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#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w

=head1 NAME

vcp - Copy versions of files between repositories and/or RevML


   # interactive mode:

   vcp [vcp_opts]

   # scriptable command line mode:

   vcp [vcp_opts] <source> <dest>

   # getting options from a file:

   vcp vcp:config.vcp

   # help output:

   vcp help
   vcp help [topic]


C<vcp> ('version copy') copies versions of files from one repository to another,
translating as much metadata as possible along the way.  This allows you to
copy and translate files and their histories between revision storage systems.

Supported source and destination types are C<cvs:>, C<p4:>, and C<revml:>.

=head2 Copying Versions

The general syntax of the vcp command line is:

   vcp [<vcp options>] <source> <dest>

The three portions of the command line are:


=item C<E<lt>vcp optionsE<gt>>

Command line options that control the operation of the C<vcp> command, like
C<-d> for debugging or C<-h> for help.  There are very few global options,
these are covered below. Note that they must come before the
C<E<lt>sourceE<gt>> specification.

=item C<E<lt>sourceE<gt>>

Were to extract versions from, including any command line options needed to
control what is extracted and how.  See the next section.

=item C<E<lt>destE<gt>>

Where to insert versions, including any command line options needed to control
how files are stored.  See the next section.


=head2 Specifying Repositories

The C<E<lt>sourceE<gt>> and C<E<lt>destE<gt>> specifications specify a
repository and provide any options needed for accessing that repository.

These spefications may be a simple filename for reading or writing RevML
files (if the requisite XML handling modules are installed). or a full
repository specification like C<cvs:/home/cvs/root:module> or

When using the long form to access a repository, C<E<lt>sourceE<gt>> and
C<E<lt>destE<gt>> specification have several fields delimited by C<:>
and C<@>, and may have trailing command line options.  The full (rarely
used) syntax is:

   scheme:user(view):password@repository:filespec [<options>]



=item C<scheme:>

The repository type (C<p4:>, C<cvs:>, C<revml:>).

=item C<user>, C<view>, and C<password>

Optional values for authenticating with the repository and identifying which
view to use.  C<cvs> does not use C<view>.  For C<p4>, C<view> is the client
setting (equibalent to setting C<P4CLIENT> or using C<p4>'s C<-c> option).

=item C<repository>

The repository spec, CVSROOT for CVS or P4PORT for p4.

=item C<filespec>

Which versions of what files to move.  As much as possible, this spec is
similar to the native filespecs used by the repository indicated by the scheme.

=item C<E<lt>optionsE<gt>>

Command line options that usually mimic the options provided by the underlying
repositories' command line tools (C<cvs>, C<p4>, etc).


Most of these fields are omitted in practice, only the C<scheme> field is
required, though (in most cases) the C<repository> field is also needed unless
you set the appropriate environment variables (C<CVSROOT>, C<P4PORT>, etc).

The a bit confusing, here are some examples specs:


Options and formats for of individual schemes can be found in the relevant
help topics, for instance:

   vcp help source::cvs

Run C<vcp help> for a list of topics.

When reading and writing RevML files, a simple filename will do
(although the long form may also be used).  The special value "-" means
to read/write stdin and stdout when used as a source or destination
name, respectively.  "-" is assumed if a specification is not provided,
so these invocations all accomplish the same thing, reading and writing

   vcp -
   vcp revml:-
   vcp revml:
   vcp - -
   vcp - revml:-
   vcp - revml:
   vcp revml:- revml:-
   vcp revml: revml:

=head2 C<vcp> Options

All general options to vcp must precede the C<E<lt>sourceE<gt>>.
Scheme-specific options must be placed immediately after the
C<E<lt>sourceE<gt>> or C<E<lt>destE<gt>> spec and before the next one.


=item --debug, -d

Enables logging of debugging information.

=item --help, -h, -?

These are all equivalent to C<vcp help>.

=item --output-config-file=$filename

Write the settings (parsed from the UI, the command line, or a config
file to a file.  Useful for capturing settings or user interface output.
Does not affect running.  Use "-" to emit to STDOUT.

