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#!/usr/bin/perl -w


Note that an alternative to writing primitives in p5 is to write them
in p6 and add them to Prelude.


package PrimFilter;
sub gen {
    $what =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
    my $args5 = $args;
    my $args6 = $args;
    $args5 =~ s/(?<!\*)\@/\$/g; $args5 =~ s/(?<!\*)\%/\$/g;
    $args5 =~ s/\*\@/\@/g; $args5 =~ s/\*\%/\%/g;
    $args6 =~ s/\A\s+//; # for split.
    $args6 = join(",",map{"'$_'"} split(/\s*,\s*/,$args6));
    my $my_args = $args =~ /\A\s*\Z/ ? "" : "my($args5)=\@_; ";
    "def '$what','$name', [$args6], sub {my \$_fn ='$name'; $my_args";

use Filter::Simple sub {
    s/{\.\.\.}/{p6_die("\$_fn: unimplemented");}/g;
    s/(MULTI SUB|MACROP5)\s+(.*?(?:[\]\>]|\w))\s+\((.*?)\)\s+{/gen($1,$2,$3)/ge;
    #print; #print STDERR;
# BEGIN { FILTER_ONLY code => sub {} }; also works?

package PrimP5;
BEGIN {PrimFilter::import};
use Math::Trig;
use PIL::Run::ApiX;
sub def {

sub smart_match {
    my $ret = attempt_rx_match($a,$b);
    return $ret if defined $ret;
    p6_from_b(p6_to_s($a) eq p6_to_s($b));

# a first few - dont add more here?
MULTI SUB pi () {p6_from_n(Math::Trig::pi)};
MULTI SUB say (*@args) {
    p6_new(Int => print( (map{p6_to_s($_)}@args),"\n"));

MULTI SUB circumfix:<{}> (*@a) {
    # param is Pair or Array of Pair
    my $h = Hash->new();
    my $p = shift @a;
    if ( $p->isa( 'Pair' ) ) {
        $h->store( $p->key, $p->value );
    elsif ( $p->isa( 'Array' ) ) {
        for ( 0 .. $p->elems->unboxed -1 ) {
            my $pp = $p->fetch($_)->fetch;
            # warn "pp = $pp ". $pp->str->unboxed;
            $h->store( $pp->key, $pp->value );
    else {
        warn "Not implemented - Hash from $p";
    return $h;

MULTI SUB circumfix:<[]> (*@a) {
    my $h = Array->new();
    if ( @a ) {
        my $p = shift @a;
        if ( p6_isa( $p, 'Array' ) ) {
            for ( $p->items ) {
                my $pp = $_; # ->clone; XXX
                # warn "pp = $pp ". $pp->str->unboxed;
                $h->push( $pp );
        else {
            $h->push( $p );
    $h = Ref->new( '$.referred' => $h );
    return $h;

MULTI SUB coerce:as ($x, $to) { 
    my $tmp;
    my $class = $to->unboxed;
    eval { $tmp = $x->$class };
    if ( $@ ) {
        my $c = lc($class);
        eval { $tmp = $x->$c };
    if ( $@ ) {
        eval { $tmp = $class->new( '$.unboxed' => $x->unboxed ) };
    if ( $@ ) {
        no warnings 'numeric';
        return p6_from_b($tmp) if $class eq 'Bit' && ! ref( $tmp );
        warn "can't coerce $x to $class ($@)";
        $tmp = p6_from_s("");
    return $tmp;

MULTI SUB infix:<,>  (*@a) {
    # warn "COMMA: @a\n";
    my $a = p6_from_a( @a );
    # warn "elems: ". p6_to_n( $a->elems );
    my $idx = Array->new();
    # TODO - split index into @a.each.elems parts
    if ( p6_to_n( $a->elems ) == &Perl6::Value::Num::Inf ) {
        $idx->push( Perl6::Value::List->from_num_range( start => 0, end => p6_to_n( $a->elems ) - 1 ) )
    else {
        for ( 0 .. p6_to_n( $a->elems ) - 1 ) {
            $idx->push( $_ )
    #warn "INFIX COMMA: ",p6_to_s($a)," -- SLICE: ", p6_to_s($idx),"\n";
    $a->slice( $idx );
# MULTI SUB Array::fetch ($a,$i) {
#    # implements (1,2,3)[1] - see - postcircumfix:<[ ]>
#    $a->fetch( $i->unboxed )
MULTI SUB Array::slice ($a,$i) {
    # implements (1,2,3)[1] - see - postcircumfix:<[ ]>
    if ( p6_isa($i,'Array') ) {
        # warn "SLICE: ".$i->perl->unboxed;
        $a->slice( $i )
    else {
        $a->fetch( $i->unboxed )

