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=head1 TITLE

PGE::P6Rule - Parse and compile Perl 6 rules


This file implements the Perl 6 rules compiler -- it parses strings
using Perl 6 rules syntax into a rule expression tree (see L<PGE::Exp>),
generates the PIR code from the expression tree, and compiles the
PIR code into a subroutine object.  

The parser here is implemented as a hybrid top-down parser, with a
token lookup table for individual pattern terms.  This parser is
likely temporary; one of our goals once more of Perl 6 is implemented
will be to use Perl 6 to write and compile a better (faster) rules parser.

=head2 Functions


.namespace [ "PGE::P6Rule" ]

.const int PGE_INF    = 2147483647                # XXX: arbitrary limit

.sub "__onload"
    .local pmc p6meta
    .local pmc u

    u = new Undef
    $I0 = find_type "PGE::TokenHash"
    p6meta = new $I0
    store_global "PGE::P6Rule", "%_p6meta", p6meta
    p6meta['*'] = u
    p6meta['+'] = u
    p6meta['?'] = u
    p6meta[':'] = u
    p6meta['|'] = u
    $P0 = find_global "PGE::P6Rule", "p6rule_parse_literal"
    p6meta['']  = $P0
    $P0 = find_global "PGE::P6Rule", "p6rule_parse_dot"
    p6meta['.'] = $P0
    $P0 = find_global "PGE::P6Rule", "p6rule_parse_anchor"
    p6meta['^'] = $P0
    p6meta['^^'] = $P0
    p6meta['$'] = $P0
    p6meta['$$'] = $P0
    p6meta["\\B"] = $P0
    p6meta["\\b"] = $P0
    $P0 = find_global "PGE::P6Rule", "p6rule_parse_cut"
    p6meta['::'] = $P0
    p6meta[':::'] = $P0
    $P0 = find_global "PGE::P6Rule", "p6rule_parse_group"
    p6meta['['] = $P0
    p6meta[']'] = u
    p6meta['('] = $P0
    p6meta[')'] = u
    $P0 = find_global "PGE::P6Rule", "p6rule_parse_alias"
    p6meta['$<'] = $P0
    p6meta['@<'] = $P0
    p6meta['%<'] = $P0
    p6meta['$0'] = $P0
    p6meta['$1'] = $P0
    p6meta['$2'] = $P0
    p6meta['$3'] = $P0
    p6meta['$4'] = $P0
    p6meta['$5'] = $P0
    p6meta['$6'] = $P0
    p6meta['$7'] = $P0
    p6meta['$8'] = $P0
    p6meta['$9'] = $P0
    $P0 = find_global "PGE::P6Rule", "p6rule_parse_subrule" 
    p6meta['<'] = $P0
    p6meta['>'] = u
    $P0 = find_global "PGE::P6Rule", "p6rule_parse_ccshortcut"
    p6meta['\d'] = $P0
    p6meta['\D'] = $P0
    p6meta['\w'] = $P0
    p6meta['\W'] = $P0
    p6meta['\s'] = $P0
    p6meta['\S'] = $P0
    p6meta['\n'] = $P0
    p6meta['\N'] = $P0
    $P0 = find_global "PGE::P6Rule", "p6rule_parse_charclass"
    p6meta['<['] = $P0
    p6meta['<-['] = $P0
    p6meta['<+['] = $P0

=item C<p6rule_parse_skip(STR pattern, PMC lex, INT skip)>

Advance the lexical context over the next C<skip> characters and 
scan until the next token is found in C<pattern>.  


