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{-# OPTIONS_GHC -cpp -fglasgow-exts -fno-warn-orphans -fallow-overlapping-instances -funbox-strict-fields -fallow-undecidable-instances #-}


This is an autogenerated file from src/Pugs/AST/Internals.hs.

Do not edit this file.

All changes made here will be lost!


#ifndef HADDOCK

module Pugs.AST.Internals.Instances ()
import Pugs.AST.Internals
import Data.Yaml.Syck
import DrIFT.YAML
import DrIFT.JSON
import DrIFT.Perl5
import Control.Monad
import qualified Data.ByteString as Buf

import Pugs.AST.Scope
import Pugs.AST.Pos
import Pugs.AST.Prag
import Pugs.AST.SIO
import Pugs.Types
import Pugs.Internals
import Pugs.Embed.Perl5
import qualified Data.Set       as Set
import qualified Data.Map       as Map

{-# NOINLINE _FakeEnv #-}
_FakeEnv :: Env
_FakeEnv = unsafePerformIO $ liftSTM $ do
    ref  <- newTVar Map.empty
    glob <- newTVar $ MkPad Map.empty
    init <- newTVar $ MkInitDat { initPragmas=[] }
    maxi <- newTVar 1
    return $ MkEnv
        { envContext = CxtVoid
        , envLexical = MkPad Map.empty
        , envImplicit= Map.empty
        , envLValue  = False
        , envGlobal  = glob
        , envPackage = "main"
        , envClasses = initTree
        , envEval    = const (return VUndef)
        , envCaller  = Nothing
        , envOuter   = Nothing
        , envDepth   = 0
        , envBody    = Val undef
        , envDebug   = Just ref -- Set to "Nothing" to disable debugging
        , envPos     = MkPos "<null>" 1 1 1 1
        , envPragmas = []
        , envInitDat = init
        , envMaxId   = maxi
        , envAtomic  = False

fakeEval :: MonadIO m => Eval Val -> m Val
fakeEval = liftIO . runEvalIO _FakeEnv

instance YAML ([Val] -> Eval Val) where
    asYAML _ = return nilNode
    fromYAML _ = return (const $ return VUndef)
instance YAML ObjectId where
    asYAML (MkObjectId x) = asYAML x
    fromYAML x = fmap MkObjectId (fromYAML x)
instance YAML (Maybe Env) where
    asYAML _ = return nilNode
    fromYAML _ = return Nothing
instance YAML (Eval Val) where
    asYAML x = asYAML =<< fakeEval x
    fromYAML x = return =<< fromYAML x
instance YAML a => YAML (Map String a) where
    asYAML x = asYAMLmap "Map" $ Map.toAscList ( asYAML x)
    fromYAML node = fmap Map.fromList (fromYAMLmap node)
instance Typeable a => YAML (IVar a) where
    asYAML x = asYAML (MkRef x)
instance YAML VRef where
    asYAML (MkRef (ICode cv)) = do
        VCode vsub  <- fakeEval $ fmap VCode (code_fetch cv)
        vsubC       <- asYAML vsub
        return $ mkTagNode (tagHs "VCode") $ YamlSeq [vsubC]
    asYAML (MkRef (IScalar sv)) = do
        val <- fakeEval $ scalar_fetch sv
        svC <- asYAML val
        let tag = if scalar_iType sv == mkType "Scalar::Const"
                    then "VScalar" else "IScalar"
        return $ mkTagNode (tagHs tag) $ YamlSeq [svC]
    asYAML (MkRef (IArray av)) = do
        VList vals <- fakeEval $ fmap VList (array_fetch av)
        avC <- asYAML vals
        return $ mkTagNode (tagHs "Array") $ YamlSeq [avC]
    asYAML (MkRef (IHash hv)) = do
        VMatch MkMatch{ matchSubNamed = hv } <- fakeEval $ fmap (VMatch . MkMatch False 0 0 "" []) (hash_fetch hv)
        hvC <- asYAML hv
        return $ mkTagNode (tagHs "Hash") $ YamlSeq [hvC]
    asYAML (MkRef (IPair pv)) = do
        VList [k, v] <- fakeEval $ fmap (\(k, v) -> VList [k, v]) (pair_fetch pv)
        avC <- asYAML (k, v)
        return $ mkTagNode (tagHs "Pair") $ YamlSeq [avC]
    asYAML ref = do
        val <- fakeEval $ readRef ref
        svC <- asYAML val
        liftIO $ print "====>"
        liftIO $ print svC
        fail ("Not implemented: asYAML \"" ++ showType (refType ref) ++ "\"")
    fromYAML MkYamlNode{nodeTag=Just s, nodeElem=YamlSeq [node]}
        | s == packBuf "tag:hs:VCode"   =
            fmap (MkRef . ICode) (fromYAML node :: IO VCode)
        | s == packBuf "tag:hs:VScalar" =
            fmap (MkRef . IScalar) (fromYAML node :: IO VScalar)
        | s == packBuf "tag:hs:Pair"    =
            fmap pairRef (fromYAML node :: IO VPair)
        | s == packBuf "tag:hs:IScalar" = newV newScalar
        | s == packBuf "tag:hs:Array"   = newV newArray
        | s == packBuf "tag:hs:Hash"    = newV newHash
        where newV f = fmap MkRef (f =<< fromYAML node)
    fromYAML node = fail $ "Unhandled YAML node: " ++ show node

