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use v6-alpha;

use Test;

plan 18;

  my $a is context = 9;
  my $sub = sub { $CALLER::a };

    my $a = 3;
    is $sub(), 3, 'basic $CALLER:: works';

  my $a is context = 9;
  my $sub2 = sub { $CALLER::a };
  my $sub1 = sub {
    my $a is context = 10;

    my $a is context = 11;
    is $sub1(), 10, '$CALLER:: with nested subs works';

  my $get_caller = sub { return sub { $CALLER::CALLER::a } };
  my $sub1 = sub {
    my $a is context = 3;
  my $sub2 = sub {
    my $a is context = 5;

  my $result_of_sub1 = $sub1();
  my $result_of_sub2 = $sub2();

  # We can't use the more elegant dies_ok here as it would influence $CALLER::
  # calculation.
  ok !(try{ $result_of_sub1() }), '$CALLER::CALLER:: is recalculated on each access (1)';
  ok !(try{ $result_of_sub2() }), '$CALLER::CALLER:: is recalculated on each access (2)';

# L<S02/"Names" /The CALLER package refers to the lexical scope/>
  # $_ is always implicitly declared "is context".
  my sub foo () { $CALLER::_ }
  my sub bar () {
    $_ = 42;

  $_ = 23;
  is bar(), 42, '$_ is implicitly declared "is context" (1)';

  # $_ is always implicitly declared "is context".
  # (And, BTW, $_ is lexical.)
  my sub foo () { $_ = 17; $CALLER::_ }
  my sub bar () {
    $_ = 42;

  $_ = 23;
  is bar(), 42, '$_ is implicitly declared "is context" (2)', :todo<bug>;

  # ...but other vars are not
  my sub foo { my $abc = 17; $CALLER::abc }
  my sub bar {
    my $abc = 42;

  my $abs = 23;
  dies_ok { bar() },
    'vars not declared "is context" are not accessible via $CALLER::';

# Vars declared with "is context" default to being rw in the creating scope and
# readonly when accessed with $CALLER::.
  my $foo is context = 42;
  is $foo, 43, '"is context" vars are rw in the creating scope (1)';

  my $foo is context = 42;
  { $foo++ }
  is $foo, 43, '"is context" vars are rw in the creating scope (2)';

  my sub modify { $CALLER::foo++ }
  my $foo is context = 42;
  dies_ok { modify() }, '"is context" vars are ro when accessed with $CALLER::';

  my sub modify { $CALLER::_++ }
  $_ = 42;
  lives_ok { modify() }, '$_ is implicitly rw (1)';
  is $_, 43,             '$_ is implicitly rw (2)';

  my sub modify { $CALLER::foo++ }
  my $foo is context is rw = 42;
  lives_ok { modify() },
      '"is context" vars declared "is rw" are rw when accessed with $CALLER:: (1)', :todo<bug>;
  is $foo, 43,
      '"is context" vars declared "is rw" are rw when accessed with $CALLER:: (2)', :todo<bug>;

  my sub get_foo { try { $+foo } }
  my $foo is context = 42;

  is get_foo(), 42, '$+ is short for $CALLER::';

# Rebinding caller's variables -- legal?
  my $other_var = 23;
  my sub rebind_foo { $CALLER::foo := $other_var }
  my $foo is context = 42;

  lives_ok { rebind_foo() }, 'rebinding $CALLER:: variables works (1)', :todo<bug>;
  is $foo, 23,               'rebinding $CALLER:: variables works (2)', :todo<bug>;
  is $foo, 24,               'rebinding $CALLER:: variables works (3)', :todo<bug>;


Larry ruled that as erroneous.

15:13 < iblech> autrijus: :) BTW, WRT lex hoisting: sub foo { $CALLER::a }; { foo(); my $a
= 3; foo() }
15:13 < autrijus> iblech: larry ruled it as erroneous.
15:13 < autrijus> i.e. foo()'s behaviour is undefined.
15:14 < iblech> ok then :)
15:14 < autrijus> it's essential we do that because
15:14 < autrijus> foo($a, my $a)
15:14 < autrijus> is legal
15:14 < autrijus> and will be simply hazadrous to implement either way.
15:14 < autrijus> s/implement/mandate/

  if $*OS eq "browser" {  # test works under PIL2JS :)
    my $sub = sub { $CALLER::a };

    # No declaration of $a yet.
    dies_ok { $sub() }, '$CALLER:: dies when accessing not yet declared vars';

    my $a = 3;
    is $sub(), 3, '$CALLER:: works now (accessing a declared var)';
  } else {
    flunk "Test loops infinitely";
    flunk "Test loops infinitely";