.sub "p6rule_parse_skip"
    .param string pattern                  # pattern being analyzed
    .param pmc lex                         # current lexical state
    .param int skip                        # characters to skip
    .local int pos                         # current position
    .local int plen                        # pattern length

    plen = lex["plen"]
    pos = lex["pos"]
    pos += skip                      
    lex["ws"] = 0
    unless pos < plen goto end
    $I0 = is_whitespace pattern, pos
    lex["ws"] = $I0
    unless pos < plen goto end
    $I0 = is_whitespace pattern, pos 
    unless $I0 goto skipcomments
    inc pos
    goto skipws
    substr $S0, pattern, pos, 1
    if $S0 != '#' goto end
    inc pos
    unless pos < plen goto end
    $I0 = is_newline $S0, pos
    if $I0 goto skipws
    goto skipnl
    lex["pos"] = pos
    .return (pos)

=item C<p6rule_parse_string(STR pattern, PMC lex, STR stopat)>

Grab a sequence of characters, processing backslash escapes,
until one of the characters in C<stopat> is found.  Advances
the C<lex["pos"]> pointer as it goes.


.sub p6rule_parse_string
    .param string pattern
    .param pmc lex
    .param string stopat
    .param int pos
    .param int plen
    .param string val
    pos = lex["pos"]
    plen = lex["plen"]
    val = ""
    unless pos < plen goto end
    $S0 = substr pattern, pos, 1
    unless $S0 == "\\" goto string_2
    inc pos
    unless pos < plen goto end
    $S0 = substr pattern, pos, 1
    goto string_3
    $I0 = index stopat, $S0
    if $I0 >= 0 goto end
    concat val, $S0
    inc pos
    goto string_1
    lex["pos"] = pos
    .return (val)
=item C<p6rule_parse_error(STR pattern, PMC lex, STR message)>

Generates error messages during parsing.  Gracefully recovering
from errors in rule expressions still needs a fair amount of work
(but that's probably true for nearly any compiler).


.sub "p6rule_parse_error"
    .param string pattern
    .param pmc lex
    .param string message

    $P0 = new Exception
    $S0 = "PGE Parse error: "
    $S0 .= message
    $S0 .= " at offset "
    $I0 = lex["pos"]
    $S1 = $I0
    $S0 .= $S1
    $S0 .= " (found <<"
    $S1 = substr pattern, $I0, 1
    $S0 .= $S1
    $S0 .= ">>)\n"
    $P0["_message"] = $S0
    throw $P0

=item C<p6rule_parse_literal(STR pattern, PMC lex)>

Parse a literal string out of C<pattern> and return a PGE::Exp::Literal
object.  If a quantifier appears after a literal string, it applies
only to the last character (and we handle that below in C<p6rule_parse_quant>.


.sub "p6rule_parse_literal"
    .param string pattern                  # pattern being analyzed
    .param pmc lex                         # current position (Integer)
    .local pmc p6meta                      # meta characters (Hash)
    .local string c                        # current character
    .local string lit                      # captured literal
    .local int pos                         # current position
    .local pmc exp

    p6meta = find_global "PGE::P6Rule", "%_p6meta"
    lit = ''

    $I0 = lex["ws"]
    if $I0 goto literal_end
    pos = lex["pos"]
    c = substr pattern, pos, 1             # get current character
    if c == "\\" goto isslashmeta          # possibly a \ escape
    $I0 = exists p6meta[c]                 # see if we have a meta char
    if $I0 goto literal_end                # stop literal if we do
    concat lit, c                          # add char to literal
    "p6rule_parse_skip"(pattern, lex, 1)   # move to next position
    goto literal                           # get next lit char
    c = substr pattern, pos, 2             # get full \ escape
    $I0 = exists p6meta[c]                 # see if this is a meta
    if $I0 goto literal_end                # yes, so stop literal
    c = substr c, 1                        # use actual char here
    concat lit, c                          # add escaped char to literal
    "p6rule_parse_skip"(pattern, lex, 2)   # skip them
    goto literal                           # go for next
    $P0 = find_global "PGE::Exp", "new"
    exp = $P0("PGE::Exp::Literal")
    exp["literal"] = lit
    .return (exp)

=item C<p6rule_parse_dot(STR pattern, PMC lex)>

Parse a dot (.) token and return a C<PGE::Exp::Dot> object for it.


