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%                   Pugs: Bootstrapping Perl 6 with Haskell
%                                 Audrey Tang
%                             Haskell Workshop 2005
%                   (Applications, Practice, and Experience)

% sledgehammer widows and orphans



% Page limit: 5000 words / 12 pages
% Deadline  : 4 June, 2004
% Send to   : Henrik Nilsson (
% What      : a4 postscript.
% * See `Points that we need to address' on PlsPls.

% version control

% Misc macros

% Listings package settings
  captionpos=b, % captions go at the bottom of listings, not the top
  breaklines=false, % i break for nobody!

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%\toappear{Submitted to HW2004.}


\conferenceinfo{Haskell'05,} {September 30, 2005, Tallinn, Estonia.}



% \twocolumn

\subtitle{Bootstrapping Perl 6 with Haskell}
\authorinfo{Audrey Tang}
           {OurInternet, Inc.}

Perl is a general-purpose language, known for its vast number of freely
available extension libraries.  The Perl 6 project was started in 2000
to create a more robust runtime environment, and to improve the language's
support for multi-paradigmatic programming.  However, the attempt to produce a
concrete implementation remains a work in progress after 4 years of development.

This paper presents Pugs, a working implementation of Perl 6, written in
Haskell.  We review the challenges posed by Perl 6's unusual execution model,
and how Pugs tackles them using features introduced in GHC 6.4, such as
Template Haskell, Software Transactional Memory, and Generalised Algebraic
Data Types (GADTs).

Moreover, we demonstrate how Pugs uses Haskell's FFI to embed Perl 5, Parrot
and Haskell within Perl 6 programs, and how it mediates the execution context
between these runtime environments.

Finally, we discuss Parrot, a register-based virtual machine designated as the
reference implementation of Perl 6's runtime, and how Pugs can evolve from an
interpreter to a compiler targeting Parrot.


%\category{D.3.3}{Programming Languages}{Language Constructs and Features---frameworks}
\category{D.3.m}{Programming Languages}{Miscellaneous}


Design, Languages


Perl, Haskell, Parrot

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The Perl language, developed by Larry Wall in the mid-1980s, was an attempt to
synthesize the capabilities of the Unix toolset (C, shell, grep, sed, awk,
etc.), presenting them in a way that maximizes ease of use, efficiency and

During the mid-1990s, Wall developed Perl 5, incorporating features from
contemporary languages (Scheme, C++, Python, etc.), such as modules, closures
and object-oriented programming.

The Perl 6 project was started in 2000, with a focus on improved cross-language
interoperation and support for multiple programming paradigms.  The design
process continued well into 2005, producing the language specification in

However, the Perl 6 implementation, originally planned to proceed in parallel
with the design process, failed to materialise.  This has seriously impeded
development and adoption of the new language.

This paper presents Pugs, an independent implementation of Perl 6 using Haskell
as the host language, started in 2005.  Haskell proved to be a capable choice
for this task: we released the first working interpreter within the first week,
and by the third week we had a unit testing framework written in Perl 6.

By having a working implementation of Perl 6, we are able to make the following
non-technical contributions:

\item Provide a proving ground to resolve inconsistencies in language design
\item Encourage people to write modules and unit tests for Perl 6
\item Explore more rigorous definitions of Perl 6's execution model

The rest of this paper will proceed as follows.  In section 2, we give an
overview of the Perl 6 project's history, and of the language's execution model.
Section 3 discusses previous implementation efforts.  We then present the
design of the Pugs interpreter in section 4.

Because Pugs is targeting GHC 6.4 instead of Haskell 98, it takes full
advantage of the modern Haskell features GHC provides.  In section 5, we review
our use of GADTs, STM, as well as reified continuations built on higher-rank
polymorphism.  In section 6, we demonstrate how Pugs uses FFI and hs-plugins to
dynamically load Perl 5, Haskell and Parrot modules at runtime.

Although the na\"ive tree-reduction interpreter served well for prototyping,
it is not efficient enough for production use.  In section 7, we discuss the
ongoing work to adapt Pugs into a compiler, targeting the register-based Parrot
virtual machine.  Section 8 outlines our plans for future development.

\section{Overview of the Perl 6 Project}

Through Perl 5's release, major revisions of Perl were designed and implemented
by Wall alone.  However, Perl 6's development is driven by the Perl community's
varied and often conflicting needs.  As such, we will start with a brief
overview of the Perl community, and how Perl 6 has come to be.

\subsection{Historical Background}

During Perl 5's beta development in 1993, a community of volunteers known as
the \emph{Perl 5 porters} was formed to port Perl to other platforms.  The group's
role evolved into maintenance and enhancement.  As development continued, Wall
appoints individual members of the group to act as \emph{pumpkings} (release
managers) to lead the design process and arbitrate patches submitted by other

In 1995, Jarkko Hietaniemi and Andreas K\"onig established the Comprehensive Perl
Archive Network (CPAN), an infrastructure for sharing freely reusable
libraries, programs and documentation.  Perl itself comes with a built-in client
side utility for automatic downloading, testing and installation of CPAN
modules.  As of 2005, CPAN has more than 8000 modules, supported by a tool chain
that covers smoke testing, issue tracking, cross-referencing, rating and
discussion forums.

Driven by scores of Perl 5 porters and thousands of CPAN authors, Perl 5's
development puts a strong emphasis on backward compatibility.  Developers
avoid adding new built-in functions, as they might clash with user-defined
functions of the same name.  Conversely, deprecated features are almost never
fully retracted, and new incompatible features are consistently rejected.
For example, one cannot rewrite the reference-counting garbage collector,
because existing programs may rely on its object destruction semantics.

