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package Constant::Export::Lazy;
  $Constant::Export::Lazy::AUTHORITY = 'cpan:AVAR';
  $Constant::Export::Lazy::VERSION = '0.03';
use strict;
use warnings;

sub import {
    my ($class, %args) = @_;
    my $caller = caller;

    # Are we wrapping an existing import subroutine?
    my $wrap_existing_import = (
        exists $args{options}
        ? exists $args{options}->{wrap_existing_import}
          ? $args{options}->{wrap_existing_import}
          : 0
        : 0
    my $existing_import;
    my $caller_import_name = $caller . '::import';

    # Sanity check whether we do or don't have an existing 'import'
    # sub with the wrap_existing_import option:
    my $has_import_already = do { no strict 'refs'; *{$caller_import_name}{CODE} } ? 1 : 0;
        if ($wrap_existing_import) {
            die "PANIC: We need an existing 'import' with the wrap_existing_import option" unless $has_import_already;
            $existing_import = \&{$caller_import_name};
        } else {
            die "PANIC: We're trying to clobber some existing 'import' subroutine without having the 'wrap_existing_import' option" if $has_import_already;

    # Munge the %args we're given so users can be lazy and give sub {
    # ... } as the value for the constants, but internally we support
    # them being a HashRef with options for each one. Allows us to be
    # lazy later by flattening this whole thing now.
    my $normalized_args = _normalize_arguments(%args);
    my $constants = $normalized_args->{constants};

    no strict 'refs';
    no warnings 'redefine'; # In case of $wrap_existing_import
    *{$caller_import_name} = sub {
        use strict;
        use warnings;

        my (undef, @gimme) = @_;
        my $pkg_importer = caller;

        my $ctx = Constant::Export::Lazy::Ctx->new(
            constants    => $constants,
            pkg_importer => $pkg_importer,

            # Note that when unpacking @_ above we threw away the
            # package we're imported as from the user's perspective
            # and are using our "real" calling package for $pkg_stash
            # instead.
            # This is because if we have a My::Constants package as
            # $caller but someone subclasses My::Constants for
            # whatever reason as say My::Constants::Subclass we don't
            # want to be sticking generated subroutines in both the
            # My::Constants and My::Constants::Subclass namespaces.
            # This is because we want to guarantee that we only ever
            # call each generator subroutine once, even in the face of
            # subclassing. Maybe I should lift this restriction or
            # make it an option, e.g. if you want to have a constant
            # for "when I was compiled" it would be useful if
            # subclassing actually re-generated constants.
            pkg_stash => $caller,

            # This is the symbol table for the package that's implementing
            # the constant exporter, not the user package requesting
            # constant to be exported to it.
            # Really important distinction because we never want to
            # re-generate the same constant again when another package
            # requests it.
            symtab => do {
                no strict 'refs';

        # Just doing ->call() like you would when you're using the API
        # will fleshen the constant, do this for all the constants
        # we've been requested to export.
        my @leftover_gimme;
        for my $gimme (@gimme) {
            if (exists $constants->{$gimme}) {
            } elsif ($wrap_existing_import) {
                push @leftover_gimme => $gimme;
            } else {
                die "PANIC: We don't have the constant '$gimme' to export to you";

        if ($wrap_existing_import and @leftover_gimme) {
            # Because if we want to eliminate a stack frame *AND* only
            # dispatch to this for some things we have to partition
            # the import list into shit we can handle and shit we
            # can't. The list of things we're making the function
            # we're overriding handle is @leftover_gimme.
            @_ = ($caller, @leftover_gimme);
            goto &$existing_import;



sub _normalize_arguments {
    my (%args) = @_;

    my %default_options = %{ $args{options} || {} };
    my $constants = $args{constants};
    my %new_constants;
    for my $constant_name (keys %$constants) {
        my $value = $constants->{$constant_name};
        if (ref $value eq 'CODE') {
            $new_constants{$constant_name} = {
                call    => $value,
                options => \%default_options,
        } elsif (ref $value eq 'HASH') {
            $new_constants{$constant_name} = {
                call    => $value->{call},
                options => {
                    %{ $value->{options} || {} },
        } else {
            die sprintf "PANIC: The constant <$constant_name> has some value type we don't know about (ref = %s)",
                ref $value || 'Undef';