instance YAML VControl
instance YAML (Set Val)
instance YAML (VThread Val)
instance YAML ClassTree
instance YAML Dynamic
instance YAML Pragma
instance YAML ProcessHandle
instance YAML Regex
instance YAML Unique
instance YAML VComplex
instance YAML VHandle
instance YAML VOpaque
instance YAML VSocket
instance YAML PerlSV

instance Perl5 Exp where
    showPerl5 _ = "(undef)"
instance JSON Exp where
    showJSON _ = "null"

-- Non-canonical serialization... needs work
instance (Show (TVar a)) => Perl5 (TVar a) where
    showPerl5 _ = "(warn '<ref>')"
instance (Show (TVar a)) => JSON (TVar a) where
    showJSON _ = "null"

instance Perl5 Val where
    showPerl5 (VUndef) = showP5Class "VUndef"
    showPerl5 (VBool aa) = showP5ArrayObj "VBool" [showPerl5 aa]
    showPerl5 (VInt aa) = showP5ArrayObj "VInt" [showPerl5 aa]
    showPerl5 (VRat aa) = showP5ArrayObj "VRat" [showPerl5 aa]
    showPerl5 (VNum aa) = showP5ArrayObj "VNum" [showPerl5 aa]
    showPerl5 (VStr aa) = showP5ArrayObj "VStr" [showPerl5 aa]
    showPerl5 (VList aa) = showP5ArrayObj "VList" [showPerl5 aa]
    showPerl5 (VType aa) = showP5ArrayObj "VType" [showPerl5 aa]
    showPerl5 (VCode{}) = showP5Class "VUndef" -- XXX - fix the END block!

{-* Generated by DrIFT : Look, but Don't Touch. *-}
instance YAML VThunk where
    fromYAML MkYamlNode{nodeTag=Just t, nodeElem=e} | 't':'a':'g':':':'h':'s':':':tag <- unpackBuf t = case tag of
	"MkThunk" -> do
	    let YamlSeq [aa, ab] = e
	    liftM2 MkThunk (fromYAML aa) (fromYAML ab)
	_ -> fail $ "unhandled tag: " ++ show t ++ ", expecting " ++ show ["MkThunk"] ++ " in node " ++ show e
    fromYAML _ = fail "no tag found"
    asYAML (MkThunk aa ab) = asYAMLseq "MkThunk" [asYAML aa, asYAML ab]

instance YAML VProcess where
    fromYAML MkYamlNode{nodeTag=Just t, nodeElem=e} | 't':'a':'g':':':'h':'s':':':tag <- unpackBuf t = case tag of
	"MkProcess" -> do
	    let YamlSeq [aa] = e
	    liftM MkProcess (fromYAML aa)
	_ -> fail $ "unhandled tag: " ++ show t ++ ", expecting " ++ show ["MkProcess"] ++ " in node " ++ show e
    fromYAML _ = fail "no tag found"
    asYAML (MkProcess aa) = asYAMLseq "MkProcess" [asYAML aa]

instance YAML VRule where
    fromYAML MkYamlNode{nodeTag=Just t, nodeElem=e} | 't':'a':'g':':':'h':'s':':':tag <- unpackBuf t = case tag of
	"MkRulePCRE" -> do
	    let liftM6 f m1 m2 m3 m4 m5 m6 = do
		{x1 <- m1; x2 <- m2; x3 <- m3; x4 <- m4; x5 <- m5; x6 <- m6; return (f x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6)}
	    let YamlSeq [aa, ab, ac, ad, ae, af] = e
	    liftM6 MkRulePCRE (fromYAML aa) (fromYAML ab) (fromYAML ac) (fromYAML ad) (fromYAML ae) (fromYAML af)
	"MkRulePGE" -> do
	    let YamlSeq [aa, ab, ac, ad] = e
	    liftM4 MkRulePGE (fromYAML aa) (fromYAML ab) (fromYAML ac) (fromYAML ad)
	_ -> fail $ "unhandled tag: " ++ show t ++ ", expecting " ++ show ["MkRulePCRE","MkRulePGE"] ++ " in node " ++ show e
    fromYAML _ = fail "no tag found"
    asYAML (MkRulePCRE aa ab ac ad ae af) = asYAMLseq "MkRulePCRE"
	   [asYAML aa, asYAML ab, asYAML ac, asYAML ad, asYAML ae, asYAML af]
    asYAML (MkRulePGE aa ab ac ad) = asYAMLseq "MkRulePGE"
	   [asYAML aa, asYAML ab, asYAML ac, asYAML ad]

