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{-# OPTIONS_GHC -O2 -fglasgow-exts -funbox-strict-fields -fallow-undecidable-instances -fno-warn-orphans #-}
module Text.Parser.Rule (
    module Text.Parser.Rule,
    module Text.Parser.PArrow,
) where
import Prelude hiding (lookup, null, drop, span, break, head, tail, init, last, splitAt, take, length)
import qualified Prelude (last, length)
import Text.Parser.OpTable
import Text.Parser.PArrow
import Text.Parser.PArrow.MD (MD(..), Label(..), label, Monoid(..))
import Data.ByteString.Char8 hiding (concatMap, concat, elem, foldl, foldl1, map, foldr, foldr1)
import Text.Parser.PArrow.CharSet
import Data.Set (Set, isSubsetOf)
import Data.Seq (Seq, toList, fromList, (<|), (|>), (><))
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.Generics hiding (Infix)
import Data.IntMap (IntMap, insertWith, toAscList, union)
import Data.Char (isSpace)
import Data.Dynamic
import Control.Arrow
import System.IO (stdout)
import Data.ByteString.Base (ByteString(..))
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as Str
import qualified Data.Seq as Seq
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set

type Parser = MD Str
type NoMatch = IntMap Label
type CompiledRule = MD Str MatchRule
data Grammar = MkGrammar
    { grammarName  :: !Str
    , grammarRules :: !(Map Str CompiledRule)
    deriving (Show, Eq, Typeable)

(!!!) :: (Show a, Ord a) => Map a b -> a -> b
m !!! k = case Map.lookup k m  of
    Just v -> v
    _      -> error $ "Cannot find key in grammar: " ++ show k

infixl 1 ~~
infixl ~:~
infixl ~&~
infixl .<>
infixl !!!

(.<>) :: Grammar -> String -> CompiledRule
grammar .<> name = grammarRules grammar !!! pack name

(~:~) :: String -> String -> (Str, Rule)
name ~:~ rule = (pack name, parseOptimized rule)

(~&~) :: Typeable a => String -> OpTable a -> (Str, Rule)
name ~&~ tbl = (pack name, dynOpRule name tbl)

defaultGrammar :: Grammar
defaultGrammar = grammar
    [ "p6rule"      ~&~ ruleTable
    , "p6namedrule" ~:~ "rule \\s+ ([\\w|<'::'>]+) \\s* \\{ <p6rule> \\} ;? \\s*"
    , "p6grammar"   ~:~ "^ grammar \\s+ ([\\w|<'::'>]+); \\s* <p6namedrule>* $"

parseGrammar :: String -> Grammar
parseGrammar text = case text ~~ defaultGrammar .<> "p6grammar" of
    Left err -> error (unpack err)
    Right m  -> (grammar (parseRules m)) { grammarName = (matchStr $ Seq.index (matchSubPos m) 0) }

parseRules :: MatchRule -> [(Str, Rule)]
parseRules m = map parseRule (Seq.toList nameds)
    MatchSeq nameds = matchSubNam m !!! pack "p6namedrule"
    parseRule mr = (parseRuleName mr, parseRuleBody mr)
    parseRuleName mr = (matchStr $ Seq.index (matchSubPos mr) 0)
    parseRuleBody mr = fromDyn (matchDynamic (matchSubNam mr !!! pack "p6rule")) (error "no parse")

grammar :: [(Str, Rule)] -> Grammar
grammar rules = MkGrammar empty ( comp normMap)
    ruleMap = Map.fromList rules
    normMap = replaceAll ruleMap
    replaceAll = everywhere (mkT replaceNode)
    replaceNode (TermSubrule c name) = TermGroup c ((Map.!) normMap name)
    replaceNode x = x

printMatch :: String -> String -> IO ()
printMatch i r = either (hPut stdout) printMatchResult (matchRule r i)

printMatchResult :: MatchRule -> IO ()
printMatchResult mo@MatchObj{} = hPut stdout (matchString mo)
printMatchResult mr = print mr

mkRule :: String -> (MatchRule -> a) -> MD Str a
mkRule r f = rule r >>^ f

rule :: String -> CompiledRule
rule = comp . parseOptimized

dynOpRule :: Typeable a => String -> OpTable a -> Rule
dynOpRule label table = RTerm (TermDynamic (MkDynamicTerm (pack label) fun))
    fun str = let (r, post) = opParsePartial table str in Just (toDyn r, post)

matchRule :: String -> String -> Either Str MatchRule
matchRule r = (~~ rule r)