    $args{constants} = \%new_constants;

    return \%args;

package Constant::Export::Lazy::Ctx;
  $Constant::Export::Lazy::Ctx::AUTHORITY = 'cpan:AVAR';
  $Constant::Export::Lazy::Ctx::VERSION = '0.03';
use strict;
use warnings;

sub new {
    my ($class, %args) = @_;

    bless \%args => $class;


sub call {
    my ($ctx, $gimme) = @_;

    # Unpack our options
    my $symtab       = $ctx->{symtab};
    my $pkg_importer = $ctx->{pkg_importer};
    my $pkg_stash    = $ctx->{pkg_stash};
    my $constants    = $ctx->{constants};

    my $glob_name = "${pkg_stash}::${gimme}";
    my $alias_as  = "${pkg_importer}::${gimme}";

    my $value;
    if (exists $symtab->{$gimme}) {
        my $symtab_value = $symtab->{$gimme};
        if (ref $symtab_value eq 'SCALAR') {
            # This is in case $ctx->call() is used on a constant
            # defined by See the giant comment about
            # below.
            $value = $$symtab_value;
        } else {
            # TODO: Is there some better way to check if this is a
            # code value than just "ne 'SCALAR'"?
            $value = &$symtab_value();
    } else {
        # We only want to alias constants into the importer's package
        # if the constant is on the import list, not if it's just
        # needed within some $ctx->call() when defining another
        # constant.
        local $CALL_SHOULD_NOT_ALIAS = 1;

        my $override = $constants->{$gimme}->{options}->{override};
        my $stash    = $constants->{$gimme}->{options}->{stash};

        # Only pass the stash around if we actually have it. Note that
        # "delete local $ctx->{stash}" is a feature new in 5.12.0, so
        # we can't use it. See
        local $ctx->{stash} = $stash;
        delete $ctx->{stash} unless ref $stash;

        my @overriden_value;
        my $source;
        if ($override and not exists $GETTING_VALUE_FOR_OVERRIDE->{$gimme}) {
            local $GETTING_VALUE_FOR_OVERRIDE->{$gimme} = undef;
            @overriden_value = $override->($ctx, $gimme);
        if (@overriden_value) {
            die "PANIC: We should only get one value returned from the override callback" if @overriden_value > 1;

            # This whole single value as an array business is so we
            # can distinguish between "return;" meaning "I don't want
            # to override this" and "return undef;" meaning "I want to
            # override this, to undef".
            $source = 'override';
            $value = $overriden_value[0];
        } else {
            $source = 'callback';
            $value = $constants->{$gimme}->{call}->($ctx);

        unless (exists $GETTING_VALUE_FOR_OVERRIDE->{$gimme}) {
            # Instead of doing `sub () { $value }` we could also
            # use the following trick that uses if
            # it's true that `$] > 5.009002`:
            #     Internals::SvREADONLY($value, 1);
            #     $symtab->{$gimme} = \$value;
            # This would save some space for perl when producing
            # these inline constants. The reason I'm not doing
            # this is basically because it looks like evil
            # sorcery, and I don't want to go through the hassle
            # of efficiently and portibly invalidating the MRO
            # cache (see $flush_mro in
            # Relevant commits in perl.git:
            #  * perl-5.005_02-225-g779c5bc - first core support
            #    for these kinds of constants in the optree.
            # * perl-5.8.0-6623-ge040ff7 - first use in
            # * perl-5.8.0-6638-ge1234d8 - first attempts to
            #   invalidate the method cache with
            #   Internals::inc_sub_generation()
            # * perl-5.8.0-10189-ge1a479c -
            #   Internals::inc_sub_generation() in
            #   replaced with mro::method_changed_in($pkg)
            #  * perl-5.8.0-10219-g41892db - Now unused
            #    Internals::inc_sub_generation() removed from the
            #    core.
            # * v5.10.0-3508-gf7fd265 (and v5.10.0-3523-g81a8de7)
            #   - MRO cache is changed to be flushed after all
            #   constants are defined.
            # * v5.19.2-130-g94d5c17, v5.19.2-132-g6f1b3ab,
            #   v5.19.2-133-g15635cb, v5.19.2-134-gf815dc1 -
            #   Father Chrysostomos making various list constant
            #   changes, backed out in v5.19.2-204-gf99a5f0 due to
            #   perl #119045:
            # So basically it looks like a huge can of worms that
            # I don't want to touch now. So just create constants
            # in the more portable and idiot-proof way instead so
            # I don't have to duplicate all the logic in
                # Make the disabling of strict have as small as scope
                # as possible.
                no strict 'refs';
                *$glob_name = sub () { use strict; $value };

