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# iterator_engine.p6 - fglock

# *** NOTE ***
# This file is written in a "subset" of Perl 6
# Please don't "fix" it - until the compiler is extended!

#use strict;
#use warnings;
#use Smart::Comments; for debugging, look also at

use v6;


A "rule" function gets as argument a list:

0 - a string to match
1 - an optional "continuation"
2 - an optional "flags" hashref
    'capture'=>1 means 'return whatever matches'

it returns (or "yields"):

    undef - match failed

or a hash containing:

    state - a "continuation" or undef
    bool - an "assertion" (true/false)
    match - the "match" tree or undef
    tail - the string tail or undef
    capture - the tree of captured things
    abort - the match was stopped by a { return } or a fail(),
           and it should not backtrack or whatever

Continuations are used for backtracking.

A "ruleop" function gets some arguments and returns a "rule".


# XXX - optimization - pass the string index around, 
# XXX   instead of copying the whole string to $tail every time

# XXX - weaken self-referential things

sub ruleop::alternation {
    # alternation is first match (not longest).  though we need a 
    # separate longest match for tokens (putter on #perl6)
    # update: <%var> does longest match based on the keys length() (TimToady on #perl6)

    # note: the list in @$nodes can be modified at runtime

    my $nodes = shift @_;   # XXX '= shift;' doesn't work???
    #say "alternation list: @$nodes";
    # die "alternation list is empty" unless ref($nodes) eq 'ARRAY' && @$nodes;
    return sub {
        ### testing alternations on : @_, $nodes
        return unless @$nodes;

        my $tail =  @_[0];
        # my $state = @_[1] ?? [ @{@_[1]} ] !! [ 0, 0 ];
        # expanded - for debugging:
        my $state;
        if @_[1] {
            $state = @_[1];
            #say "alt - reenter ",@$state.perl;
        else {
            $state = [ 0, 0 ];
            #say "concat - start";
        my $flags = @_[2];
        my $match;
        #say "alt state @$state";
        while ( defined $state ) {
            ### alternation string to match: "$tail - (node,state)=@$state"
            $match = 
                $nodes[ $state[0] ]( $tail, $state[1], $flags );
            ### match: $match
            #say "alternation bool:$match<bool> in string: @_[0]";
            if ( $match<state> ) {
                $state[1] = $match<state>;
                $state[1] = 0;
                ### next alternation state - (node,state):@$state
                $state = undef if $state[0] >= @{$nodes}.elems;
            $match<state> = $state;
            return $match if $match<bool> || $match<abort>;

sub ruleop::concat {
    # note: the list in @nodes can NOT be modified at runtime
    # update: this is ok, because we can use <$var><$var> instead

    return ruleop::concat( ( shift @_ ), ruleop::concat( @_ ) )
        if @_ > 2;
    my @nodes = @_;
    return sub {
        my $tail  = @_[0];
        # my @state = @_[1] ?? ( @{@_[1]} ) !! ( 0, 0 );
        # expanded - for debugging:
        my @state;
        if @_[1] {
            @state = @{@_[1]};
            #say "concat - reenter ",@state.perl;
        else {
            @state = ( 0, 0 );
            #say "concat - start";
        my $flags = @_[2];
        my @matches;
        while (1) {
            @matches[0] = @nodes[0]( $tail, @state[0], $flags );
            ### 1st match: @matches[0]
            return @matches[0] 
                if @matches[0]<abort>;
            if ( ! @matches[0]<bool> ) {
                return unless defined @matches[0]<state>;
                @state = ( @matches[0]<state>, 0 );
                #say "concat - backtracking #0";
            @matches[1] = @nodes[1]( @matches[0]<tail>, @state[1], $flags );
            ### 2nd match: @matches[1]
            return @matches[1] 
                if @matches[1]<abort>;
            if ( ! @matches[1]<bool> ) {
                if ( ! defined( @matches[1]<state> ) ) {
                    return unless defined @matches[0]<state>;
                    @state = ( @matches[0]<state>, 0 );
                ### backtracking - state: @state
                ### backtracking - match: @matches
                #say "concat - backtracking #1";
            #say "concat return tail: $tail";

            my $succ;
            if ( ! defined( @matches[1]<state> ) ) {
                $succ = [ @matches[0]<state>, 0 ] if defined @matches[0]<state>;
            else {
                $succ = [ @state[0], @matches[1]<state> ];

            my $capture = [];
            ### capture: @matches[0]<capture>,@matches[1]<capture>
            $capture = @matches[0]{capture} 
                if @matches[0]<capture>;
            push @$capture, @{@matches[1]<capture>} 
                if @matches[1]<capture>;
            undefine $capture unless @{$capture};

            return { 
                bool =>  1,
                match => [ @matches ], 
                tail =>  @matches[1]<tail>,
                state => $succ,
                capture => $capture,

sub ruleop::constant { 
    my $const = shift @_;
    # say "constant $const";
    return sub {
        #say "matching constant:$const in @_[0]";
        return if ! @_[0];
        # return unless @_[0] ~~ m/^(\Q$const\E)(.*)/s;
        # return unless @_[0] ~~ perl5:m:s:/^(\Q$const\E)(.*)/;
        # return unless @_[0] ~~  /^ ( $const )(.*)/;  # (putter on #perl6)
        # return unless @_[0] ~~ rx:perl5/^($const)(.*)/;

        my $m = substr( @_[0], 0, $const.chars );
        return if $m ne $const;
        my $tail = substr( @_[0], $const.chars );

