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# $File: //member/autrijus/PAR/script/pp $ $Author: autrijus $
# $Revision: #125 $ $Change: 10695 $ $DateTime: 2004/05/26 12:44:15 $ vim: expandtab shiftwidth=4

use 5.006;
use PAR ();
use PAR::Packer ();
use Module::ScanDeps ();
use App::Packer::PAR ();
use Getopt::Long qw(:config no_ignore_case);


unshift(@ARGV, split / +/, $ENV{PP_OPTS}) if $ENV{PP_OPTS};

my %opt;
GetOptions( \%opt, PAR::Packer->options, 'h|help', 'V|version' );
&help if $opt{h};
&version if $opt{V};

    frontend    => 'Module::ScanDeps',
    backend     => 'PAR::Packer',
    frontopts   => \%opt,
    backopts    => \%opt,
    args        => \@ARGV,

sub help {
    print "Perl Packager, version $VERSION (PAR version $PAR::VERSION)\n\n";
        no warnings;
        exec "perldoc $0";
        exec "pod2text $0";

sub version {
    print << ".";
Perl Packager, version $VERSION (PAR version $PAR::VERSION)
Copyright 2002, 2003, 2004 by Autrijus Tang <autrijus\>

Neither this program nor the associated "parl" program impose any
licensing restrictions on files generated by their execution, in
accordance with the 8th article of the Artistic License:

        "Aggregation of this Package with a commercial distribution is
        always permitted provided that the use of this Package is embedded;
        that is, when no overt attempt is made to make this Package's
        interfaces visible to the end user of the commercial distribution.
        Such use shall not be construed as a distribution of this Package."

Therefore, you are absolutely free to place any license on the resulting
executable, as long as the packed 3rd-party libraries are also available
under the Artistic License.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.  There is NO warranty; not even for



=head1 NAME

pp - Perl Packager


B<pp> S<[ B<-BILMSVXdeghilmoprsv> ]> S<[ I<parfile> | I<scriptfile> ]>...


Note: When running on Microsoft Windows, the F<a.out> below will be
replaced by F<a.exe> instead.

    % pp hello                  # Pack 'hello' into executable 'a.out'
    % pp -o hello      # Pack '' into executable 'hello'

    % pp -o foo   # Pack '' and '' into 'foo'
    % ./foo                     # Run '' inside 'foo'
    % mv foo bar; ./bar         # Run '' inside 'foo'
    % mv bar baz; ./baz         # Error: Can't open perl script "baz"

    % pp -p file                # Creates a PAR file, 'a.par'
    % pp -o hello a.par         # Pack 'a.par' to executable 'hello'
    % pp -S -o hello file       # Combine the two steps above

    % pp -p -o out.par file     # Creates 'out.par' from 'file'
    % pp -B -p -o out.par file  # same as above, but bundles core modules
    % pp -P -o file      # Creates '' from 'file'
    % pp -B -p -o file   # same as above, but bundles core modules
                                # (-B is assumed when making executables)

    % pp -e "print 123"         # Pack a one-liner into 'a.out'
    % pp -p -e "print 123"      # Creates a PAR file 'a.par'
    % pp -P -e "print 123"      # Creates a perl script ''

    % pp -c hello               # Check dependencies from "perl -c hello"
    % pp -x hello               # Check dependencies from "perl hello"
    % pp -n -x hello            # same as above, but skips static scanning

    % pp -I /foo hello          # Extra include paths
    % pp -M Foo::Bar hello      # Extra modules in the include path
    % pp -M hello     # Extra libraries in the include path
    % pp -X Foo::Bar hello      # Exclude modules
    % pp -a data.txt hello      # Additional data files

    % pp -r hello               # Pack 'hello' into 'a.out', runs 'a.out'
    % pp -r hello a b c         # Pack 'hello' into 'a.out', runs 'a.out'
                                # with arguments 'a b c'

    % pp hello --log=c          # Pack 'hello' into 'a.out', logs
                                # messages into 'c'

    # Pack 'hello' into a console-less 'out.exe' with icon (Win32 only)
    % pp --gui --icon hello.ico -o out.exe hello


F<pp> creates standalone executables from Perl programs, using the
compressed packager provided by L<PAR>, and dependency detection
heuristics offered by L<Module::ScanDeps>.  Source files are compressed
verbatim without compilation.

You may think of F<pp> as "F<perlcc> that works without hassle". :-)

A GUI interface is also available as the F<tkpp> command.