(~~) :: String -> MD Str MatchRule -> Either Str MatchRule
(~~) input p = case runMatch p str mempty of
    Left errs   -> Left msg
        (msg, _, _) = foldl (prettyErrs idxs) (Str.empty, -1, mempty) (toAscList errs)
    Right ok    -> Right (mkMatchObj ok)
    str = pack input
    idxs = lineIdxs str

prettyErrs :: [Int] -> (Str, Int, Label) -> (Int, Label) -> (Str, Int, Label)
prettyErrs idxs (s, idx, prev) (idx', this)
    | succ idx == idx'
    , expects this `isSubsetOf` expects prev
    , unexpects this `isSubsetOf` unexpects prev
    = (s, idx', prev)
    | Str.null s
    = (pack "Expecting: " `append` formatted, idx', this)
    | otherwise
    = (s `append` pack "       or: " `append` formatted, idx', this)
    formatted = formWith "" expects `append` formWith "(Not) " unexpects `append` pack column
    column = " at line " ++ show lineNum ++ ", column " ++ show colNum ++ "\n"
    formWith s f
        | set <- f this
        , not (Set.null set)
        = pack s `append` formList (Set.toAscList set)
        | otherwise = empty
    formList [] = empty
    formList [x] = x
    formList [x, y] = x `append` pack " or " `append` y
    formList (x:xs) = x `append` pack ", " `append` formList xs
    lns = (-1:Prelude.filter (< idx') idxs)
    colNum  = idx' - Prelude.last lns
    lineNum = Prelude.length lns

runMatch :: Show o => MD i o -> Str -> NoMatch -> Either NoMatch o
runMatch _ s errs | null s = Left errs
runMatch p s errs = case runParser p s of
    PErr err    -> runMatch p (tail s) (errs `union` err)
    POk _ ok    -> Right ok

insertErr :: Int -> Label -> NoMatch -> NoMatch
insertErr = insertWith mappend

runOverlapMatch :: MD i o -> Str -> Either NoMatch [o] -> Either NoMatch [o]
runOverlapMatch p s res | null s = res
runOverlapMatch p s (Left errs) = runOverlapMatch p (tail s)
    (either (Left . (\(idx, err) -> insertErr idx err errs)) (Right . (:[])) (runParser p s))
runOverlapMatch p s ok@(Right oks) = runOverlapMatch p (tail s)
    (either (const ok) (Right . (:oks)) (runParser p s))

parseOptimized :: String -> Rule
parseOptimized = optimize . parseRule

class Optimizable a where
    optimize :: a -> a
    optimize = id
instance Optimizable Rule where
    optimize (RQuant (QuantNone _))     = REmpty
    optimize (RQuant (QuantOne x))      = optimize $ mk x
    optimize (RConcat (Concat [x]))     = optimize $ mk x
    optimize (RConcat x)                = mk $ optimize x
    optimize (RConj (Conj [x]))         = optimize $ mk x
    optimize (RConj x)                  = mk $ optimize x
    optimize (RAltern (Altern [x]))     = optimize $ mk x
    optimize (RAltern x)                = mk $ optimize x
    optimize x = x

instance Optimizable RuleQuant where
    optimize x = x

instance Optimizable RuleAltern where
    optimize (Altern xs) = Altern (map optimize xs)

instance Optimizable RuleConcat where
    optimize (Concat xs) = Concat (foldr joinConcat [] (map optimize xs))
        joinConcat (QuantNone _) ys = ys
        joinConcat x [] = [x]
        joinConcat x@(QuantOne tx) (y@(QuantOne ty):ys) = case joinTerm tx ty of
            Nothing -> (x:y:ys)
            Just x' -> (mk x':ys)
        joinConcat x (y:ys) = (x:y:ys)
        joinTerm (TermLit x) (TermLit y) = Just (TermLit (append x y))
        joinTerm _ _ = Nothing