.sub "p6rule_parse_dot"
    .param string pattern
    .param pmc lex
    .param string token
    .local pmc exp
    p6rule_parse_skip(pattern, lex, 1)
    $P0 = find_global "PGE::Exp", "new"
    exp = $P0("PGE::Exp::Dot")
    .return (exp)

=item C<p6rule_parse_anchor(STR pattern, PMC lex)>

Parse one of the ^, ^^, $, or $$ anchors and return a 
C<PGE::Exp::Anchor> object for it.  Note that $ will be
a little tricky here, because it can also be used to represent
backreferences or variables.


.sub "p6rule_parse_anchor"
    .param string pattern
    .param pmc lex
    .param string token
    .local pmc exp

    $I0 = length token
    p6rule_parse_skip(pattern, lex, $I0)
    $P0 = find_global "PGE::Exp", "new"
    exp = $P0("PGE::Exp::Anchor")
    exp["token"] = token
    .return (exp)

=item C<p6rule_parse_group(STR pattern, PMC lex)>

Parse a capturing or non-capturing group.  '[' is used to indicate
non-capturing groups, and '(' indicates capturing subpatterns.
Furthermore, '('-captures introduce a new lexical scope for


.sub "p6rule_parse_group"
    .param string pattern
    .param pmc lex
    .param string token
    .local pmc exp
    .local int pos
    .local string ket
    .local int subp
    .local pmc cname
    .local int isaliased

    p6rule_parse_skip(pattern, lex, 1)             # skip '(' or ']'
    $P0 = find_global "PGE::Exp", "new"            # create group exp object
    exp = $P0("PGE::Exp::Group")
    isaliased = exists lex["cname"]
    unless isaliased goto group_1                  # are we aliased?
    cname = lex["cname"]                           # yes, use that capture name
    exp["cname"] = cname
    delete lex["cname"]                            # and then remove it
    subp = lex["subp"]                             # current subpattern count
    unless token == '(' goto group_2               
    exp["cscope"] = 1                              # '(' == scoped capture
    lex["subp"] = 0                                # restart subpattern #'s
    if isaliased goto group_2                      # if not aliased
    exp["cname"] = subp                            # use subpattern number
    inc subp                                       # and increase
    $P1 = "p6rule_parse_exp"(pattern, lex)         # parse subexpression
    exp["exp1"] = $P1                              # store in group exp
    pos = lex['pos']                               # update pattern pos
    $S0 = substr pattern, pos, 1                   # get closing char
    unless token == '(' goto group_3               # if scoped capture '('
    lex["subp"] = subp                             # set next subpattern #
    if $S0 == ')' goto group_4                     # check for closing char
    p6rule_parse_error(pattern, lex, "group missing ')'")
    goto end
  group_3:                                         # unscoped capture
    if $S0 == ']' goto group_4                     
    p6rule_parse_error(pattern, lex, "group missing ']'")
    goto end
    p6rule_parse_skip(pattern, lex, 1)             # skip closing token
    .return (exp)

=item C<p6rule_parse_subrule(STR pattern, PMC lex)>

Parses subrules.


.sub p6rule_parse_subrule
    .param string pattern
    .param pmc lex
    .param string token
    .local int pos
    .local pmc exp
    p6rule_parse_skip(pattern, lex, 1)
    pos = lex["pos"]
    $I0 = pos
    $S0 = substr pattern, pos, 1
    unless $S0 == '?' goto subrule_1
    inc pos
    inc $I0
    $I1 = is_wordchar pattern, pos 
    unless $I1 goto subrule_1b
    inc pos
    goto subrule_1
    $S0 = substr pattern, pos, 1
    if $S0 == '.' goto subrule_1_inc
    if $S0 == ':' goto subrule_1_inc
    $I1 = pos - $I0
    if $I1 > 0 goto subrule_3
    p6rule_parse_error(pattern, lex, "invalid subrule name")
    $P0 = find_global "PGE::Exp", "new"
    $P1 = $P0("PGE::Exp")
    exp = $P0("PGE::Exp::Group", $P1)
    $S0 = substr pattern, $I0, $I1
    exp["rname"] = $S0
    exp["cname"] = $S0
    $I0 = exists lex["cname"]
    unless $I0 goto subrule_4
    $P0 = lex["cname"]
    exp["cname"] = $P0
    $S0 = substr pattern, pos, 1
    if $S0 == '>' goto subrule_5
    p6rule_parse_error(pattern, lex, "missing closing '>'")
    goto subrule_6
    inc pos
    lex["pos"] = pos
    p6rule_parse_skip(pattern, lex, 0)
    .return (exp)

=item C<p6rule_parse_alias(STR pattern, PMC lex, STR token)>

Parse an alias or backreference.


