The Perl Toolchain Summit needs more sponsors. If your company depends on Perl, please support this very important event.

# Note: currently no one is maintaining this script, since we already
#       have util/, which is nicer. :)

# Generate .html from .t and test results 
# Generate cross-referenced html for p6 design docs (optional)
# FIXOTHERS (smoke): t/01-sanity and others have no pos field
# FIXOTHERS (smoke): skipped tests have pos point to the test library

use warnings;
use strict;

use Cwd;
use File::Find;
use File::Spec::Functions ':ALL';
use File::Path;
use File::Basename;
use Getopt::Long;
use IO::File;
use HTML::Template;
use HTML::TreeBuilder;
use HTML::Entities;
use List::Util 'first';
use Regexp::Common qw/balanced delimited/;
use Pod::Simple::HTML;
use Pod::PlainText;
use Tie::RefHash;
use Best 0.05 qw/YAML::Syck YAML/;

$| = 1;
my $start = time;

sub usage {
    my $usage_err = shift;
    my $_PERL6_DOC   =  '';
    my $_PERL6_BIBLE =  '';
    print <<__HELP__;
$0 - Build html test catalog and synopses with hyperlinks to corresponding tests

    --p6design_dir  Directory containing the perl6 design docs apo/exe/syn
    --no_designdocs Do not generate html files for the perl6 design docs (faster)
    --output_dir    Output Directory to put the html files (Default: ./t_index)
    --test_dirs     Directories containing the tests (Default: take tests from ./tests.yml)
    --help          Show this help

  Perl6 Documentation:
    You will need the Synopses checked out; try

    cd ..
    svn co $_PERL6_DOC ../perl6_doc
    svn co $_PERL6_BIBLE ../Perl6-Bible

    Iterate through all tests first.  Collect links and format as HTML
    as we go.  Then get the design docs, and format those as HTML, linking to 
    the links, and inserting a names where needed.

     perl util/ --p6design_dir=../p6/docs/design
     perl util/ --test_dirs=t/builtins,t/macros --output_dir=t_test --no_designdocs

   See also:
     util/  - produce the data for this tool
     util/     - Generates an HTML summary of a YAML test run
     util/     - automate the smoke process


    exit ($usage_err ? 1 : 0);

# Input parameters
my $syn_src_dir; # The root directory for perl6 Design POD 
my @t_dirs;      # Test root directories (if used)
my $output_dir;  # The root directory of the output tree.
my $start_dir = cwd;

# ref to hash of information about links that we mean to insert.
# Top level index is file, second level is an array ref of hash refs.
# FIXME: Document next level. ??
my $link_info;
my $total_links;
my $total_files;
my $syn_indexs;
my @syn;

my $help;
my $no_designdocs;
GetOptions('test_dirs=s@' => \@t_dirs,
       'output_dir=s' => \$output_dir,
       'p6design_dir=s' => \$syn_src_dir,
       'no_designdocs' => \$no_designdocs,
        'help' => \&usage) || usage(1);
@t_dirs = split(/,/,join(',',@t_dirs||()));

# Find design doc directory, check
unless($no_designdocs) {
    for ( $syn_src_dir ?
          ($syn_src_dir,catdir($syn_src_dir,'design')) :
          (catdir('..', 'Perl6-Bible', 'lib', 'Perl6', 'Bible'),catdir('..', 'perl6_doc', 'design' ))) {
        $syn_src_dir = $_ and last if -f catfile($_, 'syn', "S12.pod"); 
    unless($syn_src_dir && -f catfile($syn_src_dir, 'syn', "S12.pod"))  {
        print ("*** Could not locate (syn/S12.pod). Setting --no-designdocs.\n");
        $no_designdocs = 1;

$output_dir ||= 't_index';
for(@t_dirs) {
    die("Test directory '$_' does not exist. Try --help. ") unless -d $_;
$_ = rel2abs($_) for (@t_dirs,$output_dir,$syn_src_dir); 

