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use v6;

## declare global variables (globals RULE dude!)

my @letters;           # the letters in that committer's name
my @solution;          # the ever-evolving solution
my @guesses;           # the current set of guesses by the user

my $number_of_bad_guesses = 0;  # number of bad guesses
my $allowed_bad_guesses   = 6;  # number of allowed bad guesses

## do our functions

sub cls returns Void {
    system(($?OS eq any <MSWin32 mingw cygwin>) ?? 'cls' !! 'clear');

sub get_committer_list (Str $dict_file) returns List {
    my @committers;
    my $dict = open($dict_file) err die "Couldn't open the AUTHORS file.\nYou must run this script from within the main pugs\ndirectory or within the examples/ sub-directory.";

    # Skip the intro text
    1 while =$dict ~~ rx:perl5/\S/;

    for (=$dict) -> $name {
        # Capture the real name part
        if ($name ~~ rx:perl5/^(.+?)(?:\s\s|$)/) {
            my $realname = $0;
            # Remove nickname
            $realname ~~ s:perl5/\s*".*"\s*/ /;
    return @committers;

sub pick_committer (@committers) returns Str {

sub draw_board returns Str {
    my $output = '';
    for (0 .. (+@letters - 1)) -> $i {
        if (@letters[$i] ~~ rx:perl5{[-.,\s]}) {
            $output ~= @letters[$i];
            @solution[$i] = @letters[$i];
        elsif (@solution[$i] ne '') {
            $output ~= @solution[$i];
        else {
            $output ~= '_';
    return $output;

sub has_won returns Bool {
    @letters == @solution.grep:{ $_ ne '' };

sub guess (Str $g) returns Bool {
    my $guess = uc $g;
    return 1 if $guess eq any(@guesses);
    return 1 if $guess.chars > 1;
    my $success = 0;
    my $i;
    for 0 .. +@letters - 1 -> $i {
        if (uc(@letters[$i]) eq $guess) {
            @solution[$i] = @letters[$i];
            $success = 1;
    return $success;

sub draw_if_greater_than (Str $char, Int $num) returns Bool {
    ($number_of_bad_guesses >= $num) ?? $char !! ' ';

sub draw_hangman (Str $msg?) returns Str {
    "Hangman (with the Pugs AUTHORS list)

  +-----+       The committer's name is:
  |     |       { draw_board }
  |     { draw_if_greater_than('O', 1) }
  |    {
          draw_if_greater_than('/', 2) ~
          draw_if_greater_than('|', 3) ~
          draw_if_greater_than('\\', 4)
       }      You have already guessed:
  |    { draw_if_greater_than('/', 5) } {
          draw_if_greater_than('\\', 6)
       }      [@guesses[]]


## main loop
use lib 'ext/File-Spec/lib', '../ext/File-Spec/lib', '../../ext/File-Spec/lib';
use File::Spec;

my $progdir    = splitpath($*PROGRAM_NAME)[1] || ".";
my $dict       = canonpath("$progdir/../../AUTHORS");
my @committers = get_committer_list($dict);
my $current_committer = pick_committer(@committers);

@letters = split("", $current_committer);
@solution = ('' xx +@letters);

print draw_hangman("guess a letter? ");
my $letter;
while ($letter = =$*IN) {

    if (guess($letter)) {
        if (has_won()) {
            print draw_hangman("You won!!!!\n");
    else {
        if ($number_of_bad_guesses >= $allowed_bad_guesses) {
            print draw_hangman(
                "You have exceeded the maximum number of tries.\n" ~
                "Sorry, the committer was '$current_committer'\n"

    print draw_hangman("guess a letter? ");


=head1 NAME

hangman.p6 - Hangman (with the Pugs AUTHORS list)


This is a perl6 implementation of the classic Hangman game
using the Pugs AUTHORS file as a word list.

=head1 AUTHORS

stevan little, E<lt>stevan@iinteractive.comE<gt>

Audrey Tang E<lt>autrijus@autrijus.orgE<gt>

Ingo Blechschmidt

James Mastros

Mark McConnell


Copyright (c) 2005. Stevan Little. All rights reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.