B<NOTE 1>: This does I<not> emit an "Options:" section containing global
options (those listed here).  Almost all of these options are not useful
to emit; we can add an option to force their emission if need be.

B<NOTE 2>: When using the interactive user interface, this option takes
effect after the last interactive portion and, if vcp goes on to run a
conversion, before any conversion is run.  This occurs in addition to
any configuration files the user may ask the interactive interface to
write.  This may change in the future (for instance, if the interactive
dialog includes an option to extract and analyze metadata).  

=item --dont-convert

Do not run a conversion.  Useful when you just want to emit a .vcp file.

=item --versions

Emits the version numbers of bundled files.

=item --terse, -t

Suppress verbose explanations when running the interactive UI.  Has
no effect on operation if all settings are read from the command line
or a .vcp file.

=item --quiet, -q

Suppresses the banner and progress bars.


=head2 Getting help

(See also L<Generating HTML Documentation|/Generating HTML Documentation>,

There is a slightly different command line format for requesting help:

   vcp help [<topic>]

where C<E<lt>topicE<gt>> is the optional name of a topic.  C<vcp help> without
a C<E<lt>>topicC<E<gt>> prints out a list of topics, and C<vcp help vcp>
emits this page.

All help documents are also available as Unix C<man> pages and using the
C<perldoc> command, although the names are slightly different:

   with vcp               via perldoc        
   ================       ===========
   vcp help vcp           perldoc vcp
   vcp help source::cvs   perldoc VCP::Source::cvs
   vcp help source::cvs   perldoc VCP::Dest::p4

C<vcp help> is case insensitive, C<perldoc> and C<man> may or may not be
depending on your filesystem.  The C<man> commands look just like the example
C<perldoc> commands except for the command name.  Both have the advantage that
they use your system's configured pager if possible.

=head2 Environment Variables

The environment is often used to set context for the source and
destination by way of variables like P4USER, P4CLIENT, CVSROOT, etc.



The VCPDEBUG variable acts just like C<-d=$VCPDEBUG> was present on the
command line:


(see L<"--debug, -d"> for more info).  This is useful when VCP is
embedded in another application, like a makefile or a test suite.


=for test_scripts t/10vcp.t t/50revml.t


## .pm AND .pod FILES ARE IN lib/ AND PAR <= 0.79 DOES NOT ALLOW US TO
## =head2 Generating HTML Documentation
## All of the help pages in C<vcp> can be built in to an HTML tree with the
## command:
##    vcp html <dest_dir>
## The index file will be C<E<lt>dest_dirE<gt>/index.html>.
## t/50revml.t is used too so that we actually make sure that filenames get
## passed through to the source (at least) properly.

use strict ;
use File::Spec;

   ## Massage @INC because we do a lot of lazy loading and relative
   ## dirs in @INC give us fits
   for ( @INC ) {
      next if ref;
      next if File::Spec->file_name_is_absolute( $_ );
      $_ = File::Spec->rel2abs( $_ );

   ## Check for options that must take effect ASAP
   $ENV{VCPDEBUG}   ||= grep /\A(-d|--debug)\z/, @ARGV;
   $ENV{VCPPROFILE} ||= grep /\A(--profile)\z/, @ARGV;
   if ( grep /\A(--diestack)\z/, @ARGV ) {
      $SIG{__DIE__} = sub {
         local $SIG{__DIE__} = 'DEFAULT';
         require Carp;
         Carp::confess( @_ );
      @ARGV = grep ! /\A(--diestack)\z/, @ARGV;

use VCP::Logger qw( lg pr set_quiet_mode BUG );
use VCP::Debug qw( :debug ) ;
use VCP::Utils qw( empty shell_quote program_name );
use Getopt::Long ;
use VCP ;

my $program_name = program_name;

my $quiet_mode;
my $terse_ui_prompts;   ## set from command line
my $output_config_file; ## Set from a command line.
my $dont_convert;

eval {
   my $dtd_spec ;
   my $arg = "";

   lg shell_quote( $program_name, @ARGV );

   my @plugins;