In 2000, many developers felt that Perl 5 development was stuck.  Some have
described the C-based runtime as a tower of Jenga, where new features are
constrained to re-use existing semantics, making it ever more fragile.

In response to this situation, Perl developers started the Perl 6 project to
rewrite Perl from scratch, dropping language-level backward compatibility for
the first time.  To use existing Perl 5 programs, one would need to embed a
Perl 5 runtime inside Perl 6's runtime, or recompile them into Perl 6.

\subsection{Execution Model}

The Perl 6 project started with a \emph{requirement analysis} phase.  During
this two-month period, 26 working groups produced 361 RFC submissions as
initial input to the design team, calling for improved functional,
object-oriented, concurrency-based, data-driven and logic programming support
in the base language.  In order to support these requirements, the design team
focused on Perl 6's metaprogramming capabilities.

Unlike most languages, Perl 5 has a dynamic grammar: its parser is tightly
coupled with its evaluator, so compile-time computation can affect how the
parser handles the rest of the program.  This allows for a limited form of
macros known as \emph{source filters}, where a Perl module can transform the
importing program's source code before its parsing.

Many CPAN modules use source filters to implement Perl dialects and embedded
domain-specific languages.  However, as the transformation operates on the
source string level instead of the AST level, multiple filters cannot reliably
work together.

Perl 6 proposes an unusual execution model to address this problem.  The parser
and compiler are implemented in Perl 6, with an initial set of Rules to parse
source code into ASTs.  Rules are composable, first-class functions, written in
an embedded language in Perl 6 that defines parsers for context sensitive,
infinite look-ahead grammars.

The parser parses the program with a top-level \code{program} rule, composed of
sub-rules that handle parts of the program.  Rules may contain embedded Perl 6
code to produce side effects.  For example, the \code{BEGIN \{...\}} syntax
defines a block of code to be executed during compilation.

Right after parsing a \code{BEGIN} block, the compiler will generate object
code for the block, then immediately run that code.  The generated code has
access to the compilation environment; it may rewrite the partially produced
parse tree, define new grammar rules, or replace the compiler entirely from the
next token onwards.

With a default grammar that supports user-defined operators of arbitrary fixity
and precedence, programmers can easily introduce new language semantics under
this execution model.

During runtime, the program still has access to the built-in parser and
compiler modules.  The \code{eval} primitive triggers the compilation and linking
process again, with full access to the current runtime environment.

\subsection{Language Interoperability}

Perl 6 is designed to operate in a mixed-language environment. The
framework already implements this capability in Perl 5; it provides a unified
interface to three strategies for interoperating with other languages.

\item Translate:  Sometimes it is possible to transform the foreign language
into equivalent Perl code.  In that case, it is a simple matter of applying a
source filter, or of \code{eval}ing the translated code in its own namespace.

\item Native call:  Statically compiled languages (such as C, C++ and assembly)
are compiled into dynamically loaded shared libraries. automatically
generates wrappers to call foreign functions; it also exports Perl's runtime
API so the embedded language can call functions defined in Perl.

\item Runtime harness:  For languages with a rich runtime (e.g. Java and Python), will run them alongside Perl's own runtime, sharing the execution
context in a coroutine-like fashion.  Types and global bindings are encoded
both ways; the Perl program can invoke a foreign object's methods, and vice

In addition to these strategies, Perl 6 is also designed to run on a shared
high-level virtual machine, such as the Java VM or .Net CLR.  As part of the
Perl 6 project, the Parrot VM is the reference implementation for a
cross-language runtime to support Perl 6 and other dynamic languages.

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% 3.
\section{Related Work}

Perl 6 is designed to be self-hosting, unlike previous versions that were
implemented in C.  Its execution model demands a mixed parsing, compilation and
execution cycle, which complicates the bootstrap process.  In this section, we
briefly review various bootstrap strategies proposed over the years.

% 3.1

To explore and prototype Perl 6's Rules mechanism, Damian Conway implemented
\texttt{Perl6::Rules}, a Perl 5 module that translates Perl 6 Rules into Perl 5's
regular expressions.  An unreleased prototype was written in 2003, which led to
extensive modifications of the design of Rules.

In 2004, Conway released a revised version of \texttt{Perl6::Rules}.  The
implementation was constrained by limitations of Perl 5's non-reentrant regular
expression engine; moreover, \texttt{Perl6::Rules} relied on various
experimental features that no longer work with newer Perl 5 revisions.  As
such, \texttt{Perl6::Rules} remains a partial prototype, not suitable as a
basis for implementing a parser for the Perl 6 grammar.

% 3.2.

The initial plan was to use Perl 5 for bootstrapping: First write the Perl 6 to
Parrot compiler in Perl 5, then translate the compiler itself to Perl 6 by
instrumenting Perl 5's bytecode compiler to emit Perl 6 code.

Started in 2002, P6C was the first concrete prototype of Perl 6.  It is
written in Perl 5 and distributed as one of the language prototypes in the
Parrot codebase.  Instead of \texttt{Perl6::Rules}, P6C uses the
\texttt{Parse::RecDescent} module to construct a recursive-descent parser for
Perl 6.

P6C's design is based on multiple passes on the parse tree.  In the first
pass, \texttt{Parse::RecDescent} produces \texttt{raw parse objects}: each node
has a \texttt{tree} method that turns itself to \emph{op-tree objects},
produced by recursively calling the \code{tree} method on its subnodes.  In
the next pass, the compiler traverses the op-tree to annotate each term with
its inferred context.  Finally, the \code{val} method is recursively called
on each node to produce the compiled code in PIR, a high-level assembly code
for Parrot.

