The Perl Toolchain Summit needs more sponsors. If your company depends on Perl, please support this very important event.
{-This file is NO LONGER USED.
Development has moved to ASTTranslate.hs, ASTDefinition.hs, ASTParser.hs and ASTUtil.hs
for ease of use. -}

import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
import IO hiding (try)
The P5AST structure represents the abstract syntax tree
of a perl 5 program. It is made up of two types of nodes:
AbstractNodes (!perl/P5AST in the yaml files) just have a nodetype and kids (0+)
LiteralNodes (!perl/p5 in the yaml files) have two strings, for the enc and uni fields.

data P5AST
    = AbstractNode AbsType [P5AST]
    | LiteralNode LitType String String
    | Heredoc P5AST P5AST  [P5AST] -- That is, Heredoc Start End Doc
    deriving (Show, Eq, Read)

These are the types for AbstractNodes. This list may not be exhaustive,
but it covers enough basic cases to handle the tree of
data AbsType
    = P5AST
    | Condmod
    | Condstate
    | Listelem
    | PNothing
    | Op_aassign
    | Op_aelem
    | Op_chdir
    | Op_close
    | Op_const
    | Op_cond_expr
    | Op_entersub
    | Op_ftdir
    | Op_gv
    | Op_helem
    | Op_iter
    | Op_leave
    | Op_leaveloop
    | Op_length
    | Op_lineseq
    | Op_list
    | Op_match
    | Op_method
    | Op_not
    | Op_null
    | Op_padav
    | Op_padsv
    | Op_print
    | Op_pushmark
    | Op_readline
    | Op_require
    | Op_rv2av
    | Op_rv2gv
    | Op_rv2hv
    | Op_rv2sv
    | Op_sassign
    | Op_split
    | Op_subst
    | Op_stringify
    | Package
    | Peg
    | Statement
    | Sub
    | Ternary
    | UnknownAbs
    deriving (Show, Eq, Read)

These are the types for LiteralNodes. This list may not be exhaustive,
but it covers enough basic cases to handle the tree of
data LitType
    = Closer
    | Closequote
    | Declarator
    | Junk
    | Opener
    | Openquote
    | Operator
    | Punct
    | Remod
    | Sigil
    | Text
    | Token
    | UnknownLit
    deriving (Show, Eq, Read) 

nodeNamer is parsec parser that parses nodes,
recursivley parsing child nodes. It has two distinct cases,
one for nodes with kids, one for all other nodes.
nodeNamer :: Int -> Parser P5AST
nodeNamer indent = do
    count indent space
    choice [hereDoc indent, withKids indent , noKids indent , blank indent]

blank :: Int -> Parser P5AST
blank indent = do
    try (string "- ''")
    return (LiteralNode Junk "1" "")

withKids :: Int -> Parser P5AST
withKids indent = do
    try (string "- !perl/P5AST::") <?> "P5AST decleration";
    name <- manyTill anyChar space
    string "Kids: " <?> "Kids"
    modifier <- manyTill anyChar newline
    kids <- case modifier of
        "[]"    -> (newline <?> "newline") >> return []
        _       -> many . try $ nodeNamer (indent+4)
    let con = case name of
            "condmod"       -> Condmod
            "condstate"     -> Condstate
            "listelem"      -> Listelem
            "nothing"       -> PNothing
            "op_aassign"    -> Op_aassign
            "op_aelem"      -> Op_aelem
            "op_chdir"      -> Op_chdir
            "op_close"      -> Op_close
            "op_cond_expr"  -> Op_cond_expr
            "op_const"      -> Op_const
            "op_ftdir"      -> Op_ftdir
            "op_gv"         -> Op_gv
            "op_helem"      -> Op_helem
            "op_iter"       -> Op_iter
            "op_leave"      -> Op_leave
            "op_leaveloop"  -> Op_leaveloop
            "op_length"     -> Op_length
            "op_lineseq"    -> Op_lineseq
            "op_list"       -> Op_list
            "op_match"      -> Op_match
            "op_method"     -> Op_method
            "op_not"        -> Op_not
            "op_null"       -> Op_null
            "op_padav"      -> Op_padav
            "op_padsv"      -> Op_padsv
            "op_print"      -> Op_print
            "op_pushmark"   -> Op_pushmark
            "op_readline"   -> Op_readline
            "op_require"    -> Op_require
            "op_rv2av"      -> Op_rv2av
            "op_rv2gv"      -> Op_rv2gv
            "op_rv2hv"      -> Op_rv2hv
            "op_rv2sv"      -> Op_rv2sv
            "op_sassign"    -> Op_sassign
            "op_split"      -> Op_split
            "op_subst"      -> Op_subst
            "op_stringify"  -> Op_stringify
            "package"       -> Package
            "peg"           -> Peg
            "statement"     -> Statement
            "sub"           -> Sub
            "ternary"       -> Ternary
            _               -> UnknownAbs
    return $AbstractNode con kids