instance YAML Val where
    fromYAML MkYamlNode{nodeTag=Just t, nodeElem=e} | 't':'a':'g':':':'h':'s':':':tag <- unpackBuf t = case tag of
	"VUndef" -> do
	    return VUndef
	"VBool" -> do
	    let YamlSeq [aa] = e
	    liftM VBool (fromYAML aa)
	"VInt" -> do
	    let YamlSeq [aa] = e
	    liftM VInt (fromYAML aa)
	"VRat" -> do
	    let YamlSeq [aa] = e
	    liftM VRat (fromYAML aa)
	"VNum" -> do
	    let YamlSeq [aa] = e
	    liftM VNum (fromYAML aa)
	"VComplex" -> do
	    let YamlSeq [aa] = e
	    liftM VComplex (fromYAML aa)
	"VStr" -> do
	    let YamlSeq [aa] = e
	    liftM VStr (fromYAML aa)
	"VList" -> do
	    let YamlSeq [aa] = e
	    liftM VList (fromYAML aa)
	"VType" -> do
	    let YamlSeq [aa] = e
	    liftM VType (fromYAML aa)
	"VJunc" -> do
	    let YamlSeq [aa] = e
	    liftM VJunc (fromYAML aa)
	"VError" -> do
	    let YamlSeq [aa, ab] = e
	    liftM2 VError (fromYAML aa) (fromYAML ab)
	"VControl" -> do
	    let YamlSeq [aa] = e
	    liftM VControl (fromYAML aa)
	"VRef" -> do
	    let YamlSeq [aa] = e
	    liftM VRef (fromYAML aa)
	"VCode" -> do
	    let YamlSeq [aa] = e
	    liftM VCode (fromYAML aa)
	"VBlock" -> do
	    let YamlSeq [aa] = e
	    liftM VBlock (fromYAML aa)
	"VHandle" -> do
	    let YamlSeq [aa] = e
	    liftM VHandle (fromYAML aa)
	"VSocket" -> do
	    let YamlSeq [aa] = e
	    liftM VSocket (fromYAML aa)
	"VThread" -> do
	    let YamlSeq [aa] = e
	    liftM VThread (fromYAML aa)
	"VProcess" -> do
	    let YamlSeq [aa] = e
	    liftM VProcess (fromYAML aa)
	"VRule" -> do
	    let YamlSeq [aa] = e
	    liftM VRule (fromYAML aa)
	"VSubst" -> do
	    let YamlSeq [aa] = e
	    liftM VSubst (fromYAML aa)
	"VMatch" -> do
	    let YamlSeq [aa] = e
	    liftM VMatch (fromYAML aa)
	"VObject" -> do
	    let YamlSeq [aa] = e
	    liftM VObject (fromYAML aa)
	"VOpaque" -> do
	    let YamlSeq [aa] = e
	    liftM VOpaque (fromYAML aa)
	"PerlSV" -> do
	    let YamlSeq [aa] = e
	    liftM PerlSV (fromYAML aa)
	_ -> fail $ "unhandled tag: " ++ show t ++ ", expecting " ++ show ["VUndef","VBool","VInt","VRat","VNum","VComplex","VStr","VList","VType","VJunc","VError","VControl","VRef","VCode","VBlock","VHandle","VSocket","VThread","VProcess","VRule","VSubst","VMatch","VObject","VOpaque","PerlSV"] ++ " in node " ++ show e
    fromYAML _ = fail "no tag found"
    asYAML (VUndef) = asYAMLcls "VUndef"
    asYAML (VBool aa) = asYAMLseq "VBool" [asYAML aa]
    asYAML (VInt aa) = asYAMLseq "VInt" [asYAML aa]
    asYAML (VRat aa) = asYAMLseq "VRat" [asYAML aa]
    asYAML (VNum aa) = asYAMLseq "VNum" [asYAML aa]
    asYAML (VComplex aa) = asYAMLseq "VComplex" [asYAML aa]
    asYAML (VStr aa) = asYAMLseq "VStr" [asYAML aa]
    asYAML (VList aa) = asYAMLseq "VList" [asYAML aa]
    asYAML (VType aa) = asYAMLseq "VType" [asYAML aa]
    asYAML (VJunc aa) = asYAMLseq "VJunc" [asYAML aa]
    asYAML (VError aa ab) = asYAMLseq "VError" [asYAML aa, asYAML ab]
    asYAML (VControl aa) = asYAMLseq "VControl" [asYAML aa]
    asYAML (VRef aa) = asYAMLseq "VRef" [asYAML aa]
    asYAML (VCode aa) = asYAMLseq "VCode" [asYAML aa]
    asYAML (VBlock aa) = asYAMLseq "VBlock" [asYAML aa]
    asYAML (VHandle aa) = asYAMLseq "VHandle" [asYAML aa]
    asYAML (VSocket aa) = asYAMLseq "VSocket" [asYAML aa]
    asYAML (VThread aa) = asYAMLseq "VThread" [asYAML aa]
    asYAML (VProcess aa) = asYAMLseq "VProcess" [asYAML aa]
    asYAML (VRule aa) = asYAMLseq "VRule" [asYAML aa]
    asYAML (VSubst aa) = asYAMLseq "VSubst" [asYAML aa]
    asYAML (VMatch aa) = asYAMLseq "VMatch" [asYAML aa]
    asYAML (VObject aa) = asYAMLseq "VObject" [asYAML aa]
    asYAML (VOpaque aa) = asYAMLseq "VOpaque" [asYAML aa]
    asYAML (PerlSV aa) = asYAMLseq "PerlSV" [asYAML aa]

