The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.
#!perl -w
use strict;

our $VERSION = '2.2';

use Tk;
use Tk::ROText;
use Tk::LabFrame;
use Tk::Pane;
use Tk::Balloon;
use Tk::HistEntry;
use Tk::NumEntry;

use Cwd;
use FindBin;
use File::Spec;
use Data::Dumper;
use Pod::Simple::Text;

use PAR::Packer;
my $optref = PAR::Packer::OPTIONS;

our ( @opts, @type, @def, @chkd, @value );
our ( $source_file, $output_file, $log_file_ref, %hist_refs );

my $mw = MainWindow->new( -title => "gpp $VERSION - gui for pp" );
my $default_size = '500x500';    # for $mw, $hw and $lw
$mw->minsize( 250, 250 );
$mw->optionAdd( '*font' => 'Courier 10' );
my $entry_font_color = 'blue';
my $balloon_font     = 'Courier 8';
my $balloon_color    = 'yellow';
my $dots_font        = 'Courier 5';
my $pl_types         = [ [ 'pp source', [ '.par', '.pl', '.ptk', '.pm' ] ], [ 'All files', '*' ] ];
my $gpp_types        = [ [ 'gpp options', ['.gpp'] ], [ 'All files', '*' ] ];
my $default_gpp_ext  = '.gpp';

my $pp = find_pp();
if ( !$pp ) {
    $mw->messageBox( -title   => 'Error',
                     -icon    => 'error',
                     -message => "Can't find pp !!",
                     -type    => 'OK'
if ( !open PP, "<$pp" ) {
    $mw->messageBox( -title   => 'Error',
                     -icon    => 'error',
                     -message => "Can't open $pp: $!",
                     -type    => 'OK'
my $pp_text;
    undef $/;
    $pp_text = <PP>;
close PP;

@opts = sort {
    lc( substr( $a, 0, index( $a, '|' ) ) ) cmp lc( substr( $b, 0, index( $b, '|' ) ) )
      || $a cmp $b
} keys %$optref;
for (@opts) { push @def, $$optref{$_} }

# parse option specifiers
for ( 0 .. $#opts ) {
    my ($short) = ( $opts[$_] =~ /([^|]+)/ );
    $type[$_]  = '';
    $type[$_]  = $1 if $opts[$_] =~ /([=:].*)/;
    $opts[$_]  = $short;
    $chkd[$_]  = 0;
    $value[$_] = 0 if $type[$_] =~ /i/;
    $value[$_] = '' if $type[$_] =~ /[fs]/;
    $log_file_ref = \$value[$_] if $opts[$_] eq 'L';

my $f = $mw->Frame( -borderwidth => 5 )->pack( -expand => 1, -fill => 'both' );

my $fb = $f->Frame()->pack( -fill => 'x' );
my $fb1 = $fb->Frame()->pack( -side => 'left', -expand => 'y', -fill => 'x' );
$fb1->Button( -text => 'Pack', -command => sub { run_pp() } )->pack( -expand => 1, -fill => 'x' );
$fb1->Button( -text => 'View Log', -command => sub { view_log() } )
  ->pack( -expand => 1, -fill => 'x' );
my $fb2 = $fb->Frame()->pack( -side => 'left', -expand => 'y', -fill => 'x' );
$fb2->Button( -text    => 'Open Opts',
              -command => sub { open_opts(); }
            )->pack( -expand => 1, -fill => 'x' );
$fb2->Button( -text    => 'Save Opts',
              -command => sub { save_opts(); }
            )->pack( -expand => 1, -fill => 'x' );
my $fb3 = $fb->Frame()->pack( -side => 'left', -expand => 'y', -fill => 'x' );
$fb3->Button( -text => 'Exit', -command => sub { save_hist() } )
  ->pack( -expand => 1, -fill => 'x' );
$fb3->Button( -text => 'Help', -command => sub { help() } )->pack( -expand => 1, -fill => 'x' );