            # Maybe we have a callback that wants to know when we define
            # our constants, e.g. for printing something out, keeping taps
            # of what constants we have etc.
            if (my $after = $constants->{$gimme}->{options}->{after}) {
                # Future-proof so we can do something clever with the
                # return value in the future if we want.
                my @ret = $after->($ctx, $gimme, $value, $source);
                die "PANIC: Don't return anything from 'after' routines" if @ret;

    unless ($CALL_SHOULD_NOT_ALIAS) {
        no strict 'refs';
        # Alias e.g. user::CONSTANT to YourExporter::CONSTANT
        *$alias_as = *$glob_name;

    return $value;

sub stash {
    my ($ctx) = @_;

    # We used to die here but that makes e.g. having a global "after"
    # callback tedious. Just return an empty list instead so we can do
    # things like:
    #    if (defined(my $stash = $ctx->stash)) { ... }
    return $ctx->{stash};



=encoding utf8

=head1 NAME

Constant::Export::Lazy - Utility to write lazy exporters of constant subroutines


This increasingly verbose example of your C<My::Constants> package
that you write using C<Constant::Export::Lazy> demonstrates all our
features (from F<t/lib/My/> in the source distro):

    package My::Constants;
    use strict;
    use warnings;
    use Exporter 'import';
    use constant {
        X => -2,
        Y => -1,
    our @EXPORT_OK = qw(X Y);
    use Constant::Export::Lazy (
        constants => {
            # This is the simplest way to go, just define plain constant
            # values.
            A => sub { 1 },
            B => sub { 2 },
            # You get a $ctx object that you can ->call() to retrieve the
            # values of other constants. This is how you can make some
            # constants depend on others without worrying about
            # ordering. Constants are still guaranteed to only be
            # fleshened once!
            SUM => sub {
                my ($ctx) = @_;
                $ctx->call('A') + $ctx->call('B'),
            # For convenience you can also access other constants,
            # e.g. those defined with
            SUM_INTEROP => sub {
                my ($ctx) = @_;
                $ctx->call('X') + $ctx->call('Y'),
            # We won't call this and die unless someone requests it when
            # they import us.
            DIE => sub { die },
            # These subroutines are always called in scalar context, and
            # thus We'll return [3..4] here.
            # Unlike the that ships with perl itself we don't
            # support returning lists (there's no such things as constant
            # list subroutines, fakes it with a non-inlined
            # sub). So if you want to return lists you have to return a
            # reference to one.
            LIST => sub { wantarray ? (1..2) : [3..4] },
            # We can also supply a HashRef with "call" with the sub, and
            # "options" with options that clobber the global
            # options. Actually when you supply just a plain sub instead
            # of a HashRef we internally munge it to look like this more
            # verbose (and more flexible) structure.
            PI => {
                call    => sub { 3.14 },
                options => {
                    override => sub {
                        my ($ctx, $name) = @_;
                        # You can simply "return;" here to say "I don't
                        # want to override", and "return undef;" if you
                        # want the constant to be undef.
                        return $ENV{PI} ? "Pi is = $ENV{PI}" : $ctx->call($name);
                    # This is an optional ref that'll be accessible via
                    # $ctx->stash in any subs relevant to this constant
                    # (call, override, after, ...)
                    stash => {
                        # This `typecheck_rx` is in no way supported by
                        # Constant::Export::Lazy, it's just something
                        # we're passing around to the 'after' sub below.
                        typecheck_rx => qr/\d+\.\d+/s, # such an epicly buggy typecheck...
        options => {
            # We're still exporting some legacy constants via
            wrap_existing_import => 1,
            # A general override so you can override other constants in
            # %ENV
            override => sub {
                my ($ctx, $name) = @_;
                return unless exists $ENV{$name};
                return $ENV{$name};
            after => sub {
                my ($ctx, $name, $value, $source) = @_;