   ## Parse up to the first non-option, then let sources & dests parse
   ## from there.
   Getopt::Long::Configure( qw( no_auto_abbrev no_bundling no_permute ) ) ;
   parse_cli_options( \@ARGV );

   my $interactive_ui = !@ARGV;  ## will also be set later if 'edit' arg
   my $vcp_filename;  ## Set if we're to edit an existing file

   if ( !$interactive_ui ) {
      ## command line mode

      $arg = $ARGV[0];
#      build_html_tree_and_exit( $program_name, @ARGV[1..$#ARGV] )
      die "HTML is now generated by developers at build time with\nbin/genhtml, sorry\n"
         if $arg eq "html";
      help_and_exit( @ARGV[1..$#ARGV] )
         if $arg eq 'help' ;

      my $vcp_spec;

      if ( $arg eq "scan" || $arg eq "filter" || $arg eq "transfer" ) {

      my @errors;

      if ( $arg eq "edit" ) {
         $interactive_ui = 1;
         my $spec = shift;
         if ( empty $spec ) {
            push @errors, "edit requires a vcp configuration file name"
         else {
            require VCP::ConfigFileUtils;
            ( $vcp_filename = $spec ) =~ s/^vcp://i;
            $vcp_spec = VCP::ConfigFileUtils::parse_config_file(
      else {
         ## See if it's a config file: look for vcp: or .vcp or even
         ## try sniffing it to see if it looks like one
         my $source_spec = $ARGV[0];

         require VCP::ConfigFileUtils;
         my $is_vcp_file =
            $source_spec =~ s/^vcp://i || $source_spec =~ /\.vcp\z/i;

         my $cant_be_vcp_file = ! $is_vcp_file && (
            $source_spec eq "-"   ## must be a revml file
            || $source_spec =~ /\.revml\z/i
            || $source_spec =~ /^\w{2,}:/ # ignore foo:, sniff C:
            || ! -e $source_spec
            || -S _ < 1_000_000       # That would be toooo big

         $vcp_spec = $is_vcp_file
            ? VCP::ConfigFileUtils::parse_config_file( $source_spec )
            : ! $cant_be_vcp_file
               ? VCP::ConfigFileUtils::parse_config_file(
                  "may not be a config file"
               )   # sniff the file, return FALSE if !vcp file
               : 0;

         if ( $vcp_spec ) {
            $vcp_filename = $source_spec;
            shift @ARGV;


      if ( $vcp_spec ) {
         ## It's a .vcp file parsed in to @$vcp_spec.
         if ( @$vcp_spec && $vcp_spec->[0] eq "options" ) {
            shift @$vcp_spec;
            parse_cli_options( shift @$vcp_spec );

         push @errors, "$vcp_filename does not specify a Source\n"
            unless $arg eq "filter"
               || ( $vcp_spec && @$vcp_spec && $vcp_spec->[0] eq "source" );

         push @errors, "$vcp_filename does not specify a Destination\n"
            unless $arg eq "scan" || $arg eq "filter"
               || ( $vcp_spec && @$vcp_spec && $vcp_spec->[-2] eq "dest" );

         push @errors,
            "command line parameters not allowed when using config file: "
            . join( " ", @ARGV )
            . "\n"
            if @ARGV;

         while ( @$vcp_spec ) {
            my ( $tag, $value ) = ( shift @$vcp_spec, shift @$vcp_spec );

            my $default_scheme;
            my $type;
            my $spec;
            my $parms;
            # Unlike the command line, we know there *must* be a source
            # and a dest in @$vcp_spec.  Anything in between is filters.
            if ( $tag eq "source" || $tag eq "dest" ) {
               $default_scheme = "revml";
               $type = $tag;
               $spec = shift @$value;
            else {
               $default_scheme = $tag;
               $type = "Filter";
               $spec = "";

            print banner()
               if !$quiet_mode
                   && $type eq "dest"
                   && length $spec
                   && $spec ne "-";
               ## Don't emit the banner if we're emitting to STDOUT.

