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{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fglasgow-exts -funbox-strict-fields -fallow-overlapping-instances -fvia-C #-}

module DrIFT.YAML where
import Data.Yaml.Syck
import Data.Ratio
import GHC.Exts
import Data.Typeable
import Data.Char
import Control.Exception
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import qualified Data.IntSet as IntSet
import Foreign.StablePtr
import Foreign.Ptr
import Control.Monad.Reader
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as Buf
import qualified Data.ByteString as Bytes
import UTF8

type Buf = Buf.ByteString

type YAMLClass = String
type YAMLKey = String
type YAMLVal = YamlNode
type SeenCache = IntSet.IntSet

toYamlNode :: YAML a => a -> IO YamlNode
toYamlNode x = runReaderT (asYAML x) IntSet.empty 

showYaml :: YAML a => a -> IO String
showYaml x = do
    node <- toYamlNode x
    emitYaml node

type EmitAs = ReaderT SeenCache IO

class Typeable a => YAML a where
    asYAML :: a -> EmitAs YamlNode
    asYAML x = lift $ do
        ty <- Control.Exception.handle (const $ return "()") $
            evaluate (show (typeOf x))
        case ty of
            "()" -> return nilNode
            _    -> return $ mkTagNode (tagHs ty) YamlNil
    fromYAML :: YamlNode -> IO a
    fromYAML MkYamlNode{nodeElem=x} = fromYAMLElem x
    fromYAMLElem :: YamlElem -> IO a
    fromYAMLElem e = fail $ "unhandled element: " ++ (show e)

asYAMLseq :: YAMLClass -> [EmitAs YAMLVal] -> EmitAs YamlNode
asYAMLseq c ps = do
    ps' <- sequence ps
    return $ mkTagNode (tagHs c) (YamlSeq ps')

asYAMLmap :: YAMLClass -> [(YAMLKey, EmitAs YAMLVal)] -> EmitAs YamlNode
asYAMLmap c ps = do
    ps' <- mapM asYAMLpair ps
    return $ mkTagNode (tagHs c) (YamlMap ps')
    asYAMLpair (k, v) = do
        k' <- asYAML k
        v' <- v
        return (k', v')

fromYAMLmap :: YAML a => YamlNode -> IO [(String, a)]
fromYAMLmap MkYamlNode{nodeElem=YamlMap m} = mapM fromYAMLpair m
    fromYAMLpair (MkYamlNode{nodeElem=YamlStr k}, v) = do
        v' <- fromYAML v
        return (unpackBuf k, v')
    fromYAMLpair e = fail $ "no parse: " ++ show e
fromYAMLmap e = fail $ "no parse: " ++ show e

asYAMLcls :: YAMLClass -> EmitAs YamlNode
asYAMLcls c = return $ mkTagStrNode (tagHs c) c

tagHs :: YAMLClass -> String
tagHs = ("tag:hs:" ++)

deTag :: YamlNode -> YAMLClass
deTag MkYamlNode{nodeTag=Just s} =
    case s' of
        't':'a':'g':':':'h':'s':':':tag -> tag
        tag                             -> error $ "not a Haskell tag: " ++ tag
    where s' = unpackBuf s
deTag n = error $ "missing tag: " ++ show n

instance YAML () where
    asYAML _ = return nilNode
    fromYAMLElem _ = return ()

instance YAML Int where
    asYAML x = return $ mkTagStrNode "int" $ show x
    fromYAMLElem (YamlStr x) = return $ read $ Buf.unpack x
    fromYAMLElem e = failWith e

instance YAML Buf where
    asYAML = return . mkNode . YamlStr
    fromYAMLElem (YamlStr str) = return str
    fromYAMLElem e = failWith e

instance YAML String where
    asYAML = return .  mkTagNode "str" . YamlStr . Bytes.pack . encode
    fromYAMLElem (YamlStr str) = return . fst . decode $ Bytes.unpack str
    fromYAMLElem e = failWith e

instance YAML Bool where
    asYAML True = return $ mkTagStrNode "bool#yes" "1"
    asYAML False = return $ mkTagStrNode "bool#no" "0"
    fromYAML MkYamlNode{nodeTag=Just s} | s == packBuf "bool#yes" = return True
    fromYAML MkYamlNode{nodeTag=Just s} | s == packBuf "bool#no"  = return False
    fromYAML MkYamlNode{nodeElem=x} = fromYAMLElem x
    fromYAMLElem (YamlStr x) = return (x /= packBuf "0")
    fromYAMLElem e = failWith e

