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use v6;

class Tree-0.0.2;

## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## attributes

has $.node is rw;

has $.depth;
has $.height;
has $.width;

has $:parent;
has @:children;

## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## constructors

submethod BUILD (Any $node) {
    $.depth  = -1;
    $.height = 1;
    $.width  = 1;
    $.node   = $node if $node.defined;   

## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## accessors and mutators

method parent ($self:) returns Tree { 
    return $:parent;

method :_set_parent ($self: Tree $parent) returns Void {
    $:parent = $parent;
    $.depth  = $parent.depth() + 1;

## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## informational methods

method is_root returns Bool { $:parent.defined ?? 0 :: 1 }
method is_leaf returns Bool { +@:children == 0 }

method child_count returns Int { +@:children }

method size ($self:) returns Int {
    my $size = 1;
    for @:children -> $child {
        $size += $child.size();    
    return $size;

## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## adding children 

method add_child ($self: Tree $child) returns Tree {
    $child.fix_depth() unless $child.is_leaf(); 

method add_children ($self: *@children) returns Tree {
    for @children -> $child {

## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## getting children

method get_child ($self: Int $index) returns Tree { @:children[$index] }
method get_all_children returns Array of Tree { @:children }

## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## inserting children

method insert_children ($self: Int $index, *@trees) returns Void {
	# check the bounds of our children 
	# against the index given
	($index <= $self.child_count()) 
		|| die "Index Out of Bounds : got ($index) expected no more than (" ~ $self.child_count() ~ ")";
		|| die "Insufficient Arguments : no tree(s) to insert";	
	for @trees -> $tree {	
		$tree.fix_depth() unless $tree.is_leaf();
	# if index is zero, use this optimization
	if ($index == 0) {
	# otherwise do some heavy lifting here
	else {
		@:children = (
			@:children[0 .. ($index - 1)],
			@:children[$index .. (@:children - 1)],

# insert_child is really the same as
# insert_children, you are just inserting
# and array of one tree
our &Tree::insert_child ::= &Tree::insert_children;

## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## removing children

method remove_child_at ($self: Int $index) returns Tree {
	($self.child_count() != 0) 
		|| die "Illegal Operation : There are no children to remove";		
	# check the bounds of our children 
	# against the index given		
	($index < $self.child_count()) 
		|| die "Index Out of Bounds : got ($index) expected no more than (" ~ $self.child_count() ~ ")";		
	my $removed_child;
	# if index is zero, use this optimization	
	if ($index == 0) {
		$removed_child = @:children.shift;
	# if index is equal to the number of children
	# then use this optimization	
	elsif ($index == +@:children) {
		$removed_child = @:children.pop();	
	# otherwise do some heavy lifting here	
	else {
		$removed_child = @:children[$index];
		@:children = (
			@:children[0 .. ($index - 1)],
			@:children[($index + 1) .. (@:children - 1)],
    # make sure we fix the height
	# make sure that the removed child
	# is no longer connected to the parent
	# so we change its parent to ROOT
	# and now we make sure that the depth 
	# of the removed child is aligned correctly
	$removed_child.fix_depth() unless $removed_child.is_leaf();	
	# return ths removed child
	# it is the responsibility 
	# of the user of this module
	# to properly dispose of this
	# child (and all its sub-children)
	return $removed_child;

method remove_child ($self: Tree $child_to_remove) returns Tree {
    my $index = 0;
    for @:children -> $child {
        ($child =:= $child_to_remove) && return $self.remove_child_at($index);
    die "Child Not Found : cannot find object ($child_to_remove) in self";

## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## sibling methods

method get_sibling ($self: Int $index) returns Tree {
	    || die "Insufficient Arguments : cannot get siblings to a ROOT tree";

method  get_all_siblings ($self:) returns Array {
    	|| die "Insufficient Arguments : cannot get siblings to a ROOT tree";

method add_sibling ($self: Tree $sibling) returns Tree {
		|| die "Insufficient Arguments : cannot add a sibling to a ROOT tree";

method add_siblings ($self: *@siblings) returns Tree {
		|| die "Insufficient Arguments : cannot add siblings to a ROOT tree";

method insert_siblings ($self: Int $index, *@siblings) returns Tree {
		|| die "Insufficient Arguments : cannot insert siblings to a ROOT tree";
	$self.parent().insert_children($index, @siblings);

# insertSibling is really the same as
# insertSiblings, you are just inserting
# and array of one tree
our &Tree::insert_sibling ::= &Tree::insert_siblings;