instance YAML VJunc where
    fromYAML MkYamlNode{nodeTag=Just t, nodeElem=e} | 't':'a':'g':':':'h':'s':':':tag <- unpackBuf t = case tag of
	"MkJunc" -> do
	    let YamlSeq [aa, ab, ac] = e
	    liftM3 MkJunc (fromYAML aa) (fromYAML ab) (fromYAML ac)
	_ -> fail $ "unhandled tag: " ++ show t ++ ", expecting " ++ show ["MkJunc"] ++ " in node " ++ show e
    fromYAML _ = fail "no tag found"
    asYAML (MkJunc aa ab ac) = asYAMLseq "MkJunc"
	   [asYAML aa, asYAML ab, asYAML ac]

instance YAML JuncType where
    fromYAML MkYamlNode{nodeTag=Just t, nodeElem=e} | 't':'a':'g':':':'h':'s':':':tag <- unpackBuf t = case tag of
	"JAny" -> do
	    return JAny
	"JAll" -> do
	    return JAll
	"JNone" -> do
	    return JNone
	"JOne" -> do
	    return JOne
	_ -> fail $ "unhandled tag: " ++ show t ++ ", expecting " ++ show ["JAny","JAll","JNone","JOne"] ++ " in node " ++ show e
    fromYAML _ = fail "no tag found"
    asYAML (JAny) = asYAMLcls "JAny"
    asYAML (JAll) = asYAMLcls "JAll"
    asYAML (JNone) = asYAMLcls "JNone"
    asYAML (JOne) = asYAMLcls "JOne"

instance YAML SubType where
    fromYAML MkYamlNode{nodeTag=Just t, nodeElem=e} | 't':'a':'g':':':'h':'s':':':tag <- unpackBuf t = case tag of
	"SubMethod" -> do
	    return SubMethod
	"SubCoroutine" -> do
	    return SubCoroutine
	"SubMacro" -> do
	    return SubMacro
	"SubRoutine" -> do
	    return SubRoutine
	"SubBlock" -> do
	    return SubBlock
	"SubPointy" -> do
	    return SubPointy
	"SubPrim" -> do
	    return SubPrim
	_ -> fail $ "unhandled tag: " ++ show t ++ ", expecting " ++ show ["SubMethod","SubCoroutine","SubMacro","SubRoutine","SubBlock","SubPointy","SubPrim"] ++ " in node " ++ show e
    fromYAML _ = fail "no tag found"
    asYAML (SubMethod) = asYAMLcls "SubMethod"
    asYAML (SubCoroutine) = asYAMLcls "SubCoroutine"
    asYAML (SubMacro) = asYAMLcls "SubMacro"
    asYAML (SubRoutine) = asYAMLcls "SubRoutine"
    asYAML (SubBlock) = asYAMLcls "SubBlock"
    asYAML (SubPointy) = asYAMLcls "SubPointy"
    asYAML (SubPrim) = asYAMLcls "SubPrim"

instance JSON SubType where
    showJSON (SubMethod) = showJSScalar "SubMethod"
    showJSON (SubCoroutine) = showJSScalar "SubCoroutine"
    showJSON (SubMacro) = showJSScalar "SubMacro"
    showJSON (SubRoutine) = showJSScalar "SubRoutine"
    showJSON (SubBlock) = showJSScalar "SubBlock"
    showJSON (SubPointy) = showJSScalar "SubPointy"
    showJSON (SubPrim) = showJSScalar "SubPrim"

instance Perl5 SubType where
    showPerl5 (SubMethod) = showP5Class "SubMethod"
    showPerl5 (SubCoroutine) = showP5Class "SubCoroutine"
    showPerl5 (SubMacro) = showP5Class "SubMacro"
    showPerl5 (SubRoutine) = showP5Class "SubRoutine"
    showPerl5 (SubBlock) = showP5Class "SubBlock"
    showPerl5 (SubPointy) = showP5Class "SubPointy"
    showPerl5 (SubPrim) = showP5Class "SubPrim"

instance YAML Param where
    fromYAML MkYamlNode{nodeTag=Just t, nodeElem=e} | 't':'a':'g':':':'h':'s':':':tag <- unpackBuf t = case tag of
	"MkParam" -> do
	    let liftM9 f m1 m2 m3 m4 m5 m6 m7 m8 m9 = do
		{x1 <- m1; x2 <- m2; x3 <- m3; x4 <- m4; x5 <- m5; x6 <- m6; x7 <- m7; x8 <- m8; x9 <- m9; return (f x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9)}
	    let YamlSeq [aa, ab, ac, ad, ae, af, ag, ah, ai] = e
	    liftM9 MkParam (fromYAML aa) (fromYAML ab) (fromYAML ac) (fromYAML ad) (fromYAML ae) (fromYAML af) (fromYAML ag) (fromYAML ah) (fromYAML ai)
	_ -> fail $ "unhandled tag: " ++ show t ++ ", expecting " ++ show ["MkParam"] ++ " in node " ++ show e
    fromYAML _ = fail "no tag found"
    asYAML (MkParam aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai) = asYAMLseq "MkParam"
	   [asYAML aa, asYAML ab, asYAML ac, asYAML ad, asYAML ae, asYAML af,
	    asYAML ag, asYAML ah, asYAML ai]