With this design, each term's reduction rules are hard-coded in PIR assembly,
making it prohibitively difficult to reason about the execution.  Because P6C
cannot check the resulting assembly code for correctness, subtle bugs often
go unnoticed for a long time.

P6C's development continued till 2004, when it was discontinued in
favor of PGE.  In its final state, it could handle a few builtins, simple
expressions, basic rules matching and user-defined functions.  It provides no
support for \code{BEGIN} blocks, \code{eval}, modules and objects.  Code
generated by P6C cannot interoperate with other languages targeting Parrot.

% 3.2
\subsection{PGE and PAST}

In July 2004, Perl 6 developers announced a revised bootstrapping plan,
based on two new projects:

\item Parrot Grammar Engine (PGE), a compiler that takes Perl 6 Rules and
  generates the corresponding parser functions in PIR code.

\item Parrot Abstract Syntax Tree (PAST), a higher level representation
  of PIR programs as Parrot objects.

The developers intend to define Perl 6's grammar as a set of Rules that produce
Parrot AST objects.  Once PGE is capable of processing those rules, PGE/PAST
will effectively become a Perl 6 to Parrot compiler; from there we can make
their APIs available via Perl 6 modules, completing the bootstrapping process.

As of this writing, both PGE and PAST are under development:  A subset of
Python's AST has been ported to Parrot, along with a yacc/lex-based parser for
its concrete syntax.  PGE can handle most static Rules constructs, but does not
support calling out to other functions, so the parser returns only simple match
objects, not AST nodes.

Because PGE is not yet complete enough to support a Perl 6 grammar specified in
Rules, the planned Perl 6 compiler, based on PGE/PAST, is yet to be written.

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% 4.
\section{Pugs the Interpreter}

When interpreting a Perl 6 program, Pugs first populates an evaluation
environment with primitive bindings.  The parser takes the initial
environment, including the source code string, and computes a modified
environment containing the parsed AST.  The evaluator then reduces the tree
to its final value, in the standard call-by-value order.

% 4.1
\subsection{The RuleParser Monad}

The Pugs parser is based on Parsec, a monadic parser combinator library.  The
parser monad is defined as:

    type RuleParser a = GenParser Char RuleState a
    data RuleState = MkRuleState
        { ruleEnv           :: !Env
        , ruleDynParsers    :: !DynParsers
    data DynParsers = MkDynParsersEmpty
                    | MkDynParsers
        { dynParseOp       :: !(RuleParser Exp)
        , -- ...more parsers...

We chose the name \code{RuleParser} in anticipation of compiling Rules into
Parsec combinators in the future, although currently the parser functions are
written in Haskell.  The \code{Char} token type is used to combine lexing and
parsing into a single step.

Using Parsec's support for user-defined parser states, the parser maintains a
\code{RuleState} containing an evaluation environment.  Compile-time bindings, such as
the declaration of new types and global functions, update this environment

Perl 6 programs may introduce user-defined operators of arbitrary fixity and
precedence, which is an unsolved difficulty in P6C's static parser.  Parsec's
dynamic nature lets us tackle this problem directly.  Instead of using a fixed
precedence table, we dynamically compute a table for each token:

    ruleExpression :: RuleParser Exp
    ruleExpression = do
        ops <- operators
        buildExpressionParser ops ruleExpression
    operators :: RuleParser (RuleOperatorTable Exp)
    operators = do
        env <- gets ruleEnv
        buildOperators (currentFunctions env)

To avoid needless computation, we cache all dynamically constructed parsers in
the \code{ruleDynParsers} field, and clear this cache whenever a compile-time
evaluation is performed.

% 4.2.
\subsection{Compile-time Evaluation}

Many Perl 6 constructs are defined as code executed during parse time.
For example, a simple subroutine definition:

    sub add1 ($x) { 1 + $x }

is defined as being equivalent to:

    BEGIN { our &add1 := sub ($x) { 1 + $x } }

Here the \code{BEGIN} block is evaluated as soon as it is parsed.  It constructs
an anonymous subroutine, closing over the current lexical scope, then binds
it to a package-wide variable.  The \code{\&} sigil indicates that the variable
implements storage for functions.

The \code{BEGIN} block may perform IO actions.  For example, we may define a
constant function that returns the time it was parsed:

    sub compiled_at () { BEGIN { time() } }

This is similar to the use of \code{runIO} in Template Haskell:

    {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fth #-}
    compiledAt :: String
    compiledAt = $( runIO $
        fmap (LitE . StringL . show) getClockTime )

Because the RuleParser monad is \emph{pure}, we need to use
\code{unsafePerformIO} to get to the evaluator:

    unsafeEvalExp :: Exp -> RuleParser Exp
    unsafeEvalExp exp = do
        env <- getRuleEnv
        let val = unsafePerformIO $ do
                runEvalIO (evalExp exp)
        return (Val val)

The call to unsafePerformIO is \emph{safe}, because we immediately use its result
value in the strict constructor \code{Val}; the result is not reused anywhere else.