            push @plugins, load_module( $spec, $type, $default_scheme, $value );

            die "extra parameters for $tag: ", shell_quote( @$value ), "\n" 
               if @$value;
      else {
         ## Parse the command line.
         my $type = "Source";
         while ( @ARGV ) {
            my $spec = shift;

            my $default_scheme;
            if ( $type eq "Source" ) {
               $default_scheme = "revml";
            elsif ( $type ne "Dest" && find_filter( $spec ) ) {
               ## It's a filter.
               $type = "Filter";
            else {
               $type           = "Dest";
               $default_scheme = "revml";

           print banner()
               if !$quiet_mode
                   && $type eq "Dest"
                   && length $spec
                   && $spec ne "-";
               ## Don't emit the banner if we're emitting to STDOUT.

            ## We pass \@ARGV to the constructors for source and dest so
            ## that they may parse some of @ARGV and leave the rest.
            ## Actually, that's only important for sources, since the
            ## dests should consume it all anyway.  But, for
            ## consistency's sake, I do the same to both.
            push @plugins, load_module( $spec, $type, $default_scheme, \@ARGV );
            $type = "";

            ## Fake up a destination if none was passed.
            push( @ARGV, "revml:-" ), $type = "Dest"
               if ! @ARGV && ! $plugins[-1]->isa( "VCP::Dest" ) ;

         push @errors, "extra parameters: " . join( ' ', @ARGV ) . "\n"
            if @ARGV;

      if ( @errors ) {
         my $errors = join( '', @errors ) ;
         $errors =~ s/^/$program_name ERROR: /mg ;
         chomp $errors;
         die $errors, "\n" ;

   if ( $interactive_ui ) {
      ### interactive mode
      print banner() if !$quiet_mode;
      require VCP::UI;
      my $ui = VCP::UI->new( 
         defined $terse_ui_prompts ? ( TersePrompts => 1 ) : (),

      print <<END_INTRO unless @plugins || defined $terse_ui_prompts;

This is vcp's text mode interactive user interface.  It asks a series of
questions and then allows you to save the answers in a configuration
file and/or do a conversion based on them.

After each question any example free-form input is shown in parentheses.
If a default value is available, that is shown in square brackets.  You
may press 'Enter' to accept the default.  For yes/no questions, 'y' or
'n' is sufficient.  For non-yes/no multiple choice questions, use the
number or enter the entire choice text.

vcp may also be provided with all the information it needs on the
command line or using a configuration file.  To read up on these
options, run "vcp help" from the command line after quitting the
interactive interface.


      my ( $source, $dest, $do_convert );
      ( $source, $dest, $output_config_file, $do_convert ) = $ui->run(
            ? (
               Source   => $plugins[ 0],
               Dest     => $plugins[-1],
               Filename => $vcp_filename,
            : ()

      $dont_convert = 1 unless $do_convert;

      if ( ! @plugins ) {  ## None scanned from existing .vcp file
         push @plugins, $source;

         require VCP::DefaultFilters;
         my $df = VCP::DefaultFilters->new;
         my @filter_args = $df->create_default_filters( $source, $dest );

         # call load_module for each filter in @filter_args.
         while ( @filter_args ) {
            my $spec = shift @filter_args;

            my $default_scheme;
            if ( find_filter( $spec ) ) {
               push @plugins, load_module(
                  $spec, "Filter", undef, \@filter_args
            else {
               BUG "attempted to load a non-existent default filter: $spec";

         push @plugins, $dest;
      else {
         $plugins[ 0] = $source;
         $plugins[-1] = $dest;


   if ( $arg eq "scan" ) {
      @plugins = (
         load_module( "metadb:source_metadb:", "Dest", undef, [] ),
   elsif ( $arg eq "filter" ) {
      shift @plugins; ## filtering requires no source and no dest
      pop @plugins;
      pr "vcp: no filters to apply\n" unless @plugins;
      @plugins = (
         load_module( "metadb:source_metadb:", "Source", undef, [] ),
         load_module( "metadb:filtered_metadb:", "Dest", undef, [] ),
   elsif ( $arg eq "transfer" ) {
      @plugins = (
         load_module( "metadb:filtered_metadb:", "Source", undef, [
         ] ),

   if ( defined $output_config_file ) {
      require VCP::ConfigFileUtils;
      VCP::ConfigFileUtils::write_config_file( $output_config_file, @plugins );

   unless ( $dont_convert ) {
      # init should:
      #   set default values don't make sense in the constructor
      #   do initialization that doesn't make sense in constructor
      #   do cross-checking between fields
      $_->init for @plugins;

      my $cp = VCP->new( @plugins );
         unless $arg eq "scan" || $arg eq "transfer";
      my $header = {} ;
      my $footer = {} ;
      $cp->copy_all( $header, $footer ) ;