# Things which dont appear in Prim.hs
MACROP5   statement_control:<if> ($xx0,$xx1,$xx2) {
    "do{ if (p6_to_b($xx0)) { $xx1 } else { $xx2 } }";
MACROP5   statement_control:<unless> ($xx0,$xx1,$xx2) {
    "do{ if (!p6_to_b($xx0)) { $xx1 } else { $xx2 } }";
MACROP5   statement_control:<while> ($xx0,$xx1) {
    "do{ while (p6_to_b(p6_apply($xx0))) { ".p6_loop_macro("p6_apply($xx1)")." } }";
MACROP5   Package::_create ($xx0) {""};
MACROP5   Module::_create ($xx0) {""};
MACROP5   Class::_create ($xx0) {""};
MACROP5   Role::_create ($xx0) {""};

# From Prim.hs
# op0
#MULTI SUB XXX:<&> () {...}; - ???
#MULTI SUB XXX:<^> () {...}; - ???
#MULTI SUB XXX:<|> () {...}; - ???
MULTI SUB want () {...};
MULTI SUB bool::true () { p6_from_b(1) };
MULTI SUB bool::false () { p6_from_b(0) };
MULTI SUB time () { use Time::HiRes; p6_from_n(time)};
MULTI SUB times () {p6_from_l(times)};
MULTI SUB so () {...};
#MULTI SUB ¥ () {...}; - need protective unicode mangling/encoding first.
#MULTI SUB Y () {...};
MULTI SUB File::Spec::cwd () {p6_from_s(cwd)};
MULTI SUB File::Spec::tmpdir () {...};
# pi say - placed above, as a temporary dev hack.
MULTI SUB print (*@xxa) {print(map{p6_to_s($_)} @xxa);};
MACROP5   return (*@xxa) {p6_return_macro(@xxa)};
MULTI SUB yield () {...};
MULTI SUB take () {...};
# nothing - in PrimP6

# op1
#MULTI SUB prefix:<!> ($xx) {...}; # in PrimP6
# MULTI SUB id ($xx)    { Perl6::Value::identify($xx) };
# MULTI SUB clone ($xx) { $xx->clone };
MULTI SUB chop ($xx)  {...};
MULTI SUB chomp ($xx) {...};
MULTI SUB Str::split (*@xxa) {...};
MULTI SUB lc ($xx)      { p6_from_s( lc(p6_to_s($xx)) ) };
MULTI SUB lcfirst ($xx) { p6_from_s( lcfirst(p6_to_s($xx)) ) };
MULTI SUB uc ($xx)      { p6_from_s( uc(p6_to_s($xx)) )  };
MULTI SUB ucfirst ($xx) { p6_from_s( ucfirst(p6_to_s($xx)) ) };
MULTI SUB capitalize ($xx) {
    my $string = $xx->unboxed;
    # from the Perl FAQ
    $string =~ s/ (
                 (^\w)    #at the beginning of the line
                   |      # or
                 (\s\w)   #preceded by whitespace
    $string =~ s/([\w\']+)/\u\L$1/g;
MULTI SUB undef ($xx) {p6_undef};
#MULTI SUB undefine ($xx) {p6_set($xx,p6_undef)};
#MULTI SUB prefix:<+> ($xx) {...}; # in PrimP6
#MULTI SUB abs ($xx) {...};
MULTI SUB Pugs::Internals::truncate ($xx) {...};
MULTI SUB Pugs::Internals::round ($xx) {...};
MULTI SUB Pugs::Internals::floor ($xx) {...};
MULTI SUB Pugs::Internals::ceiling ($xx) {...};
MULTI SUB cos ($xx)  { p6_from_n( cos(p6_to_n($xx)) ) };
MULTI SUB sin ($xx)  { p6_from_n( sin(p6_to_n($xx)) ) };
MULTI SUB tan ($xx)  { p6_from_n( tan(p6_to_n($xx)) ) };
MULTI SUB sqrt ($xx) { p6_from_n( sqrt(p6_to_n($xx)) ) };
MULTI SUB atan (*@xxa) { p6_from_n( atan(map{p6_to_n($_)}@xxa) ) };