noKids :: Int -> Parser P5AST
noKids indent = do
    try (string "- !perl/p5::") <?> "p5 decleration"
    name <- manyTill anyChar space
    manyTill anyToken newline
    string "enc: "
    enc <- manyTill anyChar newline <?> "enc string"
    string "uni: "
    --Uniblock deals with the various types of yaml blocks
    uni <- uniBlock (indent + 4) <?> "uni string/block"
    let con = case name of
            "closer"        -> Closer
            "closequote"    -> Closequote
            "declarator"    -> Declarator
            "junk"          -> Junk
            "opener"        -> Opener
            "openquote"     -> Openquote
            "operator"      -> Operator
            "punct"         -> Punct
            "remod"         -> Remod
            "sigil"         -> Sigil
            "text"          -> Text
            "token"         -> Token
            _               -> UnknownLit 
    return $ LiteralNode con enc uni

hereDoc :: Int -> Parser P5AST
hereDoc indent = do
    try (string "- !perl/P5AST::heredoc") <?> "Heredoc decleration";
    string "doc: !perl/P5AST::"
    doc <- manyTill anyChar space
    string "kids: "
    kids <- many (try (nodeNamer (indent+4)))
    string "end: !perl/p5::closequote "
    string "enc: "
    endenc <- manyTill anyChar newline
    string "uni: "
    enduni <- uniBlock (indent + 4) 
    string "start: !perl/p5::openquote "
    string "enc: "
    startenc <- manyTill anyChar newline
    string "uni: "
    startuni <- uniBlock (indent + 4)
    return (Heredoc (LiteralNode Openquote startenc startuni) (LiteralNode Closequote endenc enduni) kids)

Uniblock handles the various types of yaml blocks used, those being a literal string (i.e. "..." or even just ...)
A block "|\n ..." or a block with a chomp modifier "|+\n ..."
uniBlock :: Int -> Parser String
uniBlock indent = choice
    [do try $ string "|\n"
        uni <- manyTill (manyTill anyToken newline) (try(newline)) <?> "uni block";
        return (unlines (map (drop indent) uni))
    ,do try $ string "|+"
        uni <- manyTill (manyTill anyToken newline) (try(newline)) <?> "uni block with chomp modifier";
        return (unlines (map (drop indent) uni))
    ,do try $ string "\""
        uni <- manyTill anyToken (try(string("\"\n")))
        --return uni
        return $ if ((length (lines uni))==1) then (makeLiterals uni) else (makeLiterals (joinString ((head (lines (getRidOfExtraSlashes uni))):(map (drop indent) (tail (lines (getRidOfExtraSlashes uni)))))))
    ,do uni <- manyTill anyToken newline <?> "uni string"
        --If the field is in quotes, strip the quotes by stripping the first character, 
        --reversing the string, stripping the first character, then reversing again
        return $ if (head uni `elem` "\"'")
            then (makeLiterals (reverse (tail (reverse (tail uni)))))
            else uni

--A wrapper for nodeNamer, to handle the junk at the beginning of the file.
parseInput :: Parser [P5AST]
parseInput = do
    sequence_ (replicate 3 $ manyTill anyToken newline)
    names <- many (nodeNamer 2)
    return names

getRidOfExtraSlashes :: String -> String
getRidOfExtraSlashes [] = []
getRidOfExtraSlashes inSt = if (and [((head inSt)=='\\'), ((head (tail inSt))=='\n')]) then ('\n':(getRidOfExtraSlashes (drop 2 inSt))) else ((head inSt):(getRidOfExtraSlashes (tail inSt)))

