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{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fglasgow-exts -cpp #-}

module PIL.Eval () where

untie :: Container -> STM Val
untie = (>> return Void) . cmap (tmap $ maybe undefined (`writeTVar` Untied))

-- | Assign container @x@ to @y@
assign :: Container   -- ^ The @$x@ in @$x = $y@
       -> Container   -- ^ The @$y@ in @$x = $y@
       -> STM Val
assign = undefined

-- | Bind container @x@ to @y@
bind :: Container   -- ^ The @$x@ in @$x := $y@
     -> Container   -- ^ The @$y@ in @$x := $y@
     -> STM Val
bind = undefined

To bind a container to another, we first check to see if they are of the
same tieableness.  If so, we simply overwrite the target one's Id,
storage and tie-table (if any).
bind (TCon x) (TCon y) = writeSTRef x =<< readSTRef y
bind (NCon x) (NCon y) = writeSTRef x =<< readSTRef y

To bind an non-tieable container to a tieable one, we implicitly remove
any current ties on the target, although it can be retied later:
bind (TCon x) (NCon y) = do
    (id, val) <- readSTRef y
    writeSTRef x (id, val, Untied)

To bind a tieable container to a tied one, we first check if it is
actually tied.  If yes, we throw a runtime exception.  If not, we
proceed as if both were non-tieable.
bind (NCon x) (TCon y) = do
    (id, val, tied) <- readSTRef y
    case tied of
        Untied -> writeSTRef x (id, val)
        _      -> fail "Cannot bind a tied container to a non-tieable one"

-- Haddock can't cope with linear implicit parameters :-(
#ifndef HADDOCK
-- | This should be fine: @untie(%ENV); %foo := %ENV@
testOk :: (%i::Id) => STM ()
testOk = do
    x <- hashNew
    y <- hashEnv
    untie y
    bind x y

-- | This should fail: @%foo := %ENV@
testFail :: (%i::Id) => STM ()
testFail = do
    x <- hashNew
    y <- hashEnv
    bind x y

testEquiv :: (%i::Id) => STM (Cell a) -> STM (Cell b) -> STM Bool
testEquiv x y = do
    x' <- x
    y' <- y
    (x' == y')

testBind :: (%i::Id) => STM (Cell a) -> STM (Cell a) -> STM ()
testBind x y = do
    x' <- x
    y' <- y
    bind x' y'

-- Extremely small language

data Exp
    = Bind LV Exp
    | Untie LV
    deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)

data LV
    = HashENV
    | HashNew
    deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)

type GenContainer a = STM (Cell a)

#ifndef HADDOCK
class Evalable a b | a -> b where
    eval :: (%i :: Id) => a -> STM (Cell b)

instance Evalable Exp Hash where
    eval (Untie x) = do
        x' <- eval x
        untie x'
        return x'

instance Evalable LV Hash where
    eval HashNew = hashNew
    eval HashENV = hashEnv

instance Arbitrary LV where
    arbitrary = oneof (map return [HashENV, HashNew])
    coarbitrary = assert False undefined

prop_untie :: LV -> Bool
prop_untie x = try_ok (Untie x)

try_ok :: Evalable a b => a -> Bool
try_ok x = runST f
    f :: STM Bool
    f = do
#ifndef HADDOCK
        let %i = 0
        eval x
        return True

tests :: IO ()
tests = do
#ifndef HADDOCK
    let %i = 0
    putStrLn "==> Anything can be untied"
    test prop_untie
    putStrLn "==> %ENV =:= %ENV;"
    print =<< atomically (testEquiv hashEnv hashEnv)
    putStrLn "==> %ENV =:= %foo;"
    print =<< atomically (testEquiv hashEnv hashNew)
    putStrLn "==> %foo =:= %bar;"
    print =<< atomically (testEquiv hashNew hashNew)
    putStrLn "==> %foo := %bar;"
    print =<< atomically (testBind hashNew hashNew)
    putStrLn "==> %ENV := %ENV;"
    print =<< atomically (testBind hashEnv hashEnv)
    putStrLn "==> untie(%ENV); %foo := %ENV;"
    print =<< atomically (testBind hashNew $ do { env <- hashEnv; untie env; return env })
    putStrLn "==> %foo := %ENV;"
    print =<< atomically (testBind hashNew hashEnv)