MULTI SUB postfix:<++> ($xx) { 
 if(0){# XXX
    my $tmp = $xx; # XXX - use clone() - needs MM2
    $xx->store( $xx->fetch->increment );
    return $tmp;
    warn "faking increment\n";
    my $old = p6_new(Num => p6_to_n($xx)); # XXX - use clone() - needs MM2
MULTI SUB prefix:<++> ($xx)  { 
 if(0){# XXX
    $xx->store( $xx->fetch->increment );
    return $xx;
    warn "faking increment\n";
MULTI SUB postfix:<--> ($xx) { 
    my $tmp = $xx; # XXX - use clone() - needs MM2
    $xx->store( $xx->fetch->decrement );
    return $tmp;
    #my $old = p6_new(Num => p6_to_n($xx)); # XXX - use clone() - needs MM2
MULTI SUB prefix:<--> ($xx)  { 
    $xx->store( $xx->fetch->decrement );
    return $xx;

MULTI SUB item ($xx) {...};
MULTI SUB sort (*@xxa) {p6_from_l(sort map{p6_to_s($_)} @xxa)};
#MULTI SUB reverse (@xx) { $xx->reverse };
MULTI SUB reverse ($xx) { 
    if ( p6_isa( $xx, 'Array' ) ) {
        my $ret = Array->new();
        $ret->store( $xx );  # unbind slice
        #warn "reversing ".p6_to_s($ret)." -- $ret\n";
        # return $ret->reverse;
        $ret = $ret->reverse;
        #warn "      got ".p6_to_s($ret)." -- $ret\n";
    else {
        my $tmp = p6_to_s( $xx );
        $tmp = reverse( $tmp );
        Str->new( '$.unboxed' => $tmp ); 
MULTI SUB zip (@x0,*@x1) { 
    # warn "x0 ".ref($x0)." ".$x0->perl->unboxed;
    my $a;
    if ( @x1 == 1 && ref( $x1[0] ) eq 'Array' ) {
        $a = $x1[0];
        # warn ref( $a );
        # warn $a->perl->unboxed;
    else {
        $a = p6_from_a( @x1 );
    # warn ref( $a );
    # warn $a->perl->unboxed;
    my $res = $x0->zip( $a );
    # warn "res ".ref($res)." ".$res->perl->unboxed;
    return $res;
MULTI SUB list (*@xx) { p6_from_a( @xx ) };
MULTI SUB pair ($xx0,$xx1) { Pair->new( '$.key' => $xx0, '$.value' => $xx1 ) };
#MULTI SUB prefix:<~> ($xx) {...}; # in PrimP6
#MULTI SUB prefix:<?> ($xx) {...}; # in PrimP6
#MULTI SUB int ($xx) {...}; # in PrimP6
MULTI SUB prefix:<+^> ($xx) {...};
MULTI SUB prefix:<~^> ($xx) {...};
MULTI SUB prefix:<?^> ($xx) {...};
MULTI SUB prefix:<\\> ($xx) { p6_new(Ref => $xx) };
# MULTI SUB postfix:<...> ($xx) {...}; # in PrimP6
# MULTI SUB true ($xx) {...}; # in PrimP6
MULTI SUB any  (*@xx) { p6_new(Junction => 'any',  @xx) };
MULTI SUB all  (*@xx) { p6_new(Junction => 'all',  @xx) };
MULTI SUB one  (*@xx) { p6_new(Junction => 'one',  @xx) };
MULTI SUB none (*@xx) { p6_new(Junction => 'none', @xx) };
MULTI SUB perl ($xx) { $xx->perl };
MULTI SUB require_haskell ($xx) {...};
MULTI SUB require_parrot ($xx) {...};
MULTI SUB require_perl5 ($xx) { p6_from_x(eval("require ".p6_to_s($xx).";"));};
MULTI SUB Pugs::Internals::eval_parrot ($xx) {...};
MULTI SUB use_avoiding_pugs ($xx) {help_require_use($xx,1)};
MULTI SUB require ($xx) {help_require_use($xx,0)};
sub help_require_use { # XXX - getting crufty...
    use FindBin;
    use File::Spec;
    my $name = p6_to_s($xx);
    if ($name =~ /^v6\b/) {
    if ($name =~ /^perl5:(.+)/) {
	my $pkg = $1;
	eval "require $pkg;";
	die "require($pkg) - $@\n" if $@;
	if($use) {
	    my $tmp = "Temp".int(rand(10000000));
	    my $code = "package $tmp; use $pkg; \\\%${tmp}::;";
	    print STDERR $code,"\n";
	    my $sym = eval $code; die "bug $@" if $@;
