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# pX/Common/ - fglock
# experimental implementation of p6-regex parser

use strict;
use warnings;

use Data::Dumper;

require '';
require '';
require '';

my $namespace = 'Pugs::Grammar::Rule::';

  package grammar1;

  use Data::Dumper;
  no warnings 'once';

  use vars qw( @rule_terms );

# ----- the following were included only for performance reasons,
# because they are too frequent and they are too slow using the basic
# rule parser
# UPDATE - move these to prelude using rx:perl

sub subrule {
    my ( $code, $tail ) = $_[0] =~ /^\<(.*?)\>(.*)$/s;
    return unless defined $code;
    #print "parsing subrule $code\n";
    return { 
        bool  => 1,
        match => { code => $code },
        tail  => $tail,
        capture => [ { subrule => $code } ],

# XXX - set non-capture flag
sub non_capturing_subrule {
    my ( $code, $tail ) = $_[0] =~ /^\<\?(.*?)\>(.*)$/s;
    return unless defined $code;
    # print "non_capturing_subrule $code - $1\n";
    return { 
        bool  => 1,
        match => { code => $code },
        tail  => $tail,
        capture => [ { non_capturing_subrule => $code } ],

sub negated_subrule {
    my ( $code, $tail ) = $_[0] =~ /^\<\!(.*?)\>(.*)$/s;
    return unless defined $code;
    # print "negated_subrule $code - $1\n";
    return { 
        bool  => 1,
        match => { code => $code },
        tail  => $tail,
        capture => [ { negated_subrule => $code } ],

*capturing_group = 
        ruleop::constant( '(' ),
        ruleop::capture( 'capturing_group',
        ruleop::constant( ')' )

@rule_terms = (

    # <'literal'> literal \*
        ruleop::constant( "<\'" ),
        ruleop::capture( 'constant',
            ruleop::non_greedy_star( \&any ),
        ruleop::constant( "\'>" ),


# <ws>* [ <closure> | <subrule> | ... ]
*term = 
        ruleop::alternation( \@rule_terms ),

# XXX - allow whitespace everywhere

# [ <term>[\*|\+] | <term> 
# note: <term>\* creates a term named 'star'
*quantifier = 
    ruleop::alternation( [
        ruleop::capture( 'star', 
                ruleop::capture( 'term', \&term ),
                ruleop::capture( 'literal',
                    ruleop::alternation( [
                        ruleop::constant( '??' ),
                        ruleop::constant( '?' ),
                        ruleop::constant( '*?' ),
                        ruleop::constant( '+?' ),
                        ruleop::constant( '*' ),
                        ruleop::constant( '+' ),
                    ] ),
    ] );

*alt = 
    ruleop::capture( 'alt', 
            ruleop::capture( 'term', \&quantifier ),
                    ruleop::constant( '|' ),
                    ruleop::capture( 'term', \&quantifier ),


#------ match functions

=for reference - see S05 "Return values from matches"
        the match 
        Inside a closure, refers to the current match, even if there is another
        match inside the closure
        just the capture - what''s returned in { return ... }
        the first submatch
Alternate names:        
        the same as $/()
        the first submatch
        the same as $/[0]
        If the capture object return()-ed were a hash:
        the value $x in { return { a => $x ,} }
Named captures:
    $a := (.*?)  
        $a is something in the outer lexical scope (TimToady on #perl6)
            XXX - E05 says it is a hypothetical variable, referred as $0<a>
    $<a> := (.*?)  
        $<a> is a named capture in the match
    let $a := (.*?)
        $a is a hypothetical variable
                (\d+)     # Match and capture one-or-more digits
                { let $digits := $1 }