{-Function to handle escaped characters in a string scanned from input
For example, if the string "blah\n" is scanned, it ends up being represented as
"blah\\n". This function parses that newline into a literal newline.-}
makeLiterals :: String -> String
makeLiterals [] = []
makeLiterals inSt = if ((head inSt)=='\\') then if (head (tail inSt) == '"') then ('\"':(makeLiterals(drop 2 inSt))) else
                                                   if (head (tail inSt) == 'n') then ('\n':(makeLiterals(drop 2 inSt))) else
                                                     if (head (tail inSt) == 't') then ('\t':(makeLiterals(drop 2 inSt))) else
                                                       if(head (tail inSt) == '\n') then ('\n':(makeLiterals(drop 2 inSt))) else
                                                         if (head (tail inSt) == '\\') then ('\\':(makeLiterals(drop 2 inSt))) else 
                                                           ((makeLiterals(tail inSt)))
                      else ((head inSt):(makeLiterals (tail inSt)))

{- No longer a big big messy function to print all the different node types, 
now a slim function to print everything to a file.
Only two cases: LiteralNode and AbstractNode.
For a literal node, print the uni field.
For an abstract node, recursivley call printTree on the kids (if there are any).
All output is to a file
printTree :: Handle -> P5AST -> IO ()
{------------ Uncomment this section to help find Unknown Nodes
printTree outFile (LiteralNode UnknownLit _ uni) = do{ hPutStr outFile "UnknownLit";
                                                       hPutStr outFile uni}
printTree outFile (AbstractNode UnknownAbs kids) = do{ hPutStr outFile "UnknownAbs";
                                                       printTree outFile (head kids);
                                                       printTree outFile (AbstractNode P5AST (tail kids))}
printTree outFile (LiteralNode _ _ uni) = hPutStr outFile uni
printTree outFile (AbstractNode _ []) = hPutStr outFile ""
printTree outFile (AbstractNode _ kids) = do{ printTree outFile (head kids);
                                              printTree outFile (AbstractNode P5AST (tail kids))}
printTree outFile (Heredoc start end kids) = do (printTree outFile start)
                                                printTree outFile (AbstractNode P5AST kids)
                                                printTree outFile end 

--Wrapper function to apply all translations in order
translate :: P5AST -> String -> P5AST
translate tree options= if (options == "Oo") then (foreachTranslation (closeToMethod (lengthToMethod (splitOnMatchTranslate ({-splitQuotes-}(readlineTranslate (toWords (conditionalExpression (arrayKey (hashKey (regexSubstitutionTranslation tree))))))))))) else
                                                    (foreachTranslation (splitOnMatchTranslate (splitQuotes (readlineTranslate (conditionalExpression (arrayKey (hashKey (regexSubstitutionTranslation tree))))))))

foreachTranslation :: P5AST -> P5AST
foreachTranslation (AbstractNode Op_leaveloop kids) = if (isIn (LiteralNode Token "1" "foreach") kids) then 
                                                        if ((getLType (head kids))==(getLType (LiteralNode Junk "1" ""))) then (AbstractNode Op_leaveloop ((head kids):(extractKids (newForeach (map foreachTranslation kids))))) 
                                                           else (newForeach (map foreachTranslation kids))
                                                       else (AbstractNode Op_leaveloop (map foreachTranslation kids))
foreachTranslation (AbstractNode atype kids) = (AbstractNode atype (map foreachTranslation kids))
foreachTranslation (LiteralNode atype enc uni) = (LiteralNode atype enc uni)
foreachTranslation (Heredoc start end kids) = (Heredoc start end kids)

