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#!/usr/bin/env perl
package hailo;
  $hailo::AUTHORITY = 'cpan:AVAR';
  $hailo::VERSION = '0.72';
use 5.010;
use open qw< :encoding(utf8) :std >;
use Dir::Self;
use Any::Moose;
use Encode qw(decode);
use Hailo::Command;
use namespace::clean -except => 'meta';

# Nothing to see here

# use utf8 everywhere
$_ = decode('utf8', $_) for @ARGV;

# Set programname
$0 = 'hailo';

if ($] < 5.013000 and $^O eq 'linux') {
    local $@;
    eval {
        require Sys::Prctl;

# I want my mommy!
$Hailo::Command::HERE_MOMMY = __DIR__;

# Show help if run without arguments
@ARGV = qw(--help) unless @ARGV;

# Hailing frequencies open

=encoding utf8

=head1 NAME

hailo - Command-line interface to the L<Hailo|Hailo> Markov bot

=head1 USAGE

    usage: hailo [-abEfhLlopRrSsTtuv] [long options...]
	-v --version           Print version and exit
	-u --ui                Use UI CLASS
	-t --train             Learn from all the lines in FILE, use - for STDIN
	-s --stats             Print statistics about the brain
	-r --reply             Reply to STRING
	-p --progress          Display progress during the import
	-o --order             Markov order; How deep the rabbit hole goes
	-l --learn             Learn from STRING
	-h --help              You're soaking it in
	-f --train-fast        Train with aggressive caching (memory-hungry!)
	-b --brain             Load/save brain to/from FILE
	-a --autosave          Save the brain on exit (on by default)
	-T --tokenizer         Use tokenizer CLASS
	-S --storage           Use storage CLASS
	-R --random-reply      Like --reply but takes no STRING; Babble at random
	-L --learn-reply       Learn from STRING and reply to it
	-E --engine            Use engine CLASS
	--ui-args              Arguments for the UI class
	--tokenizer-args       Arguments for the Tokenizer class
	--storage-args         Arguments for the Storage class
	--examples             Print examples along with the help message
	--engine-args          Arguments for the Engine class
	--brain-resource       Alias for `brain' for backwards compatibility

	Note: All input/output and files are assumed to be UTF-8 encoded.


Train in-memory using L<bot-training|Bot::Training>'s F<megahal.trn>
and reply:

    bot-training -f megahal | hailo --brain :memory: --train - --random-reply
    # ==> Time flies like a banana.

Create an on-disk brain for later use:

    bot-training -f megahal > megahal.trn
    hailo --brain hailo.sqlite --train megahal.trn
    hailo --brain hailo.sqlite --reply 'Reply to this, silly robot!'
    # ==> No way! I don't want to think.

Interact with the brain using readline:

    hailo --brain hailo.sqlite
    Welcome to the Hailo interactive shell!
    Enter ".help" to show the built-in commands.
    Input that's not a command will be passed to Hailo to learn, and it'll
    reply back.
    Hailo> Hello there
    # ==> Wife asked "what have you got there?" replied he, "just my cup of fur".


See the documentation for L<Hailo|Hailo> for more information.

=head1 AUTHOR

E<AElig>var ArnfjE<ouml>rE<eth> Bjarmason <>


Copyright 2010 E<AElig>var ArnfjE<ouml>rE<eth> Bjarmason <>

This program is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.
