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use v6-alpha;

use Test;


Hash tests


plan 32;

# basic lvalue assignment
  my $hash; 
  isa_ok $hash, 'Any';

  $hash{"1st"} = 5; 
  isa_ok $hash, 'Hash';

  is $hash{"1st"}, 5, 'lvalue hash assignment works (w/ double quoted keys)';

  $hash{'1st'} = 4; 
  is $hash{'1st'}, 4, 'lvalue hash re-assignment works (w/ single quoted keys)';

  $hash<3rd> = 3; 
  is $hash<3rd>, 3, 'lvalue hash assignment works (w/ unquoted style <key>)';

# basic hash creation w/ comma seperated key/values
   my $hash = hash("1st", 1);
   isa_ok $hash, 'Hash';
   is $hash{"1st"}, 1, 'comma seperated key/value hash creation works';
   is $hash<1st>,   1, 'unquoted <key> fetching works';

   my $hash = hash("1st", 1, "2nd", 2);
   isa_ok $hash, 'Hash';
   is $hash{"1st"}, 1,
     'comma seperated key/value hash creation works with more than 1st pair';
   is $hash{"2nd"}, 2,
     'comma seperated key/value hash creation works with more than 1st pair';

# hash slicing
  my $hash = {'1st' => 1, '2nd' => 2, '3rd' => 3};
  isa_ok $hash, 'Hash';

  my @slice1 = $hash{"1st", "3rd"};
  is +@slice1,   2, 'got the right amount of values from the %hash{} slice';
  is @slice1[0], 1, '%hash{} slice successfull (1)';
  is @slice1[1], 3, '%hash{} slice successfull (2)';

  my @slice2;
  @slice2 = $hash<3rd 1st>;
  is +@slice2,   2, 'got the right amount of values from the %hash<> slice';
  is @slice2[0], 3, '%hash<> slice was successful (1)';
  is @slice2[1], 1, '%hash<> slice was successful (2)';

  # slice assignment
  $hash{"1st", "3rd"} = (5, 10);
  is $hash<1st>,  5, 'value was changed successfully with slice assignment';
  is $hash<3rd>, 10, 'value was changed successfully with slice assignment';

  $hash<1st 3rd> = (3, 1);
  is $hash<1st>, 3, 'value was changed successfully with slice assignment';
  is $hash<3rd>, 1, 'value was changed successfully with slice assignment';

# hashref assignment using {}
# L<S06/"Anonymous hashes vs blocks" /So you may use sub or hash or pair to disambiguate:/>
  my $hash_a = { a => 1, b => 2 };              isa_ok $hash_a, "Hash";
  my $hash_b = { a => 1, "b", 2 };              isa_ok $hash_b, "Hash";
  my $hash_c = hash('a', 1, "b", 2);              isa_ok $hash_c, "Hash";
  my $hash_d = hash 'a', 1, "b", 2;               isa_ok $hash_d, "Hash";
  my $hash_e = { pair "a", 1, "b", 2 };         isa_ok $hash_e, "Hash";

# infinity HoHoHoH...
  my %hash = (val => 42);
  %hash<ref> = \%hash;
  isa_ok %hash,           "Hash";
  isa_ok %hash<ref>,      "Hash";
  isa_ok %hash<ref><ref>, "Hash";
  is %hash<ref><val>,      42, "access to infinite HoHoHoH... (1)";
  is %hash<ref><ref><val>, 42, "access to infinite HoHoHoH... (2)";