instance Optimizable RuleConj where
    optimize (Conj xs) = Conj (map optimize xs)

type EmptyStr = Str

-- | Rule Match object from PGE
data MatchRule
    = MatchObj
        { matchString :: !Str
        , matchSubPos :: !(Seq MatchRule)
        , matchSubNam :: !(Map Str MatchRule)
    | MatchStr !Str
    | MatchNil !EmptyStr 
    | MatchSeq !(Seq MatchRule)
    -- below are intermediate forms
    | MatchPos !MatchRule
    | MatchNam !Str !MatchRule
    | MatchDyn
        { matchString  :: !Str
        , matchDynamic :: !Dynamic
    deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Typeable)

instance Eq Dynamic where _ == _ = True
instance Ord Dynamic where compare _ _ = EQ

fin :: Str -> Int
fin (PS _ s l) = s + l

mkMatchObj :: MatchRule -> MatchRule
mkMatchObj x@MatchObj{} = x
mkMatchObj (MatchPos m) = MatchObj (matchStr m) (Seq.singleton m) Map.empty
mkMatchObj x@MatchDyn{} = x --  s _) = MatchObj s (Seq.singleton x) Map.empty
mkMatchObj (MatchNam s m) = MatchObj (matchStr m) Seq.empty (Map.singleton s m)
mkMatchObj x@(MatchSeq l) = Seq.foldl doSeq (MatchObj (matchStr x) Seq.empty Map.empty) l
    doSeq o (MatchPos m) = o{ matchSubPos = matchSubPos o |> m }
    doSeq o (MatchNam s m) = o{ matchSubNam = Map.insertWith mappend s m (matchSubNam o) }
    doSeq o (MatchSeq l) = Seq.foldl doSeq o l
    doSeq o _ = o
mkMatchObj x = MatchObj (matchStr x) Seq.empty Map.empty

matchStr :: MatchRule -> Str
matchStr o@MatchObj{} = matchString o
matchStr (MatchStr s)   = s
matchStr (MatchNil s)   = s
matchStr (MatchSeq l)   = mergeStr
    (matchStr (Seq.index l 0))
    (matchStr (Seq.index l (pred (Seq.length l))))
matchStr (MatchPos m)   = matchStr m
matchStr (MatchNam _ m) = matchStr m
matchStr (MatchDyn s _)   = s

mergeStr :: Str -> Str -> Str
mergeStr (PS _ s _) (PS p s' l') = (PS p s (s'+l'-s))

instance Monoid MatchRule where
    mempty = error "empty match"
    mappend (MatchStr x) (MatchStr y) = MatchStr (mergeStr x y)
    mappend (MatchSeq x) (MatchSeq y) = MatchSeq (x >< y)
    mappend (MatchSeq x) y = MatchSeq (x |> y)
    mappend x (MatchSeq y) = MatchSeq (x <| y)
    mappend x y = MatchSeq (fromList [x, y])
    mconcat [] = error "empty concat"
    mconcat xs = foldl1 mappend xs

nullMatch :: Str -> MatchRule
nullMatch (PS p s _) = MatchStr (PS p s 0)

class Compilable a where
    comp :: a -> CompiledRule
    compMany :: [a] -> CompiledRule
    compMany = foldl1 (\a b -> a &&& b >>^ uncurry mappend) . map comp

instance Compilable Rule where
    comp REmpty               = MEmpty
    comp (RTerm x)            = comp x
    comp (RQuant x)           = comp x
    comp (RConj (Conj x))     = comp x
    comp (RConcat (Concat x)) = comp x
    comp (RAltern (Altern x)) = comp x

instance Compilable a => Compilable [a] where
    comp []  = pure nullMatch
    comp [x] = comp x
    comp xs  = compMany xs
    compMany = comp . concat

instance Compilable Str where
    comp x = string x >>^ MatchStr
    compMany = comp . Str.concat

