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use v6-alpha;

use Test;


 Pair test


plan 97;

# basic Pair

my $pair = 'foo' => 'bar';
isa_ok($pair, 'Pair');
is($pair.perl, '("foo" => "bar")', 'canonical representation');

# get key and value from the pair as many ways as possible

is(key($pair), 'foo', 'got the right key($pair)');
is(value($pair), 'bar', 'got the right value($pair)');

is($pair.key(), 'foo', 'got the right $pair.key()');
is($pair.value(), 'bar', 'got the right $pair.value()');

is($pair.key, 'foo', 'got the right $pair.key');
is($pair.value, 'bar', 'got the right $pair.value');

# get both (kv) as many ways as possible

my @pair1a = kv($pair);
is(+@pair1a, 2, 'got the right number of elements in the list');
is(@pair1a[0], 'foo', 'got the right key');
is(@pair1a[1], 'bar', 'got the right value');

my @pair1b = kv $pair;
is(+@pair1b, 2, 'got the right number of elements in the list');
is(@pair1b[0], 'foo', 'got the right key');
is(@pair1b[1], 'bar', 'got the right value');

my @pair1c = $pair.kv;
is(+@pair1c, 2, 'got the right number of elements in the list');
is(@pair1c[0], 'foo', 'got the right key');
is(@pair1c[1], 'bar', 'got the right value');

my @pair1d = $pair.kv();
is(+@pair1d, 2, 'got the right number of elements in the list');
is(@pair1d[0], 'foo', 'got the right key');
is(@pair1d[1], 'bar', 'got the right value');

# Pair with a numeric value

my $pair2 = 'foo' => 2;
isa_ok($pair2, 'Pair');

is($pair2.value, 2, 'got the right value');

# Pair with a Pair value

my $pair3 = "foo" => ("bar" => "baz");
isa_ok($pair3, 'Pair');

my $pair3a = $pair3.value;
isa_ok($pair3a, 'Pair');
is($pair3a.key, 'bar', 'got right nested pair key');
is($pair3a.value, 'baz', 'got right nested pair key');

is($pair3.value.key, 'bar', 'got right nested pair key (method chaining)');
is($pair3.value.value, 'baz', 'got right nested pair key (method chaining)');

# Pair with a Pair key

my $pair4 = ("foo" => "bar") => "baz";
isa_ok($pair4, 'Pair');

is($pair4.value, 'baz', 'got the right value');

isa_ok($pair4.key, 'Pair');
is($pair4.key.key, 'foo', 'got right nested key');
is($pair4.key.value, 'bar', 'got right nested value');

my $quux = (quux => "xyzzy");
is($quux.key, 'quux', "lhs quotes" );

    # L<S06/Immutable types/Pair "one-element Mapping">
    my $pair = :when<now>;
    is ~(%$pair), "when\tnow";
    # hold back this one according to audreyt
    #ok $pair.does(Hash), 'Pair does Hash';
    ok (%$pair).does(Hash), '%() makes Pair to does Hash', :todo<bug>;

# lvalue Pair assignments from S06 and thread starting with
# L<"">

my $val;
("foo" => $val) = "baz";
is($val, "baz", "lvalue pairs");

# illustrate a bug

my $var   = 'foo' => 'bar';
sub test1 (Any|Pair $pair) {
    my $testpair = $pair;
    isa_ok($testpair,'Pair'); # new lvalue variable is also a Pair
    my $boundpair := $pair;
    isa_ok($boundpair,'Pair'); # bound variable is also a Pair
    is($pair.key, 'foo', 'in sub test1 got the right $pair.key');
    is($pair.value, 'bar', 'in sub test1 got the right $pair.value');

test1 $var;

my %hash  = ('foo' => 'bar');
for  %hash.pairs -> $pair {
    isa_ok($pair,'Pair') ; 
    my $testpair = $pair;
    isa_ok($testpair, 'Pair'); # new lvalue variable is also a Pair
    my $boundpair := $pair;
    isa_ok($boundpair,'Pair'); # bound variable is also a Pair
    is($pair.key, 'foo', 'in for loop got the right $pair.key');
    is($pair.value, 'bar', 'in for loop got the right $pair.value');

sub test2 (Hash %h){
    for %h.pairs -> $pair {
        isa_ok($pair,'Pair') ; 
        is($pair.key, 'foo', 'in sub test2 got the right $pair.key');
        is($pair.value, 'bar', 'in sub test2 got the right $pair.value');
test2 %hash;

# See thread "$pair[0]" on p6l started by Ingo Blechschmidt:
# L<"">

sub test3 (Hash %h){
    for %h.pairs -> $pair {
        dies_ok({$pair[0]}, 'sub test3: access by $pair[0] should not work', :todo<bug>);
        dies_ok({$pair[1]}, 'sub test3: access by $pair[1] should not work', :todo<bug>);
test3 %hash;

=begin p6l

Hm, Hash::pair? Never heard of that.  --iblech

sub test4 (Hash %h){
    for %h.pair -> $pair {
        isa_ok($pair,'Pair',:todo<bug>) ; 
        is($pair.key, 'foo', 'sub test4: access by unspecced "pair" got the right $pair.key');
        is($pair.value, 'bar', 'sub test4: access by unspecced "pair" got the right $pair.value');

test4 %hash;


my $should_be_a_pair = (a => 25/1);
isa_ok $should_be_a_pair, "Pair", "=> has correct precedence";


Stated by Larry on p6l in:

 "Oh, and we recently moved => to assignment precedence so it would
 more naturally be right associative, and to keep the non-chaining
 binaries consistently non-associative.  Also lets you say:

   key => $x ?? $y !! $z;

 plus it moves it closer to the comma that it used to be in Perl 5."