It does not provide the compilation-step acceleration provided by
F<perlcc> (however, see B<-f> below for byte-compiled, source-hiding
techniques), but makes up for it with better reliability, smaller
executable size, and full retrieval of original source code.

When a single input program is specified, the resulting executable will
behave identically as that program.  However, when multiple programs
are packaged, the produced executable will run the one that has the
same basename as C<$0> (i.e. the filename used to invoke it).  If
nothing matches, it dies with the error C<Can't open perl script "$0">.

=head1 OPTIONS

Options are available in a I<short> form and a I<long> form.  For
example, the three lines below are all equivalent:

    % pp -o output.exe
    % pp --output output.exe
    % pp --output=output.exe

=over 4

=item B<-a>, B<--addfile>=I<FILE>|I<DIR>

Add an extra file into the package.  If the file is a directory, recursively
add all files inside that directory, with links turned into actual files.

By default, files are placed under C</> inside the package with their
original names.  You may override this by appending the target filename
after a C<;>, like this:

    % pp -a "old_filename.txt;new_filename.txt"
    % pp -a "old_dirname;new_dirname"

You may specify C<-a> multiple times.

=item B<-A>, B<--addlist>=I<FILE>

Read a list of file/directory names from I<FILE>, adding them into the
package.  Each line in I<FILE> is taken as an argument to B<-a> above.

You may specify C<-A> multiple times.

=item B<-B>, B<--bundle>

Bundle core modules in the resulting package.  This option is enabled
by default, except when C<-p> or C<-P> is specified.

=item B<-C>, B<--clean>

Clean up temporary files extracted from the application at runtime.
By default, these files are cached in the temporary directory; this
allows the program to start up faster next time.

=item B<-c>, B<--compile>

Run C<perl -c inputfile> to determine additonal run-time dependencies.

=item B<-d>, B<--dependent>

Reduce the executable size by not including a copy of perl interpreter.
Executables built this way will need a separate F<perl5x.dll>
or F<> to function correctly.  This option is only available
if perl is built as a shared library.

=item B<-e>, B<--eval>=I<STRING>

Package a one-liner, much the same as C<perl -e '...'>

=item B<-x>, B<--execute>

Run C<perl inputfile> to determine additonal run-time dependencies.

=item B<-X>, B<--exclude>=I<MODULE>

Exclude the given module from the dependency search patch and from the

=item B<-f>, B<--filter>=I<FILTER>

Filter source script(s) with a L<PAR::Filter> subclass.  You may specify
multiple such filters.

If you wish to hide the source code from casual prying, this will do:

    % pp -f Bleach

Users with Perl 5.8.1 and above may also try out the experimental
byte-compiling filter, which will strip away all comments and indents:

    % pp -f Bytecode

=item B<-g>, B<--gui>

Build an executable that does not have a console window. This option is
ignored on non-MSWin32 platforms or when C<-p> is specified.

=item B<-h>, B<--help>

Show basic usage information.

=item B<-i>, B<--icon>=I<FILE>

Specify an icon file (in F<.ico>, F<.exe> or F<.dll> format) for the
executable. This option is ignored on non-MSWin32 platforms or when C<-p>
is specified.

=item B<-N>, B<--info>=I<KEY=VAL>

Add additional information for the packed file, both in C<META.yml>
and in the executable header (if applicable).  The name/value pair is
joined by C<=>.  You may specify C<-N> multiple times, or use C<;> to
link several pairs.

For Win32 executables, these special C<KEY> names are recognized:

    Comments        CompanyName     FileDescription FileVersion
    InternalName    LegalCopyright  LegalTrademarks OriginalFilename
    ProductName     ProductVersion

=item B<-I>, B<--lib>=I<DIR>

Add the given directory to the perl library file search path.  May
be specified multiple times.

=item B<-l>, B<--link>=I<FILE>|I<LIBRARY>

Add the given shared library (a.k.a. shared object or DLL) into the
packed file.  Also accepts names under library paths; i.e.
C<-l ncurses> means the same thing as C<-l> or
C<-l /usr/local/lib/> in most Unixes.  May be specified
multiple times.

=item B<-L>, B<--log>=I<FILE>

Log the output of packaging to a file rather than to stdout.

=item B<-F>, B<--modfilter>=I<FILTER>

Filter included perl module(s) with a L<PAR::Filter> subclass.
You may specify multiple such filters.

=item B<-M>, B<--module>=I<MODULE>

Add the specified module into the package, along with its dependencies.
Also accepts filenames relative to the C<@INC> path; i.e. C<-M
Module::ScanDeps> means the same thing as C<-M Module/>.