% 4.3. 
\subsection{The Eval Monad}

The code snippet above uses \code{runEvalIO} to enter the Eval monad from IO.
Inside the Eval monad, it calls \code{evalExp} to reduce the AST from Exp to Val:

    runEvalIO :: Env -> Eval Val -> IO Val
    evalExp :: Exp -> Eval Val

Currently, we define the Eval monad as:

    type Eval x =
        EvalT (ContT Val (ReaderT Env SIO)) x
    newtype EvalT m a = EvalT { runEvalT :: m a }

The \code{SIO} is an abstraction over IO and STM computations; we will discuss
it in section 5.2.  On top of \code{SIO}, a \code{ReaderT} monad transformer
provides the evaluation environment, \code{Env}.  We chose \code{ReaderT} over
\code{StateT}, because \code{ReaderT} facilitates lexical bindings to
sub-terms.  Lexical and global symbol bindings are stored as fields in the
\code{Env} record structures:

    data Env = MkEnv
        { envLexical :: !Pad
        , envGlobal  :: !(TVar Pad)
        , -- ...more fields...

As such, sub-terms can override global bindings by writing to the shared
\code{TVar} storage, but new lexical bindings will never leak out.

We implement control flow with the \code{ContT} monad transformer, because it
can directly support Perl 6's continuation and coroutine constructs.  We
represent the dynamic scope with \code{resetT}/\code{shiftT}: calling a
subroutine will push a new prompt via \code{resetT}, so we can simply express
the \code{return} primitive as:

    doReturn :: Val -> Eval a
    doReturn = shiftT . const . return

Finally, we layer a new transformer EvalT on top of \code{ContT}, so we can
override the monad transformer library's default \code{callCC}, \code{ask} and
\code{fail} definitions.  For example, in order to provide full stack traces,
and support user-defined error propagation logic, \code{fail} is defined as:

    fail :: String -> Eval a
    fail str = do
        pos <- asks envPos
        doReturn (VError str [pos])

Evaluation inside the Eval monad is controlled by \code{evalExp}:

    evalExp :: Exp -> Eval Val
    evalExp exp = do
        evl <- asks envEval
        evl exp

This makes use of the envEval field in the Env structure, which defines the
active evaluator of type \code{(Exp $\to$ Eval Val)}.  This allows the user to
change the reduction logic during evaluation, such as by adding watch points or
profiling instruments.

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% 5.
\section{Experimental Features}

Pugs depends on the Glasgow Haskell Compiler (GHC), because GHC is the only
widely available Haskell implementation, of which we are aware, which offers
reasonable performance as a host language.  Because of that, we are able to
improve clarity and efficiency in the Pugs source code with GHC-specific
extensions, such as pattern guards, liberalized type synonyms and generalized
derived instances for newtypes.

GHC 6.4 was released in March 2005, one month after Pugs's inception.  Pugs
dropped support for GHC 6.2 in the same month, as we found it difficult to
keep source code portable between GHC 6.2 and GHC 6.4. This was due to
incompatible changes in Template Haskell, as well as new module interfaces
for Data.Map and Data.Set.

During the three months that followed, we explored GHC's new features to
clarify and expand on Perl 6's current design, as demonstrated with prototype
implementations in Pugs.  Below we discuss three such uses of GHC's
experimental features.

% 5.1.
\subsection{"Tied" Variables with GADTs}

Perl 6 distinguishes \emph{value types} from \emph{implementation types}.  A
container's implementation type is the type of object that implements the
container.  This design is a generalization of Perl 5's \code{tie} function,
which binds a container to an object that handles all future access to the

For example, consider this Haskell code:

    import Data.HashTable (insert)
    -- Insert ("PATH", "/tmp") into x
    insert x "PATH" "/tmp"
    -- Do the same to y
    insert y "PATH" "/tmp"

Here both \code{x} and \code{y} must bind to a value of the \code{(HashTable
String String)} type; the \code{insert} for both of them refers to the same
function.  In contrast, the two lines below do different things in Perl 6:

    # modify an in-memory storage
    %foo{"PATH"} = "/tmp";
    # calls setenv() to change the environment
    %ENV{"PATH"} = "/tmp";

Here the operation is polymorphic: Perl looks up the containers that
\code{\%foo} and \code{\%ENV} bind to, then check if they have associated
\emph{implementation objects}.  If they are, Perl then calls the \code{STORE}
method on them, passing the key and value as arguments.

There is a level of indirection between containers and implementation objects,
as the \code{tie} function can change a container's implementation at runtime.
As such, a reference in Perl always points to a container, instead of to a
specific implementation object or a value.

Thanks to GADTs~\cite{Jones}, Pugs can conveniently represent these levels of
indirection, as well as generic get/set operations on containers:

    type VHash = Map VStr Val
    data VRef where
        MkRef   :: (Typeable a) => !(IVar a) -> VRef
    data (Typeable v) => IVar v where
        IHash   :: HashClass   a => !a -> IVar VHash
        IArray  :: ArrayClass  a => !a -> IVar VArray
        IScalar :: ScalarClass a => !a -> IVar VScalar
        -- ...more implementation types...
    readIVar :: IVar v -> Eval v
    writeIVar :: IVar v -> v -> Eval ()

Intuitively, \code{(IVar VHash)} is a container that can store a \code{VHash}.
However, instead of implementing all operations in terms of \code{readIVar} and
\code{writeIVar}, the \code{HashClass} interface defines more methods, with their
fallback definitions:

    type HashIndex = VStr
    class (Typeable a) => HashClass a where
        hash_iType      :: a -> Type
        hash_fetch      :: a -> Eval VHash
        hash_fetchKeys  :: a -> Eval [HashIndex]
        hash_deleteElem :: a -> HashIndex -> Eval ()
        -- ...more methods...