# Print status
if($no_designdocs) {
    print "P6 design documents   : Won't generate cross-referenced P6 design documents\n";
} else {    
    print "P6 design documents   : $syn_src_dir\n";
if($#t_dirs >= 0) {
    print "Tests                 : @t_dirs\n";
} else {
    print "Tests                 : Processing tests from tests.yaml\n";
print "Output directory      : $output_dir\n";
print "\n";

my $quotable = qr/\w+|$RE{delimited}{-delim=>'"'}/;
my $link     = qr{(.*?)                                     # Leading bit
                  (L <+
                    ($quotable)(?:/($quotable))?             # Normal bit of link 
                          \s+                                   # Whitespace before re
                          $RE{delimited}{-delim=>'/'}{-keep}    # Regex
                          ([xim]*)                              # RE options
                        )?                                      # End of regex block
                      >+)                                       # End of link
                      (.*)                                      # rest of thing

my $index = {};
my (@unresolved, @bad_regex, @bad_heading);

# Loading test results from yml file
my $tests = LoadFile("tests.yml");

# Reading and processing .t files
my $files = {}; # mapping from test-file-name to test-record
$files->{$_->{file}} = $_ for @{ $tests->{meat}->{test_files} };

if($#t_dirs < 0) {    
    for(keys %$files) { handle_t_file( catdir(split /\/+/, $_) ); }
} else {
    for(@t_dirs) { find(\&handle_t_file, $_); }

# reading synopses
infest_syns($link_info) unless $no_designdocs;

# Generating index.html
my @dirs = sort keys %{$index->{_dirs}};
my $index_file = catfile($output_dir,"index.html");
open( my $fh,'>',  $index_file) or die "Failed to open $index_file: $!";
my $template = HTML::Template->new(filename => 'util/catalog_tmpl/index.tmpl');
my $i = 0;
my $c = int((@dirs+1) / 3)+1;
$template->param(directories => [ map { { title => $_,
                                          wrap  => !(++$i % $c),
                                        }} @dirs ]);
$template->param(updated => localtime() . "");
$template->param(files => $total_files);
$template->param(links => $total_links);
print $fh $template->output();
close $fh;

# Generating design doc index
unless($no_designdocs) { 
    my $syn_index = catfile($output_dir,"Synopsis", "index.html");
    open( $fh, ">",  $syn_index) or die "Failed to open $syn_index: $!";
    $template = HTML::Template->new(filename => 'util/catalog_tmpl/Synopsis.tmpl');

    $template->param("syn", [ sort { $a->{name} cmp $b->{name} } (values %{ $syn_indexs->{S} }) ] ); 
    $template->param("exe", [ sort { $a->{name} cmp $b->{name} } (values %{ $syn_indexs->{E} }) ] ); 
    $template->param("apo", [ sort { $a->{name} cmp $b->{name} } (values %{ $syn_indexs->{A} }) ] );
    print $fh $template->output();
    close $fh;

# Generating directory indices
for (@dirs) {
    build_indexes($_, $index->{_dirs}->{$_});

# Generating error.html
my $error_file = catfile($output_dir,"error.html");
open( my $error, '>', $error_file) or die "Failed to open $error_file: $!";
$template = HTML::Template->new(filename => 'util/catalog_tmpl/error.tmpl');
$template->param(unresolved => \@unresolved);
print $error $template->output;
close $error;

print "Took: " . (time - $start) . " sec(s)\n";