.sub p6rule_parse_alias
    .param string pattern
    .param pmc lex
    .param string token
    .local int pos, plen
    .local int subp
    .local pmc exp

    pos = lex["pos"]                               # get current position
    inc pos                                        # skip past '$'
    if token == '$<' goto name                     # $< == named capture
    if token == '@<' goto name                     # @< == named capture
    if token == '%<' goto name                     # %< == named capture
    $I0 = pos                                      # aha, numeric capture
    plen = lex["plen"]                             # now let's scan for digits
    if $I0 >= plen goto num_1            
    $I1 = is_digit pattern, $I0
    unless $I1 goto num_1
    inc $I0
    goto num_0
  num_1:                                           # we have digits
    lex["pos"] = $I0                               # save new scan position
    $I0 -= pos                                     # get length of digit seq.
    $S0 = substr pattern, pos, $I0                 # extract digit seq.
    subp = $S0                                     # convert to integer
    lex["cname"] = subp                            # this capture
    inc subp                                       # store next subpattern #
    lex["subp"] = subp                             # 
    p6rule_parse_skip(pattern, lex, 0)             # skip ws
    goto alias
    inc pos                                        # skip over '<'
    lex["pos"] = pos                               # set position
    $S0 = p6rule_parse_string(pattern, lex, '>')   # now get named alias
    lex["cname"] = $S0                             # capture to this alias
    p6rule_parse_skip(pattern, lex, 1)             # skip closing '>'  (XXX)
    pos = lex["pos"]                               # get current pos
    $S0 = substr pattern, pos, 2                   # check for ':='
    unless $S0 == ':=' goto backref                
    p6rule_parse_skip(pattern, lex, 2)             # skip ':='
    exp = p6rule_parse_term(pattern, lex)          # parse a term to capture
    goto end
    $P0 = find_global "PGE::Exp", "new"            # create a backreference
    exp = $P0("PGE::Exp::Scalar")
    $P0 = lex["cname"]
    exp["cname"] = $P0
    delete lex["cname"]                            # destroy any capture name
    .return (exp)

=item C<p6rule_parse_ccshortcut(STR pattern, PMC lex)>

Parses a character class of some sort, including the \n, \N, \s, \S,
and related matches.


.sub p6rule_parse_ccshortcut
    .param string pattern
    .param pmc lex
    .param string token
    .local pmc exp
    $P0 = find_global "PGE::Exp", "new"
    exp = $P0("PGE::Exp::CCShortcut")
    exp["token"] = token
    $I0 = length token
    p6rule_parse_skip(pattern, lex, $I0)
    .return (exp)

=item C<p6rule_parse_charclass(STR pattern, PMC lex, STR token)>

Parse a character class in a rule expression.

Note: The interface for PGE::Exp::CharClass may change in the
near future, so don't rely on this code too strongly just yet.
(pmichaud, 2005-05-11)


