= Laying the foundations for the Perl 6 object system

The object system for Perl 6 is in its early stages.  It might seem
like nothing is happening, as we are still searching for the great
"aha!" moment where it all cohedes together.

This document tries to explain the design strategy, and give some
insight as to why this might be quite a hard problem, perhaps about
the same degree of complexity as getting perl 6 to self-bootstrap.

No guarantees about suitability to particular audiences are given at
this point, as this is mostly a braindump to share information about
the plan.  Mostly from a 'building a compiler' angle.

== Making sense of S10 - S12

The Perl 6 object system has a great number of alternate ways to
express subtly different things, which will no doubt be confusing to
the uninitiated.

There are: *packages*, *modules*, *classes*, *roles* and *traits*.
Firstly, it should be noted the *traits* is a kind of degenerate
object in the scope of this discussion; all a trait is, is a compile
time (for some definition of 'time') property that applies to
something on the meta-model.

Wait - meta-what?

The meta model is simply the structure of the class system, expressed
as a set of objects.  One of the key goals of Perl 6 is for everything
to be fully self-expressable in its own terms, like most compiled
languages are.  The term "meta model" can be very confusing, so try to
be clear which model you are talking about - the "object model" would
be something akin to a class, whereas a "class model" would be a set
of classes for a particular project.  The "class meta-model" (M2) is
the description of what *classes* are.  The "class meta-meta-model"
(M3) is the terms that are used to express those.  Also note that a
Class meta model is not the same as the object you get back from the
`.meta` method on package objects (C<MyPackage.meta>, as described at
the end of S12... although that is an /instance/ of an object in the

In general, we'll only be using the terms "class meta-model" or "class
meta-meta-model" here.

== Inheritance based vs Roles-based inheritance

Roles based inheritance is also called "Duck Typing", a term I like
because I like ducks (*quack*).

We will be using Duck typing exclusively in the early stages of
design, although expressing them in terms of a classical inheritance
model (to some degree).

Class Inheritance then becomes a simple use case of duck typing.  An
early sketch of the meta model, in terms of UML which can easily be
represented by the Meta-meta-model sketched in src/Class.hs is in
`docs/class/ducktyping.xmi` (there is a PNG export in the same dir