                if (defined(my $stash = $ctx->stash)) {
                    my $typecheck_rx = $stash->{typecheck_rx};
                    die "PANIC: The value <$value> for <$name> doesn't pass <$typecheck_rx>"
                        unless $value =~ $typecheck_rx;

                print STDERR "Defined the constant <$name> with value <$value> from <$source>\n" if $ENV{DEBUG};


And this is an example of using it in some user code (from
F<t/synopsis.t> in the source distro):

    package My::User::Code;
    use strict;
    use warnings;
    use Test::More qw(no_plan);
    use lib 't/lib';
    BEGIN {
        # Supply a more accurate PI
        $ENV{PI} = 3.14159;
        # Override B
        $ENV{B} = 3;
    use My::Constants qw(

    is(X, -2);
    is(Y, -1);
    is(A, 1);
    is(B, 3);
    is(SUM, 4);
    is(SUM_INTEROP, -3);
    is(PI,  "Pi is = 3.14159");
    is(join(",", @{LIST()}), '3,4');

And running it gives:

    $ DEBUG=1 perl -Ilib t/synopsis.t
    Defined the constant <A> with value <1> from <callback>
    Defined the constant <B> with value <3> from <override>
    Defined the constant <SUM> with value <4> from <callback>
    Defined the constant <SUM_INTEROP> with value <-3> from <callback>
    Defined the constant <PI> with value <Pi is = 3.14159> from <override>
    Defined the constant <LIST> with value <ARRAY(0x16b8918)> from <callback>
    ok 1
    ok 2
    ok 3
    ok 4
    ok 5
    ok 6
    ok 7
    ok 8


This is a utility to write lazy exporters of constant
subroutines. It's not meant to be a user-facing constant exporting
API, it's something you use to write user-facing constant exporting

There's dozens of similar constant defining modules and exporters on
the CPAN, why did I need to write this one?

=head2 It's lazy

Our constants fleshened via callbacks that are guaranteed to be called
only once for the lifetime of the process (not once per importer or
whatever), and we only call the callbacks lazily if someone actually
requests that a constant of ours be defined.

This makes it easy to have one file that runs in different
environments and generates some subset of its constants with a module
that you may not want to use, or may not be available in all your
environments. You can just C<require> it in the callback that
generates the constant that requires it.

=head2 It makes it easier to manage creating constants that require other constants

Maybe you have one constant indicating whether you're running in a dev
environment, and a bunch of other constants that are defined
differently if the dev environment constant is true.

Now say you have several hundred constants like that, managing the
inter-dependencies and that everything is defined in the right order
quickly gets messy.

Constant::Import::Lazy takes away all this complexity. When you define
a constant you get a callback object that can give you the value of
other constants, and will either generate them if they haven't been
generated, or look them up in the symbol table if they have.

Thus we end up with a Makefile-like system where you can freely use
whatever other constants you like when defining your constants, just
be careful not to introduce circular dependencies.

=head1 API

Our API is exposed via a nested key-value pair list passed to C<use>,
see the L</SYNOPSIS> for an example. Here's description of the data
structure you can pass in:

=head2 constants

This is a key-value pair list of constant names to either a subroutine
or a hash with L</call> and optional L<options|/options
(local)>. Internally we just convert the former type of call into the
latter, i.e. C<CONST => sub {...}> becomes C<CONST => { call => sub {
... } }>.