With this, we can use a singleton data type \code{IHashEnv} to represent the
implementation type of the builtin variable \code{\%ENV}:

    data IHashEnv = MkHashEnv deriving (Typeable)
    instance HashClass IHashEnv where
        hash_iType = const $ mkType "Hash::Env"
        hash_fetch _ = do
            envs <- liftIO getEnvironment
            return . VStr $ Map.fromList envs
        hash_deleteElem _ key = liftIO $ unsetEnv key
        -- ...more implementations...

Although it is possible to use existential quantification to achieve the same
result, GADTs allow for a much more straightforward definition for the
\code{(IVar a)} type.  Pugs developers new to Haskell often find GADTs easier
to understand, even for regular algebraic data types:

    data Maybe a where
        Just    :: a -> Maybe a
        Nothing :: Maybe a

Unfortunately, we could not rewrite all the data types in Pugs as GADTs, as GHC
6.4 is unable to derive Show and Eq for regular data types written this way.

% 5.2. Composable Concurrency
\subsection{Composable Concurrency}

In 1998, Malcolm Beattie implemented threading support for Perl 5.  This design
was based on sharing all visible variables across child threads, relying on
explicit locks to avoid race conditions.

However, because many programs and modules relied on global variables, this
share-everything design caused massive synchronization problems in real-world
settings.  Moreover, it put locks around all internal access to variables,
which hurt runtime performance even when there was only a single thread.

In 2000, Perl 5.6 introduced a new \emph{share nothing by default} threading
model, known as \emph{interpreter threads} or \emph{ithreads}.  When the
program spawns a thread, all global and lexical variables are copied to a new
interpreter in the child thread.  To share a variable, one needs to mark it
explicitly, using the \code{tie} mechanism to connect it to a storage object
visible across threads.

This design presents an unified interface for various underlying threading
libraries, including POSIX and non-POSIX threads, and even threads simulated
using \code{fork()} and sockets.  The main drawback of ithreads is the overhead
of copying the entire interpreter's state upon thread creation.  There are
plans to use copy-on-write to reduce this overhead, but that is still being

GHC 6.4 introduced Software Transaction Memory (STM)~\cite{Harris}, an
abstraction that allows the programmer to define \code{atomic} functions which
are free of deadlocks and races.  The Perl 6 code below illustrates this idea
with a classic race condition:

    my $a is shared = 1;
    async{ atomically{ my $b = $a; $a = $b+1 } };
    async{ atomically{ my $c = $a; $a = $c+1 } };
    say $a;     # This always prints 3

STM provides an excellent foundation for Pugs to experiment with Perl 6's
concurrency features.  By using \code{TVar} instead of \code{IORef} as
containers, we can implement the share-everything model natively without fear
of synchronization problems, or adopt the share-nothing model with robust
copy-on-write semantics.

To implement \code{atomically} for Perl 6, we introduce the \code{SIO} monad,
as well as the MonadSTM type class for lifting STM actions:

    data SIO a =
        MkSTM !(STM a) | MkIO !(IO a) | MkSIO !a
    class (Monad m) => MonadSTM m where
        liftSTM :: STM a -> m a
    instance Monad SIO where
        return a = MkSIO a
        (MkIO io)   >>= k =
            MkIO $ do { a <- io; runIO (k a) }
        (MkSTM stm) >>= k =
            MkSTM $ do { a <- stm; runSTM (k a) }
        (MkSIO x)   >>= k =
            k x
    instance MonadSTM SIO where
        liftSTM stm = MkSTM stm

The SIO monad encapsulates three types of strict computations: pure functions
(\code{MkSIO}), actions that modify memory storage (\code{MkSTM}), and IO
actions with full side effects (\code{MkIO}).  We use the \code{runIO} and
\code{runSTM} functions to convert SIO computations to IO and STM ones.  One
can safely lift STM actions into the IO monad with GHC's \code{atomically}
function, but casting IO actions to STM will throw an exception:

    runIO (MkSTM stm) = atomically stm
    runSTM (MkIO _)   = fail "Unsafe IO in STM"

With this definition, we can implement the \code{atomically} primitive by
imposing a \emph{safe mode} that denies all IO actions inside it:

    runEvalSTM :: Env -> Eval Val -> STM Val
    runEvalSTM env = runSTM . (`runReaderT` env) .
        (`runContT` return) . runEvalT
    opRunAtomically :: Exp -> Eval Val
    opRunAtomically exp = do
        env     <- ask
        liftSTM (runEvalSTM env $ evalExp exp)

The \code{async} primitive also becomes trivial to implement:

    runEvalIO :: Env -> Eval Val -> IO Val
    runEvalIO env = runIO . (`runReaderT` env) .
        (`runContT` return) . runEvalT
    opRunAsync :: Exp -> Eval Val
    opRunAsync exp = do
        env     <- ask
        lock    <- liftSTM newEmptyTMVar
        let fork | rtsSupportsBoundThreads = forkOS
                 | otherwise               = forkIO
        tid     <- liftIO . fork $ do
            val <- runEvalIO env $ evalExp exp
            liftSTM $ tryPutTMVar lock val
            return ()
        return $ VThread (MkThread tid lock)

Prompted by our success in introducing STM to Pugs, Parrot developers are
working to integrate STM support into the virtual machine, so Perl 6 programs
compiled to run on Parrot can continue to take advantage of STM.

