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use v6-alpha;

use Test;

plan 71;


Class attributes tests from L<S12/"Attributes">


eval 'has $.x;';
ok $!, "'has' only works inside of class|role definitions";

# L<S12/"Attributes" /the automatic generation of an accessor method of the same name\./>

class Foo1 { has $.bar; };

    my $foo =;
    ok($foo ~~ Foo1, '... our Foo1 instance was created');
    my $val;
    lives_ok {
        $val = $foo.can("bar")
    }, '.. checking autogenerated accessor existence', :todo<feature>;
    ok($val, '... $foo.can("bar") should have returned true', :todo<feature>);
    is($, undef, '.. autogenerated accessor works');
    is($, undef, '.. autogenerated accessor works w/out parens');    

# L<S12/"Attributes" /Pseudo-assignment to an attribute declaration specifies the default/>

eval 'class Foo2 { has $.bar = "baz"; }';

    my $foo = eval '';
    ok(eval('$foo ~~ Foo2'), '... our Foo2 instance was created');
    ok(eval('$foo.can("bar")'), '.. checking autogenerated accessor existence', :todo<feature>);
    is(eval('$'), "baz", '.. autogenerated accessor works');
    is(eval('$'), "baz", '.. autogenerated accessor works w/out parens');
    # what exactly will happen if we try to set bar()

# L<S12/"Attributes" /making it an lvalue method/>

class Foo3 { has $.bar is rw; };

    my $foo =;
    ok($foo ~~ Foo3, '... our Foo3 instance was created');
    my $val;
    lives_ok {
        $val = $foo.can("bar");
    }, '.. checking autogenerated accessor existence', :todo<feature>;
    ok($val, '... $foo.can("bar") should have returned true', :todo<feature>);
    is($, undef, '.. autogenerated accessor works');
    lives_ok {
        $ = "baz";
    }, '.. autogenerated mutator as lvalue works';
    is($, "baz", '.. autogenerated mutator as lvalue set the value correctly');    
    lives_ok {
    }, '.. autogenerated mutator works as method', :todo<feature>;    
    is($, "baz2", '.. autogenerated mutator as method set the value correctly', :todo<feature>);        

# L<S12/"Attributes" /Private attributes use a colon to indicate that no public accessor is/>

class Foo4 { has $!bar; };

    my $foo =;
    ok($foo ~~ Foo4, '... our Foo4 instance was created');
    ok(try{!$foo.can("bar")}, '.. checking autogenerated accessor existence', :todo<feature>);

class Foo4a { has $!bar = "baz"; };

    my $foo = eval '';
    ok(try{$foo ~~ Foo4a}, '... our Foo4a instance was created');
    ok(try{!$foo.can("bar")}, '.. checking autogenerated accessor existence', :todo<feature>);

# L<S12/"Attributes">

class Foo5 {
  has $.tail is rw;
  has @.legs;
  has $!brain;

  method set_legs  (*@legs) { @.legs = @legs }
  method inc_brain ()      { $!brain++ }
  method get_brain ()      { $!brain }

    my $foo =;
    ok($foo ~~ Foo5, '... our Foo5 instance was created');
    lives_ok {
        $foo.tail = "a";
    }, "setting a public rw attribute";
    is($foo.tail, "a", "getting a public rw attribute");
    lives_ok {
    }, "setting a public ro attribute (1)";
    is($foo.legs.[1], 2, "getting a public ro attribute (1)");
    dies_ok {
        $foo.legs = (4,5,6);
    }, "setting a public ro attribute (2)", :todo<feature>;
    is($foo.legs.[1], 2, "getting a public ro attribute (2)", :todo<feature>);
    lives_ok {
    },  "modifiying a private attribute (1)";
    is($foo.get_brain, 1, "getting a private attribute (1)");
    lives_ok {
    },  "modifiying a private attribute (2)";
    is($foo.get_brain, 2, "getting a private attribute (2)");

# L<S12/"Construction and Initialization" /If you name an attribute as a parameter, that attribute is initialized directly, so/>

class Foo6 {
  has $.bar is rw;
  has $.baz;
  has $!hidden;

  submethod BUILD($.bar, $.baz, $!hidden) {}
  method get_hidden() { $!hidden }

    my $foo = => 1, baz => 2, hidden => 3);
    ok($foo ~~ Foo6, '... our Foo6 instance was created');
    is($,        1, "getting a public rw attribute (1)"  );
    is($foo.baz,        2, "getting a public ro attribute (2)"  );
    is($foo.get_hidden, 3, "getting a private ro attribute (3)" );