If I<MODULE> has an extension that is not C<.pm>/C<.ix>/C<.al>, it will not
be scanned for dependencies, and will be placed under C</> instead of
C</lib/> inside the PAR file.  This use is deprecated -- consider using
the B<-a> option instead.

You may specify C<-M> multiple times.

=item B<-m>, B<--multiarch>

Build a multi-architecture PAR file.  Implies B<-p>.

=item B<-n>, B<--noscan>

Skip the default static scanning altogether, using run-time
dependencies from B<-c> or B<-x> exclusively.

=item B<-o>, B<--output>=I<FILE>

File name for the final packaged executable.

=item B<-p>, B<--par>

Create PAR archives only; do not package to a standalone binary.

=item B<-P>, B<--perlscript>

Create stand-alone perl script; do not package to a standalone binary.

=item B<-r>, B<--run>

Run the resulting packaged script after packaging it.

=item B<-S>, B<--save>

Do not delete generated PAR file after packaging.

=item B<-s>, B<--sign>

Cryptographically sign the generated PAR or binary file using

=item B<-v>, B<--verbose>[=I<NUMBER>]

Increase verbosity of output; I<NUMBER> is an integer from C<1> to C<3>,
C<3> being the most verbose.  Defaults to C<1> if specified without an
argument.  Alternatively, B<-vv> sets verbose level to C<2>, and B<-vvv>
sets it to C<3>.

=item B<-V>, B<--version>

Display the version number and copyrights of this program.



=over 4

=item PP_OPTS

Command-line options (switches).  Switches in this variable are taken
as if they were on every F<pp> command line.


=head1 NOTES

Here are some recipes showing how to utilize F<pp> to bundle
F<> with all its dependencies, on target machines with
different expected settings:

=over 4

=item Stand-alone setup

    % pp -o packed.exe        # makes packed.exe
    # Now, deploy 'packed.exe' to target machine...
    $ packed.exe                        # run it

=item Perl interpreter only, without core modules:

    % pp -B -P -o   # makes packed.exe
    # Now, deploy 'packed.exe' to target machine...
    $ perl                    # run it

=item Perl with core module installed:

    % pp -P -o      # makes packed.exe
    # Now, deploy '' to target machine...
    $ perl                    # run it

=item Perl with and its dependencies installed:

    % pp -p                   # makes source.par
    % echo "use PAR 'source.par';" >;
    % cat >>;       # makes
    # Now, deploy 'source.par' and '' to target machine...
    $ perl                    # run it


Note that even if your perl was built with a shared library, the
'Stand-alone setup' above will I<not> need a separate F<perl5x.dll>
or F<> to function correctly.  Use C<--dependent> if you
are willing to ship the shared library with the application, which
can significantly reduce the executable size.

=head1 SEE ALSO

L<tkpp>, L<>, L<parl>, L<perlcc>

L<PAR>, L<PAR::Packer>, L<Module::ScanDeps>


Simon Cozens, Tom Christiansen and Edward Peschko for writing
F<perlcc>; this program try to mimic its interface as close
as possible, and copied liberally from their code.

Jan Dubois for writing the F<> utility, which has been
partially adapted into the C<-g> flag.

Mattia Barbon for providing the C<myldr> binary loader code.

Jeff Goff for suggesting the name C<pp>.

=head1 AUTHORS

Autrijus Tang E<lt>autrijus@autrijus.orgE<gt>

L<> is the official PAR website.  You can write
to the mailing list at E<lt>par@perl.orgE<gt>, or send an empty mail to
E<lt>par-subscribe@perl.orgE<gt> to participate in the discussion.

Please submit bug reports to E<lt>bug-par@rt.cpan.orgE<gt>.


Copyright 2002, 2003, 2004 by Autrijus Tang E<lt>autrijus@autrijus.orgE<gt>.

Neither this program nor the associated L<parl> program impose any
licensing restrictions on files generated by their execution, in
accordance with the 8th article of the Artistic License:

    "Aggregation of this Package with a commercial distribution is
    always permitted provided that the use of this Package is embedded;
    that is, when no overt attempt is made to make this Package's
    interfaces visible to the end user of the commercial distribution.
    Such use shall not be construed as a distribution of this Package."

Therefore, you are absolutely free to place any license on the resulting
executable, as long as the packed 3rd-party libraries are also available
under the Artistic License.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.

See L<>