instance Compilable RuleTerm where
    comp (TermLit x) = comp x
    comp (TermDynamic x) = MDyn (mkLabel $ dynLabel x) (dynTerm x) >>^ uncurry MatchDyn
    comp (TermShortcut x) = comp x
    comp (TermGroup NonCapture r) = comp r
    comp (TermGroup Negated r) = MNot (comp r)
    comp (TermGroup CapturePos r) = comp r >>^ MatchPos
    comp (TermGroup (CaptureNam n) r) = comp r >>^ MatchNam n
    comp (TermGroup (CaptureSubrule n) r) = comp r >>^ mkMatchObj >>^ MatchNam n
    comp (TermEnum x) = comp x
    comp (TermAnchor AnchorBegin) = comp ("beginning of input", beg)
        beg (PS _ 0 _)  = True
        beg _           = False
    comp (TermAnchor AnchorBeginLine) = comp ("beginning of line", bol)
        bol (PS p s l) = (s == 0) || head (PS p (pred s) l) == '\n'
    comp (TermAnchor AnchorEnd) = comp ("end of input", null)
    comp (TermAnchor AnchorEndLine) = comp ("end of line", eol)
        eol (PS p s l) = (l == 0) || head (PS p (succ s) l) == '\n'
    comp x = error ("can't compile: " ++ show x)

instance Compilable ([Char], ByteString -> Bool) where
    comp (name, f) = (MDyn (mkLabel $ pack name) $ \s -> if f s
        then Just (take 0 s, s)
        else Nothing) >>^ (MatchStr . fst)

instance Compilable RuleShortcut where
    comp x = MCSet x >>^ MatchStr

instance Compilable RuleEnum where
    comp (EnumChars s) = MCSet (CS_Enum s) >>^ MatchStr
    comp (EnumShortcut x) = comp x
    comp (EnumComplement (EnumChars s)) = MCSet (CS_Negated (CS_Enum s)) >>^ MatchStr
    comp x = error ("can't compile: " ++ show x)

instance Compilable RuleQuant where
    comp (QuantNone _) = comp empty -- error "none"
    comp (QuantOne x) = comp x
    comp (Quant x min max Greedy) = MGreedy min max (comp x) >>^
        either MatchNil (mconcat . toList)
    comp (Quant x min max Lazy) = MLazy min max (comp x) >>^
        either MatchNil (mconcat . toList)

instance Compilable RuleConcat where
    comp (Concat x) = comp x
    compMany = foldl1 (\a b -> a &&& b >>^ snd) . map comp

instance Compilable RuleConj where
    comp (Conj x) = comp x
    compMany = choice . map comp

instance Compilable RuleAltern where
    comp (Altern x) = comp x
    compMany = error "impossible"

parseRule :: String -> Rule
parseRule = opParseAll ruleTable . pack

data RuleCut
    = CutThis   -- :
    | CutGroup  -- ::
    | CutAll    -- :::
    deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Data, Typeable)

data RuleAnchor
    = AnchorBoundary    -- @\b@
    | AnchorBoundaryNot -- @\B@
    | AnchorBegin       -- @^@
    | AnchorEnd         -- @$@
    | AnchorBeginLine   -- @^^@
    | AnchorEndLine     -- @$$@
    deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Data, Typeable)

type RuleShortcut = CharSet

data RuleEnum
    = EnumChars !Str                -- <[abcd]>
    | EnumRange !Char !Char         -- <[a..z]>
    | EnumPlus !RuleEnum !RuleEnum  -- <[]+[]>
    | EnumMinus !RuleEnum !RuleEnum -- <[]-[]>
    | EnumShortcut !RuleShortcut    -- <[\w]>
    | EnumComplement !RuleEnum      -- <-[]>
    deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Data, Typeable)

type Name = Str

data RuleQuant
    = QuantOne !RuleTerm
    | QuantNone !Str                        -- @#comment@
    | Quant                                 -- @**{2} ? + *@
        { quantTerm     :: !RuleTerm
        , quantMin      :: !MinQuant
        , quantMax      :: !MaxQuant
        , quantLaziness :: !RuleLaziness
    deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Data, Typeable)

