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use v6;
use Test;

plan 31;


Basic C<kv> tests, see S29.


# L<S29/"Perl6::Arrays" /"kv"/>
{ # check the invocant form
    my @array = <a b c d>;
    my @kv = @array.kv;
    is(+@kv, 8, '@array.kv returns the correct number of elems');
    is(~@kv, "0 a 1 b 2 c 3 d",  '@array.kv has no inner list');

{ # check the non-invocant form
    my @array = <a b c d>;
    my @kv = kv(@array);
    is(+@kv, 8, 'kv(@array) returns the correct number of elems');
    is(~@kv, "0 a 1 b 2 c 3 d", 'kv(@array) has no inner list');

# L<S29/"Perl6::Hashes" /"kv"/>
{ # check the invocant form
    my %hash = (a => 1, b => 2, c => 3, d => 4);
    my @kv = %hash.kv;
    is(+@kv, 8, '%hash.kv returns the correct number of elems');
    is(~@kv.sort, "1 2 3 4 a b c d",  '%hash.kv has no inner list');

{ # check the non-invocant form
    my %hash = (a => 1, b => 2, c => 3, d => 4);
    my @kv = kv(%hash);
    is(+@kv, 8, 'kv(%hash) returns the correct number of elems');
    is(~@kv.sort, "1 2 3 4 a b c d",  'kv(%hash) has no inner list');

# See "Questions about $pair.kv" thread on perl-6 lang
    my $pair  = (a => 1);
    my @kv = $pair.kv;
    is(+@kv, 2, '$pair.kv returned one elem');
    is(+@kv, 2, '$pair.kv inner list has two elems');
    is(~@kv, "a 1", '$pair.kv inner list matched expectation');

    my $sub  = sub (Hash $hash) { $hash.kv };
    my %hash = (a => 1, b => 2);
    is ~kv(%hash).sort,   "1 2 a b", ".kv works with normal hashes (sanity check)";
    is ~$sub(%hash).sort, "1 2 a b", ".kv works with constant hash references";

    # "%$hash" is not idiomatic Perl, but should work nevertheless.
    my $sub  = sub (Hash $hash) { %$hash.kv };
    my %hash = (a => 1, b => 2);
    is ~kv(%hash).sort,   "1 2 a b", ".kv works with normal hashes (sanity check)";
    is ~$sub(%hash).sort, "1 2 a b", ".kv works with dereferenced constant hash references";

# test3 and test4 illustrate a bug 

sub test1{
    my $pair = boo=>'baz'; 
    my $type = $pair.ref;
    for $pair.kv->$key,$value{
        is($key, 'boo', "test1: $type \$pair got the right \$key");
        is($value, 'baz', "test1: $type \$pair got the right \$value");

sub test2{
    my %pair = boo=>'baz'; 
    my $type = %pair.ref;
    my $elems= +%pair;
    for %pair.kv->$key,$value{
        is($key, 'boo', "test2: $elems-elem $type \%pair got the right \$key");
        is($value, 'baz', "test2: $elems-elem $type \%pair got the right \$value");

my %hash  = ('foo' => 'baz');
sub test3 (Hash %h){
  for %h.kv -> $key,$value {
        is($key, 'foo', "test3:  from {+%h}-elem {%h.ref} \%h got the right \$key");
        is($value, 'baz', "test3: from {+%h}-elem {%h.ref} \%h got the right \$value");
test3 %hash;

sub test4 (Hash %h){
    for 0..%h.kv.end -> $idx {
        is(%h.kv[$idx], %hash.kv[$idx], "test4: elem $idx of {%h.kv.elems}-elem {%h.kv.ref} \%hash.kv correctly accessed");
test4 %hash;

# sanity
for %hash.kv -> $key,$value {
    is($key, 'foo', "for(): from {+%hash}-elem {%hash.ref} \%hash got the right \$key");
    is($value, 'baz', "for(): from {+%hash}-elem {%hash.ref} \%hash got the right \$value");

# The things returned by .kv should be aliases
    my %hash = (:a(1), :b(2), :c(3));

    lives_ok { for %hash.kv -> $key, $value is rw {
        $value += 100;
    } }, 'aliases returned by %hash.kv should be rw (1)', :todo<feature>;

    is %hash<b>, 102, 'aliases returned by %hash.kv should be rw (2)', :todo<feature>;

    my @array = (17, 23, 42);

    lives_ok { for @array.kv -> $key, $value is rw {
        $value += 100;
    } }, 'aliases returned by @array.kv should be rw (1)', :todo<feature>;

    is @array[1], 123, 'aliases returned by @array.kv should be rw (2)', :todo<feature>;

    my $pair = (a => 42);

    lives_ok { for $pair.kv -> $key, $value is rw {
        $value += 100;
    } }, 'aliases returned by $pair.kv should be rw (1)', :todo<feature>;

    is $pair.value, 142, 'aliases returned by $pair.kv should be rw (2)', :todo<feature>;