExpressions::PreventSQLInjection

You can also look for information at:

=over 4

=item * GitHub (report bugs there)


=item * AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation


=item * CPAN Ratings


=item * MetaCPAN



=head1 AUTHOR

L<Guillaume Aubert|>,
C<< <aubertg at> >>.


Copyright 2013-2014 Guillaume Aubert.

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 as published by the Free
Software Foundation.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
this program. If not, see