my $ff = $f->Frame( -borderwidth => 5, )->pack( -fill => 'x' );
my $fn = $ff->Frame()->pack( -side => 'left' );
$fn->Label( -text => 'Source File:' )->pack( -anchor => 'e' );
$fn->Label( -text => 'Output File:' )->pack( -anchor => 'e' );
my $fe = $ff->Frame()->pack( -side => 'left', -expand => 1, -fill => 'x' );
my $source_entry = $fe->HistEntry( -textvariable     => \$source_file,
                                   -width            => 1,
                                   -fg               => $entry_font_color,
                                   -selectbackground => $entry_font_color,
                                   -dup              => 0,
                                   -case             => 0,                   # works opposite of pod
                                   -match            => 1,
                                   -limit            => 10,
                                   -command          => sub { }
                                 )->pack( -expand => 1, -fill => 'x' );
$source_entry->Subwidget('slistbox')->configure( -bg => 'white' );
my $output_entry = $fe->HistEntry( -textvariable     => \$output_file,
                                   -width            => 1,
                                   -fg               => $entry_font_color,
                                   -selectbackground => $entry_font_color,
                                   -dup              => 0,
                                   -case             => 0,                   # works opposite of pod
                                   -match            => 1,
                                   -limit            => 10,
                                   -command          => sub { }
                                 )->pack( -expand => 1, -fill => 'x' );
$output_entry->Subwidget('slistbox')->configure( -bg => 'white' );
my $fg = $ff->Frame()->pack( -side => 'left', -fill => 'y' );
    -text    => '...',
    -font    => $dots_font,
    -command => sub {
        my $file = $mw->getOpenFile( -filetypes => $pl_types );
        if ($file) {
            $source_file = $file;
            $source_file = '"' . $source_file . '"' if $source_file =~ / / and $^O =~ /win32/i;
)->pack(-expand => 'y', -fill => 'y');
    -text    => '...',
    -font    => $dots_font,
    -command => sub {
        my $file = $mw->getSaveFile();
        if ($file) {
            $output_file = $file;
            $output_file = '"' . $output_file . '"' if $output_file =~ / / and $^O =~ /win32/i;
)->pack(-expand => 'y', -fill => 'y');

my $fo =
  $f->LabFrame( -label => 'Options', -labelside => 'acrosstop' )
  ->pack( -expand => 1, -fill => 'both' );
my $p = $fo->Scrolled( 'Pane',
                       -scrollbars => 'osw',
                       -sticky     => 'we',
                     )->pack( -expand => 1, -fill => 'both' );
for ( 0 .. $#opts ) {
    next if $opts[$_] =~ /^[oh]$/;

    my $fp = $p->Frame()->pack( -expand => 'y', -fill => 'both' );
    my $c = $fp->Checkbutton( -text        => $opts[$_],
                              -variable    => \$chkd[$_],
                              -selectcolor => 'white'
                            )->pack( -side => 'left' );
    $fp->Balloon( -bg => $balloon_color, -font => $balloon_font )
      ->attach( $c, -balloonmsg => $def[$_] );
    if ( $type[$_] =~ /[@%]/ ) {
        if ( $type[$_] =~ /=/ ) {
            $fp->Label( -text => '+' )->pack( -side => 'left' );
        else {
            $fp->Label( -text => '*' )->pack( -side => 'left' );
    else {
        $fp->Label( -text => ' ' )->pack( -side => 'left' );
    my $he;
    if ( $type[$_] =~ /[fs]/ ) {
        $he = $fp->HistEntry( -textvariable     => \$value[$_],
                              -width            => 1,
                              -fg               => $entry_font_color,
                              -selectbackground => $entry_font_color,
                              -dup              => 0,
                              -case             => 0,                   # works opposite of pod
                              -match            => 1,
                              -limit            => 10,
                              -command          => sub { },
                            )->pack( -side => 'left', -expand => 'y', -fill => 'x' );
        $he->Subwidget('slistbox')->configure( -bg => 'white' );
        $hist_refs{ $opts[$_] } = $he;
    if ( $type[$_] =~ /f/ ) {
        $he->Subwidget('entry')->configure( -validate => 'key' );
            -validatecommand => sub {
                $_[0] =~ /^[+-]?\.?$|                                    # starting entry
                          ^[+-]?(?=\d|\.\d)\d*(\.\d*)?([Ee]([+-]?\d*))?$ # continuing entry
                         /x;    # not validated if the entry ever actually finishes
    if ( $type[$_] =~ /i/ ) {
        $fp->NumEntry( -textvariable     => \$value[$_],
                       -width            => 5,
                       -fg               => $entry_font_color,
                       -selectbackground => $entry_font_color,
                     )->pack( -side => 'left' );

