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package Convert::GeekCode;
use 5.005;
use strict;

$Convert::GeekCode::VERSION = '0.63';

use YAML ();
use Exporter;

=encoding utf8

=head1 NAME

Convert::GeekCode - Convert and generate geek code sequences


    use Convert::GeekCode; # exports geek_decode()

    my @out = geek_decode(q(
    Version: 3.12
    GB/C/CM/CS/CC/ED/H/IT/L/M/MU/P/SS/TW/AT d---x s+: a-- C++++ UB++++$
    P++++$ L+ E--->+ W+++$ N++ !o K w--(++) O-- M-@ !V PS+++ PE Y+>++
    PGP++ t+ 5? X+ R+++ !tv b++++ DI+++@ D++ G++++ e-(--) h* r++(+) z++*
    ------END GEEK CODE BLOCK------
    )); # yes, that's the author's geek code

    my ($key, $val);
    print "[$key]\n$val\n\n" while (($key, $val) = splice(@out, 0, 2));


B<Convert::GeekCode> converts and generates Geek Code sequences (cf.
L<>). It supports different langugage codes and
user-customizable codesets.

Since version 0.5, this module uses B<YAML> to represent the geek code
tables, for greater readability and ease of deserialization.  Please
refer to L<> for more related information.

The F<geekgen> and F<geekdec> utilities are installed by default,
and may be used to generate / decode geek code blocks, respectively.


@ISA       = qw/Exporter/;
@EXPORT    = qw/geek_encode geek_decode/;

sub new {
    my $class   = shift;
    my $id      = shift || 'geekcode';
    my $version = shift || '3.12';
    my $lang    = shift || 'en_us';
    my ( $cursec, $curcode, $curval );

    $lang =~ tr/-/_/;    # paranoia

    my $file = locate("$id/$version/$lang.yml")
      or die "cannot locate $id/$version/$lang.yml in @INC";

    my $self = YAML::LoadFile($file);
    return bless( $self, $class );

sub decode {
    my ( $self, $code ) = @_;

    die "can't find geek code block; stop."
      unless $code =~ m|\Q$self->{Head}\E([\x00-\xff]+)\Q$self->{Tail}\E|;

    $code = $1;
    $code =~ s|^\s+||mg; # Strip leading spaces
    $code =~ s|[\x00-\xff]*?^$self->{Begin}|_|m or die "Sorry, could not decode your Geekcode. Please check if it has the right syntax:\n$code\n";

    my @ret;

    foreach my $chunk ( split( /[\s\t\n\r]+/, $code ) ) {
        next unless $chunk =~ m|^(\!?\w+)\b|;

        my $head = $1;
        while ($head) {
            if ( exists( $self->{_}{$head} ) ) {
                my $sec = $self->{_}{$head};
                my $out;

                push @ret, $sec->{_};
                $chunk = substr( $chunk, length($head) );
                $out = $sec->{''} . $DELIMITER
                  if !$chunk
                      or $chunk =~ /^[\>\(]/;

                while ($chunk) {
                    next if $self->tokenize( $sec,           \$chunk, \$out );
                    next if $self->tokenize( $self->{_}{''}, \$chunk, \$out );

                    warn "parse error: ", substr( $chunk, 0, 1 );
                    $chunk = substr( $chunk, 1 );

                push @ret, $out;

            $head = substr( $head, 0, -1 );

    return @ret;

sub encode {
    my ( $self, $code ) = @_;

    my @out;
    foreach my $sec ( split( /[\s\t\n\r]+/, $self->{Sequence} ) ) {
        my $secref = $self->{_}{$sec} or next;
        $sec = $self->{Begin} if $sec eq '_';
        push @out, $code->(
            map {
                my $sym  = $secref->{$_};
                my $code = $_;
                $code =~ s/[\x27\/]//g;
                        ( index( $code, $sec ) > -1 )
                        ? $code
                        : ( $code eq '!' ? "$code$sec" : "$sec$code" )
              } grep { $_ ne '_' }
              sort { calcv($a) cmp calcv($b); } keys( %{$secref} )

        $out[-1] =~ s|\s+|/|g;
        $out[-1] =~ s|/+$||;
        $out[-1] =~ s|(?<=.)$sec||g;

    return join( "\n",
        $self->{Ver} . $self->{Version},
        join( ' ', @out ),
        $self->{Tail}, '', );

sub calcv {
    my $sym = shift or return '';

    return chr(0) x ( 10 - length($sym) ) if substr( $sym, 0, 1 ) eq '+';
    return chr(2) x length($sym) if substr( $sym, 0, 1 ) eq '-';
    return chr(1) if $sym eq '';
    return $sym;

sub tokenize {
    my ( $self, $sec, $chunk, $out ) = @_;

    foreach my $key ( sort { length($b) <=> length($a) } keys( %{$sec} ) ) {
        next if $key eq '_' or !$key;

        if ( $key =~ m|/(.+)/| ) {
            if ( $$chunk =~ s|^$1|| ) {
                $$out .= $sec->{$key} . $DELIMITER;
                return 1;
        elsif ( $$chunk =~ s/^\Q$key\E// ) {
            $$out .= $sec->{$key} . $DELIMITER;
            return 1;


sub locate {
    my $path = (caller)[0];
    my $file = $_[0];

    $path =~ s|::|/|g;
    $path =~ s|\w+\$||;

    unless ( -e $file ) {
        foreach my $inc (@INC) {
            last if -e ( $file = join( '/', $inc, $_[0] ) );
            last if -e ( $file = join( '/', $inc, $path, $_[0] ) );

    return -e $file ? $file : undef;

sub geek_decode {
    my $code = shift;
    my $obj  = __PACKAGE__->new(@_);    # XXX should auto-detect version

    return $obj->decode($code);

sub geek_encode {
    my $code = shift;
    my $obj  = __PACKAGE__->new(@_);    # XXX should auto-detect version

    return $obj->encode($code);



=head1 SEE ALSO

L<geekgen>, L<geekdec>, L<YAML>

=head1 AUTHORS

唐鳳 E<lt>cpan@audreyt.orgE<gt>

=head1 CC0 1.0 Universal

To the extent possible under law, 唐鳳 has waived all copyright and related
or neighboring rights to Convert-GeekCode.

This work is published from Taiwan.