instance Perl5 Param where
    showPerl5 (MkParam aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai) =
	      showP5HashObj "MkParam"
	      [("isInvocant", showPerl5 aa) , ("isOptional", showPerl5 ab) ,
	       ("isNamed", showPerl5 ac) , ("isLValue", showPerl5 ad) ,
	       ("isWritable", showPerl5 ae) , ("isLazy", showPerl5 af) ,
	       ("paramName", showPerl5 ag) , ("paramContext", showPerl5 ah) ,
	       ("paramDefault", showPerl5 ai)]

instance JSON Param where
    showJSON (MkParam aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai) =
	     showJSHashObj "MkParam"
	     [("isInvocant", showJSON aa), ("isOptional", showJSON ab),
	      ("isNamed", showJSON ac), ("isLValue", showJSON ad),
	      ("isWritable", showJSON ae), ("isLazy", showJSON af),
	      ("paramName", showJSON ag), ("paramContext", showJSON ah),
	      ("paramDefault", showJSON ai)]

instance YAML VCode where
    fromYAML MkYamlNode{nodeTag=Just t, nodeElem=e} | 't':'a':'g':':':'h':'s':':':tag <- unpackBuf t = case tag of
	"MkCode" -> do
	    let liftM12 f m1 m2 m3 m4 m5 m6 m7 m8 m9 m10 m11 m12 = do
		{x1 <- m1; x2 <- m2; x3 <- m3; x4 <- m4; x5 <- m5; x6 <- m6; x7 <- m7; x8 <- m8; x9 <- m9; x10 <- m10; x11 <- m11; x12 <- m12; return (f x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 x11 x12)}
	    let YamlSeq [aa, ab, ac, ad, ae, af, ag, ah, ai, aj, ak, al] = e
	    liftM12 MkCode (fromYAML aa) (fromYAML ab) (fromYAML ac) (fromYAML ad) (fromYAML ae) (fromYAML af) (fromYAML ag) (fromYAML ah) (fromYAML ai) (fromYAML aj) (fromYAML ak) (fromYAML al)
	_ -> fail $ "unhandled tag: " ++ show t ++ ", expecting " ++ show ["MkCode"] ++ " in node " ++ show e
    fromYAML _ = fail "no tag found"
    asYAML (MkCode aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al) =
	   asYAMLseq "MkCode"
	   [asYAML aa, asYAML ab, asYAML ac, asYAML ad, asYAML ae, asYAML af,
	    asYAML ag, asYAML ah, asYAML ai, asYAML aj, asYAML ak, asYAML al]

instance YAML Ann where
    fromYAML MkYamlNode{nodeTag=Just t, nodeElem=e} | 't':'a':'g':':':'h':'s':':':tag <- unpackBuf t = case tag of
	"Cxt" -> do
	    let YamlSeq [aa] = e
	    liftM Cxt (fromYAML aa)
	"Pos" -> do
	    let YamlSeq [aa] = e
	    liftM Pos (fromYAML aa)
	"Prag" -> do
	    let YamlSeq [aa] = e
	    liftM Prag (fromYAML aa)
	"Decl" -> do
	    let YamlSeq [aa] = e
	    liftM Decl (fromYAML aa)
	"Parens" -> do
	    return Parens
	_ -> fail $ "unhandled tag: " ++ show t ++ ", expecting " ++ show ["Cxt","Pos","Prag","Decl","Parens"] ++ " in node " ++ show e
    fromYAML _ = fail "no tag found"
    asYAML (Cxt aa) = asYAMLseq "Cxt" [asYAML aa]
    asYAML (Pos aa) = asYAMLseq "Pos" [asYAML aa]
    asYAML (Prag aa) = asYAMLseq "Prag" [asYAML aa]
    asYAML (Decl aa) = asYAMLseq "Decl" [asYAML aa]
    asYAML (Parens) = asYAMLcls "Parens"