	    for my $key (keys(%$sym)) {
		next if $key =~ /BEGIN/;
		# XXX - *@a doesnt work yet
#		my $sub = "sub $key (*\@a) { PIL::Run::Internals::call_perl5('${tmp}::$key',*\@a) }";
		my $sub = "sub $key (*\@a) { PIL::Run::Internals::call_perl5('${tmp}::$key',\@a) }";
	    print STDERR $sub,"\n";
    $name = $name.".pm" if $name !~ /\.pm/; # help out use();
    my $fn = File::Spec->catfile(split(/::/,$name));
    my @incdirs;
    my $inc6 = p6_var('@INC',2);
    my $inc =  p6_to_a($inc6);
    for (@$inc) {
	my $dir = p6_to_s($_);
	warn "p6_to_a() is still broken, so \@INC wasn't used." # XXX
	    if $dir =~ /Container::Array=HASH/;
    if($name eq ''
       && (defined $ENV{HARNESS_PERL_SWITCHES} ||
	   defined $ENV{PUGS_RUNTIME})
       && 1) {
	warn "Adding PIL-Run/lib6 to \@INC to avoid using non-working normal in make test-perl5 and make smoke-perl5.";
         File::Spec->catdir($FindBin::Bin,qw< .. .. .. perl6 lib>));
    for my $dir (@incdirs) {
	my $f = File::Spec->catfile($dir,$fn);
        next if !-e $f;
	PIL::Run::EvalX::p6_eval("%INC{'$fn'} = '$f';");
        return PIL::Run::EvalX::p6_eval_file($f);
    die "Don't see $name in \@INC (".join(" ",@incdirs).")";
MULTI SUB Pugs::Internals::eval_perl6 ($xx) {PIL::Run::EvalX::p6_eval(p6_to_s($xx))};
MULTI SUB evalfile ($xx) {PIL::Run::EvalX::p6_eval_file(p6_to_s($xx))};
MULTI SUB Pugs::Internals::eval_perl5 ($xx) {p6_from_x(eval(p6_to_s($xx)))};
MULTI SUB Pugs::Internals::eval_haskell ($xx) {...};
MULTI SUB Pugs::Internals::eval_yaml ($xx) {...};
#MULTI SUB PIL::Run::Internals::call_perl5 ($xx0,*@xxa) { # XXX - see help_require_use() above
MULTI SUB PIL::Run::Internals::call_perl5 ($xx0,@xxa) {
    p6_from_x(p6_to_s($xx0)->(map{p6_to_s($_)}@$xxa)); #XXX p6_to_x
MULTI SUB try ($xx) {
    use Error qw(:try);
    try { p6_apply($xx); } otherwise { p6_set(p6_var('$!',2),$_[0]); };
{ package Error::Simple;
  use PIL::Run::ApiX;
  sub bit {my $e=shift; $e ? p6_from_b(1) : p6_from_b(0); }
MULTI SUB lazy ($xx) {...};
MULTI SUB defined ($xx) { $xx->defined };
MACROP5   last (*@xx) {p6_last_macro()}; # XXX - ?$xx
MACROP5   next (*@xx) {p6_next_macro()};
MACROP5   redo (*@xx) {p6_redo_macro()};
# return - see op0
# yield - see op0
# take - see op0
# MULTI SUB sign ($xx) {...};
MULTI SUB rand ($xx) { p6_from_n(rand(defined $xx ? p6_to_n($xx) : 1)) };
# say - see op0
# print - see op0
MULTI SUB IO::say (*@xxa) {...};
MULTI SUB IO::print (*@xxa) {...};
MULTI SUB IO::next ($xx) {...};
MULTI SUB Pugs::Safe::safe_print ($xx) {...};
MULTI SUB die (*@xxa) { die map{p6_to_s($_)}@xxa; };
MULTI SUB warn ($xx) { 
    # TODO - add line number, if string doesn't terminate in "\n"
    warn p6_to_s($xx). " at ...\n";
MULTI SUB fail_ ($xx) { die(p6_to_s($xx)); };
MULTI SUB exit ($xx) { exit(p6_to_n($xx)); };
MULTI SUB readlink ($xx) {...};
MULTI SUB sleep ($xx) { sleep ( p6_to_n($xx) ) };
MULTI SUB mkdir ($xx) { mkdir(p6_to_s($xx)); };
MULTI SUB rmdir ($xx) { rmdir(p6_to_s($xx)); };
MULTI SUB chdir ($xx) { chdir(p6_to_s($xx)); };
MULTI SUB prefix:<-r> ($xx) { -r p6_to_s($xx) ? $xx : p6_from_b(0) };
MULTI SUB prefix:<-w> ($xx) { -w p6_to_s($xx) ? $xx : p6_from_b(0) };
MULTI SUB prefix:<-x> ($xx) { -x p6_to_s($xx) ? $xx : p6_from_b(0) };