newtype RuleConcat = Concat [RuleQuant]
    deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Data, Typeable)
newtype RuleConj   = Conj   [RuleConcat]    -- @a & b & c@
    deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Data, Typeable)
newtype RuleAltern = Altern [RuleConj]      -- @a | b | c@
    deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Data, Typeable)

type Flag = ()
data RulePattern = MkPattern
    { patFlags   :: Set Flag
    , patAlterns :: RuleAltern
    deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Data, Typeable)

data Rule
    = REmpty
    | RTerm   !RuleTerm
    | RQuant  !RuleQuant
    | RConcat !RuleConcat
    | RConj   !RuleConj
    | RAltern !RuleAltern
    deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Data, Typeable)

data RuleTerm
    = TermCommit                            -- <commit>
    | TermCut !RuleCut                      -- <cut> : :: :::
    | TermAnchor !RuleAnchor                -- ^ $ \b
    | TermLit !Str                          -- a b c d
    | TermShortcut !RuleShortcut            -- . \d \w
    | TermGroup !RuleCapturing !Rule        -- [...] (...)
    | TermEnum !RuleEnum                    -- <[a-z]>
    | TermClosure !RuleClosure              -- {...}
    | TermBind !RuleVar !RuleTerm           -- @$1 := ...@
    | TermSubrule !RuleCapturing !Name      -- <name>
    | TermDynamic !DynamicTerm
    deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Data, Typeable)

data DynamicTerm = MkDynamicTerm 
    { dynLabel :: Str
    , dynTerm  :: Str -> Maybe (Dynamic, Str)
    deriving (Data, Typeable)

instance Show DynamicTerm where show = show . dynLabel
instance Eq DynamicTerm where x == y = dynLabel x == dynLabel y
instance Ord DynamicTerm where compare x y = dynLabel x `compare` dynLabel y
instance Data Dynamic where
    gunfold = error "gunfold"
    toConstr = error "gfoldl"
    dataTypeOf = error "dataTypeOf"

type RuleClosure = () -- not supported yet
data RuleCapturing = CapturePos | CaptureNam !Name | NonCapture | Negated
    | CaptureSubrule !Name
    deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Data, Typeable)
data RuleLaziness = Greedy | Lazy
    deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Data, Typeable)
data RuleVar = VarPos !Int | VarNamed !Str
    deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Data, Typeable)
data RuleModifier
    = ModifierIgnorecase
    | ModifierGlobal
    | ModifierPos !Int
    | ModifierOnce
    deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Data, Typeable)