# check that doing something in submethod BUILD works
class Foo6a {
  has $.bar is rw;
  has $.baz;
  has $!hidden;

  submethod BUILD ($!hidden, $.bar = 10, $.baz?) {
    $.baz = 5;
  method get_hidden() { $!hidden }

    my $foo = => 1, hidden => 3);
    ok($foo ~~ Foo6a, '... our Foo6a instance was created');
    is($,        1, "getting a public rw attribute (1)"  );
    is($foo.baz,        5, "getting a public rw attribute (2)"  );
    is($foo.get_hidden, 3, "getting a private ro attribute (3)" );

# check that assignment in submethod BUILD works with a bare return, too
class Foo6b {
  has $.bar is rw;
  has $.baz;

  submethod BUILD ($.bar = 10, $.baz?) {
    $.baz = 9;

    my $foo = => 7);
    ok($foo ~~ Foo6b, '... our Foo6b instance was created');
    is($,        7, "getting a public rw attribute (1)"  );
    is($foo.baz,        9, "getting a public rw attribute (2)"  );

# L<A12/"Default Values">
ok eval('class Foo7 { has $.attr = 42 }'), "class definition worked", :todo<feature>;
is eval(''), 42,              "default attribute value (1)";

# L<A12/"Default Values" /is equivalent to this:/>
ok eval('class Foo8 { has $.attr is build(42) }'),
  "class definition using 'is build' worked", :todo<feature>;
is eval(''), 42, "default attribute value (2)", :todo<feature>;

# L<A12/"Default Values" /is equivalent to this:/>
ok eval('class Foo9 { has $.attr will build(42) }'),
  "class definition using 'will build' worked", :todo<feature>;
is eval(''), 42, "default attribute value (3)", :todo<feature>;

my $was_in_supplier = 0;
sub forty_two_supplier() { $was_in_supplier++; 42 }
# XXX: Currently hard parsefail!
#ok eval('class Foo10 { has $.attr = { forty_two_supplier() } }'),
#  "class definition using '= {...}' worked";
flunk "hard parsefail", :todo<feature>;
is eval(''), 42, "default attribute value (4)", :todo<feature>;
is      $was_in_supplier, 1,  "forty_two_supplier() was actually executed (1)", :todo<feature>;

# The same, but using 'is build {...}'
# XXX: Currently hard parsefail!
#ok eval('class Foo11 { has $.attr is build { forty_two_supplier() } }'),
#  "class definition using 'is build {...}' worked";
flunk "hard parsefail", :todo<feature>;
is eval(''), 42, "default attribute value (5)", :todo<feature>;
is      $was_in_supplier, 2,  "forty_two_supplier() was actually executed (2)", :todo<feature>;

# The same, but using 'will build {...}'
# XXX: Currently hard parsefail!
#ok eval('class Foo12 { has $.attr will build { forty_two_supplier() } }'),
#  "class definition using 'will build {...}' worked";
flunk "hard parsefail", :todo<feature>;
is eval(''), 42, "default attribute value (6)", :todo<feature>;
is      $was_in_supplier, 3,  "forty_two_supplier() was actually executed (3)", :todo<feature>;

# check that doing something in submethod BUILD works
class Foo7 {
  has $.bar;
  has $.baz;

  submethod BUILD ($.bar = 5, $baz = 10 ) {
    $.baz = 2 * $baz;

my $foo7 =;
is( $, 5,
    'optional attribute should take default value without passed-in value' );
is( $foo7.baz, 20,
    '... optional non-attribute should too' );
$foo7    = :bar(4), :baz(5) );
is( $, 4,
    'optional attribute should take passed-in value over default' );
is( $foo7.baz, 10,
    '... optional non-attribute should too' );

# check that args are passed to BUILD
class Foo8 {
  has $.a;
  has $.b;
  submethod BUILD(:$foo, :$bar) {
    $.a = $foo;
    $.b = $bar;

    my $foo = => 'c', bar => 'd');
    ok($foo.isa(Foo8), '... our Foo8 instance was created');
    is($foo.a, 'c', 'BUILD received $foo');
    is($foo.b, 'd', 'BUILD received $bar');

# check mixture of positional/named args to BUILD

class Foo9 {
  has $.a;
  has $.b;
  submethod BUILD($foo, :$bar) {
    $.a = $foo;
    $.b = $bar;

dies_ok({'pos', bar => 'd') }, 'cannot pass positional to .new');

# check $self is passed to BUILD
class Foo10 {
  has $.a;
  has $.b;
  has $.c;
  submethod BUILD(Class $self: :$foo, :$bar) {
    $.a = $foo;
    $.b = $bar;
    $.c = 'y' if $self.isa(Foo10);

    my $foo = => 'c', bar => 'd');
    ok($foo.isa(Foo10), '... our Foo10 instance was created');
    is($foo.a, 'c', 'BUILD received $foo');
    is($foo.b, 'd', 'BUILD received $bar');
    is($foo.c, 'y', 'BUILD received $self');