% 5.3.
\subsection{Reified Continuations}

In the previous subsection, we saw how Pugs uses \code{runEvalIO} and
\code{runEvalSTM} to resume execution from the IO and STM monad.
Unfortunately, although both can restore the evaluation environment,
they invalidate previously captured continuations by starting a new
\code{runContT}, rendering coroutines unusable across an \code{async} boundary:

    coro foo () { yield 1; yield 2 }
    async { say foo() }     # fails to resume "foo"

To solve this problem, we need to represent the continuation context as data
structure.  Here we make use of the \code{CC\_2CPST} monad from Oleg Kiselyov
et al, based on previous work by Dybvig et al~\cite{Dybvig}.

We further use Kiselyov's \code{ZipperD} design to represent the evaluation as
a traversal on the \code{Exp} type, keeping the position as a
\code{[Direction]} type.  This allows us to re-express the reduction logic as a
traversal function over the \code{Exp} type. We can freely augment the AST with
new nodes; each AST node's position is uniquely represented as a

Because the new Eval monad will update the cursor at each reduction step, we can
define a pair of serialize/deserialize functions:

    data EvalD = MkEvalD Exp Env [Direction]
    reifyEval  :: Eval Val -> EvalD
    runEval    :: EvalD -> Eval Val

This \emph{suspend to memory} capability is sufficient to make coroutines work across
\code{async\{\}} calls.  In the future, we may also implement a \emph{suspend
to disk} feature, by snapshotting the values of all \code{TVar}s in the
\code{Env} structure into a byte-string image:

    showEvalD  :: EvalD -> STM String
    readEvalD  :: String -> STM EvalD

This has many interesting applications, including web continuations, omniscient
debugging, and mobile code.  Since Parrot also supports reified continuation
objects, we plan to work with Parrot developers to add serialization
capabilities as well.

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% 6.
\section{Cross-Language Interoperation}

New computer languages often suffer from a lack of available libraries.
Conversely, programmers are much more likely to adopt a new language if they
can reuse libraries from an existing language.  As one Perl developer put it:
\emph{CPAN is my programming language of choice; the rest is just syntax.}

Therefore, we were strongly motivated to work on Pugs's support for modules
written in languages other than Perl 6, as well as making Pugs embeddable from
other languages.  As most Pugs developers came from Perl 5, Haskell and Parrot
backgrounds, those three were the first targets for interoperation.

% 6.1. Perl 5
\subsection{Perl 5}

Embedding Perl 5 is achieved by linking the \code{} runtime with
Pugs.  Perl 5 represents all values as \code{(SV *)} structures, similar to the
Val type in Pugs.  As both sides allow first-class closure functions, their
C-side eval/apply interfaces are straightforward:

    /* foreign imports to FFI */
    SV *perl5_eval (
        char *code,
        void *env, int cxt
    SV **perl5_apply (
        SV *sub, SV *inv, SV** args,
        void *env, int cxt

    /* foreign exports from FFI */
    extern Val *pugs_eval (
        char *code, int cxt
    extern Val **pugs_apply (
        Val *sub, Val *inv, Val **args, int cxt

The import and export APIs are almost identical: both use an optional invocant
to denote a method call, allow multiple return values, and take a "context"
parameter for Perl's return type polymorphism.

The only difference is the extra \code{(void *env)} pointer.  Pugs passes the
evaluation environment \code{Env} as a StablePtr in calls into Perl 5.  When
the Perl 5 function calls back, Pugs can then dereference the saved pointer and
resume the environment with \code{runEvalIO}, effectively sharing Pugs's
lexical scopes with Perl 5's.  Similar to \code{async\{\}}'s use of
\code{runEvalIO}, this treatment invalidates captured continuations.

When one side accesses an aggregate container originating from another side, it
needs to yield control to the other runtime.  We implement this using the
\code{tie} mechanism, described in section 5.1.  For example, to fetch an
element from an array held in \code{(SV *)}, Pugs creates an accessor function
in the Perl 5 side:

    -- Opaque pointer for (SV *)
    type PerlSV = Ptr ()
    instance ArrayClass PerlSV where
        array_fetchVal sv idx = do
            idxSV   <- fromVal $ castV idx
                "sub { $_[0]->[$_[1]] }"
                [sv, idxSV]
        -- ...more methods...

The Perl 5 side, too, can fetch an array element held in Pugs's Val structure
with this definition:

    package pugs::array;
    sub FETCH {
        my ($self, $index) = @_;
            'sub ($x, $y) { $x.[$y] }',

We further extend Pugs's \code{use} syntax with a \code{perl5:} prefix to load
Perl 5 modules and import them as Pugs-side classes.  Pugs programs can
therefore easily use OO modules installed from CPAN:

    use perl5:DBI;
    my $dbh = DBI.connect('dbi:SQLite:test.db');
    my @tables = $dbh.tables;

Conversely, Perl 5's \texttt{} also provides a simple way to call
Pugs-side functions from Perl 5 programs:

    use pugs;   # Here is some Perl 6 code...
    sub postfix:<!> { [*] 1..$_ }
    sub sum_factorial { [+] 0..$_! }
    no pugs;    # Here is some Perl 5 code...
    print sum_factorial(3); # 21

% 6.2. Haskell

For compiling and loading Haskell programs at runtime, Pugs uses the
\code{System.Eval.Haskell} module from the hs-plugins package~\cite{Pang}.  We
started with a trivial \code{eval\_haskell} primitive:

    evalHaskell :: String -> Eval Val
    evalHaskell code = do
        ret <- liftIO $
            System.Eval.eval_ code [] [] [] []
        case ret of
            Right (Just x) -> return $ VStr x
            Right Nothing  -> fail "error"
            Left x         -> fail $ unlines x

However, this approach gives a rigid type \code{String} to the Haskell
expression contained in \code{code}.  We can change it into a record type that
defines a more complex API, but the user code will still need to adjust to that
API.  Moreover, as \texttt{System.Eval} only handles expressions, the user cannot
put named top-level functions in \code{code}.