        #say "Matched $m in $tail";

        if defined @_[2] {
            if @_[2]<capture> {
                my $t = { 
                    bool => 1,
                    match => { constant => $m ,}, 
                    capture => [ $m ], 
                    tail => $tail,

        return { bool => 1,
                 match => { constant => $m ,}, 
                 tail => $tail,

sub ruleop::null {
    return sub {
        return { bool => 1,
                 match => 'null',
                 ( @_[2] ?? ( @_[2]<capture> ?? ( capture => [ '' ] ) !! () ) !! () ),
                 tail => @_[0],

sub ruleop::capture {
    # sets the 'capture' flag and return a labeled capture
    # XXX - generalize to: set_flag('capture',1)
    my $label = shift @_;
    my $node = shift @_;
    sub {
        my @param = @_;
        $param[2] = {} unless defined $param[2];
        $param[2] = { %{$param[2]}, capture=>1 };
        my $match = $node( @param );
        return unless $match<bool>;
        return if $match<abort>;
        my $new_match = { %$match };
        $new_match<capture> = [ { $label => $match<capture> } ];
        return $new_match;

=for capture
At runtime, this must return _only_ the capture set inside capture_closure:
One way to do it is to post-process the match:
abort() sets a 'rule_finished' flag in the returned match, 
that makes it return until the start of the rule, which unsets the flag before returning.
- this can also be used to do fail() and assert(), and 'no-backtracking checkpoints'

# experimental!
sub ruleop::try { 
    my $op = shift @_;
    return sub {
        my $match = $op( @_ );
        ### abortable match...
        $match<abort> = 0;
        return $match;

# experimental!
sub ruleop::abort { 
    my $op = shift @_;
    return sub {
        my $match = $op( @_ );
        ### aborting match: $match
        $match<abort> = 1;
        return $match;

# experimental!
sub ruleop::negate { 
    my $op = shift @_;
    return sub {
        my $tail = @_[0];
        my $match = $op( @_ );
        return if $match<bool>;
        return { bool => 1,
                 match => 'null',
                 tail => $tail,

# experimental!
=for example
    # adds an 'before' or 'after' sub call, which may print a debug message 
    ruleop::wrap( { 
            before => sub { print "matching variable: @_[0]\n" },
            after  => sub { @_[0]<bool> ?? print "matched\n" !! print "no match\n" },
sub ruleop::wrap {
    my $debug = shift @_;
    my $node = shift @_;
    sub {
        $debug<before>( @_ ) if $debug<before>;
        my $match = $node( @_ );
        $debug<after>( $match, @_ ) if $debug<after>;
        return $match;

# ------- higher-order ruleops

sub ruleop::optional {
    return ruleop::alternation( [ @_[0], ruleop::null() ] );

sub ruleop::null_or_optional {
    return ruleop::alternation( [ ruleop::null(), @_[0] ] );

sub ruleop::greedy_plus { 
    my $node = shift @_;
    my $alt;
    # perl5 version:
    # $alt = ruleop::concat( 
    #    $node, 
    #    ruleop::optional( sub{ $alt() } ),  
    # );
    # putter++  - fixed $alt bug
    $alt = ruleop::concat( 
            sub { $alt(@_) } 
    return $alt;

sub ruleop::greedy_star { 
    my $node = shift @_;
    return ruleop::optional( ruleop::greedy_plus( $node ) );

sub ruleop::non_greedy_star { 
    my $node = shift @_;
    ruleop::alternation( [ 
        ruleop::non_greedy_plus( $node ) 
    ] );

sub ruleop::non_greedy_plus { 
    my $node = shift @_;

    # XXX - needs optimization for faster backtracking, less stack usage

    return sub {
        my $tail =  @_[0];
        my $state = @_[1] || { 'state' => undef, 'op' => $node ,};
        my $flags = @_[2];

        # XXX - didn't work in p5 version
        # my $match = $state<op>( $tail, $state<state>, $flags ); 

        my $match = $state<op>( $tail, undef, $flags );
        return unless $match<bool>;
        $match<state> = {
            'state' => $match<state>,
            'op'    => ruleop::concat( $node, $state<op> ),
        return $match;