.sub p6rule_parse_charclass
    .param string pattern
    .param pmc lex
    .param string token
    .local int pos, plen
    .local string charclass
    .local int range
    .local pmc exp
    pos = lex["pos"]
    plen = lex["plen"]
    $I0 = length token
    pos += $I0
    charclass = ''
    range = 0
    if pos >= plen goto no_close_err
    $S0 = substr pattern, pos, 1
    if $S0 == ']' goto end_class
    if $S0 == '-' goto unescaped_hyphen
    if $S0 == '.' goto start_range
    unless $S0 == '\\' goto add_char
    inc pos
    $S0 = substr pattern, pos, 1
    $I0 = index "nrtfae0", $S0
    if $I0 == -1 goto add_char
    $S0 = substr "\n\r\t\f\a\e\0", $I0, 1
    inc pos
    if range goto add_range
    concat charclass, $S0
    goto scan
    range = 0
    $I2 = ord charclass, -1
    $I0 = ord $S0
    inc $I2
    if $I2 > $I0 goto scan
    $S1 = chr $I2
    concat charclass, $S1
    goto add_range_1
    if range goto add_range
    $S1 = substr pattern, pos, 2
    unless $S1 == ".." goto add_char
    pos += 2
    range = 1
    goto scan
    $S0 = substr pattern, pos, 2
    unless $S0 == "]>" goto unescaped_bracket
    pos += 2
    lex["pos"] = pos
    p6rule_parse_skip(pattern, lex, 0)
    $P0 = find_global "PGE::Exp", "new"
    exp = $P0("PGE::Exp::CharClass")
    exp["charclass"] = charclass
    $S0 = substr token, 1, 1
    if $S0 == "-" goto charclass_negate
    exp["charmatch"] = "if"
    goto end
    exp["charmatch"] = "unless"
    goto end
    p6rule_parse_error(pattern, lex, "Unescaped '-' in charclass (use '..' or '\\-')")
    goto end
    p6rule_parse_error(pattern, lex, "No closing ']>' for character class")
    goto end
    p6rule_parse_error(pattern, lex, "Unescaped ']' in character class")
    goto end
    .return (exp)

=item C<p6rule_parse_cut(STR pattern, PMC lex)>

Parse one of the cut terms (::, :::) in a rule expression.
The single-colon cut (cut previous expression) is actually
handled as a special quantifier.


.sub p6rule_parse_cut
    .param string pattern
    .param pmc lex
    .param string token
    .local pmc exp
    $P0 = find_global "PGE::Exp", "new"
    exp = $P0("PGE::Exp::Cut")
    exp["token"] = token
    $I0 = length token
    p6rule_parse_skip(pattern, lex, $I0)
    .return (exp)

=item C<p6rule_parse_term(STR pattern, PMC lex)>

Parse a single term in a rule expression, such as a literal,
anchor, assertion, backslash sequence, etc.  We use a TokenHash
here as a lookup table to find the longest sequence of matching


.sub "p6rule_parse_term"
    .param string pattern                          # pattern
    .param pmc lex                                 # current lexical state
    .local pmc p6meta                              # hash of meta chars
    .local int pos                                 # current position
    .local string c                                # current character
    .local pmc exp                                 # returned expression

    p6rule_parse_skip(pattern, lex, 0)             # skip to next token
    pos = lex["pos"]

    p6meta = find_global "PGE::P6Rule", "%_p6meta"
    c = p6meta."lkey"(pattern, pos)
    $P0 = p6meta[c]
    (exp) = $P0(pattern, lex, c)
    .return (exp)

=item C<p6rule_parse_quant(STR pattern, PMC lex)>

Parse a quantified term expressions, as well as the C<:> backtracking
control.  Currently does not handle **{m..n} quantifiers, but that 
will be coming soon.


.sub "p6rule_parse_quant"
    .param string pattern
    .param pmc lex
    .local pmc exp
    .local pmc qexp
    .local string c
    .local int offset
    .local int pos

