The Perl Toolchain Summit needs more sponsors. If your company depends on Perl, please support this very important event.

my $VERSION = '0.02';

use 5.10.1;
use strict;
use warnings;

use Time::HiRes qw/gettimeofday tv_interval/;

use Bot::Cobalt::DB;

use Bot::Cobalt::Utils qw/

use IRC::Utils qw/decode_irc/;

my $info2_path;
my $output_path;
my $verbose = 0;
my $bench   = 0;
use Getopt::Long;
  'info2=s' => \$info2_path,
  'dest=s'  => \$output_path,
  'verbose!'   => \$verbose,
  'benchmark!' => \$bench,
  help => \&help,

sub help {
    "$0 $VERSION\n",
    "Usage:\n $0 --info2=info2.db --dest=newinfo3.db\n"
  exit 0

help() unless $info2_path and $output_path;

die "Could not find $info2_path" unless -e $info2_path;

open my $info2_fh, '<', $info2_path
  or die "Could not open $info2_path: $!\n";
my @info2db = <$info2_fh>;
close $info2_fh;

die "Empty info2db at $info2_path?\n" unless @info2db;

my $info3ref;

for my $line (@info2db) {
  my @split = split ' ', decode_irc($line);
  my $glob  = lc ( shift @split );
  ## Convert ?action -> ~action
  $glob =~ s/^\?action/~action/;
  my $str   = join ' ', @split;
  my $re = glob_to_re_str($glob);
  ## Anchor:
  $re = '^'.$re.'$';

  unless ($glob && $re) {
    warn "!! Missing element; glob: $glob  regex: $re";

  say "$glob -> $re" if $verbose;

  $info3ref->{$glob} = {
    Regex => $re,
    Response => $str,
    AddedBy  => '-Imported',
    AddedAt  => time,

my $count = scalar keys %$info3ref;
say "Output path: $output_path";
say "Pushing $count topics to Info3 DB";

my $cdb = Bot::Cobalt::DB->new(
  File => $output_path,
my $timer0 = [gettimeofday];
$cdb->dbopen || die "failed to open db\n";
for my $glob (keys %$info3ref) {
  unless ( $cdb->put($glob, $info3ref->{$glob}) ) {
    warn "!! db put failure for $glob";
my $interval = tv_interval($timer0);

say "Done.";
say $interval if $bench;