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use v6;
use Test;

plan 10;

# Standard gather
    my @a;
    my $i;
    @a = gather {
        $i = 1;
        for (1 .. 5) -> $j {
            take $j;

    ok(!$i, "not yet gathered", :todo<unspecced>);
    is(+@a, 5, "5 elements gathered");
    ok($i, "gather code executed");
    is(@a[0], 1, "first elem taken");
    is(@a[-1], 5, "last elem taken");

# Nested gathers, two levels
  my @outer = gather {
    for 1..3 -> $i {
      my @inner = gather {
         take "$i,$_" for 1..3;

      take ~@inner;

  is ~@outer, "1,1 1,2 1,3 2,1 2,2 2,3 3,1 3,2 3,3", "nested gather works (two levels)";

# Nested gathers, three levels
  my @outer = gather {
    for 1..2 -> $i {
      my @inner = gather {
        for 1..2 -> $j {
          my @inner_inner = gather {
            take "$i,$j,$_" for 1..2;
          take ~@inner_inner;
      take ~@inner;

  is ~@outer, "1,1,1 1,1,2 1,2,1 1,2,2 2,1,1 2,1,2 2,2,1 2,2,2", "nested gather works (three levels)";

# take on lists, multiple takes per loop
  my @outer = gather {
    my @l = (1, 2, 3);
    take 5;
    take @l;
    take 5;

  is ~@outer, "5 1 2 3 5", "take on lists and multiple takes work";

# gather shadows take procedure
  #sub take { 7; } # enabling this line breaks all tests
  my @outer = gather {
    take 1;

  @outer = (take(), @outer);

  is ~@outer, "7 1", "gather shadows existing take", :todo;

# take on array-ref
  my @list  = gather { take [1,2,3]; take [4,5,6];};
  my @list2 = ([1,2,3],[4,5,6]);
  is @list.perl, @list2.perl , "gather array-refs";