    (exp) = "p6rule_parse_term"(pattern, lex)
    set qexp, exp
    pos = lex["pos"]
    c = substr pattern, pos, 1
    $I0 = index "*+?:", c
    if $I0 < 0 goto end
    $I0 = isa exp, "PGE::Exp::Literal"             # break multichar literals
    unless $I0 goto quant                          # not a literal
    $S0 = exp["literal"]                           
    $I0 = length $S0                          
    unless $I0 > 1 goto quant                      # not multichar
    $S1 = substr $S0, -1, 1                        # split off last char
    chopn $S0, 1                                   # else split off last char
    exp["literal"] = $S0                           # save shorter literal
    $P1 = find_global "PGE::Exp", "new"            
    qexp = $P1("PGE::Exp::Literal")                # create quantified literal
    qexp["literal"] = $S1
    exp = $P1("PGE::Exp::Concat", exp, qexp)       # and concat
  quant:                                           # qexp is the atom to quant
    if c != "?" goto quant_plus
    pos = "p6rule_parse_skip"(pattern, lex, 1)
    qexp["min"] = 0
    goto quant_greedy
    if c != "+" goto quant_star
    pos = "p6rule_parse_skip"(pattern, lex, 1)
    qexp["max"] = PGE_INF
    qexp["isarray"] = 1
    goto quant_greedy
    if c != "*" goto quant_greedy
    pos = "p6rule_parse_skip"(pattern, lex, 1)
    c = substr pattern, pos, 1
    if c == '*' goto quant_range
    qexp["min"] = 0
    qexp["max"] = PGE_INF
    qexp["isarray"] = 1
    goto quant_greedy
    pos = "p6rule_parse_skip"(pattern, lex, 1)
    c = substr pattern, pos, 1
    unless c == '{' goto quant_range_error
    pos = "p6rule_parse_skip"(pattern, lex, 1)
    $I0 = pos
    $I1 = is_digit pattern, $I0
    unless $I1 goto quant_range_2
    inc $I0
    goto quant_range_1
    $I0 -= pos
    $S0 = substr pattern, pos, $I0
    qexp["min"] = $S0
    qexp["max"] = $S0
    pos = "p6rule_parse_skip"(pattern, lex, $I0)
    $S0 = substr pattern, pos, 1
    if $S0 == '}' goto quant_range_close
    $S0 = substr pattern, pos, 3
    unless $S0 == "..." goto quant_range_3
    qexp["max"] = PGE_INF
    pos = "p6rule_parse_skip"(pattern, lex, 3)
    goto quant_range_close
    $S0 = substr pattern, pos, 2
    unless $S0 == ".." goto quant_range_error
    pos = "p6rule_parse_skip"(pattern, lex, 2)
    $I0 = pos
    $I1 = is_digit pattern, $I0
    unless $I1 goto quant_range_5
    inc $I0
    goto quant_range_4
    $I0 -= pos
    unless $I0 > 0 goto quant_range_error
    $S0 = substr pattern, pos, $I0
    qexp["max"] = $S0
    pos = "p6rule_parse_skip"(pattern, lex, $I0)
    $S0 = substr pattern, pos, 1
    unless $S0 == '}' goto quant_range_error
    pos = "p6rule_parse_skip"(pattern, lex, 1)
    goto quant_greedy
    p6rule_parse_error(pattern, lex, "error in range quantifier")
    c = substr pattern, pos, 1
    if c != '?' goto quant_cut
    pos = "p6rule_parse_skip"(pattern, lex, 1)
    qexp["isgreedy"] = 0
    c = substr pattern, pos, 1
    if c != ':' goto end
    inc pos
    c = substr pattern, pos, 1
    if c == ':' goto end
    pos = "p6rule_parse_skip"(pattern, lex, 1)
    qexp["iscut"] = 1
    .return (exp)

=item C<p6rule_parse_concat(STR pattern, PMC lex)>

Parse a concatenated sequence of rule expressions, terminated
by a closing group character, an alternation, or a conjunction.
We also generate <?ws> rules as needed here.
XXX: We need to add an option here to allow other characters to
terminate the expression.