instance YAML Exp where
    fromYAML MkYamlNode{nodeTag=Just t, nodeElem=e} | 't':'a':'g':':':'h':'s':':':tag <- unpackBuf t = case tag of
	"Noop" -> do
	    return Noop
	"App" -> do
	    let YamlSeq [aa, ab, ac] = e
	    liftM3 App (fromYAML aa) (fromYAML ab) (fromYAML ac)
	"Syn" -> do
	    let YamlSeq [aa, ab] = e
	    liftM2 Syn (fromYAML aa) (fromYAML ab)
	"Ann" -> do
	    let YamlSeq [aa, ab] = e
	    liftM2 Ann (fromYAML aa) (fromYAML ab)
	"Pad" -> do
	    let YamlSeq [aa, ab, ac] = e
	    liftM3 Pad (fromYAML aa) (fromYAML ab) (fromYAML ac)
	"Sym" -> do
	    let YamlSeq [aa, ab, ac] = e
	    liftM3 Sym (fromYAML aa) (fromYAML ab) (fromYAML ac)
	"Stmts" -> do
	    let YamlSeq [aa, ab] = e
	    liftM2 Stmts (fromYAML aa) (fromYAML ab)
	"Prim" -> do
	    let YamlSeq [aa] = e
	    liftM Prim (fromYAML aa)
	"Val" -> do
	    let YamlSeq [aa] = e
	    liftM Val (fromYAML aa)
	"Var" -> do
	    let YamlSeq [aa] = e
	    liftM Var (fromYAML aa)
	"NonTerm" -> do
	    let YamlSeq [aa] = e
	    liftM NonTerm (fromYAML aa)
	_ -> fail $ "unhandled tag: " ++ show t ++ ", expecting " ++ show ["Noop","App","Syn","Ann","Pad","Sym","Stmts","Prim","Val","Var","NonTerm"] ++ " in node " ++ show e
    fromYAML _ = fail "no tag found"
    asYAML (Noop) = asYAMLcls "Noop"
    asYAML (App aa ab ac) = asYAMLseq "App"
	   [asYAML aa, asYAML ab, asYAML ac]
    asYAML (Syn aa ab) = asYAMLseq "Syn" [asYAML aa, asYAML ab]
    asYAML (Ann aa ab) = asYAMLseq "Ann" [asYAML aa, asYAML ab]
    asYAML (Pad aa ab ac) = asYAMLseq "Pad"
	   [asYAML aa, asYAML ab, asYAML ac]
    asYAML (Sym aa ab ac) = asYAMLseq "Sym"
	   [asYAML aa, asYAML ab, asYAML ac]
    asYAML (Stmts aa ab) = asYAMLseq "Stmts" [asYAML aa, asYAML ab]
    asYAML (Prim aa) = asYAMLseq "Prim" [asYAML aa]
    asYAML (Val aa) = asYAMLseq "Val" [asYAML aa]
    asYAML (Var aa) = asYAMLseq "Var" [asYAML aa]
    asYAML (NonTerm aa) = asYAMLseq "NonTerm" [asYAML aa]

instance YAML PadEntry where
    fromYAML MkYamlNode{nodeTag=Just t, nodeElem=e} | 't':'a':'g':':':'h':'s':':':tag <- unpackBuf t = case tag of
	"MkEntry" -> do
	    let YamlSeq [aa] = e
	    liftM MkEntry (fromYAML aa)
	"MkEntryMulti" -> do
	    let YamlSeq [aa] = e
	    liftM MkEntryMulti (fromYAML aa)
	_ -> fail $ "unhandled tag: " ++ show t ++ ", expecting " ++ show ["MkEntry","MkEntryMulti"] ++ " in node " ++ show e
    fromYAML _ = fail "no tag found"
    asYAML (MkEntry aa) = asYAMLseq "MkEntry" [asYAML aa]
    asYAML (MkEntryMulti aa) = asYAMLseq "MkEntryMulti" [asYAML aa]

instance YAML IHashEnv where
    fromYAML MkYamlNode{nodeTag=Just t, nodeElem=e} | 't':'a':'g':':':'h':'s':':':tag <- unpackBuf t = case tag of
	"MkHashEnv" -> do
	    return MkHashEnv
	_ -> fail $ "unhandled tag: " ++ show t ++ ", expecting " ++ show ["MkHashEnv"] ++ " in node " ++ show e
    fromYAML _ = fail "no tag found"
    asYAML (MkHashEnv) = asYAMLcls "MkHashEnv"

instance YAML IScalarCwd where
    fromYAML MkYamlNode{nodeTag=Just t, nodeElem=e} | 't':'a':'g':':':'h':'s':':':tag <- unpackBuf t = case tag of
	"MkScalarCwd" -> do
	    return MkScalarCwd
	_ -> fail $ "unhandled tag: " ++ show t ++ ", expecting " ++ show ["MkScalarCwd"] ++ " in node " ++ show e
    fromYAML _ = fail "no tag found"
    asYAML (MkScalarCwd) = asYAMLcls "MkScalarCwd"

instance YAML VObject where
    fromYAML MkYamlNode{nodeTag=Just t, nodeElem=e} | 't':'a':'g':':':'h':'s':':':tag <- unpackBuf t = case tag of
	"MkObject" -> do
	    let YamlSeq [aa, ab, ac, ad] = e
	    liftM4 MkObject (fromYAML aa) (fromYAML ab) (fromYAML ac) (fromYAML ad)
	_ -> fail $ "unhandled tag: " ++ show t ++ ", expecting " ++ show ["MkObject"] ++ " in node " ++ show e
    fromYAML _ = fail "no tag found"
    asYAML (MkObject aa ab ac ad) = asYAMLseq "MkObject"
	   [asYAML aa, asYAML ab, asYAML ac, asYAML ad]