my ( $hw, $hwt );    # help toplevel/text
my ( $lw, $lwt );    # view log toplevel/text

open_opts( $ARGV[0] ) if $ARGV[0];
my $gpp_history = $ENV{HOME} || $ENV{HOMEPATH} || $FindBin::Bin;
$gpp_history .= '/.gpp.history';


sub find_pp {
    my $pp = 'pp';
    $pp .= '.bat' if $^O =~ /win32/i;
    return File::Spec->catfile( cwd(), $pp ) if -e $pp;
    my @path = File::Spec->path();
    for (@path) {
        my $full_name = File::Spec->catfile( $_, $pp );
        return $full_name if -e $full_name;
    return undef;

sub open_opts {
    my $opts_file = shift;
    if ( !$opts_file ) {
        $opts_file = $mw->getOpenFile( -filetype => $gpp_types );
    return if !$opts_file;
    my ( $save_chkd, $save_value );
    if ( !open OH, "<$opts_file" ) {
        $mw->messageBox( -title   => 'Error',
                         -icon    => 'error',
                         -message => "$opts_file: $!",
                         -type    => 'OK'
    my $opts_dump;
        undef $/;
        $opts_dump = <OH>;
    close OH;
    if ( $opts_dump !~ /\$save_chkd\s*=.*?\$save_value\s*=/s ) {
        $mw->messageBox( -title   => 'Error',
                         -icon    => 'error',
                         -message => "$opts_file: Not a gpp option file !!",
                         -type    => 'OK'
    eval $opts_dump;
    if ($@) {
        $mw->messageBox( -title   => 'Error',
                         -icon    => 'error',
                         -message => "$opts_file: $@",
                         -type    => 'OK'
    for ( 0 .. $#opts ) {
        if ( exists $save_chkd->{ $opts[$_] } ) {
            $chkd[$_]  = $save_chkd->{ $opts[$_] };
            $value[$_] = $save_value->{ $opts[$_] };
} ## end sub open_opts

sub save_opts {
    my $opts_file =
      $mw->getSaveFile( -filetypes => $gpp_types, -defaultextension => $default_gpp_ext );
    return if !$opts_file;
    my ( %save_chkd, %save_value );
    for ( 0 .. $#opts ) {
        $save_chkd{ $opts[$_] }  = $chkd[$_];
        $save_value{ $opts[$_] } = $value[$_];
    if ( !open OH, ">$opts_file" ) {
        $mw->messageBox( -title   => 'Error',
                         -icon    => 'error',
                         -message => "$opts_file: $!",
                         -type    => 'OK'
    print OH Data::Dumper->Dump( [ $source_file, $output_file, \%save_chkd, \%save_value ],
                                 [qw( source_file output_file save_chkd save_value )] );
    close OH;

sub open_hist {
    return if !-e $gpp_history;
    my ( $source_hist, $output_hist, $opts_hist );
    if ( !open HH, "<$gpp_history" ) {
        $mw->messageBox( -title   => 'Error',
                         -icon    => 'error',
                         -message => "$gpp_history: $!",
                         -type    => 'OK'
    my $hist_dump;
        undef $/;
        $hist_dump = <HH>;
    close HH;
    if ( $hist_dump !~ /\$source_hist\s*=.*?\$output_hist\s*=/s ) {
        $mw->messageBox( -title   => 'Error',
                         -icon    => 'error',
                         -message => "$gpp_history: Not a gpp history file !!",
                         -type    => 'OK'
    eval $hist_dump;
    if ($@) {
        $mw->messageBox( -title   => 'Error',
                         -icon    => 'error',
                         -message => "$gpp_history: $@",
                         -type    => 'OK'
    for ( 0 .. $#opts ) {
        if ( exists $opts_hist->{ $opts[$_] } ) {
            $hist_refs{ $opts[$_] }->history( $opts_hist->{ $opts[$_] } );
} ## end sub open_hist