(iblech) XXX: this contradicts current S03 so I could be wrong.


  # This should always work.
  my %x = ( "Zaphod" => (0 ?? 1 !! 2), "Ford" => 42 );
  is %x{"Zaphod"}, 2, "Zaphod is 2";
  is %x{"Ford"},  42, "Ford is 42";

  # This should work only if => is lower precedence than ?? !!
  my %z = ( "Zaphod" => 0 ?? 1 !! 2, "Ford" => 42 );
  is %z{"Zaphod"}, 2, "Zaphod is still 2";
  is %z{"Ford"},  42, "Ford is still 42";

# This is per the pairs-behave-like-one-element-hashes-rule.
# (I asked p6l once, but the "thread" got warnocked.  --iblech)
# (I asked p6l again, now the thread did definitely not get warnocked:
# L<"">
# Also see L<"">
  my $pair = (a => 1);
  is try { ~$pair  }, "a\t1", "pairs stringify correctly (1)";
  is try { "$pair" }, "a\t1", "pairs stringify correctly (2)";

  my $pair = (a => [1,2,3]);
  is try { ~$pair  }, "a\t1 2 3", "pairs with arrayrefs as values stringify correctly (1)";
  is try { "$pair" }, "a\t1 2 3", "pairs with arrayrefs as values stringify correctly (2)";

# Per Larry L<"">:
#   Actually, it looks like the bug is probably that => is forcing
#   stringification on its left argument too agressively.  It should only do
#   that for an identifier.
  my $arrayref = [< a b c >];
  my $hashref  = { :d(1), :e(2) };

  my $pair = ($arrayref => $hashref);
  is ~$pair.key,   ~$arrayref, "=> should not stringify the key (1)";
  is ~$pair.value, ~$hashref,  "=> should not stringify the key (2)";

  push $pair.key, "d";
  $pair.value<f> = 3;
  is ~$pair.key,   ~$arrayref, "=> should not stringify the key (3)";
  is ~$pair.value, ~$hashref,  "=> should not stringify the key (4)";
  is +$pair.key,            4, "=> should not stringify the key (5)";
  is +$pair.value,          3, "=> should not stringify the key (6)";

  my $arrayref = [< a b c >];
  my $hashref  = { :d(1), :e(2) };

  my $pair = ($arrayref => $hashref);
  my sub pair_key (Pair $pair) { $pair.key }

  is ~pair_key($pair), ~$arrayref,
    "the keys of pairs should not get auto-stringified when passed to a sub (1)";

  push $pair.key, "d";
  is ~pair_key($pair), ~$arrayref,
    "the keys of pairs should not get auto-stringified when passed to a sub (2)";
  is +pair_key($pair),          4,
    "the keys of pairs should not get auto-stringified when passed to a sub (3)";

# Per Larry:
  my ($key, $val) = <key val>;
  my $pair        = ($key => $val);

  lives_ok { $pair.key = "KEY" }, "setting .key does not die", :todo<bug>;
  is $pair.key,          "KEY",   "setting .key actually changes the key", :todo<bug>;
  is $key,               "key",   "setting .key does not change the original var";

  lives_ok { $pair.value = "VAL" }, "setting .value does not die", :todo<bug>;
  is $pair.value,          "VAL",   "setting .value actually changes the value", :todo<bug>;
  is $val,                 "val",   "setting .value does not change the original var";

  my ($key, $val) = <key val>;
  my $pair        = ($key => $val);

  lives_ok { $pair.key := "KEY" }, "binding .key does not die", :todo<bug>;
  is $pair.key,           "KEY",   "binding .key actually changes the key", :todo<bug>;
  is $key,                "key",   "binding .key does not change the original var";
  dies_ok { $pair.key = 42 },      "the .key was really bound";  # (can't modify constant)

  lives_ok { $pair.value := "VAL" }, "binding .value does not die", :todo<bug>;
  is $pair.value,           "VAL",   "binding .value actually changes the value", :todo<bug>;
  is $val,                  "val",   "binding .value does not change the original var";
  dies_ok { $pair.value = 42 },      "the .value was really bound";  # (can't modify constant)

  my ($key, $val) = <key val>;
  my $pair        = (abc => "def");

  lives_ok { $pair.key := $key }, "binding .key does not die", :todo<bug>;
  is $pair.key,           "key",  "binding .key actually changes the key", :todo<bug>;
  $key = "KEY";
  is $key,                "KEY",  "binding .key to a var works (1)";
  is $pair.key,           "KEY",  "binding .key to a var works (2)", :todo<bug>;
  try { $pair.key = "new" };
  is $key,                "new",  "binding .key to a var works (3)", :todo<bug>;
  is $pair.key,           "new",  "binding .key to a var works (4)", :todo<bug>;

  lives_ok { $pair.value := $val }, "binding .value does not die", :todo<bug>;
  is $pair.value,           "val",  "binding .value actually changes the value", :todo<bug>;
  $val = "VAL";
  is $val,                  "VAL",  "binding .value to a var works (1)";
  is $pair.value,           "VAL",  "binding .value to a var works (2)", :todo<bug>;
  try { $pair.value = "new" };
  is $val,                  "new",  "binding .value to a var works (3)", :todo<bug>;
  is $pair.value,           "new",  "binding .value to a var works (4)", :todo<bug>;