instance YAML VMatch where
    fromYAML MkYamlNode{nodeTag=Just t, nodeElem=e} | 't':'a':'g':':':'h':'s':':':tag <- unpackBuf t = case tag of
	"MkMatch" -> do
	    let liftM6 f m1 m2 m3 m4 m5 m6 = do
		{x1 <- m1; x2 <- m2; x3 <- m3; x4 <- m4; x5 <- m5; x6 <- m6; return (f x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6)}
	    let YamlSeq [aa, ab, ac, ad, ae, af] = e
	    liftM6 MkMatch (fromYAML aa) (fromYAML ab) (fromYAML ac) (fromYAML ad) (fromYAML ae) (fromYAML af)
	_ -> fail $ "unhandled tag: " ++ show t ++ ", expecting " ++ show ["MkMatch"] ++ " in node " ++ show e
    fromYAML _ = fail "no tag found"
    asYAML (MkMatch aa ab ac ad ae af) = asYAMLseq "MkMatch"
	   [asYAML aa, asYAML ab, asYAML ac, asYAML ad, asYAML ae, asYAML af]

instance YAML CompUnit where
    fromYAML MkYamlNode{nodeTag=Just t, nodeElem=e} | 't':'a':'g':':':'h':'s':':':tag <- unpackBuf t = case tag of
	"MkCompUnit" -> do
	    let YamlSeq [aa, ab, ac] = e
	    liftM3 MkCompUnit (fromYAML aa) (fromYAML ab) (fromYAML ac)
	_ -> fail $ "unhandled tag: " ++ show t ++ ", expecting " ++ show ["MkCompUnit"] ++ " in node " ++ show e
    fromYAML _ = fail "no tag found"
    asYAML (MkCompUnit aa ab ac) = asYAMLseq "MkCompUnit"
	   [asYAML aa, asYAML ab, asYAML ac]

instance YAML Scope where
    fromYAML MkYamlNode{nodeTag=Just t, nodeElem=e} | 't':'a':'g':':':'h':'s':':':tag <- unpackBuf t = case tag of
	"SState" -> do
	    return SState
	"SLet" -> do
	    return SLet
	"STemp" -> do
	    return STemp
	"SEnv" -> do
	    return SEnv
	"SMy" -> do
	    return SMy
	"SOur" -> do
	    return SOur
	"SGlobal" -> do
	    return SGlobal
	_ -> fail $ "unhandled tag: " ++ show t ++ ", expecting " ++ show ["SState","SLet","STemp","SEnv","SMy","SOur","SGlobal"] ++ " in node " ++ show e
    fromYAML _ = fail "no tag found"
    asYAML (SState) = asYAMLcls "SState"
    asYAML (SLet) = asYAMLcls "SLet"
    asYAML (STemp) = asYAMLcls "STemp"
    asYAML (SEnv) = asYAMLcls "SEnv"
    asYAML (SMy) = asYAMLcls "SMy"
    asYAML (SOur) = asYAMLcls "SOur"
    asYAML (SGlobal) = asYAMLcls "SGlobal"

instance JSON Scope where
    showJSON (SState) = showJSScalar "SState"
    showJSON (SLet) = showJSScalar "SLet"
    showJSON (STemp) = showJSScalar "STemp"
    showJSON (SEnv) = showJSScalar "SEnv"
    showJSON (SMy) = showJSScalar "SMy"
    showJSON (SOur) = showJSScalar "SOur"
    showJSON (SGlobal) = showJSScalar "SGlobal"

instance Perl5 Scope where
    showPerl5 (SState) = showP5Class "SState"
    showPerl5 (SLet) = showP5Class "SLet"
    showPerl5 (STemp) = showP5Class "STemp"
    showPerl5 (SEnv) = showP5Class "SEnv"
    showPerl5 (SMy) = showP5Class "SMy"
    showPerl5 (SOur) = showP5Class "SOur"
    showPerl5 (SGlobal) = showP5Class "SGlobal"

instance YAML Pad where
    fromYAML MkYamlNode{nodeTag=Just t, nodeElem=e} | 't':'a':'g':':':'h':'s':':':tag <- unpackBuf t = case tag of
	"MkPad" -> do
	    let YamlSeq [aa] = e
	    liftM MkPad (fromYAML aa)
	_ -> fail $ "unhandled tag: " ++ show t ++ ", expecting " ++ show ["MkPad"] ++ " in node " ++ show e
    fromYAML _ = fail "no tag found"
    asYAML (MkPad aa) = asYAMLseq "MkPad" [asYAML aa]

instance YAML Pos where
    fromYAML MkYamlNode{nodeTag=Just t, nodeElem=e} | 't':'a':'g':':':'h':'s':':':tag <- unpackBuf t = case tag of
	"MkPos" -> do
	    let YamlSeq [aa, ab, ac, ad, ae] = e
	    liftM5 MkPos (fromYAML aa) (fromYAML ab) (fromYAML ac) (fromYAML ad) (fromYAML ae)
	_ -> fail $ "unhandled tag: " ++ show t ++ ", expecting " ++ show ["MkPos"] ++ " in node " ++ show e
    fromYAML _ = fail "no tag found"
    asYAML (MkPos aa ab ac ad ae) = asYAMLseq "MkPos"
	   [asYAML aa, asYAML ab, asYAML ac, asYAML ad, asYAML ae]