MULTI SUB prefix:<-e> ($xx) { -e p6_to_s($xx) ? $xx : p6_from_b(0) };
MULTI SUB prefix:<-z> ($xx) { -z p6_to_s($xx) ? $xx : p6_from_b(0) };
MULTI SUB prefix:<-s> ($xx) { p6_from_n(-s p6_to_s($xx)) };
MULTI SUB prefix:<-f> ($xx) { -f p6_to_s($xx) ? $xx : p6_from_b(0) };
MULTI SUB prefix:<-d> ($xx) { -d p6_to_s($xx) ? $xx : p6_from_b(0) };
MULTI SUB end ($xx) { $xx->end };
MULTI SUB elems ($xx) { $xx->elems };
MULTI SUB graphs ($xx) { require String::Multibyte; my $len = String::Multibyte->new('Grapheme')->length(p6_to_s($xx)); p6_from_n($len) };
MULTI SUB codes ($xx) { my @c = unpack("U*",p6_to_s($xx)); p6_from_n(0+@c) };
MULTI SUB chars ($xx) { p6_from_n(length(p6_to_s($xx))) };
MULTI SUB bytes ($xx) { use bytes; p6_from_n(length(p6_to_s($xx))) };
MULTI SUB unlink ($xx) {unlink(p6_to_s($xx0))};
MULTI SUB readdir ($xx) {...};
MULTI SUB slurp ($xx) { p6_from_s(`cat $xx`); };
MULTI SUB opendir ($xx) {...};
MULTI SUB IO::Dir::closedir ($xx) {...};
MULTI SUB IO::Dir::rewinddir ($xx) {...};
MULTI SUB IO::Dir::readdir ($xx) {...};
MULTI SUB Pugs::Internals::runInteractiveCommand ($xx) {...};
MULTI SUB Pugs::Internals::check_for_io_leak ($xx) {...};
MULTI SUB system (*@xx) {
    @xx = map{p6_to_s($_)} @xx;
MULTI SUB accept ($xx) {...};
MULTI SUB detach ($xx) {...};
MULTI SUB kill (*@xxa) { kill(map{p6_to_n($_)}@xxa); };
MULTI SUB join (*@xxa) {
    my $j = p6_to_s($j6);
    my @b = map{my $x = $_;
		    ? (map{p6_to_s($_)}@{p6_to_a($x)})
		    : p6_to_s($_); } @b6;
MULTI SUB async ($xx) {...};
MULTI SUB listen ($xx) {...};
MULTI SUB flush ($xx) {...};
MULTI SUB close ($xx) {...};
MULTI SUB key ($xx) { $xx->key };
MULTI SUB value ($xx) { $xx->value };
MULTI SUB pairs ($xx) { $xx->pairs };
MULTI SUB List::kv ($xx) { $xx->kv }; 
MULTI SUB Pair::kv ($xx) { p6_from_a($xx->key, $xx->value) };
MULTI SUB keys ($xx) { $xx->keys };
MULTI SUB values ($xx) { $xx->values };
MULTI SUB prefix:<=> ($xx) {...};
MULTI SUB readline ($xx) {...};
MULTI SUB getc ($xx) {...};
MULTI SUB ref ($xx) { $xx->ref }; 
MULTI SUB pop ($xx) { $xx->pop };
MULTI SUB shift ($xx) { $xx->shift };
#MULTI SUB pick ($xx) {...};
#MULTI SUB sum ($xx) {...};
MULTI SUB min ($xx) {...};
MULTI SUB max ($xx) {...};
#MULTI SUB uniq ($xx) {...};
MULTI SUB chr ($xx) { p6_from_s( chr( p6_to_n( $xx ) ) ) };
MULTI SUB ord ($xx) { p6_from_n( ord( p6_to_s( $xx ) ) ) };
MULTI SUB hex ($xx) { p6_from_n( eval '0x' .p6_to_s($xx)) };
MULTI SUB log ($xx)   { p6_from_n( log( p6_to_s( $xx ) ) ) };
MULTI SUB log10 ($xx) { p6_from_n( log( p6_to_s( $xx ) ) / log(10) ) };
#MULTI SUB from ($xx) {...}; - implemented as methods.
#MULTI SUB to ($xx) {...};
MULTI SUB matches ($xx) {...};
MULTI SUB gather ($xx) {...};
MULTI SUB Thread::yield ($xx) {...};
# MULTI SUB prefix:<,> (*@a) {@a}; # ??? - unneeded?
MULTI SUB Code::assoc ($xx) {...};
#MULTI SUB Code::name ($xx) {...};
#MULTI SUB Code::arity ($xx) {...};
#MULTI SUB Code::body ($xx) {...};
MULTI SUB Code::pos ($xx) {...};
MULTI SUB IO::tell ($xx) {...};
MULTI SUB Pugs::Internals::hIsOpen ($xx) {...};
MULTI SUB Pugs::Internals::hIsClosed ($xx) {...};
MULTI SUB Pugs::Internals::hIsReadable ($xx) {...};
MULTI SUB Pugs::Internals::hIsWritable ($xx) {...};
MULTI SUB Pugs::Internals::hIsSeekable ($xx) {...};

