Revision history for Perl extension Pod::Escapes
                                        Time-stamp: "2004-05-07 15:44:30 ADT"

2004-05-07  Sean M. Burke

	* Release 1.04 -- adding support for E<x123> as an alternate form
	for E<0x123>.  Adding the function e2charnum nad the hash

	Tests rearranged, and new ones added.	

2002-08-27  Sean M. Burke

	* Release 1.03 -- previous version mistakenly thought that "x4f"
	was the syntax for hex escapes in Pod.  Perlpod says it's 0x4f, so
	Pod::Escapes has been changed to support this syntax instead
2001-12-14  Sean M. Burke
	* Release 1.02 -- added %Name2character_number and e2charnum, at
	the suggestion of Tim Jenness.
2001-10-24  Sean M. Burke

	* Release 1.01 -- first release version