instance YAML Integer where 
    asYAML x = return $ mkTagStrNode "int" $ show x
    fromYAMLElem (YamlStr x) = return $ read $ Buf.unpack x
    fromYAMLElem e = failWith e

instance YAML Rational where 
    asYAML r = asYAML (x, y)
        x = numerator r
        y = denominator r
    fromYAMLElem (YamlSeq [MkYamlNode{nodeElem=YamlStr x}, MkYamlNode{nodeElem=YamlStr y}]) =
        return $ (read $ Buf.unpack x) % (read $ Buf.unpack y)
    fromYAMLElem e = failWith e
instance YAML Double where 
    asYAML num
        | show num == "Infinity"  = return $ mkTagStrNode "float#inf"    ".Inf"
        | show num == "-Infinity" = return $ mkTagStrNode "float#neginf" "-.Inf"
        | show num == "NaN"       = return $ mkTagStrNode "float#nan"    "-.NaN"
        | otherwise               = return $ mkTagStrNode "float"        $ show num
    fromYAML MkYamlNode{nodeTag=Just s} | s == packBuf "float#inf"    = return $  1/0 -- "Infinity" 
    fromYAML MkYamlNode{nodeTag=Just s} | s == packBuf "float#neginf" = return $ -1/0 -- "-Infinity" 
    fromYAML MkYamlNode{nodeTag=Just s} | s == packBuf "float#nan"    = return $  0/0 -- "NaN" 
    fromYAML MkYamlNode{nodeElem=x} = fromYAMLElem x
    fromYAMLElem (YamlStr x) = return $ read $ Buf.unpack x
    fromYAMLElem e = failWith e

instance (YAML a) => YAML (Maybe a) where
    asYAML (Just x) = asYAML x
    asYAML Nothing = return $ nilNode
    fromYAML MkYamlNode{nodeElem=YamlNil} = return Nothing
    fromYAML x = return . Just =<< fromYAML x
    fromYAMLElem YamlNil = return Nothing
    fromYAMLElem x = return . Just =<< fromYAMLElem x

instance (YAML a) => YAML [a] where
    asYAML xs = do
        xs' <- mapM asYAML xs
        (return . mkNode . YamlSeq) xs'
    fromYAMLElem (YamlSeq s) = mapM fromYAML s
    fromYAMLElem e = fail $ "no parse: " ++ show e

instance (YAML a, YAML b) => YAML (a, b) where
    asYAML (x, y) = do
        x' <- asYAML x
        y' <- asYAML y
        return $ mkNode (YamlSeq [x', y'])
    fromYAMLElem (YamlSeq [x, y]) = do
        x' <- fromYAML x
        y' <- fromYAML y
        return (x', y')
    fromYAMLElem e = fail $ "no parse: " ++ show e

instance (YAML a, YAML b, YAML c) => YAML (a, b, c) where
    asYAML (x, y, z) = do
        x' <- asYAML x
        y' <- asYAML y
        z' <- asYAML z
        return $ mkNode (YamlSeq [x', y', z'])
    fromYAMLElem (YamlSeq [x, y, z]) = do
        x' <- fromYAML x
        y' <- fromYAML y
        z' <- fromYAML z
        return (x', y', z')
    fromYAMLElem e = fail $ "no parse: " ++ show e

instance (Typeable a, YAML a) => YAML (TVar a) where
    asYAML = asYAMLwith (lift . atomically . readTVar)
    fromYAML = (atomically . newTVar =<<) . fromYAML
    fromYAMLElem = (atomically . newTVar =<<) . fromYAMLElem

asYAMLwith :: (YAML a, YAML b) => (a -> EmitAs b) -> a -> EmitAs YamlNode
asYAMLwith f x = do
    ptr  <- liftIO $ addressOf x
    seen <- ask
    if IntSet.member ptr seen
        then return nilNode{ nodeAnchor = MkYamlReference ptr } 
        else do
            rv   <- local (IntSet.insert ptr) (asYAML =<< f x)
            return rv{ nodeAnchor = MkYamlAnchor ptr }

addressOf :: a -> IO Int
addressOf x = do
    ptr <- newStablePtr x
    return (castStablePtrToPtr ptr `minusPtr` (nullPtr :: Ptr ()))

failWith :: forall a. YAML a => YamlElem -> IO a
failWith e = fail $ "no parse: " ++ show e ++ " as " ++ show typ
    typ :: TypeRep
    typ = typeOf (undefined :: a)