.sub "p6rule_parse_concat"
    .param string pattern
    .param pmc lex
    .local pmc exp
    .local pmc p6meta
    .local int words

    $P0 = find_global "PGE::Exp", "new"
    words = lex["words"]
    unless words goto concat_1
    $I0 = lex["ws"]
    unless $I0 goto concat_1
    (exp) = $P0("PGE::Exp::WS")
    lex["ws"] = 0
    goto concat_2
    (exp) = "p6rule_parse_quant"(pattern, lex)
    unless words goto concat_2
    $I0 = lex["ws"]
    if $I0 goto concat_3
    $I0 = lex["pos"]
    $S0 = substr pattern, $I0, 1
    if $S0 == '' goto end
    $I0 = index "])|&", $S0
    if $I0 >= 0 goto end
    ($P1) = "p6rule_parse_concat"(pattern, lex)
    (exp) = $P0("PGE::Exp::Concat", exp, $P1)
    .return (exp)

=item C<p6rule_parse_alt(STR pattern, PMC lex)>

Parse an alternating sequence of rule expressions, and
generate a PGE::Exp::Alt object for it.  We also have
to adjust the subpattern counts here.


.sub "p6rule_parse_alt"
    .param string pattern
    .param pmc lex
    .local pmc exp
    .local int subp
    .local int subp1

    subp = lex["subp"]
    (exp) = "p6rule_parse_concat"(pattern, lex)
    $I0 = lex["pos"]
    $S0 = substr pattern, $I0, 1
    if $S0 != '|' goto end
    subp1 = lex["subp"]
    lex["subp"] = subp
    "p6rule_parse_skip"(pattern, lex, 1)
    ($P0) = "p6rule_parse_alt"(pattern, lex)
    $P1 = find_global "PGE::Exp", "new"
    (exp) = $P1("PGE::Exp::Alt", exp, $P0)
    $I0 = lex["subp"]
    unless subp1 > $I0 goto end
    lex["subp"] = subp1
    .return (exp)
=item C<p6rule_parse_exp(STR pattern, PMC lex)>

Parse a complete rule expression and return its expression object.
Note that this function may be called recursively from
C<p6rule_parse_group> above.


.sub "p6rule_parse_exp"
    .param string pattern
    .param pmc lex
    .local int words, ignorecase
    .local int pos
    .local pmc exp

    words = lex["words"]
    ignorecase = lex["ignorecase"]
    $I0 = lex["ws"]
    if $I0 goto exp_1
    pos = lex["pos"]
    $S0 = substr pattern, pos, 2
    if $S0 == ':i' goto exp_i
    if $S0 == ':w' goto exp_w
    goto exp_1
    lex["ignorecase"] = 1
    p6rule_parse_skip(pattern, lex, 2)
    goto exp_0
    lex["words"] = 1
    p6rule_parse_skip(pattern, lex, 2)
    goto exp_0
    (exp) = "p6rule_parse_alt"(pattern, lex)
    lex["words"] = words
    lex["ignorecase"] = ignorecase
    .return (exp)

=item C<(PMC rule, PMC code, PMC expr) = p6rule(STR pattern)>

Compile C<pattern> containing a Perl 6 rule expression into
a subroutine that can match that expression, returned as C<rule>.
The C<p6rule> subroutine also returns the PIR code and expression
tree used to generate the rule (generally for debugging purposes).


.namespace [ "PGE" ]

.sub "p6rule"
    .param string pattern
    .local pmc lex
    .local pmc exp
    .local pmc code
    .local pmc rule

    lex = new Hash
    lex["pos"] = 0
    lex["subp"] = 0
    $I0 = length pattern
    lex["plen"] = $I0
    $P0 = find_global "PGE::P6Rule", "p6rule_parse_skip"
    $P0(pattern, lex, 0)
    $P0 = find_global "PGE::P6Rule", "p6rule_parse_exp"
    (exp) = $P0(pattern, lex)

    $P1 = find_global "PGE::Exp", "new"
    $P2 = $P1("PGE::Exp::End")
    exp = $P1("PGE::Exp::Concat", exp, $P2)
    exp = $P1("PGE::Exp::Start", exp)


    code = new String
    exp.gen(code, "R", "fail")
    # print code
    compreg $P0, "PIR"
    $S0 = code
    rule = compile $P0, $S0
    .return (rule, code, exp)

=head1 AUTHOR

Patrick Michaud ( is the author and maintainer.
Patches and suggestions should be sent to the Perl 6 compiler list