instance JSON Pos where
    showJSON (MkPos aa ab ac ad ae) = showJSHashObj "MkPos"
	     [("posName", showJSON aa), ("posBeginLine", showJSON ab),
	      ("posBeginColumn", showJSON ac), ("posEndLine", showJSON ad),
	      ("posEndColumn", showJSON ae)]

instance Perl5 Pos where
    showPerl5 (MkPos aa ab ac ad ae) = showP5HashObj "MkPos"
	      [("posName", showPerl5 aa) , ("posBeginLine", showPerl5 ab) ,
	       ("posBeginColumn", showPerl5 ac) , ("posEndLine", showPerl5 ad) ,
	       ("posEndColumn", showPerl5 ae)]

instance YAML Type where
    fromYAML MkYamlNode{nodeTag=Just t, nodeElem=e} | 't':'a':'g':':':'h':'s':':':tag <- unpackBuf t = case tag of
	"MkType" -> do
	    let YamlSeq [aa] = e
	    liftM MkType (fromYAML aa)
	"TypeOr" -> do
	    let YamlSeq [aa, ab] = e
	    liftM2 TypeOr (fromYAML aa) (fromYAML ab)
	"TypeAnd" -> do
	    let YamlSeq [aa, ab] = e
	    liftM2 TypeAnd (fromYAML aa) (fromYAML ab)
	_ -> fail $ "unhandled tag: " ++ show t ++ ", expecting " ++ show ["MkType","TypeOr","TypeAnd"] ++ " in node " ++ show e
    fromYAML _ = fail "no tag found"
    asYAML (MkType aa) = asYAMLseq "MkType" [asYAML aa]
    asYAML (TypeOr aa ab) = asYAMLseq "TypeOr" [asYAML aa, asYAML ab]
    asYAML (TypeAnd aa ab) = asYAMLseq "TypeAnd" [asYAML aa, asYAML ab]

instance JSON Type where
    showJSON (MkType aa) = showJSArrayObj "MkType" [showJSON aa]
    showJSON (TypeOr aa ab) = showJSArrayObj "TypeOr"
	     [showJSON aa, showJSON ab]
    showJSON (TypeAnd aa ab) = showJSArrayObj "TypeAnd"
	     [showJSON aa, showJSON ab]

instance Perl5 Type where
    showPerl5 (MkType aa) = showP5ArrayObj "MkType" [showPerl5 aa]
    showPerl5 (TypeOr aa ab) = showP5ArrayObj "TypeOr"
	      [showPerl5 aa , showPerl5 ab]
    showPerl5 (TypeAnd aa ab) = showP5ArrayObj "TypeAnd"
	      [showPerl5 aa , showPerl5 ab]

instance YAML Cxt where
    fromYAML MkYamlNode{nodeTag=Just t, nodeElem=e} | 't':'a':'g':':':'h':'s':':':tag <- unpackBuf t = case tag of
	"CxtVoid" -> do
	    return CxtVoid
	"CxtItem" -> do
	    let YamlSeq [aa] = e
	    liftM CxtItem (fromYAML aa)
	"CxtSlurpy" -> do
	    let YamlSeq [aa] = e
	    liftM CxtSlurpy (fromYAML aa)
	_ -> fail $ "unhandled tag: " ++ show t ++ ", expecting " ++ show ["CxtVoid","CxtItem","CxtSlurpy"] ++ " in node " ++ show e
    fromYAML _ = fail "no tag found"
    asYAML (CxtVoid) = asYAMLcls "CxtVoid"
    asYAML (CxtItem aa) = asYAMLseq "CxtItem" [asYAML aa]
    asYAML (CxtSlurpy aa) = asYAMLseq "CxtSlurpy" [asYAML aa]

instance JSON Cxt where
    showJSON (CxtVoid) = showJSScalar "CxtVoid"
    showJSON (CxtItem aa) = showJSArrayObj "CxtItem" [showJSON aa]
    showJSON (CxtSlurpy aa) = showJSArrayObj "CxtSlurpy" [showJSON aa]

instance Perl5 Cxt where
    showPerl5 (CxtVoid) = showP5Class "CxtVoid"
    showPerl5 (CxtItem aa) = showP5ArrayObj "CxtItem" [showPerl5 aa]
    showPerl5 (CxtSlurpy aa) = showP5ArrayObj "CxtSlurpy"
	      [showPerl5 aa]

instance JSON Val where
    showJSON (VUndef) = showJSScalar "VUndef"
    showJSON (VBool aa) = showJSArrayObj "VBool" [showJSON aa]
    showJSON (VInt aa) = showJSArrayObj "VInt" [showJSON aa]
    showJSON (VRat aa) = showJSArrayObj "VRat" [showJSON aa]
    showJSON (VNum aa) = showJSArrayObj "VNum" [showJSON aa]
    showJSON (VStr aa) = showJSArrayObj "VStr" [showJSON aa]
    showJSON (VList aa) = showJSArrayObj "VList" [showJSON aa]
    showJSON (VType aa) = showJSArrayObj "VType" [showJSON aa]

--  Imported from other files :-

type Buf = Buf.ByteString