newForeach :: [P5AST] -> P5AST
newForeach [] = (AbstractNode UnknownAbs [])
newForeach kids =  if (and [(isIn (AbstractNode Op_padsv []) kids),(isIn (AbstractNode Op_padav []) kids)]) then (AbstractNode Op_leaveloop [(LiteralNode Token "1" "foreach"),(LiteralNode Junk "1" " "),(extractNodetype (AbstractNode Op_padav []) kids),(AbstractNode Op_iter []),(LiteralNode Junk "1" " "),(LiteralNode Operator "1" "->"),(LiteralNode Junk "1" " "),(LiteralNode Declarator "1" "my"),(extractNodetype (AbstractNode Op_padsv []) kids),(extractNodetype (AbstractNode Op_lineseq []) kids)]) else
                    if (and [(isIn (AbstractNode Op_padsv []) kids),(isIn (AbstractNode Op_list []) kids)]) then (AbstractNode Op_leaveloop [(LiteralNode Token "1" "foreach"),(LiteralNode Junk "1" " "),(LiteralNode Opener "1" "("),(extractNodetype (AbstractNode Op_list []) kids),(LiteralNode Closer "1" ")"),(AbstractNode Op_iter []),(LiteralNode Junk "1" " "),(LiteralNode Operator "1" "->"),(LiteralNode Junk "1" " "),(LiteralNode Declarator "1" "my"),(extractNodetype (AbstractNode Op_padsv []) kids),(extractNodetype (AbstractNode Op_lineseq []) kids)]) else 
                      if (isIn (AbstractNode Op_rv2av []) kids) then (AbstractNode Op_leaveloop [(LiteralNode Token "1" "foreach"),(LiteralNode Junk "1" " "),(extractNodetype (AbstractNode Op_rv2av []) kids),(AbstractNode Op_iter []),(LiteralNode Junk "1" " "),(LiteralNode Operator "1" "->"),(LiteralNode Junk "1" " "),(extractNodetype (AbstractNode Op_rv2gv []) kids),(extractNodetype (AbstractNode Op_lineseq []) kids)]) else
                        if (isIn (AbstractNode Op_list []) kids) then (AbstractNode Op_leaveloop [(LiteralNode Token "1" "foreach"),(LiteralNode Junk "1" " "),(LiteralNode Opener "1" "("),(extractNodetype (AbstractNode Op_list []) kids),(LiteralNode Closer "1" ")"),(AbstractNode Op_iter []),(LiteralNode Junk "1" " "),(LiteralNode Operator "1" "->"),(LiteralNode Junk "1" " "),(extractNodetype (AbstractNode Op_rv2gv []) kids),(extractNodetype (AbstractNode Op_lineseq []) kids)]) else (AbstractNode UnknownAbs [])

extractNodetype :: P5AST -> [P5AST] -> P5AST
extractNodetype _ [] = (AbstractNode UnknownAbs [])
extractNodetype node nlist = if (matchWithoutEnc node (head nlist)) then (head nlist) else (extractNodetype node (tail nlist))

closeToMethod :: P5AST -> P5AST
closeToMethod (AbstractNode Op_close kids) = (AbstractNode Op_close (changeCloseMethod kids))
closeToMethod (AbstractNode atype kids) = (AbstractNode atype (map closeToMethod kids))
closeToMethod (LiteralNode atype enc uni) = (LiteralNode atype enc uni)
closeToMethod (Heredoc start end kids) = (Heredoc start end kids)

changeCloseMethod :: [P5AST] -> [P5AST]
changeCloseMethod [] = []
changeCloseMethod nlist = if (matchWithoutEnc (head nlist) (AbstractNode Op_rv2gv [])) then (extractKids (head (extractKids (head nlist))))++[(LiteralNode Operator "1" "."), (AbstractNode Op_method [(AbstractNode Op_const [(LiteralNode Token "1" "close")])])] else
                            if (matchWithoutEnc (head nlist) (AbstractNode Op_gv [])) then [(LiteralNode Sigil "1" ("$"++(extractUni (head (extractKids (head (extractKids (head nlist)))))))),(LiteralNode Operator "1" "."), (AbstractNode Op_method [(AbstractNode Op_const [(LiteralNode Token "1" "close")])])] else
                              (changeCloseMethod (tail nlist))

extractKids :: P5AST -> [P5AST]
extractKids (AbstractNode atype kids) = kids
extractKids (Heredoc start end kids) = kids
extractKids (LiteralNode _ _ _) = []

