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{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fglasgow-exts #-}

module PIL.Native.Parser where
import PIL.Native.Types
import PIL.Native.Coerce
import PIL.Native.Syntax
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Language
import qualified Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Token as P
import Text.Parser.Rule (Grammar, grammar, (~:~), (.<>), (~~), parseRule, parseGrammar)

miniLang :: Grammar
miniLang = parseGrammar __SYNTAX__



This module implements a parser for a mini-language which is embedded 
inside the language runtime. It is used to "script" the interactions of
the core runtime types. Its primary purpose is to describe the object 

Here are some examples of the syntax:


  1`add(1);  # 1 + 1 = 2


  "Hello"`concat(", world"); # "Hello" ~ ", world" 

  []`push(1, 2, 3); # create a new array and push 1, 2, 3 to it
  [1, 2, 3`add(1)]; # creates array with 1, 2 & 4 in it 

  {}`store("key" => 2); # create a hash with one key ("key") and one value (2)
  -> $x { $x }; # create a closure which returns its own argument
  (-> $x { $x`add(1) })`(3); # call a closure with `() 

Method Invocation:

  $x`foo(1, 2);   # primitive method call
  $, 2);   # desugars into $x.send('foo', 1, 2)
  $x!foo(1, 2);   # desugars into $x.send_private('foo', 1, 2)

More complex examples: 

  # Factorial of 10
  (-> $n { (-> &fact { &fact`(&fact, $n) })
      `(-> &f, $x {
              -> { 1 },
              -> { $x`multiply( &f`(&f, $x`subtract(1)) ) })

See Also:



parseNativeLang :: Monad m => String -> m [NativeLangExpression]
parseNativeLang src = case parse program "-" src of
    Left err    -> fail (show err)
    Right exp   -> return exp
    program = between bof eof expressionList

parseWith :: Parser a -> String -> a
parseWith p src = case parse (between bof eof p) src src of
    Left err    -> error (show err)
    Right exp   -> exp

bof :: Parser ()
bof = whiteSpace

parseSub :: String -> Native
parseSub = toNative . parseWith pointySub

parseExp :: String -> NativeLangExpression
parseExp = parseWith expression

expressionList :: Parser [NativeLangExpression]
expressionList = do
    many $ symbol ";"
    exps <- maybeEof $ semiColonSep (fmap Left assignment <|> fmap Right expression)
    return $ unroll exps
    assignment = try $ do
        lhs <- identifier
        symbol ":="
        rhs <- expression
        return (lhs, rhs)
    unroll [] = []
    unroll (Right exp:xs) = (exp:unroll xs)
    unroll (Left (lhs, rhs):xs) = [mkCall CPrim sub "" [rhs]]
        sub = ELit . toNative $ mkSub [lhs] (unroll xs)
    maybeEof p = do
        exps <- p
        do { eof; return (exps ++ [Right ESaveContinuation]) } <|> return exps

expression :: Parser NativeLangExpression
expression = (<?> "expression") $ do
    obj <- choice
        [ parens expression
        , selfExpression
        , arrayExpression
        , hashExpression
        , fmap ELit literal
        , variableExpression
    maybeCall obj
    method = (<?> "method") $ do
        x       <- noneOf " \n\t()0123456789.`!"
        xs      <- many (noneOf " \n\t();,.`!")
        return (x:xs)
    maybeCall obj = option obj (doCall obj)
    doCall obj = do
        dot <- lexeme (oneOf "`.!")
        (name, args) <- functionCall <|> methodCall
        maybeCall $ mkCall (callType dot) obj name args
    callType '`' = CPrim
    callType '.' = CPublic
    callType '!' = CPrivate
    callType _   = error "impossible"
    -- $obj.(1,2,3)
    functionCall = do
        args    <- parens $ commaSep expression
        return ("", args)
    -- $obj.method(1,2,3)
    methodCall = do
        name    <- method
        args    <- option [] (parens $ commaSep expression)
        return (name, args)
    -- $obj`$method(1,2,3)
    selfExpression = do
        symbol "self"
        return (EVar $ mkStr "&self")

variableExpression :: Parser NativeLangExpression
variableExpression = fmap (EVar . mkStr) identifier