# op2
MULTI SUB rename ($xx0,$xx1) {...};
MULTI SUB symlink ($xx0,$xx1) {...};
MULTI SUB link ($xx0,$xx1) {...};
MULTI SUB infix:<*> ($xx0,$xx1) { p6_from_n(p6_to_n($xx0) * p6_to_n($xx1)) };
MULTI SUB infix:</> ($xx0,$xx1) { p6_from_n(p6_to_n($xx0) / p6_to_n($xx1)) };
MULTI SUB infix:<%> ($xx0,$xx1) { p6_from_n(p6_to_n($xx0) % p6_to_n($xx1)) };
MULTI SUB infix:<x> ($xx0,$xx1) {
    p6_from_s( p6_to_s($xx0) x  p6_to_n($xx1) ) 
MULTI SUB infix:<xx> ($xx0,$xx1) {
    p6_from_a( Perl6::Value::List->from_x( item => $xx0, count => p6_to_n($xx1) ) ) 
MULTI SUB infix:<+&> ($xx0,$xx1) {...};
MULTI SUB infix:[+<] ($xx0,$xx1) {...};
MULTI SUB infix:[+>] ($xx0,$xx1) {...};
MULTI SUB infix:<~&> ($xx0,$xx1) {...};
MULTI SUB infix:[~<] ($xx0,$xx1) {...};
MULTI SUB infix:[~>] ($xx0,$xx1) {...};
MULTI SUB infix:<**> ($xx0,$xx1) { p6_from_n(p6_to_n($xx0) ** p6_to_n($xx1)) };
MULTI SUB infix:<+>  ($xx0,$xx1) { p6_from_n(p6_to_n($xx0) + p6_to_n($xx1)) };
MULTI SUB infix:<->  ($xx0,$xx1) { p6_from_n(p6_to_n($xx0) - p6_to_n($xx1)) };
# atan - see op1
MULTI SUB infix:<~>  ($xx0,$xx1) { p6_from_s(p6_to_s($xx0) . p6_to_s($xx1)) };
MULTI SUB infix:<+|> ($xx0,$xx1) {...};
MULTI SUB infix:<+^> ($xx0,$xx1) {...};
MULTI SUB infix:<~|> ($xx0,$xx1) {...};
MULTI SUB infix:<?|> ($xx0,$xx1) {...};
MULTI SUB infix:<~^> ($xx0,$xx1) {...};
MULTI SUB infix:[=>] ($xx0,$xx1) { Pair->new( '$.key' => $xx0, '$.value' => $xx1 ) };
MULTI SUB infix:<=>  ($xx0,$xx1) {...};
MULTI SUB infix:<cmp> ($xx0,$xx1) { p6_from_n(p6_to_s($xx0) cmp p6_to_s($xx1)) };
MULTI SUB infix:[<=>] ($xx0,$xx1) { p6_from_n(p6_to_n($xx0) <=> p6_to_n($xx1)) };
MULTI SUB infix:<..> ($xx0,$xx1) { 
    my $n = p6_to_n( $xx0 );
    if ( $n eq $xx0->unboxed ) {
        return p6_from_a(
            Perl6::Value::List->from_num_range( start => $xx0->unboxed, end => p6_to_n($xx1) )
    return p6_from_a(
        Perl6::Value::List->from_range( start => $xx0, end => $xx1 )
#MULTI SUB infix:<..^> ($xx0,$xx1) {...}; # in PrimP6
#MULTI SUB infix:<^..> ($xx0,$xx1) {...}; # in PrimP6
#MULTI SUB infix:<^..^> ($xx0,$xx1) {...}; # in PrimP6
MULTI SUB infix:<!=> ($xx0,$xx1) { p6_from_b(p6_to_n($xx0) != p6_to_n($xx1)) };
MULTI SUB infix:<==> ($xx0,$xx1) { p6_from_b(p6_to_n($xx0) == p6_to_n($xx1)) };
MULTI SUB infix:[<=] ($xx0,$xx1) { p6_from_b(p6_to_n($xx0) <= p6_to_n($xx1)) };
MULTI SUB infix:[>=] ($xx0,$xx1) { p6_from_b(p6_to_n($xx0) >= p6_to_n($xx1)) };
MULTI SUB infix:[<] ($xx0,$xx1) { p6_from_b(p6_to_n($xx0) < p6_to_n($xx1)) };
MULTI SUB infix:[>] ($xx0,$xx1) { p6_from_b(p6_to_n($xx0) > p6_to_n($xx1)) };
MULTI SUB infix:<ne> ($xx0,$xx1) { p6_from_b(p6_to_s($xx0) ne p6_to_s($xx1)) };
MULTI SUB infix:<eq> ($xx0,$xx1) { p6_from_b(p6_to_s($xx0) eq p6_to_s($xx1)) };
MULTI SUB infix:<lt> ($xx0,$xx1) { p6_from_b(p6_to_s($xx0) lt p6_to_s($xx1)) };
MULTI SUB infix:<le> ($xx0,$xx1) { p6_from_b(p6_to_s($xx0) le p6_to_s($xx1)) };
MULTI SUB infix:<gt> ($xx0,$xx1) { p6_from_b(p6_to_s($xx0) gt p6_to_s($xx1)) };
MULTI SUB infix:<ge> ($xx0,$xx1) { p6_from_b(p6_to_s($xx0) ge p6_to_s($xx1)) };
MULTI SUB infix:<~~> ($xx0,$xx1) { smart_match($xx0,$xx1) };
MULTI SUB infix:<!~> ($xx0,$xx1) { p6_from_b(!p6_to_b(smart_match($xx0,$xx1))) };
MULTI SUB infix:<=:=> ($xx0,$xx1) { Perl6::Value::identify($xx0) eq Perl6::Value::identify($xx1) };
MACROP5   infix:<&&> ($xx0,$xx1) { 'do{my $_v1 = '.$xx0.'; p6_to_b($_v1) ? ('.$xx1.') : $_v1 }' };
MACROP5   infix:<||> ($xx0,$xx1) { 'do{my $_v1 = '.$xx0.'; p6_to_b($_v1) ? $_v1 : ('.$xx1.') }' };
MACROP5   infix:<^^> ($xx0,$xx1) {...};
MACROP5   infix:<//> ($xx0,$xx1) { 'do{my $_v1 = '.$xx0.'; defined($_v1) ? $_v1 : ('.$xx1.') }' };
MACROP5   infix:<!!> ($xx0,$xx1) {...};
MULTI SUB infix:<.[]> ($xx0,$xx1) {...};
MULTI SUB infix:<.{}> ($xx0,$xx1) {...};
MACROP5 infix:<and> ($xx0,$xx1) { 'do{my $_v1 = '.$xx0.'; p6_to_b($_v1) ? ('.$xx1.') : $_v1 }' };
MACROP5 infix:<or> ($xx0,$xx1) { 'do{my $_v1 = '.$xx0.'; p6_to_b($_v1) ? $_v1 : ('.$xx1.') }' };
MULTI SUB infix:<xor> ($xx0,$xx1) {...};
MULTI SUB infix:<err> ($xx0,$xx1) {...};
MULTI SUB infix:<nor> ($xx0,$xx1) {...};
#MULTI SUB grep ($xx0,$xx1) {...};
#MULTI SUB map ($xx0,$xx1) {...};
# join - see op1
MULTI SUB reduce ($xx0,$xx1) {...};
# kill - see op1
MULTI SUB does ($xx0,$xx1) { p6_from_b($xx0->does( p6_to_s($xx1) )) };
MULTI SUB isa  ($xx0,$xx1) { p6_from_b($xx0->isa( p6_to_s($xx1) )) };
#MULTI SUB delete ($xx0,$xx1) {...}; -- implemented in Array, Hash
#MULTI SUB exists ($xx0,$xx1) {...};
MULTI SUB unshift (@xx0,*@xxa) { $xx0->unshift( @xxa ) };
MULTI SUB push (@xx0,*@xxa) { $xx0->push( @xxa ) };
MULTI SUB split (*@xxa) {
    my($splitstr,$str) = map{p6_to_s($_)} @xxa;
# Str::split - see op1
MULTI SUB connect ($xx0,$xx1) {...};
MULTI SUB Pugs::Internals::hSetBinaryMode ($xx0,$xx1) {...};
MULTI SUB Pugs::Internals::openFile ($xx0,$xx1) {...};
MULTI SUB exp ($xx0,$xx1) {p6_from_n(p6_to_n($xx0)**p6_to_n($xx1))};
MULTI SUB sprintf ($xx0,*@xxa) {
    p6_from_s(sprintf(p6_to_s($xx0), map{p6_to_s($_)} @xxa));
MULTI SUB exec (*@xx) {
    @xx = map{p6_to_s($_)} @xx;
    exec @xx;
# system - see op1
MULTI SUB chmod ($xx0,@xxa) {chmod(p6_to_n($xx0),map{p6_to_s($_)}@xxa)};
MULTI SUB splice ($xx0,*@xxa) { 
    for (0,1) {
        $xxa[$_] = p6_to_n( $xxa[$_] ) if defined $xxa[$_]; 
    $xx0->splice( @xxa );
# sort - see op1
# IO::say - see op1
# IO::print - see op1
MULTI SUB BUILDALL ($xx0,$xx1) {...};