toWords :: P5AST -> P5AST
toWords (AbstractNode Op_split kids) = if (and [(isIn (AbstractNode Op_const []) kids),(isInSequence [(LiteralNode Openquote "1" "'"), (LiteralNode Text "1" " "), (LiteralNode Closequote "1" "'")] (extractKids (getConst kids)))]) then (AbstractNode Op_split [(getSecondArg kids), (LiteralNode Operator "1" "."), (AbstractNode Op_method [(AbstractNode Op_const [(LiteralNode Token "1" "words")])])])
                                          else (AbstractNode Op_split (map toWords kids))
toWords (AbstractNode atype kids) = (AbstractNode atype (map toWords kids))
toWords (Heredoc start end kids) = (Heredoc start end kids)
toWords (LiteralNode atype enc uni) = (LiteralNode atype enc uni)

getConst :: [P5AST] -> P5AST
getConst [] = (AbstractNode UnknownAbs [])
getConst nlist = if (matchWithoutEnc (head nlist) (AbstractNode Op_const [])) then (head nlist) else (getConst (tail nlist))

getSecondArg :: [P5AST] -> P5AST
getSecondArg [] = (AbstractNode UnknownAbs [])
getSecondArg list = if (matchWithoutEnc (head list) (AbstractNode Listelem [])) then (dropComma (head list)) else (getSecondArg (tail list))

dropComma :: P5AST -> P5AST
dropComma (AbstractNode Listelem kids) = (head (tail kids))
dropComma (AbstractNode atype kids) = (AbstractNode atype kids)
dropComma (Heredoc start end kids) = (Heredoc start end kids)
dropComma (LiteralNode atype enc uni) = (LiteralNode atype enc uni)

splitQuotes :: P5AST -> P5AST
splitQuotes (AbstractNode Op_split kids) = (AbstractNode Op_split (join (map toSlashQuotes kids)))
splitQuotes (AbstractNode atype kids) = (AbstractNode atype (map splitQuotes kids))
splitQuotes (Heredoc start end kids) = (Heredoc start end kids)
splitQuotes (LiteralNode atype enc uni) = (LiteralNode atype enc uni)

toSlashQuotes :: P5AST -> [P5AST]
toSlashQuotes (AbstractNode Op_const kids) = [(LiteralNode Openquote "1" "/"), (extractText kids),(LiteralNode Closequote "1" "/")]
toSlashQuotes (Heredoc start end kids) = [(Heredoc start end kids)]
toSlashQuotes (LiteralNode atype enc uni) = [(LiteralNode atype enc uni)]
toSlashQuotes (AbstractNode atype kids) = [(AbstractNode atype kids)]

extractText :: [P5AST] -> P5AST
extractText [] = (LiteralNode Text "1" "")
extractText kids = if ((getLType (head kids))==Text) then (head kids) else (extractText (tail kids)) 

getLType :: P5AST -> LitType
getLType (AbstractNode sometype kids) = UnknownLit
getLType (Heredoc start end kids) = UnknownLit
getLType (LiteralNode sometype enc uni) = sometype

join :: [[P5AST]] -> [P5AST]
join [] = []
join lists = (head lists)++(join (tail lists))

joinString :: [String] -> String
joinString [] = []
joinString strs = (head strs)++(joinString (tail strs))

lengthToMethod :: P5AST -> P5AST
lengthToMethod (AbstractNode Op_length kids) = (toCharMethod kids)
lengthToMethod (AbstractNode atype kids) = (AbstractNode atype (map lengthToMethod kids))
lengthToMethod (Heredoc start end kids) = (Heredoc start end kids)
lengthToMethod (LiteralNode atype enc uni) = (LiteralNode atype enc uni)

toCharMethod :: [P5AST] -> P5AST
toCharMethod [] = (AbstractNode UnknownAbs [])
toCharMethod kids = if (matchWithoutEnc (head kids) (LiteralNode Opener "1" "(")) then (AbstractNode Op_length [(head (tail kids)), (LiteralNode Operator "1" "."), (AbstractNode Op_method [(AbstractNode Op_const [(LiteralNode Token "1" "chars")])])]) else
                     (toCharMethod (tail kids))