=head3 call

The subroutine we'll call with a L<context
object|Constant::Export::Lazy/"CONTEXT OBJECT"> to fleshen the
constant. It's guaranteed that this sub will only ever be called once
for the lifetime of the process, except if you manually call it
multiple times during an L</override>.

=head3 options (local)

Our options hash to override the global L</options>. The semantics are
exactly the same as for the global hash.

=head2 options

We support various options, most of these can be defined either
globally if you want to use them for all the constants, or locally to
one constant at a time with the more verbose hash invocation to

The following options are supported:

=head3 wrap_existing_import

A boolean that can only be supplied as a global option. If you provide
this the package you're importing us into has to already have a
defined C<import> subroutine.

We'll clobber it with something that uses us to export all the
constants we know about (i.e. the ones passed to L</constants>), but
anything we don't know about will be passed to the C<import>
subroutine we clobbered.

This is handy for converting existing packages that use e.g. a
combination of L<Exporter> to export a bunch of L<constant> constants
without having to port them all over to C<Constant::Export::Lazy> at
the same time. This allows you to do so incrementally.

=head3 override

This callback can be defined either globally or locally and will be
called instead of your C<call>. In addition to the L<context
object|Constant::Export::Lazy/"CONTEXT OBJECT"> this will also get an
argument to the C<$name> of the constant that we're requesting an
override for.

This can be used for things like overriding default values based on
entries in C<%ENV> (see the L</SYNOPSIS>), or anything else you can
think of.

In an override subroutine C<return $value> will return a value to be
used instead of the value we'd have retrieved from L</call>, doing a
C<return;> on the other hand means you don't want to use the
subroutine to override this constant, and we'll stop trying to do so
and just call L/<call> to fleshen it.

You can also get the value of L</call> by doing
C<<$ctx->call($name)>>. We have some magic around override ensuring
that we only B<get> the value, we don't actually intern it in the
symbol table.

This means that calling C<<$ctx->call($name)>> multiple times in the
scope of an override subroutine is the only way to get
C<Constant::Export::Lazy> to call a L/<call> subroutine multiple
times. We otherwise guarantee that these subs are only called once (as
discussed in L</It's lazy> and L</call>).

=head3 after

This callback will be called after we've just interned a new constant
into the symbol table. In addition to the L<context
object|Constant::Export::Lazy/"CONTEXT OBJECT"> this will also get
C<$name>, C<$value> and C<$source> arguments. The C<$name> argument is
the name of the constant we just defined, C<$value> is its value, and
C<$source> is either C<"override"> or C<"callback"> depending on how
the constant was defined. I.e. via L</override> or directly via

This was added to support replacing modules that in addition to just
defining constants might also want to check them for well-formedness
after they're defined, or push known constants to a hash somewhere so
they can all be retrieved by some complimentary API that e.g. spews
out "all known settings".

=head3 stash

This is a reference that you can provide for your own use, we don't
care what's in it. It'll be accessible via the L<context
object|Constant::Export::Lazy/"CONTEXT OBJECT">'s C<stash> method
(e.g. C<<my $stash = $ctx->stash> for L</call>, C</override> and
C</after> calls relevant to its scope, i.e. global if you define it
globally, otherwise local if it's defined locally.


As discussed above we pass around a context object to all callbacks
that you can define. See C<$ctx> in the L</SYNOPSIS> for examples.

This objects has only two methods:


=item * C<call>

This method will do all the work of fleshening constants via the sub
provided in the L</call> option, taking the L</override> callback into
account if provided, and if applicable calling the L</after> callback
after the constant is defined.

If you call a subroutine you haven't defined yet (or isn't being
imported directly) we'll fleshen it if needed, making sure to only
export it to a user's namespace if explicitly requested.

See L</override> for caveats with calling this inside the scope of an
override callback.

=item * C<stash>

An accessor for the L</stash> reference, will return the empty list if
there's no stash reference defined.


=head1 AUTHOR

Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason <>