# op3
MULTI SUB Pugs::Internals::caller ($xx0,$xx1,$xx2) {...};
MULTI SUB index ($xx0,$xx1,$xx2) {
    $v2 = p6_to_n($xx2) if p6_defined($xx2);
    (defined $v2
     ? p6_from_n(index($v0,$v1,$v2))
     : p6_from_n(index($v0,$v1)));
MULTI SUB rindex ($xx0,$xx1,$xx2) {
    $v2 = p6_to_n($xx2) if p6_defined($xx2);
    (defined $v2
     ? p6_from_n(rindex($v0,$v1,$v2))
     : p6_from_n(rindex($v0,$v1)));
# splice - see op2
# split - see op2
# Str::split - see op1
MULTI SUB Any::new ($xx0,$xx1,$xx2) {...};
MULTI SUB Pugs::Internals::localtime ($xx0,$xx1,$xx2) {...};
MULTI SUB Pugs::Internals::hSeek ($xx0,$xx1,$xx2) {...};

# op4
MULTI SUB substr ($xx0,$xx1,*@xxa) {
    my($s,$v1) = (p6_to_s($xx0),p6_to_n($xx1));
    my($v2,$v3)= map { defined $_ ? p6_to_n($_) : undef } @xxa;
    p6_from_s(substr($s,$v1,$v2)); # XXX - doesnt handle replacement.
# splice - see op2