{-Translates split calls on a regex with an explicit match (i.e. split(/blah/m, $something) to no longer
use the /m which now happens immediately. -}
splitOnMatchTranslate :: P5AST -> P5AST
splitOnMatchTranslate (AbstractNode Op_split kids) = (AbstractNode Op_split (map removeMModifier kids))
splitOnMatchTranslate (AbstractNode atype kids) = (AbstractNode atype (map splitOnMatchTranslate kids))
splitOnMatchTranslate (LiteralNode atype enc uni) = (LiteralNode atype enc uni)
splitOnMatchTranslate (Heredoc start end kids) = (Heredoc start end kids)

{-Removes the m modifier from a regex-}
removeMModifier :: P5AST -> P5AST
removeMModifier (LiteralNode Openquote enc "m/") = (LiteralNode Openquote enc "/")
removeMModifier (LiteralNode atype enc uni) = (LiteralNode atype enc uni)
removeMModifier (AbstractNode atype kids) = (AbstractNode atype kids)
removeMModifier (Heredoc start end kids) = (Heredoc start end kids)

readlineTranslate :: P5AST -> P5AST
readlineTranslate (AbstractNode Op_readline kids) = (AbstractNode Op_readline [(LiteralNode Sigil "1" ('$':(tail (reverse (tail (reverse (extractUni (head kids)))))))), (LiteralNode Operator "1" "."), (AbstractNode Op_method [(AbstractNode Op_const [(LiteralNode Token "1" "readline")])])])
readlineTranslate (AbstractNode atype kids) = (AbstractNode atype (map readlineTranslate kids))
readlineTranslate (LiteralNode atype enc uni) = (LiteralNode atype enc uni)
readlineTranslate (Heredoc start end kids) = (Heredoc start end kids)

extractUni :: P5AST -> String
extractUni (LiteralNode _ _ uni) = uni
extractUni (AbstractNode _ _) = "" 
extractUni (Heredoc _ _ _) = ""

{-Translations for substitution regexs.-}
regexSubstitutionTranslation :: P5AST -> P5AST
regexSubstitutionTranslation (AbstractNode Op_subst kids) = if (isIn (LiteralNode Closequote "1" "/g") kids) then (AbstractNode Op_subst (map equalTildeToTildeTilde (map substitutionGlobal kids)))
                                                               else (AbstractNode Op_subst (map equalTildeToTildeTilde kids))
regexSubstitutionTranslation (AbstractNode atype kids) = (AbstractNode atype (map regexSubstitutionTranslation kids))
regexSubstitutionTranslation (LiteralNode atype enc uni) = (LiteralNode atype enc uni) 
regexSubstitutionTranslation (Heredoc start end kids) = (Heredoc start end kids)

{-Translates =~ -> ~~ for using regexs with s/ in P6
The name of the function is a bit long, but it won't be called often
and at least it's very descriptive -}
equalTildeToTildeTilde :: P5AST -> P5AST
equalTildeToTildeTilde (LiteralNode Operator enc "=~") = (LiteralNode Operator enc "~~")
equalTildeToTildeTilde (AbstractNode atype kids) = (AbstractNode atype kids)
equalTildeToTildeTilde (LiteralNode atype enc uni) = (LiteralNode atype enc uni)
equalTildeToTildeTilde (Heredoc start end kids) = (Heredoc start end kids)

{-Added changes for when a substitution is global -}
substitutionGlobal :: P5AST -> P5AST
substitutionGlobal (LiteralNode Openquote enc "s/") = (LiteralNode Openquote enc "s:P5:g/")
substitutionGlobal (LiteralNode Closequote enc "/g") = (LiteralNode Closequote enc "/")
substitutionGlobal (LiteralNode atype enc uni) = (LiteralNode atype enc uni)
substitutionGlobal (AbstractNode atype kids) = (AbstractNode atype kids)
substitutionGlobal (Heredoc start end kids) = (Heredoc start end kids)