# I am not permitting the removal of siblings 
# as I think in general it is a bad idea

## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## traversal

method traverse ($self: Code $func, Str ?$traversal_order) returns Void {
    if !$traversal_order.defined || $ eq 'pre_order' {
    else {

method pre_order_traverse ($self: Code $func) returns Void {
    for @:children -> $child is rw {

method post_order_traverse ($self: Code $func) returns Void {
    for @:children -> $child is rw {

method traverse_iter($self: Str ?$traversal_order) returns Code {
    return coro {
	    $self.traverse(sub { yield $^node }, $traversal_order);

## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## utility methods

# Occasionally one wants to have the 
# depth available for various reasons
# of convience. Sometimes that depth 
# field is not always correct.
# If you create your tree in a top-down
# manner, this is usually not an issue
# since each time you either add a child
# or create a tree you are doing it with 
# a single tree and not a hierarchy.
# If however you are creating your tree
# bottom-up, then you might find that 
# when adding hierarchies of trees, your
# depth fields are all out of whack.
# This is where this method comes into play
# it will recurse down the tree and fix the
# depth fields appropriately.
# This method is called automatically when 
# a subtree is added to a child array
method fix_depth ($self:) returns Void {
	# make sure the tree's depth 
	# is up to date all the way down
	$self.traverse(-> $t {
		$t.:_set_depth($t.parent().depth() + 1);

# This method is used to fix any height 
# discrepencies which might arise when 
# you remove a sub-tree
method fix_height ($self:) returns Void {
    # we must find the tallest sub-tree
    # and use that to define the height
    my $max_height = 0;
    unless ($self.is_leaf()) {
        for @:children -> $child is rw {
            my $child_height = $child.height();
            $max_height = $child_height if $max_height < $child_height;
    # if there is no change, then we 
    # need not bubble up through the
    # parents
    return if $.height == ($max_height + 1);
    # otherwise ...
    $.height = $max_height + 1;
    # now we need to bubble up through the parents 
    # in order to rectify any issues with height
    $self.parent().fix_height() unless $self.is_root();

method fix_width ($self:) {
    my $fixed_width = 0;
    for @:children -> $child is rw {
        $fixed_width += $child.width();
    $.width = $fixed_width;
    $self.parent().fix_width() unless $self.is_root();

method get_index ($self:) returns Int {
    return -1 if $self.is_root();
    my $index = 0;
    for  $self.parent().get_all_children() -> $sibling {
        ($sibling =:= $self) && return $index;

## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## private methods

method :_set_height ($self: Tree $child) returns Void {
    my $child_height = $child.height();
    return if $.height >= $child_height + 1;
    $.height = $child_height + 1;
    # and now bubble up to the parent (unless we are the root)
    $self.parent().:_set_height($self) unless $self.is_root();

method :_set_width ($self: Tree $child) returns Void {
    return if $.width > $self.child_count();    
    my $child_width = $child.width();
    $.width += $child_width;
    # and now bubble up to the parent (unless we are the root)
    $self.parent().:_set_width($self) unless $self.is_root();            

method :_set_depth ($self: Int $depth) returns Void { $.depth = $depth }

method :_remove_parent returns Void { $:parent = undef }


=head1 NAME

Tree - A basic I<n>-ary tree


  use Tree;
  my $root =<0>).add_children(<1>).add_children(
  $root.traverse(-> $t {
      say(('    ' x $t.depth()) ~ $t.node())


=head1 METHODS

=over 4

=item B<new (Any ?$node) returns Tree>

=item B<node ($self: Any ?$node) returns Any>

=item B<depth returns Int>

=item B<parent ($self: Tree ?$parent) returns Tree>

=item B<is_root returns Bool>

=item B<is_leaf returns Bool>

=item B<child_count returns Int>

=item B<add_child ($self: Tree $child) returns Tree>

=item B<add_children ($self: *@children) returns Tree>

=item B<get_child ($self: Int $index) returns Tree>

=item B<get_all_children returns Array>

=item B<traverse ($self: Code $func) returns Void>


=head1 TODO

=over 4

=item Write more docs

=item Convert more tests

A good amount of Tree::Simple's test will not be relevant though.

=item Create a Visitor class

This would also be a good use for Roles.


=head1 AUTHOR

stevan little, E<lt>stevan@iinteractive.comE<gt>


Copyright (c) 2005. Stevan Little. All rights reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.

See L<>