ruleTable :: OpTable Rule
ruleTable = mkOpTable
    [ noWs (op _Lit  Term scanLiteral)
   ++ noWs (op _Term Term ": :: ::: \\b \\B ^ ^^ $ $$ . \\d \\D \\s \\S \\w \\W \\n <commit>")
   ++ noWs (op (_Group CapturePos)                  Circumfix "( )")
   ++ noWs (op (_Group NonCapture)                  Circumfix "[ ]")
   ++ noWs (op (_Subrule CapturePos)                Term "<"   scanSubrule)
   ++ noWs (op (_Subrule NonCapture)                Term "<?"  scanSubrule)
   ++ noWs (op (_Subrule Negated)                   Term "<!"  scanSubrule)
   ++ noWs (op (_Enum EnumChars)                    Term "<["  (scanWith doScanEnum))
   ++ noWs (op (_Enum EnumChars)                    Term "<+[" (scanWith doScanEnum))
   ++ noWs (op (_Enum (EnumComplement . EnumChars)) Term "<-[" (scanWith doScanEnum))
   ++ noWs (op _TermVerbatim                        Term "<'"  (scanWith doScanVerbatim))
    , op _Quant Postfix "* + ?"
    , noWs $ op _Concat Infix AssocList ""
    , op _Conj   Infix AssocList "&" 
    , op _Altern Infix AssocList "|" 
    isMetaChar x = isSpace x || (x `elem` "\\%*+?:|.^$@[]()<>{}#")
    isNewline = (`elem` "\x0a\x0d\x0c\x85\x2028\x2029")
    scanSubrule, scanLiteral :: Str -> Maybe (Str, Str)
    scanSubrule str
        | (pre, post) <- break (== '>') str = Just (pre, tail post)
        | otherwise = Nothing
    scanLiteral str
        | null str = Just (str, str)
        | head str == '#' = Just (break isNewline str)
        | head str == '\\', ch <- index str 1, isMetaChar ch = Just (splitAt 1 (tail str))
        | res@(pre, _) <- span isSpace str, not (null pre) = Just res
        | res@(pre, _) <- splitAt 1 str, not (isMetaChar (head pre)) = Just res
        | otherwise = Nothing
    scanWith f str@(PS _ strIdx _)
        | null str = Nothing
        | otherwise = do
            post@(PS _ idx _) <- f str
            -- The "- 2" below is to subtract the "]>" part.
            let cur = idx
                pre = take (cur - strIdx - 2) str
            return (pre, post)
    doScanEnum, doScanVerbatim:: Str -> Maybe (Str)
    doScanEnum str
        | null str = fail "No closing ']>' for charlist"
        | head str == '\\' = doScanEnum (drop 2 str)
        | head str == ']'  = let rest = tail str in case head rest of
            '>' -> return (tail rest)
            '+' -> doScanEnum (tail rest)
            '-' -> doScanEnum (tail rest)
            _   -> fail "Unescaped ']' in charlist"
        | otherwise = doScanEnum (tail str)
    doScanVerbatim str
        | null str = fail "No closing \"'>\" for verbatim"
        | head str == '\\' = doScanVerbatim (drop 2 str)
        | head str == '\'' = let rest = tail str in case head rest of
            '>' -> return (tail rest)
            _   -> fail "Unescaped \"'\" in charlist"
        | otherwise = doScanVerbatim (tail str)
            -- scan :: inputString -> enumList -> ( enumList, remainingInput )
            scan :: [Char] -> [Char] -> ( [Char], [Char] )
            -- endClass
            scan (']':'>':xs) lst = ( lst , xs )
            -- errBracket
            scan (']':xs)  _      = error "Unescaped ']' in charlist"
            -- errHyphen
            scan ('-':xs)  _      = error "Unescaped '-' in charlist"
            -- backslash 
            scan ('\\':'n':xs) lst = scan xs (lst ++ "\n")
            scan ('\\':'r':xs) lst = scan xs (lst ++ "\r")
            scan ('\\':'t':xs) lst = scan xs (lst ++ "\t")
            scan ('\\':'f':xs) lst = scan xs (lst ++ "\f")
            scan ('\\':'a':xs) lst = scan xs (lst ++ "\a")
            -- \e is not a valid escape char in haskell
            scan ('\\':'e':xs) lst = scan xs (lst ++ "\a")
            scan ('\\':'0':xs) lst = scan xs (lst ++ "\0")
            -- user escaped a character that doesn't need escaping
            scan ('\\':xs)     lst = scan xs lst
            -- dotRange
            scan ('.':'.':xs)  lst = ( (Prelude.init lst) ++ [ (Prelude.last lst) .. (Prelude.head lst2) ] ++ (Prelude.tail lst2), rest ) 
                where (lst2, rest) = scan xs []
            -- errClose
            scan ""            _   = error "No closing ']>' for charlist"
            -- addChar
            scan (x:xs)     lst = scan xs (lst ++ [x]) 
    _Lit :: DynMkMatch Rule
    _Lit tok _ | null str           = mk QuantNone str
               | head str == '#'    = mk QuantNone str
               | isSpace (head str) = mk QuantNone str
               | otherwise          = mk TermLit str
        str = tokStr tok
    _Term :: String -> DynMkMatch Rule
    _Term ":"   _ _  = mk TermCut CutThis
    _Term "::"  _ _  = mk TermCut CutGroup
    _Term ":::" _ _  = mk TermCut CutAll
    _Term "\\b" _ _  = mk TermAnchor AnchorBoundary
    _Term "\\B" _ _  = mk TermAnchor AnchorBoundaryNot
    _Term "^"   _ _  = mk TermAnchor AnchorBegin
    _Term "^^"  _ _  = mk TermAnchor AnchorBeginLine
    _Term "$"   _ _  = mk TermAnchor AnchorEnd
    _Term "$$"  _ _  = mk TermAnchor AnchorEndLine
    _Term "."   _ _  = mk TermShortcut CS_Any
    _Term "\\d" _ _  = mk TermShortcut CS_Digit
    _Term "\\D" _ _  = mk TermShortcut (CS_Negated CS_Digit)
    _Term "\\s" _ _  = mk TermShortcut CS_Whitespace
    _Term "\\S" _ _  = mk TermShortcut (CS_Negated CS_Whitespace)
    _Term "\\w" _ _  = mk TermShortcut CS_Word
    _Term "\\W" _ _  = mk TermShortcut (CS_Negated CS_Word)
    _Term "\\n" _ _  = mk TermShortcut CS_Newline
    _Term "\\N" _ _  = mk TermShortcut (CS_Negated CS_Newline)
    _Term "<commit>" _ _ = mk TermCommit
    _Term x     _ _  = error x
    _Quant :: String -> DynMkMatch Rule
    _Quant "*" _ [x] = mk $ Quant (mk x) 0 QuantInf     Greedy
    _Quant "+" _ [x] = mk $ Quant (mk x) 1 QuantInf     Greedy
    _Quant "?" _ [RQuant q@(Quant{})] = mk q{ quantLaziness = Lazy }
    _Quant "?" _ [x] = mk $ Quant (mk x) 0 (QuantInt 1) Greedy -- XXX Lazify
    _Quant _   _ _   = error "unknown quant"
    _Altern, _Concat, _Conj, _TermVerbatim :: DynMkMatch Rule
    _Altern _ xs = mk $ Altern (mk xs)
    _Conj   _ xs = mk $ Conj (mk xs)
    _Concat _ xs = mk $ Concat (mk xs)
    _TermVerbatim tok _ = mk $ TermLit (tokStr tok)
    _Enum :: (Str -> RuleEnum) -> DynMkMatch Rule
    _Enum f tok _ = mk $ TermEnum (f (tokStr tok))
    _Group, _Subrule :: RuleCapturing -> DynMkMatch Rule
    _Group c _ [x] = mk $ TermGroup c x
    _Group _ _ _   = error "impossible: multigroup"
    _Subrule c tok _
        | CapturePos <- c   = mk $ TermSubrule (CaptureSubrule nam) nam
        | otherwise         = mk $ TermSubrule c nam
        nam = (tokStr tok)