{- Function that converts conditional return statements (i.e. "a ? b : c") into a P5 form
a ?? b !! c.  No Context needed, if ? or : is ever a P5 operator, it's in one of these statements-}
conditionalExpression :: P5AST -> P5AST
conditionalExpression (LiteralNode Punct enc "?") = (LiteralNode Punct enc "??")
conditionalExpression (LiteralNode Punct enc ":") = (LiteralNode Punct enc "!!")
conditionalExpression (LiteralNode atype enc uni) = (LiteralNode atype enc uni)
conditionalExpression (AbstractNode atype kids) = (AbstractNode atype (map conditionalExpression kids))
conditionalExpression (Heredoc start end kids) = (Heredoc start end kids)

{-Changes to arrays with keys, namely $array[i] -> @array[i]-}
arrayKey :: P5AST -> P5AST
arrayKey (AbstractNode Op_aelem kids) = if (isIn (AbstractNode Op_rv2av []) kids) then (AbstractNode Op_aelem (map arrayKeyChanges kids))
                                           else (AbstractNode Op_aelem (map arrayKey kids))
arrayKey (AbstractNode atype kids) = (AbstractNode atype (map arrayKey kids))
arrayKey (LiteralNode atype enc uni) = (LiteralNode atype enc uni)
arrayKey (Heredoc start end kids) = (Heredoc start end (map arrayKey kids))

{-Actually applies the changes needed for the arrayKey function-}
arrayKeyChanges :: P5AST -> P5AST
arrayKeyChanges (AbstractNode Op_rv2av kids) = (AbstractNode Op_rv2av (map scalarSigilToArraySigil kids))
arrayKeyChanges (LiteralNode Sigil enc uni) = (scalarSigilToArraySigil (LiteralNode Sigil enc uni))
arrayKeyChanges (AbstractNode atype kids) = (AbstractNode atype kids)
arrayKeyChanges (LiteralNode atype enc uni) = (LiteralNode atype enc uni)
arrayKeyChanges (Heredoc start end kids) = (Heredoc start end kids)

{-$something->@something, used by the arrayKeyChanges function-}
scalarSigilToArraySigil :: P5AST -> P5AST
scalarSigilToArraySigil (LiteralNode Sigil enc uni) = (LiteralNode Sigil enc ('@':(tail uni)))
scalarSigilToArraySigil (LiteralNode atype enc uni) = (LiteralNode atype enc uni)

{-Do changes to hashes with keys, such as $hash{word}->%hash<word> 
and $hash{$var}->%hash{$var}-}
hashKey :: P5AST -> P5AST
hashKey (AbstractNode Op_helem kids) = if (isInOrder [(AbstractNode Op_rv2hv []), (LiteralNode Opener "1" "{"), (AbstractNode Op_const []), (LiteralNode Closer "1" "}")] kids) 
                                              then (AbstractNode Op_helem (map constHashChanges kids)) else
                                              if (isInOrder [(AbstractNode Op_rv2hv []), (LiteralNode Opener "1" "{"), (LiteralNode Closer "1" "}")] kids)
                                                then (AbstractNode Op_helem (map hashChanges kids)) 
                                                else (AbstractNode Op_helem (map hashKey kids)) 
hashKey (AbstractNode atype kids) = (AbstractNode atype (map hashKey kids))
hashKey (LiteralNode atype enc uni) = (LiteralNode atype enc uni)
hashKey (Heredoc start end kids) = (Heredoc start end (map hashKey kids))

{-Actually applie changes for hashKey-}
hashChanges :: P5AST -> P5AST
hashChanges (AbstractNode Op_rv2hv kids) = (AbstractNode Op_rv2hv (map scalarSigilToHashSigil kids))
hashChanges (AbstractNode atype kids) = (AbstractNode atype kids)
hashChanges (LiteralNode atype enc uni) = (LiteralNode atype enc uni)
hashChanges (Heredoc start end kids) = (Heredoc start end kids)