# read @syn and $syn_indexs
sub read_designdocs {
    my $ddoc_dir = shift;
    @syn = map { m|^.*/(\D\d\d).pod$|; $1 }
    $syn_indexs = {}; # Table for design documents
    for (@syn) {
        $syn_indexs->{$1} ||= {};
        $syn_indexs->{$1}{$_} = 
            {  file => $_ . ".html",
               name => $_,

sub build_indexes {
    my $path     = shift;
    my $index    = shift;
    return unless exists $index->{_dirs} or exists $index->{_files};
    my $output_path = catfile($output_dir, $path);
    my $index_file =  catfile($output_path,"index.html");
    eval { mkpath( $output_path ) };
    die "Failed to create directory $output_path" if $@;
    open (my $fh,'>', $index_file) or die "Failed to open $index_file: $!";
    my @dirs  = sort keys %{$index->{_dirs}};    

    my @files = (exists $index->{_files} ? sort @{$index->{_files}} : ());
    my $template = HTML::Template->new(filename => 'util/catalog_tmpl/directory.tmpl');
    my $i = 0;
    my $c = int((@dirs+1) / 3) +1;
    $template->param(parent => $index->{_parent} || "../");
    $template->param(directory => $path);
    $template->param(directories => [ map { { 
                                            title => $_,
                                            wrap  => !(++$i % $c),
                                             }} @dirs  ]);    
    $template->param(files       => [sort {$a->{file} cmp $b->{file}} @files ]); 
    print $fh $template->output();
    close $fh;
    for (@dirs) {
        build_indexes( catdir($path, $_), $index->{_dirs}->{$_});

# Note: modfies $index
sub handle_t_file {
  return unless /\.t$/;
  my $input_path    = rel2abs($_);
  my $relative_file = abs2rel($input_path,$start_dir); 

  # Path seperator hack
  my $file_key =  $relative_file;
  $file_key =~ s#\\#/#g;

  $relative_file =~ s/t$/html/;
  my $output_path   = inpath_to_outpath($input_path);
  my $path = dirname($relative_file);
  my $file = basename($relative_file);
  my $links = 0;

  mkpath(dirname $output_path);
  my $test_results = $files->{$file_key}; 

  my $lines = {};
  for my $test (@{$test_results->{events}} ) {
      next unless defined $test->{pos};
      my ($start, $end);
      ($start, $end) = $test->{pos} =~ /line (\d+)(?:.*line (\d+))?/s;
      my @lines;
      if (defined $end && $end > 0) {
         @lines = $start .. $end;
      } else {
         @lines = ($start);
      next unless $start;
      for my $line (@lines) {
          if (exists $lines->{$line}) {
              $lines->{$line} = 0 if $test->{ok}||0 == 0;
          } else { 
              # skipped tests do not carry the a line number, so leave them out for now
          if($test->{todo}||0 == 1) {
          $lines->{$line} = 2;
          } else {
          $lines->{$line} = ($test->{ok}||0 ==1 ? 1 : 0);
  my $infile  = IO::File->new($input_path, "<:utf8") 
                         or die "Can't open input test file $input_path: $!";
  my $outfile = IO::File->new($output_path, ">:utf8")
                         or die "Can't open output test file $output_path: $!";
  my $template = HTML::Template->new(filename => catdir $start_dir, 
  $template->param("file" => $file);
  my $output = ""; 
  while (my $rest = <$infile>) {
    chomp $rest;
    $output .= "<a name='line_$.'></a>";
    while ( $rest =~ $link ) { 
      my $text = $1;
      my $whole = $2;
      my $linkfile = $3;
      my $linkhead = $4;
      # $5  captures the entire match
      # $6  captures the opening delimiter (provided only one delimiter was specified)
      my $regex    = $7; 
      # captures delimited portion of the string (provided only one delimiter was specified)
      # $8  captures the closing delimiter (provided only one delimiter was specified)
      my $reopts   = $9;
      $rest        = $10;
      $linkfile = $1 if ($linkfile =~ /^"(.*)"$/);
      if ($linkfile =~ /^http/) {
        $output .= "$text <a href='$linkfile'>$whole</a>";
      $linkhead = $1 if ($linkhead =~ /^"(.*)"$/);
#     $body->push_content(HTML::Element->new('pre')->push_content($text));
      my $link = {};
      $link->{linkfile} = $linkfile;
      $link->{linkhead} = $linkhead;
      $link->{whole}    = $whole;
      $link->{relfile}  = $relative_file;
      if ($regex) {
        $link->{regex} = eval "qr/$regex/$reopts";
      $output .= $text;
      my $syn_path = catfile($output_dir, "Synopsis", "$linkfile.html");
      $output .= "<a href='". abs2rel($syn_path, dirname($output_path)) . "#" .(0+$link) . 
                    "' id='" . (0+$link) . "'>" . encode_entities($whole) . "</a>";
      push @{$link_info->{$linkfile}}, $link;
    if ($rest) {
       $rest = encode_entities($rest);
#      $body->push_content($rest);
      my $test_class = {
                      0 => 'test_fail',
                      1 => 'test_pass',
                      2 => 'test_todo',
                      3 => 'test_skip',
      my $class = 'non_test';
      if (exists $lines->{$.}) {
        $class = $test_class->{$lines->{$.}};
      $output .= "<span class='$class'>$rest</span>";
#    $body->push_content("\n");
     $output .= "\n";
  $template->param("tests", $output);
  my $tres = $test_results->{results};
  my $data = { 
        file   => $file, 
        links  => $links,
        ok     => $tres->{ok} - $tres->{todo} - $tres->{skip},
        todo   => $tres->{todo},
	skipped   => $tres->{skip},
        failed => ($tres->{seen} || 0) -
              ($tres->{ok} || 0)
  my (@paths) = splitdir($path);
  my $loc  = 'push @{$index';
  $loc .= "->{_dirs}->{'" . $_ . "'}" for @paths;
  $loc .= "->{_files}} , \$data";
  eval $loc;
  warn "*** Unfortunately $path will not be available in the index (eval $loc failed: $@)" if $@;
  $total_links += $links;