What we really want is a way to inline Haskell programs with arbitarily typed
top-level function definitions, and export them as Perl 6 functions:

    inline Haskell => '
    import qualified SHA1
    sha1 :: String -> String
    sha1 = SHA1.sha1
    say sha1(''); # da39a3ee...

We implement this by analysing the function definitions, using the
\code{parseModule} function from \texttt{Language.Haskell.Parser}.  Once we
have the top-level function names and signatures, we can generate wrappers for
it with Template Haskell:

    class (Typeable n, Show n, Ord n) => Value n where
        fromVal :: Val -> Eval n
        castV   :: n -> Val
    wrapUnary :: String -> IO Dec
    wrapUnary fun = do
        [(ValD _ body decs)] <- runQ [d|
            name :: [Val] -> Eval Val
            name = \[v] -> do
                v' <- fromVal v
                return (castV ($(dyn fun) v'))
        return $ ValD
            (VarP (mkName ("extern__" ++ fun)))
            body decs

This handles inlined Haskell functions of type \code{(Value a, Value b)
$\Rightarrow$ a $\to$ b}; we can wrap functions with other arities in a
similar fashion.

% 6.3. Parrot

Started in 2001, Parrot is an attempt of unifying the similar but incompatible
designs of dynamic language interpreters, such as Perl 5, Ruby, Python and Tcl.
To that end, Parrot offers the following features:

\item Platform-independent bytecode format
\item Portable interpreter written in C, with reasonable performance
\item Alternative fast runloops: direct threaded, JIT and emitting C code
\item APIs for extending and embedding the interpreter
\item One polymorphic boxed object type, known as PMC (Parrot Magic Cookie)
\item Three unboxed value types: Integers, Numbers, Strings
\item First-class continuations that can be stored in PMCs
\item Generational garbage collection system
\item Security contexts: quota, privilege checks

The bytecode format has a concrete syntax, known as Parrot Assembly (PASM).
It resembles register-based CPU instructions, with a large number of built-in
operators, including both low-level operations on unboxed types, and high-level
operations like managing lexical pads, subclassing PMCs, manipulate
multi-method dispatch tables, and accessing aggregate PMCs.

Subroutines written in PASM are called in continuation-passing style, via the
\code{invokecc} and \code{tailcall} op codes, and a calling convention that
regulates the allocation of function parameters and return values.

To implement the \code{eval} function of dynamic languages, the Parrot interpreter
keeps a name-indexed table of \emph{compilers} that can turn strings into loadable
bytecode.  Parrot has a built-in compiler for PIR (Parrot Intermediate
Representation), a higher-level assembly language.  The PIR compiler handles
allocation of named variables, temporary registers and subroutine calls;
because of this, practically all higher-level languages targeting Parrot
generate PIR code, instead of PASM code.

From Pugs, we link against libparrot and use FFI to hook into the PIR compiler
to evaluate PIR programs that take no arguments and returns no values:

    evalPIR :: String -> IO ()
    evalPIR code = do
        interp  <- initParrot
        sub     <- withCString code $ \p -> do
            parrot_imcc_compile_pir interp p
        withCString "vv" $
            parrot_call_sub_vv interp sub
    foreign import ccall "imcc_init"
        parrot_imcc_init :: ParrotInterp
            -> IO ()
    foreign import ccall "imcc_compile_pir"
        parrot_imcc_compile_pir :: ParrotInterp
            -> CString -> IO ParrotPMC

Here, the \code{vv} is the calling convention signature that says that both its
parameter and return values are the void type.  For more complex function
signatures, we can parse the PIR subroutine's signature and generate a
corresponding wrapper, similar to the way Pugs deals with inline Haskell

Parrot exports a \code{compreg} operation; at runtime, a program can register the
name of a higher-level language, and associate it with a compiler function that
turns a string into compiled Parrot code.  Since Pugs can generate PIR from
Perl 6 source string, we can register a \code{Pugs} language with a
FFI-exported function pointer that delegates the resulting PIR to the builtin
PIR compiler:

    initParrot :: IO ParrotInterp
    initParrot = do
        callback    <- mkCompileCallback
        pugsStr     <- withCString "Pugs"
            (const_string interp)
        parrot_compreg interp pugsStr callback
    compileToParrot :: ParrotInterp
        -> CString -> IO ParrotPMC
    compileToParrot interp cstr = do
        str     <- peekCString cstr
        code    <- doCompile "Parrot" "-" str
        withCString code $
            parrot_imcc_compile_pir interp

Pugs can also embed other Parrot-targeting languages, such as Tcl, by loading
the Tcl compiler, call it with the embedded Tcl source string, and then invoke
the resulting Parrot code object in the same way as it invokes embedded PIR

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% 7. 
\section{Compiling Perl 6}

Pugs was initially designed to evaluate the source code directly, without
transforming the parse tree into other forms.  To turn a Perl 6 program into
a native executable, Pugs saves the parsed AST as a Haskell program, then uses
GHC to compile it and link with Pugs itself.  The resulting executable 
therefore runs with the same speed as before, saving only the parsing time.

In April 2005, we added two independent compiler backends to Pugs to generate
Parrot PIR and Haskell code respectively.  They only support a small subset of
the Pugs AST, but the generated code runs with speed comparable with Perl 5.  
This initial result encouraged us to make Pugs a more robust compiler; in this
section, we discuss our ongoing work in this area.