{-Additional changes for when a has has a constant key ({word}-><word>)-}
constHashChanges :: P5AST -> P5AST
constHashChanges (LiteralNode Opener enc "{") = (LiteralNode Opener enc "<")
constHashChanges (LiteralNode Closer enc "}") = (LiteralNode Closer enc ">")
constHashChanges (AbstractNode Op_rv2hv kids) = (AbstractNode Op_rv2hv (map scalarSigilToHashSigil kids))
constHashChanges (LiteralNode atype enc uni) = (LiteralNode atype enc uni)
constHashChanges (AbstractNode atype kids) = (AbstractNode atype kids)
constHashChanges (Heredoc start end kids) = (Heredoc start end kids)

{-Function to change the sigil from a scalar ($something) to a hash (%something)-}
scalarSigilToHashSigil :: P5AST -> P5AST
scalarSigilToHashSigil (LiteralNode Sigil enc uni) = (LiteralNode Sigil enc ('%':(tail uni)))
scalarSigilToHashSigil (LiteralNode atype enc uni) = (LiteralNode atype enc uni)

{-A simple search convenience function, returns true when the given node is in the list
matches based on type (Abstract or Literal) subtype (Junk, Op_leave, Sigil, etc.) and, in
the case of literal nodes, the uni part of the node.-}
isIn :: P5AST -> [P5AST] -> Bool
isIn _ [] = False
isIn node list = if (matchWithoutEnc (head list) node) then True else (isIn node (tail list))

{-Searches for the given list of nodes in another list
allows any number of nodes between the nodes being searched for
matches like isIn
Useage: isInOrder [NodesBeingSearchedFor] [SearchTarget]-}
isInOrder :: [P5AST] -> [P5AST] -> Bool
isInOrder [] [] = True
isInOrder _ [] = False
isInOrder [] _ = True
isInOrder nodes list = if (matchWithoutEnc (head list) (head nodes)) then (isInOrder (tail nodes) (tail list)) else (isInOrder nodes (tail list))

isInSequence :: [P5AST] -> [P5AST] -> Bool
isInSequence _ [] = True
isInSequence [] _ = False
isInSequence nodes list = if (allMatch nodes list) then True else (isInSequence (tail nodes) list) 

allMatch :: [P5AST] -> [P5AST] -> Bool
allMatch [] [] = True
allMatch _ [] = False
allMatch [] _ = False
allMatch list1 list2 = if (matchWithoutEnc (head list1) (head list2)) then (allMatch (tail list1) (tail list2)) else False

{-Matches nodes based on type (Abstract or Literal) subtype (Junk, Op_leave, PNothing, etc)
and (in the case of literal nodes) on the uni field. Used in the above search functions.-}
matchWithoutEnc :: P5AST -> P5AST -> Bool
matchWithoutEnc (LiteralNode type1 _ uni1) (LiteralNode type2 _ uni2) = if (and [(uni1==uni2), (type1==type2)]) then True else False
matchWithoutEnc (AbstractNode type1 kids1) (AbstractNode type2 kids2) = if (type1 == type2) then True else False
matchWithoutEnc (Heredoc start1 end1 kids1) (Heredoc start2 end2 kids2) = if (and [(matchWithoutEnc start1 start2),(matchWithoutEnc end1 end2)]) then True else False
matchWithoutEnc _ _ = False

getModifiers :: [String] -> String
getModifiers [] = "0"
getModifiers args = if (and [('-'==(head (head args))),("Oo"==(tail (head args)))]) then "1" else (head args)

A main function to parse a file containing a tree and output the contents to another file
Useage: mainParse inFile outFile options
options is a string with optional information, the only current option is "Oo" which applies more Object-oriented
translations then are strictly needed, such as $fh.close instead of close($fh)
mainParse :: FilePath -> FilePath -> String-> IO ()
mainParse inName outName options= do
    inHandle    <- openFile inName ReadMode
    input       <- hGetContents inHandle
    outHandle   <- openFile outName WriteMode
    -- putStrLn ("DEBUG: got input " ++ input)
    let dirs = case parse parseInput "stdin" input of
            Left err -> error $ "\nError:\n" ++ show err
            Right result -> result
    putStrLn "DEBUG: parsed:";
    print (AbstractNode P5AST dirs)
    hClose inHandle
    printTree outHandle (translate (AbstractNode P5AST dirs) options)
    hClose outHandle
    putStrLn "Finished"