class MkClass a where mk :: a

instance (MkClass (a -> b)) => MkClass ([a] -> [b]) where
    mk = mk

instance MkClass (RuleQuant -> Rule) where mk = RQuant
instance MkClass (RuleTerm -> Rule) where mk = RTerm
instance MkClass (RuleConj -> Rule) where mk = RConj
instance MkClass (RuleConcat -> Rule) where mk = RConcat
instance MkClass (RuleAltern -> Rule) where mk = RAltern

instance MkClass (RuleTerm -> RuleQuant) where
    mk = QuantOne

instance MkClass (Rule -> RuleTerm) where
    mk (RTerm x) = x
    mk (RQuant (QuantOne x)) = x
    mk x = error ("downcast to term" ++ show x)

instance MkClass (Rule -> RuleQuant) where
    mk (RTerm x) = QuantOne x
    mk (RQuant x) = x
    mk (RConj (Conj [Concat [x]])) = x
    mk x = error ("downcast to quant" ++ show x)

instance MkClass (Rule -> RuleConcat) where
    mk (RTerm x) = Concat [QuantOne x]
    mk (RQuant x) = Concat [x]
    mk (RConj (Conj [x])) = x
    mk x = error ("downcast to concat" ++ show x)

instance MkClass (Rule -> RuleConj) where
    mk (RTerm x) = Conj [Concat [QuantOne x]]
    mk (RQuant x) = Conj [Concat [x]]
    mk (RConcat x) = Conj [x]
    mk (RConj x) = x
    mk x = error ("downcast to conj" ++ show x)

instance MkClass (a -> c) => MkClass ((b -> a) -> b -> c) where
    mk f x = mk (f x)