sub infest_syns {
    my $index = shift;

    my $p = Pod::PlainText->new(width => 1000);

    mkpath(my $syndir = catdir($output_dir, "Synopsis"));
    for my $syn (@syn) {
        # create HTML out of the pod
        my $synhtml = catfile($syndir     , "$syn.html");
        my $synpod  = catfile($syn_src_dir, "$syn.pod" );
        unless ( -f $synpod ) {
            if    ( $syn =~ /^S/i ) { $synpod = catfile($syn_src_dir, 'syn', "$syn.pod"); }
            elsif ( $syn =~ /^A/i ) { $synpod = catfile($syn_src_dir, 'apo', "$syn.pod"); } 
            elsif ( $syn =~ /^E/i ) { $synpod = catfile($syn_src_dir, 'exe', "$syn.pod"); } 
        Pod::Simple::HTML->parse_from_file($synpod, $synhtml);
        # and parse it into a tree
        my $sobj = HTML::TreeBuilder->new_from_file($synhtml);

        # this makes it prettier
                HTML::Element->new("link", rel  => "stylesheet", 
                                           type => "text/css", 
                                           href => ""
        if (exists $index->{$syn}) {
        # This makes later processing easier

        for my $headlevel (reverse 1..7) {
          my $tag = 'h'.$headlevel;
          while (my $beg = $sobj->look_down(_tag => $tag)) {

            my $beg_n = $beg->pindex;
            my $end   = $beg->right;
            if (!defined $end) {
              $beg->attr('class', 'empty_head '.$tag);


            $end = $end->right until (!$end->right or $end->right->tag eq $tag);
            my $end_n = $end->pindex;

            my $name = join '', 
              map {$_->attr('text')} 

            $name = $1 if $name =~ m/^"(.*)"/;

            my $div = HTML::Element->new('div', class=>$tag, name=>$name);
            my @kids = $beg->parent->splice_content($beg_n, $end_n-$beg_n+1, $div);

        tie my %sup_links, 'Tie::RefHash';
        foreach my $link (reverse @{ $index->{$syn} }){
          # reverse is since we're splicing right after the h1
            my $target  = $link->{linkfile};
            my $heading = $link->{linkhead};
            my $source  = $link->{sourcepath};
            my $regex   = $link->{regex};