} or do {
   my $x = $@;
   lg $x;
   die $x;


sub parse_cli_options { 
   local *ARGV = shift @_;
      'debug|d'              => \my $unused_1_see_BEGIN_above,
      'dont-convert'         => \$dont_convert,
      'output-config-file=s' => \$output_config_file,
      'help|h|?:s'  => sub {
         help_and_exit( length $_[1] ? $_[1] : () );
      'profile'              => \my $unused_2_see_BEGIN_above,
      'quiet|q'              => \$quiet_mode,
      'terse|t'              => \$terse_ui_prompts,
      'versions'             => \&versions_and_exit,
   ) or options_and_exit() ;

   set_quiet_mode( $quiet_mode );
   die "--output-config-file requires a filename\n"
      if defined $output_config_file && ! length $output_config_file;

sub load_module {
   my ( $spec, $type, $default_scheme, @args ) = @_;

   $type = ucfirst $type;

   my $class = "VCP::$type";

   my ( $scheme, $s ) = $spec =~ /^(\w{2,}):/
      ? ( $1, $spec )
      : defined $default_scheme
         ? ( $default_scheme, "$default_scheme:$spec" )
         : die "vcp: '$spec' has no scheme, try ",
            list_modules( $class ),
   $scheme = lc($scheme);

   my $name = "${class}::$scheme";

   my $filename = $name ;
   $filename =~ s{::}{/}g ;

   my $v = eval "require '$';" ;
   die "unknown \L$type\E scheme '$scheme:', try ",
      list_modules( $class ),
      if ! $v && $@ =~ /^Can't locate $ ;
   die $@ unless $v;

   lg "loaded '$name' from '", $INC{"$"}, "'";

   # New should: 
   #   construct the object
   #   parse options, if preent     
   #   set some default values
   #   do some initialization       
   my $module = $name->new( $s, @args ) ;

   return $module;

   my $filters;
   sub find_filter {
      my $spec = shift;

      ## This sequence of code rearranged to not have "lc $1"
      ## produce extremely flaky results on RH8, perl5.8.3

      return '' unless $spec =~ /\A(\w{2,}):/; ## filters *must* have a scheme
      my $scheme = $1;
      $scheme = lc $scheme;
      $filters ||= {
         map { ( $_ => undef ) } scan_modules( "VCP::Filter" )
      return exists $filters->{$scheme};

sub inc_dirs {
   ## PAR plays coderef-in-@INC games with @INC.
   ## And even if it didn't, we don't want to scan the same dir multiple
   ## times.
   my %seen_dirs;
       ref ne "CODE" && !$seen_dirs{$_}++ && -d,

## PAR <= 0.79 does not allow us to walk @INC directory trees, so we hard code
## the list of modules in this hash in bin\

   my @bundled_files = grep length, ( "",
       ## The grep is to work around a bug in perl5.8.4 that
       ## causes a "Bizarre copy of ARRAY in leavesub.  This is untested
       ## for now (2004-09-08), but should work.

