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{-# OPTIONS_GHC -cpp -fglasgow-exts -fno-warn-orphans -funbox-strict-fields #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -#include "UnicodeC.h" #-}

    Abstract syntax tree.

>   Tall ships and tall kings
>   Three times three.
>   What brought they from the foundered land
>   Over the flowing sea?
>   Seven stars and seven stones
>   And one white tree.

module Pugs.AST (
    genMultiSym, genSym,
    strRangeInf, strRange, strInc, charInc,
    mergeStmts, isEmptyParams,

    module Pugs.AST.Internals,
    module Pugs.AST.Pos,
    module Pugs.AST.Scope,
    module Pugs.AST.SIO,
    module Pugs.AST.Pad,
) where
import Pugs.Internals
import Pugs.Types
import qualified Data.Map as Map

import Pugs.AST.Internals
import Pugs.AST.Pos
import Pugs.AST.Scope
import Pugs.AST.SIO
import Pugs.AST.Pad

Return an infinite (lazy) Haskell list of the given string and its
successors. 'strInc' is used to determine what the \'next\' string is.

Used to implement the @...@ infinite-range operator on strings.
strRangeInf :: String -> [String]
strRangeInf s = (s:strRangeInf (strInc s))

Return a range of strings from the first argument to the second, inclusive
(as a Haskell list). 'strInc' is used to determine what the \'next\' string 

Used to implement the @..@ range operator on strings.
strRange :: String -> String -> [String]
strRange s1 s2
    | s1 == s2              = [s2]
    | length s1 > length s2 = []
    | otherwise             = (s1:strRange (strInc s1) s2)

Find the successor of a string (i.e. the next string \'after\' it).
Special rules are used to handle wraparound for strings ending in an
alphanumeric character; otherwise the last character is simply incremented 
using 'charInc'.
strInc :: String -> String
strInc []       = "1"
strInc "z"      = "aa"
strInc "Z"      = "AA"
strInc "9"      = "10"
strInc str
    | x == 'z'  = strInc xs ++ "a"
    | x == 'Z'  = strInc xs ++ "A"
    | x == '9'  = strInc xs ++ "0"
    | otherwise = xs ++ [charInc x]
    x   = last str
    xs  = init str

-- | Return the code-point-wise successor of a given character.
charInc :: Char -> Char
charInc x   = chr $ 1 + ord x

Evaluate the given expression, using the currently active evaluator
(as given by the 'envEval' slot of the current 'Env').
evalExp :: Exp -> Eval Val
evalExp exp = do
    evl <- asks envEval
    evl exp

Create a 'Pad'-transforming transaction that will install a symbol
definition in the 'Pad' it is applied to, /alongside/ any other mappings
of the same name. This is to allow for overloaded (i.e. multi) subs,
where one sub name actually maps to /all/ the different multi subs.
(Is this correct?)
genMultiSym :: MonadSTM m => String -> VRef -> m (Pad -> Pad)
genMultiSym name ref = do
    tvar    <- liftSTM $ newTVar ref
    fresh   <- liftSTM $ newTVar True
    return $ \(MkPad map) -> MkPad $
        Map.insertWith (++) name [(fresh, tvar)] map

Create a 'Pad'-transforming transaction that will install a symbol
mapping from a name to a thing, in the 'Pad' it is applied to.
Unlike 'genMultiSym', this version just installs a single definition
(right?), shadowing any earlier or outer definition.
genSym :: MonadSTM m => String -> VRef -> m (Pad -> Pad)
genSym name ref = do
    tvar    <- liftSTM $ newTVar ref
    fresh   <- liftSTM $ newTVar True
    return $ \(MkPad map) -> MkPad $ Map.insert name [(fresh, tvar)] map

-- Stmt is essentially a cons cell
-- Stmt (Stmt ...) is illegal
mergeStmts :: Exp -> Exp -> Exp
mergeStmts (Stmts x1 x2) y = mergeStmts x1 (mergeStmts x2 y)
mergeStmts Noop y@(Stmts _ _) = y
mergeStmts (Sym scope name x) y = Sym scope name (mergeStmts x y)
mergeStmts (Pad scope lex x) y = Pad scope lex (mergeStmts x y)
mergeStmts x@(Pos pos (Syn syn _)) y | (syn ==) `any` words "subst match //"  =
    mergeStmts (Pos pos (App (Var "&infix:~~") Nothing [Var "$_", x])) y
mergeStmts x y@(Pos pos (Syn syn _)) | (syn ==) `any` words "subst match //"  =
    mergeStmts x (Pos pos (App (Var "&infix:~~") Nothing [Var "$_", y]))
mergeStmts (Pos pos (Syn "sub" [Val (VCode sub)])) y
    | subType sub >= SubBlock, isEmptyParams (subParams sub) =
    -- bare Block in statement level; annul all its parameters and run it!
    mergeStmts (Pos pos $ App (Val $ VCode sub{ subParams = [] }) Nothing []) y
mergeStmts x (Pos pos (Syn "sub" [Val (VCode sub)]))
    | subType sub >= SubBlock, isEmptyParams (subParams sub) =
    -- bare Block in statement level; annul all its parameters and run it!
    mergeStmts x (Pos pos $ App (Val $ VCode sub{ subParams = [] }) Nothing [])
mergeStmts x (Stmts y Noop) = mergeStmts x y
mergeStmts x (Stmts Noop y) = mergeStmts x y
mergeStmts x y = Stmts x y

isEmptyParams :: [Param] -> Bool
isEmptyParams [] = True
isEmptyParams [x] | [_, '_'] <- paramName x = True
isEmptyParams _ = False

newClass :: String -> [String] -> Exp
newClass name traits = Sym SGlobal (':':'*':name) $ Syn ":="
    [ Var (':':'*':name)
    , App (Var "&Any::new")
        (Just $ Val (VType $ mkType "Class"))
        [ App (Var "&infix:=>") Nothing
            [ Val (VStr "traits")
            , Val (VList $ map VStr traits)
        , App (Var "&infix:=>") Nothing
            [ Val (VStr "name")
            , Val (VStr name)