            # create a representation that is like the $html->as_text
            $heading = $p->interpolate($heading);
            $heading =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;;
            $heading =~ tr/`'//d; #`# DELME: emacs repair

            if ($heading) {
                my $heading_re = qr/^\Q$heading\E$/i;

#               print STDERR "Trying to get heading >$heading<\n";

                my $h = $sobj->look_down( _tag  => 'div', 
                                          class => qr/^h\d$/,
                                          name  => $heading_re);
                unless ($h) {
                    push @unresolved, { target   => $target, 
                                        heading  => $heading,
                                        relative => $link->{relfile} };

                # create the backlink <a href...>
                my $backlink = HTML::Element->new('a', 
                         href  => (abs2rel($source, dirname($synhtml)) . "#" . 
                                  (0+$link)), id=>0+$link, 
                         title => $link->{whole},
                         class => 'testlink');
                # $backlink->push_content(abs2rel($source, $output_dir));
                my $t = HTML::Element->new('sup');
                my $syn_ref = $syn_indexs->{ substr($syn,0,1) }{$syn};

                my $found;
                if ($regex) {
                    # we're skipping forward till we find a regex
                    my @stuff = $h->look_down(sub {$_[0]->as_text =~ $regex});
                    if (!@stuff) {
                      goto notregex;
                    # Prefer deeper or earlier matches.
                    @stuff = sort {$b->depth   <=> $a->depth    or
                                   $a->address cmp $b->address
                                  } @stuff;

                    $h = $stuff[0];
#                   $h->dump(\*STDERR);

                    my $i=-1;
                    foreach ($h->content_list) {
                      next if ref $_;
                      next unless /(.*)($regex)(.*)/;
                      $h->splice_content($i, 1, $1, $2, $backlink, $3);
                      $found = 1;

                    if (!$found) {
                      # Part of the content is inside a pre.
                      $found = 1;
                # insert just a normal link, after the header, when there is no regex
                # or if the regex failed
                unless ($found) {
                  push @bad_regex, { regex   => $regex,
                                     target  => $target,
                                     heading =>  $heading, 
                                     source  => $source } if $regex;

              } else {
                # perhaps L<S02> etc should just link to the top?
                # this is what you get at the moment
                push @bad_heading, "link in $source to $target does not have a heading\n";
        # finally, write out the synopsis
        my $outfile = IO::File->new(">$synhtml") 
                             or die "Can't open output test file $synhtml: $!";
        $outfile->print($sobj->as_HTML(undef, ' ', {}));

# calculate output path of a test files
sub inpath_to_outpath {
    my $inpath  = shift;
    my $outpath = abs2rel($inpath, $start_dir); 
    $outpath    = rel2abs($outpath, $output_dir);
    $outpath    =~ s/\.t$/\.html/;
    return $outpath;

# Takes one hash argument which is modified
# try to 'collapse' useless directory entries
sub collapse_isolated_dirs {
    my $dir_index = shift;
    # For all directory entries: while the entry only has one subdirectory and no files, collapse
    for my $subdir (keys %{$dir_index->{_dirs}}) {
	my $val = $dir_index->{_dirs}->{$subdir};
	while( ( exists $val->{_dirs} && scalar %{$val->{_dirs}}||0 == 1 ) &&  ! exists $val->{_files} ) {
	    my $subsubdir = (keys %{$val->{_dirs}})[0];

	    # Update the argument
	    delete $dir_index->{_dirs}->{$subdir};	    
	    $dir_index->{_dirs}->{$subdir . "/" . $subsubdir } = $val->{_dirs}->{$subsubdir};	    
	    $val->{_dirs}->{$subsubdir}->{_parent} = ($val->{_parent} || "../")  . "../";
	    $val = $val->{_dirs}->{$subsubdir};	    