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package JIB::Repository;

use strict;
use warnings;
use base 'Object::Accessor';
use JIB::Config;
use JIB::Package;
use JIB::Constants;

use YAML;
use Path::Class;
use Params::Check qw(check);
use Log::Message::Simple qw(:STD);

=head1 METHODS

=head2 $repo = JIB::Repository->new(...);

Required arguments:

=over 4

=item root

The root directory of the repository

=item pool

Path to the pool directory of the repository. $root/jibs if not specified.

=item pool_rel

The path to the pool directory that will be put into the index files. jibs/ if
not specified.

=item index

Path to the index directory. default: $root/dists

=item index_file

Path to the main index file. default: $root/dists/index



    my $config = JIB::Config->new;

    sub new {
        my $class = shift;
        my %args = @_;

        my ($root, $pool, $pool_rel, $index, $index_file, $pkgs);
        my $tmpl = {
            root => {
                required    => 1,
                store       => \$root
            config => {
                no_override => 1,
                default     => $config
            pool => {
                store => \$pool,
                #XXX allow?
            pool_rel => {
                store => \$pool_rel,
            index => {
                store => \$index
            index_file => {
                store => \$index_file
            packages => {
                default     => [ ],
                no_override => 1,
                store       => \$pkgs,

        check($tmpl, \%args) or error(Params::Check->last_error), return;
        my $obj = $class->SUPER::new;
        $obj->mk_accessors( keys %$tmpl );

        $obj->pool((defined $pool
                    ? dir($pool)
                    : $obj->root->subdir($config->repo_pool)
        $obj->index((defined $index
                    ? dir($index)
                    : $obj->root->subdir($config->repo_index)
        $obj->index_file((defined $index_file
                    ? file($index_file)
                    : $obj->index->file($config->repo_index_file)
        $obj->pool_rel((defined $pool_rel
                    ? dir($pool_rel)
                    : $config->repo_pool
        $obj->packages( $pkgs );

        return $obj;

=head2 $bool = $repo->create()

Creates a new repository on the filesystem. Wipes out an existing one with the
same root path if it exists.

Returns a true value on success, otherwise something false.


sub create {
    my $self = shift;
    my $conf = $self->config;


    my @dirs = (

    for my $dir (@dirs) {
        $dir->mkpath() or error($!), return;

    return 1;

### these plural functions seem more confusion than helpful currently
# ### XXX @bools? how is this useful?
# =head2 @bools = $repo->add_packages($pkg1, $pkg2, ...)
# Adds a list of JIB::Package instances to the repository.
# =cut
# sub add_packages {
#     my $self = shift;
#     my @ret;
#     push @ret, $self->add_package(package => $_) for @_;
#     return @ret;
# }

=head2 $bool = $repo->add_package(package => $pkg)


sub add_package {
    my $self = shift;
    my %args = @_;
    my ($pkg, $force);

    my $tmpl = {
        package => {
            required    => 1,
            store       => \$pkg,
            allow       => ISA_JIB_PACKAGE,
        force => {
            store       => \$force,
            default     => undef
    check($tmpl, \%args) or error(Params::Check->last_error), return;

    if (-e $self->pool->file(file($pkg->file)->basename) && !$force) {
        error($pkg->package . " already exists in this repository");

    my $inst = JIB::Package->new( 
                    meta        => $pkg->meta,
                    file        => $pkg->file,
                    repository  => $self,
                ) or return;              

    File::Copy::copy( $pkg->file, $self->pool )     or error($!), return;
    $self->add_package_to_index( package => $inst ) or return;

    return 1;

=head2 $bool = $repo->add_package_to_index(package => $pkg)

Adds a package to all necessary index files.


sub add_package_to_index { #TODO: compression of index files.
    my $self = shift;
    my %args = @_;
    my $pkg;

    my $tmpl = {
        package => {
            required    => 1,
            store       => \$pkg,
            allow       => ISA_JIB_PACKAGE_INSTALLABLE,

    check($tmpl, \%args) or error(Params::Check->last_error), return;

    for my $index ( $self->index_file, $self->index_files(package => $pkg) ) {
        unless (-e $index) {
            # create the directory an index file lives in (ignores errors)
            # and touch the index file.
            $index->dir->mkpath, $index->openw->close or error($!), return;
        # load the existing index file
        my $index_content = YAML::LoadFile($index);
        my $meta = $pkg->meta->to_struct;
        # add the archive path to the package's meta info
        $meta->{archive} =
            $self->pool_rel->file( file($pkg->file)->basename )->stringify();
        # append it to the existing content of the index
        push @$index_content, $meta;
        ### XXX do delayed writes, as an explicit ->write() call on the
        ### object, like in JIB::Installation
        # and write it to disk again
        YAML::DumpFile($index, $index_content);
    return 1;

=head2 @index_files = $repo->index_files(package => $pkg)

Returns a list of all index_files that a given package belongs to.


sub index_files { #TODO: When using two properties (A and B) to group the dists
                  #      tree A/A_val/B/B_val.gz and B/B_val/A/A_val.gz are
                  #      equal. Use hard- or symlinks to minimize storage
                  #      requirements
    my $self = shift;
    my %args = @_;
    my $pkg;

    my $tmpl = {
        package => {
            required    => 1,
            store       => \$pkg,
            allow       => ISA_JIB_PACKAGE,

    check($tmpl, \%args) or error(Params::Check->last_error), return;

        map { $self->index->file($_) }
        $self->_index_files($pkg, $self->config->repo_index_groups, '');

sub _index_files {
    my ($self, $pkg, $groups, $cur) = @_;
    return unless $groups && @$groups;

    my @index_files;
    my %copy = map { $_ => $_ ne $cur } @$groups;
    my @copy = grep { $copy{$_} } keys %copy; #all groups minus the current one
    for my $key (@copy) {
        my $path = dir($key)->subdir($pkg->meta->$key);
        # maybe use another mechanism to call arbitrary stuff on the package
        # obj? otherwise all data we index after must be a toplevel element of
        # the meta file
        push @index_files, file($path.'.index');
        push @index_files, map { $path->file($_) }
                $self->_index_files($pkg, \@copy, $key);

    return @index_files;

### these plural functions seem more confusion than helpful currently
# ## XXX @bools? how is this useful?
# =head2 @bools = $repo->add_files($file1, $file2, ...)
# Adds a list of jib files to the repository.
# =cut
# sub add_files {
#     my $self = shift;
#     my @ret;
#     push @ret, $self->add_file(file => $_) for @_;
#     return @ret;
# }

=head2 $bool = $repo->add_file(file => $file, [force => BOOL])

Adds a given file to the repository.


sub add_file {
    my $self = shift;
    my %args = @_;
    my ($file, $force);

    my $tmpl = {
        file => {
            required    => 1,
            store       => \$file,
            allow       => FILE_EXISTS
        force => {
            store   => \$force,
            default => undef

    check($tmpl, \%args) or error(Params::Check->last_error), return;

    my $pkg = JIB::Package->new( file => $file );

    return $self->add_package(package => $pkg, force => $force);


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