sub save_hist {
    if ( !open HH, ">$gpp_history" ) {
        $mw->messageBox( -title   => 'Error',
                         -icon    => 'error',
                         -message => "$gpp_history: $!",
                         -type    => 'OK'
    my ( $source_hist, $output_hist );
    $source_hist = [ $source_entry->history() ];
    $output_hist = [ $output_entry->history() ];
    for ( keys %hist_refs ) {
        $hist_refs{$_} = [ $hist_refs{$_}->history() ];
    print HH Data::Dumper->Dump( [ $source_hist, $output_hist, \%hist_refs ],
                                 [qw( source_hist output_hist opts_hist )] );
    close HH;

sub view_log {
    my $file = $$log_file_ref;
    $file =~ s/^"(.*)"$/$1/;
    return if !$file;
    if ( !open LH, "<$file" ) {
        $mw->messageBox( -title   => 'Error',
                         -icon    => 'error',
                         -message => "$file: $!",
                         -type    => 'OK'
    my $log_text;
        undef $/;
        $log_text = <LH>;
    close LH;
    if ( !Exists($lw) ) {
        $lw = $mw->Toplevel( -title => 'Log file' );
        my ( $x, $y ) = ( $mw->geometry() =~ /^\d+x\d+\+(\d+)\+(\d+)/ );
        $lw->geometry( $default_size . '+' . ( $x + 20 ) . '+' . ( $y + 20 ) );
        $lw->minsize( 200, 30 );
        my $fb = $lw->Frame()->pack( -fill => 'x' );
        $fb->Button( -text => 'Close', -command => sub { $lw->withdraw() } )
          ->pack( -side => 'left', -expand => 'y', -fill => 'x' );
        $fb->Button( -text    => 'Clear Log file',
                     -command => sub { open LH, ">$file"; close LH; $lw->withdraw() }
                   )->pack( -side => 'right' );
        $lwt = $lw->Scrolled( "Text",
                              -scrollbars => 'osw',
                              -wrap       => 'none',
                              -height     => 1,
                              -width      => 1
                            )->pack( -expand => 1, -fill => 'both' );
        $lwt->insert( 'end', $log_text );
    else {
        $lwt->delete( '0.0', 'end' );
        $lwt->insert( 'end', $log_text );
} ## end sub view_log

sub help {
    if ( !Exists($hw) ) {
        $hw = $mw->Toplevel( -title => 'Help for pp' );
        my ( $x, $y ) = ( $mw->geometry() =~ /^\d+x\d+\+(\d+)\+(\d+)/ );
        $hw->geometry( $default_size . '+' . ( $x + 40 ) . '+' . ( $y + 40 ) );
        $hw->minsize( 100, 30 );
        $hw->Button( -text => 'Close', -command => sub { $hw->withdraw } )->pack( -fill => 'x' );
        my $parser = Pod::Simple::Text->new();
        my $pod;
        $parser->output_string( \$pod );
        $hwt = $hw->Scrolled( "Text",
                              -scrollbars => 'osw',
                              -wrap       => 'none',
                              -height     => 1,
                              -width      => 1
                            )->pack( -expand => 1, -fill => 'both' );
        $hwt->insert( 'end', $pod );
    else {

sub run_pp {
    my @pp_opts = ();
    for ( 0 .. $#opts ) {
        if ( $chkd[$_] ) {
            if ( ( $type[$_] eq '' ) or ( $type[$_] =~ /:/ and $value[$_] eq '' ) ) {
                push @pp_opts, '-' . $opts[$_];
            elsif ( $type[$_] =~ /[ifs]$/ ) {
                push @pp_opts, '-' . $opts[$_];
                push @pp_opts, $value[$_];
            elsif ( $type[$_] =~ /[fs][@%]/ ) {
                my @multi = ();
                my $value = $value[$_];

                # Look for quoted strings first, then non-blank strings,
                #   separated by spaces, commas or semicolons
                while ( $value =~ /\G\s*((['"])[^\2]*?\2)\s*[,;]?|\G\s*([^\s,;]+)\s*[,;]?/g ) {
                    push( @multi, defined($1) ? $1 : $3 );
                for $value (@multi) {
                    push @pp_opts, '-' . $opts[$_];
                    push @pp_opts, $value;
    if ($output_file) {
        push @pp_opts, '-o';
        push @pp_opts, $output_file;
    if ($source_file) {
        push @pp_opts, $source_file;
    print "$pp @pp_opts\n";

    system $pp, @pp_opts;
    print "Done.\n\n";
} ## end sub run_pp