% 7.1. Compiling to PugsAST
\subsection{Compiling to PugsAST}

Pugs currently simply evaluates the parse tree in the Eval monad, and relies on
the \code{Syn :: String $\to$ [Exp] $\to$ Exp} data constructor to represent loops,
conditionals and other statement constructs that do not act as a normal
function application.  As such, reduction rules for \code{Syn} terms usually
consist of \code{evalExp} calls to other dynamically constructed terms.

We plan to decouple the program's compile-time behaviour from its runtime
behaviour, by separating the original \code{evaluate :: Exp $\to$ Eval Val}
function into two steps:

    compile :: Exp -> Compile RunEnv
    interpret :: RunEnv -> Eval Val

    type Compile a = ReaderT CompileEnv IO a
    data RunEnv = MkRunEnv
        { runGlobals    :: !Pad
        , runExpression :: !(PugsAST Val)

Here the Compile monad rewrites the parse tree of type \code{Exp} into a
\code{RunEnv}, under the post-parse compile environment \code{CompileEnv} that
contains top-level bindings; all constant folding, term rewriting, type
checking and are done in the \code{Compile} monad.

The resulting \code{RunEnv} contains a \code{PugsAST}, a much reduced AST that
represents the dynamic part of the evaluation.  We plan to use GADTs to capture
the intermediate types during Perl 6's evaluation:

    data PugsAST a where
        Stmts   :: [PugsAST a] -> PugsAST b
                    -> PugsAST b
        Var     :: Name -> PugsAST Val
        App     :: PugsAST (Code a)
                    -> Maybe (PugsAST Val)
                    -> [PugsAST Val] -> Cxt
                    -> PugsAST a
        Lam     :: [[Param]] -> PugsAST (Typ a)
                    -> PugsAST (Code a)
        Lit     :: Val -> PugsAST Val
        Pad     :: (Name, PugsAST a) -> PugsAST b
                    -> PugsAST b
        Prim    :: Tag -> Dynamic -> PugsAST a
                    -> PugsAST a

We can then adapt the existing interpreter code to evaluate \code{PugsAST}
terms instead.  Additionally, we can introduce compiler backends that turns the
\code{PugsAST} trees into lower-level syntax trees, such as that of a PIR

% 7.2. Targeting Parrot
\subsection{Targeting Parrot}

Previously, Pugs's prototype PIR compiler backend emits PIR from the parse tree
directly, using the \code{Text.PrettyPrint} library within the \code{Eval} monad:

    class (Show x) => Compile x where
        compile :: x -> Eval Doc
        compile x = fail $
            "Unrecognized construct: " ++ show x
    instance Compile Exp where
        compile (Syn ";" stmts) = fmap vcat $
            mapM compile stmts
        -- ...more compilation rules...

Because the generated \code{Doc} is not type-checked against PIR's abstract
syntax, it could easily generate bogus PIR programs.  To address this issue, we
need to come up with an abstract syntax data type for PIR, which would look
something like this:

    data RegType = RegInt | RegNum | RegStr | RegPMC
    data Rel = R_LT | R_LE | R_EQ | R_NE | R_GE | R_GT
    data PIR a where
        RegHard :: RegType -> Int -> PIR Var
        RegTemp :: RegType -> Int -> PIR Var
        Ident   :: Ident -> PIR Var
        Emit    :: [PIR PASM] -> PIR Decl
        TypReg  :: RegType -> PIR Typ
        TypPMC  :: Ident -> PIR Typ
        Return  :: [PIR Var] -> PIR Stmt
        NS      :: Ident -> [PIR Decl] -> PIR Decl
        Goto    :: Ident -> PIR Stmt
        -- ...more PIR instructions...

At the time of this writing, the effort to compile PugsAST into corresponding
PIR structures has just started.  Aside from the syntax transformation itself,
we expect to run into additional issues, such as embedding Haskell and Perl 5
runtime in Parrot; we will update the final version of this paper with our
findings on these issues.

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% 8. Conclusion and Future Work
\section{Conclusion and Future Work}

This paper introduced our experience in using Haskell to implement the Perl 6
language.  We discussed how modern features in GHC helped to express Perl 6's
semantics, which in turn improved our understanding on how to compile Perl 6
to the Parrot virtual machine.

Aside from continuing the various subsystems discussed in the paper, we see
some additional directions that Pugs's development can embark on: 

\item Tighter integration of GHC (and therefore Pugs) inside the Perl 5
runtime, by improving hs-plugins's support for marshalling Dynamic types as
C structures.
\item Compile PugsAST to other backends, such as ANF, C-- or back to Perl 5.
\item Run the Pugs codebase on Parrot VM, via a PIR backend for GHC or JHC.
\item Define the RuleParser monad with Perl 6 Rules, by translating the Rules
sublanguage into Parsec primitives.

The source code for Pugs is freely available at:


For more information about Pugs, please refer to the Pugs homepage at

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I am deeply grateful to my fellow committers in the Pugs team.  Regrettably, I
cannot list all 100+ names here; please refer to the \code{AUTHORS} file in the
Pugs source tree instead.  Thanks also to all \emph{lambdacamels} in the IRC
channel \texttt{\#perl6}, as well as to the Perl 6 design
team, for their feedback on drafts.

Moreover, I'd like to thank the OSSF project of Institution of Information
Science, Academia Sinica, Taiwan, for providing development infrastructure and
hosting for the Pugs project.

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