literal :: Parser Native
literal = choice 
    [ lit "nil"     mkNil
    , lit "true"    True
    , lit "false"   False
    , fmap toNative pointySub
    , fmap toNative stringLiteral
    , fmap toNative singleQuoteStringLiteral
    , try (fmap toNative naturalOrFloat)
    , fmap toNative integer
    lit :: IsNative a => String -> a -> Parser Native
    lit s n = do
        symbol s
        return (toNative n)

arrayExpression :: Parser NativeLangExpression
arrayExpression = do
    -- parse and analyze to see whether all the commaSep
    -- arguments are without redexes; if so, make it a literal
    -- otherwise desugar it as [].push form
    exps <- brackets $ commaSep expression
    return $ maybe (mkCall CPrim emptyArray "push" exps)
                   (ELit . toNative)
                   (allLiteral exps)
    emptyArray = ELit $ toNative (empty :: NativeSeq)
    allLiteral [] = Just []
    allLiteral (ELit l:xs) = fmap (l:) (allLiteral xs)
    allLiteral _ = Nothing

hashExpression :: Parser NativeLangExpression
hashExpression = do
    exps <- braces $ commaSep pairExpression
    return $ maybe (mkCall CPrim emptyHash "push" $ unroll exps)
                   (ELit . toNative)
                   (allLiteral exps)
    emptyHash = ELit $ toNative (empty :: NativeMap)
    unroll [] = []
    unroll ((k, v):xs) = (k:v:unroll xs)
    allLiteral [] = Just []
    allLiteral ((ELit k, ELit l):xs) = fmap ((k, l):) (allLiteral xs)
    allLiteral _ = Nothing

pairExpression :: Parser (NativeLangExpression, NativeLangExpression)
pairExpression = do
    key <- expression
    symbol "=>"
    val <- expression
    return (key, val)

singleQuoteStringLiteral :: Parser String
singleQuoteStringLiteral = between (char '\'') (lexeme $ char '\'') $ do
    many $ choice
        [ try $ do { char '\\'; oneOf "\\'" }
        , satisfy (/= '\'')

commaSep :: Parser a -> Parser [a]
commaSep = (`sepEndBy` (symbol ","))

semiColonSep :: Parser a -> Parser [a]
semiColonSep = (`sepEndBy` (many1 $ symbol ";"))

pointySub :: Parser NativeSub
pointySub = do
    try $ symbol "->"
    params <- commaSep identifier
    body   <- braces expressionList
    return (mkSub params body)

nativeLangDef  :: LanguageDef st
nativeLangDef  = javaStyle
    { commentStart   = "=pod"
    , commentEnd     = "=cut"
    , commentLine    = "#"
    , nestedComments = False
    , identStart     = oneOf "$@%&:^"
    , identLetter    = noneOf " \n\t.`!,;()[]{}#"

nativeLangLexer :: P.TokenParser st
nativeLangLexer = P.makeTokenParser nativeLangDef

parens     :: CharParser st a -> CharParser st a
parens     = P.parens     nativeLangLexer
whiteSpace :: CharParser st ()
whiteSpace = P.whiteSpace nativeLangLexer
mandatoryWhiteSpace :: CharParser st ()
mandatoryWhiteSpace = skipMany1 (oneOf " \t\n")  -- XXX unicode and whatnot
symbol     :: String -> CharParser st String
symbol     = P.symbol     nativeLangLexer
lexeme     :: CharParser st a -> CharParser st a
lexeme     = P.lexeme     nativeLangLexer
identifier :: CharParser st String
identifier = P.identifier nativeLangLexer
braces     :: CharParser st a -> CharParser st a
braces     = P.braces     nativeLangLexer
brackets   :: CharParser st a -> CharParser st a
brackets   = P.brackets   nativeLangLexer
angles     :: CharParser st a -> CharParser st a
angles     = P.angles     nativeLangLexer
integer    :: CharParser st Integer
integer    = P.integer    nativeLangLexer
stringLiteral    :: CharParser st String
stringLiteral    = P.stringLiteral    nativeLangLexer
naturalOrFloat  :: CharParser st (Either Integer Double)
naturalOrFloat  = P.naturalOrFloat nativeLangLexer

mkCall :: NativeLangCallType -> NativeLangExpression -> String -> [NativeLangExpression]
    -> NativeLangExpression
mkCall ctyp obj meth args = ECall
    { c_type = ctyp
    , c_obj  = obj
    , c_meth = mkStr meth
    , c_args = mkSeq args