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package re::engine::PCR;
use 5.009005;
use strict;
use base 'Regexp';

use re::engine::Plugin ();

use Pugs::Grammar::Base;
use Pugs::Compiler::Regex;

our $VERSION = '0.02_01';

sub import
    # Populates %^H with re::engine::Plugin hooks
        comp => \&comp,
        exec => \&exec,

*unimport = \&re::engine::Plugin::unimport;

sub comp
    my ($re) = @_;

    # The /pattern/
    my $pattern = $re->pattern;

    # The /flags
    my %mod = $re->mod;

    # Options for PCR
    my %option;

    $option{Perl5}    = 1 if exists $mod{s};
    $option{sigspace} = 0 if exists $mod{x};
    $option{ratchet}  = 1 if exists $mod{i};

    # Compile a PCR with the pattern & our flags
    my $rule = Pugs::Compiler::Regex->compile( $pattern => \%option );

    # Put the rule object in the stash to use in ->exec
    $re->stash( $rule );

    # Return value discarded

sub exec
    my ($re, $str) = @_;

    # Get the rule object from the stash
    my $rule = $re->stash;

    # Get a match object for this string
    my $match = $rule->match( $str );

    # No match, return false
    return unless $match;

    my $croak_ro = sub {
        require Carp;
        Carp::croak("Modification of a read-only value attempted");

    # Numbered captures, $1->[0] eqv $match->[0][0]
        FETCH => sub {
            my ($re, $n) = @_;

            # $` & $'
            return if $n < 0;

            # $& | ${^MATCH}
            return $match if $n == 0;

            # $1, $2, ...
            return $match->[$n - 1];
        STORE => $croak_ro,

#    Getting this to work would be neato
#    $re->num_captures(
#        LENGTH => sub {
#            my ($re, $n) = @_;
#            length $re->num_captures('FETCH')->($re, $n);
#        },
#    );

    # Named captures, $+{key} | $-{key} eqv $match->{key}
        FETCH => sub {
            my ($re, $key) = @_;

            # $+{$key} & $-{$key}
            return $match->{$key};
        EXISTS => sub {
            my ($re, $key) = @_;

            exists $match->{$key};
        STORE    => $croak_ro,
        DELETE   => $croak_ro,
        CLEAR    => $croak_ro,
        # Ugh, how do I do this?
        FIRSTKEY => sub { 'FIXME'  },
        NEXTKEY  => sub { undef  },
        SCALAR   => sub { scalar %$match },

    # Matched
    return 1;


=head1 NAME

re::engine::PCR - L<Pugs::Compiler::Rule> regex engine


    use feature 'say';
    use re::engine::PCR;

    if ("abc" =~ q/((.).)./) {
        say ${^MATCH};           # "abc"
        say ${^MATCH}->from;     # 0
        say ${^MATCH}->to;       # 3
        say ${^MATCH}->[0];      # "ab"
        say $1;                  # "ab" (same as above)
        say ${^MATCH}->[0][0];   # "a"
        say $1->[0];             # "a"  (same as above)


Replaces the perl regular expression engine in a given lexical scope
with the engine provided by L<Pugs::Compiler::Regex>.

=head1 CAVEATS

Although C<< $& >> is more succinct than C<< ${^MATCH} >> using the
former (along with C<< $` >> and C<< $' >>) imposes a considerable
performance penalty on all regular expression matches, so don't do

=head1 TODO


=item *

Sends a SEGV in blead with L<Pugs::Compiler::Rule> 0.22, let's smoke this!

=item *

Doesn't handle C<s///> and C<split //>, see L<re::engine::Plugin's


=head1 BUGS

Please report any bugs that aren't already listed at
L<> to

=head1 AUTHOR

E<AElig>var ArnfjE<ouml>rE<eth> Bjarmason <>

=head1 LICENSE

Copyright 2007 E<AElig>var ArnfjE<ouml>rE<eth> Bjarmason.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.
