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use v6-alpha;

use HTTP::Headers;

class HTTP::Message-0.1;

our $CRLF = "\o15\o12";

has HTTP::Headers $!headers handles «
    header push_header init_header remove_header remove_content_headers header_field_names scan
    date expires if_modified_since if_unmodified_since last_modified
    content_type content_encoding content_length content_language
    title user_agent server from referer
    www_authenticate authorization proxy_authorization authorization_basic proxy_authorization_basic

has $!content;
has $!content_ref;
has $!protocol;

has @!parts;

multi submethod BUILD (HTTP::Headers $header, Str $content = "") {
    $!headers = $header;
    $!content = $content;

multi submethod BUILD (%header, Str $content = "") {
    $!headers =|%header);
    $!content = $content;

multi submethod BUILD () {
    $!headers =;
    $!content = "";

method parse (Str $string) returns HTTP::Headers {
    my %headers;
    my ($field, $value);
    loop {
        # XXX use Perl 6 pattern matching and named binding
        #if ($string ~~ s:/^ $field := (<-[ \t:]>+) <[ \t]>*\: <sp>? $value := (.*) \n?//) {
        if ($string ~~ s:P5/^([^ \t:]+)[ \t]*: ?(.*)\n?//) {
            $field = $0;
            $value = $1;
            #$value ~~ s/\r$//;
            $value ~~ s:P5/\r\z//;
            %headers{$field} = $value;
        } elsif (%headers.pairs && $string ~~ s/^ (<[ \t]> .*) \n?//) {
            %headers{$field} ~= "\n$0";
            #%headers{$field} ~~ s/\r$//;
            %headers{$field} ~~ s:P5/\r\z//;
        } else {
            $string ~~ s:P5/^\r?\n//;
    return ::?, $string);

method clear ($self: ) returns Void {
    $self.content = '';
    @!parts = ();

method protocol (Str $protocol?) is rw {
        FETCH => { $!protocol; },
        STORE => -> Str $val { $!protocol = $val; }

# XXX this might need to be rewritten
method content ($self: Str $content?, Bool $keep?) is rw {
        FETCH => {
                if (want.List) {
                    $!content unless $!content.defined;
                    my $old = $!content;
                    $old = $$old if $old.WHAT eq "Scalar";
                    return $old;
        STORE => -> Str $content, Bool $keep? {
                if (want ~~ List) {
                    $!content unless $!content.defined;
                    my $old = $self!content;
                    $old = $$old if $old.WHAT eq "Scalar";
                $!content = $content;
                #@!parts = () if $del;
                $self!set_content($content, $keep);
                return $old if want.List;

my method set_content (Str $content, Bool $keep?) returns Void {
    $!content = $content;
    @!parts = () unless $keep;

# XXX does add_content() need to create references, etc. like the P5 version?
# I figure it shouldn't be needed since the parameters are bound, not copied.
method add_content (Str $content) {
    $!content ~= $content;

method content_ref (Ref $content?) is rw {
    $!content unless $!content.defined;
    @!parts = ();
    my $old = \$!content;
    my $old_ref = $!content_ref;
    $old = $$old if $old_ref;
        FETCH => { return $old; },
        STORE => -> Ref $content {
                $!content = $content;
                return $old;

# XXX decoded_content needs to be ported.  It requires:
#   HTTP::Headers::Util (done)
#   Compress::Zlib
#   Compress::Bzip2
#   MIME::Base64
#   MIME::QuotedPrint
#   Encode
method decoded_content ($self: ) {

method as_string ($self: Str $newline = "\n") returns Str {
    my $content = $self.content;
    return [~] ($!headers.as_string($newline), $newline, ($content.chars && $content !~~ /\n$/) ?? "\n" !! "");

method parts ($self: *@new) is rw {
    my @old = @!parts;
        FETCH => { return @old if want.List; return @old[0]; },
        STORE => -> *@new {
            my $content_type = $self.content_type // "";
            if ($content_type ~~ m,^message/,) {
                die "Only one part allowed for $content_type content!"
                    if @new > 1;
            } elsif ($content_type !~~ m,^multipart/,) {
            @!parts = @new;
            return @old if want.List;
            return @old[0];

method add_part ($self: ::?CLASS $part) returns Void {
    if ((.content_type // "") !~~ m,^multipart/,) {
        my $message = ::?, .content(""));
        @!parts = $message;
    } elsif (!@!parts) {
    push @!parts, $part;

my method stale_content () {

my method parts ($self: ) {
    my $content_type = .content_type;
    if ($content_type ~~ m,^multipart/,) {
        my @h = HTTP::Headers::Util::split_header_words(.header("Content-Type"));
        my %h = %(@h[0]);
        if ((my $boundary = $h<boundary>).defined) {
            my $str = $self.content;
            if ($str ~~ s:P5/(^|.*?\r?\n)--\Q$boundary\E\r?\n//) {
                @!parts = split(rx:P5/\r?\n--\Q$b\E\r?\n/, $str).map:{ HTTP::Message::parse($_); };
    } elsif ($content_type eq "message/http") {
        my $content = $self.content;
        my $class = ($content ~~ m,^(HTTP/.*)\n,) ?? HTTP::Response !! HTTP::Request;
        @!parts = $class.parse($content);
    } elsif ($content_type ~~ m,message/,) {
        @!parts = HTTP::Message.parse($self.content);
    @!parts //= ();

my method content ($self: ) {
    my $content_type = $self.content_type // "";
    if ($content_type ~~ m:i,^\s*message/,) {
        $self!set_content(@!parts[0].as_string($CRLF), 1);
    my @v = HTTP::Headers::Util::split_header_words($content_type);
    die "Multiple Content-Type headers!" if @v > 1;
    @v = @v[0];
    my ($boundary, $boundary_index);
    my @tmp = @v;
    for @tmp -> $k, $v {
        if ($ eq "boundary") {
            $boundary = $v;
            $boundary_index = @v - @tmp - 1;
    my @parts = @!{ .as_string($CRLF) });
    my $bno = 0;
    $boundary //= $self!boundary;
    # XXX need to do the CHECK_BOUNDARY bit
    if ($boundary_index) {
        @v[$boundary_index] = $boundary;
    } else {
        @v.push(boundary => "boundary");
    $content_type = HTTP::Headers::Util::join_header_words(@v);
    $self.header("Content-Type", $content_type);
    $self!set_content("--$boundary$CRLF" ~ @parts.join("$CRLF--boundary$CRLF") ~ "$CRLF--$boundary$CRLF", 1);

my method boundary (Num ?$size) returns Str {
    if (!$size) { return "xYzZY"; }
    my $b;
    # XXX use MIME::Base64::encode
    #$b = MIME::Base64::encode([~] (1..($size * 3).map:{ chr(rand(256)) }), "");
    $b ~~ s:g/\W+/X/; # ensure alnum only
    return $b;

multi sub *coerce:<as> (::?CLASS $self, Str ::to) {