sub match::get {
    my $match =   $_[0];
    my $name =    $_[1];
    return $match->{capture}  if $name eq '$/()' || $name eq '$()';
    # XXX - wrong, but bug-compatible with previous versions
    return $match->{capture}  if $name eq '$/<>' || $name eq '$<>';
    return $match->{match}    if $name eq '$/';
    #print "get var $name\n";
    # XXX - wrong, but bug-compatible with previous versions
    # $/<0>, $/<1>
    # $<0>, $<1>
    if ( $name =~ /^ \$ \/? <(\d+)> $/x ) {
        my $num = $1;
        my $n = 0;
        for ( @{ match::get( $match, '$/()' ) } ) {
            next unless ref($_) eq 'HASH';
            if ( $num == $n ) {
                my (undef, $capture) = each %$_;
                #print "cap\n", Dumper( $capture );
                return $capture;
    # $/()<name>
    # $()<name>
    if ( $name =~ /^ \$ \/? \( \) <(.+)> $/x ) {
        my $n = $1;
        for ( @{ match::get( $match, '$/()' ) } ) {
            next unless ref($_) eq 'HASH';
            if ( exists $_->{$n} ) {
                #print "cap\n", Dumper( $_->{$n} );
                return $_->{$n};

    # XXX - wrong, but bug-compatible with previous versions
    # $/<name>
    # $<name>
    if ( $name =~ /^ \$ \/? <(.+)> $/x ) {
        my $n = $1;
        for ( @{ match::get( $match, '$()' ) } ) {
            next unless ref($_) eq 'HASH';
            if ( exists $_->{$n} ) {
                #print "cap\n", Dumper( $_->{$n} );
                return $_->{$n};

    die "match variable $name is not implemented";
    # die "no submatch like $name in " . Dumper( $match->{match} );

sub match::str {
    my $match = $_[0];
    #print "STR: ", ref( $match ), " ", Dumper( $match ), "\n";
    return join( '', map { match::str( $_ ) } @$match )
        if ref( $match ) eq 'ARRAY';
    return join( '', map { match::str( $_ ) } values %$match )
        if ref( $match ) eq 'HASH';
    return $match;

#------ rule emitter

# compile_rule( $source, {flag=>value} );
# flags:
#   print_program=>1 - prints the generated program
sub compile_rule {
    local $Data::Dumper::Indent = 1;
    #print "compile_rule: $_[0]\n";
    my $match = grammar1::rule->( $_[0] );
    my $flags = $_[1];
    print "ast:\n", Dumper( $match->{capture} ) if $flags->{print_ast};
    die "syntax error in rule '$_[0]' at '" . $match->{tail} . "'\n"
        if $match->{tail};
    die "syntax error in rule '$_[0]'\n"
        unless $match->{bool};
    my $program = main::emit_rule( $match->{capture} );
    print "generated rule:\n$program" if $flags->{print_program};
    my $code = eval($program); die $@ if $@;
    return $code;

sub emit_rule_node {
    die "unknow node type:$_[0]" unless $node::{$_[0]};
    no strict 'refs';
    my $code = &{"node::$_[0]"}($_[1],$_[2]);
#   print Dumper(@_,$code),"\n";
    return $code;
sub emit_rule {
    my $n = $_[0];
    my $tab = $_[1] || '    '; 
    $tab .= '  ';
    local $Data::Dumper::Indent = 0;
    #print "emit_rule: ", ref($n)," ",Dumper( $n ), "\n";

    # XXX - not all nodes are actually used

    if ( ref($n) eq '' ) {
        # XXX - this should not happen, but it does
        return '';
    if ( ref( $n ) eq 'ARRAY' ) {
        my @s;
        for ( @$n ) {
            #print "emitting array item\n";
            my $tmp = emit_rule( $_, $tab );
            push @s, $tmp . "$tab ,\n" if $tmp;

        # XXX XXX XXX - source-filter 
        #    temporary hacks to translate p6 to p5 -- see 'closure' node
	return return_block_hack($tab,@s);
    elsif ( ref( $n ) eq 'HASH' ) 
        my ( $k, $v ) = each %$n;
        # print "$tab $k => $v \n";
        return '' unless defined $v;  # XXX a bug?
        die "unknown node: ", Dumper( $n );