   sub bundled_files {
      unless ( @bundled_files ) {
         require File::Spec;
         require File::Find;
         my %seen;
         for ( inc_dirs ) {
            next if ref eq "CODE";
            for my $dir (
                File::Spec->catdir( $_, "VCP" ),
                File::Spec->catdir( $_, "RevML" )
            ) {
               next if ! -d $dir;

                  sub {
                     return unless -f $_ && $_ =~ /\.pm\z/i;
                     no warnings 'once';
                     my $fn = $File::Find::name;
                     $fn =~ s{[\\\/]+}{/}g;
                     $fn =~ s{^.*/(RevML|VCP)/}{$1/}i
                        if File::Spec->file_name_is_absolute( $fn );
                     $fn =~ s{lib/+}{};
                     push @bundled_files, $fn unless $seen{$fn}++;

      return @bundled_files;

sub scan_modules {
   my ( $prefix ) = @_ ;

   my $dirname = $prefix . '::' ;
   $dirname =~ s{(::)+}{/}g ;

   my $l = length $dirname;

      map {
         my $module_name = substr( $_, $l );
         $module_name =~ s/\.pm//i
             ? $module_name
             : ();
      grep substr( $_, 0, $l ) eq $dirname, bundled_files;

sub list_modules {
   my ( $prefix ) = @_ ;

   my $list = join ', ', map "$_:", scan_modules( @_ );
   $list =~ s/,([^,]*)$/ or$1/ ;
   return $list ;

sub options_and_exit {
   lg @_;
   require VCP::Help;
   print STDERR "\n";
   VCP::Help->error( "vcp usage" );
   exit 1;

sub help_and_exit {
   my ( $topic ) = @_;
   require VCP::Help;
   VCP::Help->print( $topic );

sub banner {
   "vcp v$VCP::VERSION, change number $VCP::CHANGE_ID ($VCP::DATE)\n";

sub versions_and_exit {
   for ( bundled_files ) {
      next unless m/\.pm$/i ;
      my $module = $_;
      $module =~ s/\..*//;
      $module =~ s{[\\/]+}{::}g;
      ## Avoid "name used only once" warning
      eval "require $module" or warn $@;
   } ;

   my %vers ;
   my %no_vers ;

   my $recur ;
   $recur = sub {
      my ( $pkg_namespace ) = @_ ;

      no strict "refs" ;

      my $pkg_name = substr( $pkg_namespace, 0, -2 ) ;

      ## The grep means "only bother with namespaces that contain somthing
      ## other than child namespaces.
      if ( ! grep /::/, keys %{$pkg_namespace} ) {
         if ( exists ${$pkg_namespace}{VERSION} ) {
	    $vers{$pkg_name} = ${"${pkg_namespace}VERSION"}
	 else {
	    $no_vers{$pkg_name} = undef ;

      my $prefix = $pkg_namespace eq "main::" ? "" : $pkg_namespace ;
      for ( keys %{$pkg_namespace} ) {
	 next unless /::$/ ;
	 next if /^main::/ ;
	 $recur->( "$prefix$_" ) ;
   } ;

   $recur->( "main::" ) ;

   my $max_len = 0 ;
   $max_len = length > $max_len ? length : $max_len for keys %vers ;
   print "Package \$VERSIONs:\n" ;
   for ( sort keys %vers ) {
         "   %-${max_len}s: %s\n",
	 defined $vers{$_} ? $vers{$_} : "undef"
      ) ;

   print "No \$VERSION found for: ", join( ", ", sort keys %no_vers ), "\n" ;

   $max_len = 0 ;
   $max_len = length > $max_len ? length : $max_len for values %INC ;
   print "\nFile sizes:\n" ;
   for ( sort values %INC ) {
      printf( "   %-${max_len}s: %7d\n", $_, -s $_ ) ;

   print "\nperl -V:\n" ;

   my $v = `$^X -V` ;
   $v =~ s/^/   /gm ;
   print $v ;

   exit ;

=head1 SEE ALSO

L<VCP::Process>, L<VCP::Newlines>, L<VCP::Source::p4>, L<VCP::Dest::p4>,
L<VCP::Source::cvs>, L<VCP::Dest::cvs>, L<VCP::Source::revml>,
L<VCP::Dest::revml>, L<VCP::Newlines>.  All are also available using C<vcp

=head1 AUTHOR

Barrie Slaymaker <>


Copyright (c) 2000, 2001, 2002 Perforce Software, Inc.
All rights reserved.

See L<VCP::License|VCP::License> (C<vcp help license>) for the terms of use.