sub rx_common {
    my $pat = p6_to_s($pat6);
    my $qo = defined $qo ? p6_to_s($qo6) : '/';
    my $qc = defined $qc ? p6_to_s($qc6) : '/';
    my $m = "";
    $m = join("",$mods->keys) if defined $mods;
    eval "qr$qo$pat$qc$m";
MULTI SUB rxbare_ ($pat) { rx_common(undef,$pat,undef,undef); };
MULTI SUB rx_ ($mods,$pat,$qo,$qc) { rx_common($mods,$pat,$qo,$qc) };
MULTI SUB m_ ($mods,$pat,$qo,$qc) { rx_common($mods,$pat,$qo,$qc) };

sub attempt_rx_match {
    my $ret;
    eval {
	my $m;
	my $as = p6_to_s($a);
	if ($as =~ $b) {
	    my $i = 0;
	    my @cap;
	    for(my $i=1;$i < @+; $i++) {
		my $ci = $$i;
		     Match_new(defined $ci ? 1 : 0,
			       defined $ci ? $ci : "",
	    $m = Match_new(1,"$&",[@cap],{},@-[0],@+[0]);
	} else {
	    $m = Match_new()->set_as_failed();
	$ret = $m;
    return $ret;

sub Match_new {
    Match->new('$.val_bool' => $b,
               '$.val_string' => $s,
               '$.val_array' => $a,
               '$.val_hash' => $h,
               '$.from' => $from,
               '$.to' => $to);