#rule nodes
sub node::rule {
    return emit_rule( $_[0], $_[1] );
    #return "$_[1] capture( '$_[2]',\n" .
    #       emit_rule( $_[0], $_[1] ) . "$_[1] )\n";
sub node::capturing_group {
    return "$_[1] capture( 'capturing_group',\n" .
           emit_rule( $_[0], $_[1] ) . "$_[1] )\n";
sub node::non_capturing_group {
    return emit_rule( $_[0], $_[1] );
sub node::star {
    local $Data::Dumper::Indent = 1;
    my $term = $_[0]->[0]{'term'};
    #print "*** \$term:\n",Dumper $term;
    my $quantifier = $_[0]->[1]{'literal'}[0];
    my $sub = { 
            '*' =>'greedy_star',     
            '+' =>'greedy_plus',
            '?' =>'optional',
            '??' =>'null_or_optional',
    # print "*** \$quantifier:\n",Dumper $quantifier;
    die "quantifier not implemented: $quantifier" 
        unless $sub;
    return "$_[1] $sub(\n" .
           emit_rule( $term, $_[1] ) . "$_[1] )\n";
sub node::alt {
    # local $Data::Dumper::Indent = 1;
    # print "*** \$_[0]:\n",Dumper $_[0];
    my @s;
    for ( @{$_[0]} ) { 
        my $tmp = emit_rule( $_, $_[1] );
        push @s, $tmp if $tmp;   
    return "$_[1] alternation( [\n" . 
           join( '', @s ) .
           "$_[1] ] )\n";
sub node::term {
    return emit_rule( $_[0], $_[1] );
sub node::code {
    # return "$_[1] # XXX code - compile '$_[0]' ?\n";
    return "$_[1] $_[0]  # XXX - code\n";  
sub node::dot {
    node::non_capturing_subrule( 'any', $_[1] );
    # return "$_[1] \\&{'${namespace}any'}\n";
sub node::subrule {
    my $name = $_[0];
    $name = '$grammar->' . $_[0] unless $_[0] =~ /->/;
    return "$_[1] capture( '$_[0]', sub{ $name(\@_) } )\n";
sub node::non_capturing_subrule {
    my $name = $_[0];
    $name = '$grammar->' . $_[0] unless $_[0] =~ /->/;
    return "$_[1] sub{ $name(\@_) }\n";
sub node::negated_subrule {
    my $name = $_[0];
    $name = '$grammar->' . $_[0] unless $_[0] =~ /->/;
    return "$_[1] negate( sub{ $name(\@_) } )\n";
sub node::constant {
    my $literal = shift;
    my $name = quotemeta( match::str( $literal ) );
    return "$_[0] constant( \"$name\" )\n";
sub node::variable {
    my $name = match::str( $_[0] );
    # print "var name: ", match::str( $_[0] ), "\n";
    my $value = "sub { die 'not implemented: $name' }\n";
    $value = eval $name if $name =~ /^\$/;
    $value = join('', eval $name) if $name =~ /^\@/;

    # XXX - what hash/code interpolate to?
    # $value = join('', eval $name) if $name =~ /^\%/;

    return "$_[1] constant( '" . $value . "' )\n";
sub node::closure {
    my $code = match::str( $_[0] ); 
    # XXX XXX XXX - source-filter - temporary hacks to translate p6 to p5
    # $()<name>
    $code =~ s/ ([^']) \$ \( \) < (.*?) > /$1 match::get( \$_[0], '\$()<$2>' ) /sgx;
    # $<name>
    $code =~ s/ ([^']) \$ < (.*?) > /$1 match::get( \$_[0], '\$<$2>' ) /sgx;
    # $()
    $code =~ s/ ([^']) \$ \( \) /$1 \$_[0]->() /sgx;
    #print "Code: $code\n";
    return "$_[1] sub {\n" . 
           "$_[1]     $code;\n" . 
           "$_[1]     return { bool => 1, tail => \$_[0] }\n" .
           "$_[1] }\n"
        unless $code =~ /return/;
           "$_[1] Pugs::Runtime::Rule::abort(\n" .
           "$_[1]     sub {\n" . 
           "$_[1]         return { bool => 1, tail => \$_[0], return => sub $code };\n" .
           "$_[1]     }\n" .
           "$_[1] )\n";
sub node::runtime_alternation {
    my $code = match::str( match::get( 
        { capture => $_[0] }, 
    ) );
    return "$_[1] alternation( \\$code )\n";
sub node::named_capture {
    my $name = match::str( match::get( 
        { capture => $_[0] }, 
    ) );
    my $program = emit_rule(
                { capture => $_[0] }, 
            ), $_[1] );
    return "$_[1] capture( '$name', \n" . $program . "$_[1] )\n";
