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my $VERSION = 2;

use v5.10;
use strictures 2;

use Scalar::Util 'reftype';
use POSIX ();

use List::Objects::WithUtils;

use Path::Tiny;
use Types::Path::Tiny -all;

use Digest::MD5     'md5_hex';
use File::ShareDir  'dist_dir';

use Bot::Cobalt::Utils 'rplprintf', 'mkpasswd';
use Bot::Cobalt::Frontend::Utils ':all';
use Bot::Cobalt::Frontend::RC    'rc_read', 'rc_write';

my $Rcfile = path(
  $ENV{HOME} ? $ENV{HOME} . '/.cobalt2rc' : '.cobalt2rc'

my $NonInteractive = 0;
my $SharedEtc;   # set to $dist_dir/etc in copy_base_confs if undef

use Getopt::Long;
  'config|rcfile=s'  => \$Rcfile,
  'noninteractive|n' => \$NonInteractive,

  'shared-etcdir=s'  => \$SharedEtc,

  version => sub {
    say "Bot::Cobalt installer (version $VERSION)";
    exit 0

  help    => sub {
    print map "$_\n",
      "Initialize a Bot::Cobalt instance; see 'perldoc cobalt2-installer'",
      "  --version",
      "  --rcfile=PATH          Target rcfile path",
      "    [default: $Rcfile]",
      "  --shared-etcdir=DIR    Base (distribution) share/etc/ path",
    exit 0

if (defined $SharedEtc) {
  # user specified a base etcdir
  $SharedEtc = path($SharedEtc);
  die "--shared-etcdir specified but no such directory '$SharedEtc'"
    unless $SharedEtc->exists;

sub read_format_write {
  my ($path, $vars) = @_;
  die "Expected Path::Tiny but got $path"
    unless is_Path($path);
  die "Expected HASH of template var replacements but got $vars"
    unless reftype $vars eq 'HASH';
  my $in = $path->slurp_utf8;
  my $out = rplprintf($in, $vars);

sub build_dir_skeleton {
  my ($base, $etc, $var) = @_;
  die "Expected a base Path object but got '$base'"
    unless is_Path($base);
  $etc = path( $base . '/etc' ) unless $etc;
  $var = path( $base . '/var' ) unless $var;
  my $dbpath = path( $var . '/db' );
  for my $path ($etc, $var, $dbpath) {
    say " - Creating directory '$path'";

sub copy_base_confs {
  my ($target_etc) = @_;
  die "BUG; expected target etcdir" unless defined $target_etc;
  $target_etc = path($target_etc) unless is_Path $target_etc;

  $SharedEtc = path(join '/', dist_dir('Bot-Cobalt'), 'etc')
    unless defined $SharedEtc;

  die "Could not locate ShareDir at '$SharedEtc'"
    unless $SharedEtc->exists;
  die "ShareDir at '$SharedEtc' not a directory"
    unless $SharedEtc->is_dir;

  my $manifest = path(join '/', $SharedEtc, 'Manifest');
  die "Could not locate Manifest at '$manifest'" unless $manifest->exists;

  MANIFEST: for my $item ($manifest->lines_utf8) {
    chomp $item;
    next MANIFEST unless length $item;
    my ($relpath, $sum_or_dir) = split / \^ /, $item;
    if ($sum_or_dir eq 'DIR') {
      my $newdir = path(join '/', $target_etc, $relpath);
      say " - Creating directory '$newdir'";
      die "Path '$newdir' already exists and is not a directory\n"
       if $newdir->exists and not $newdir->is_dir;
    } else {
      my $oldfile = path(join '/', $SharedEtc, $relpath);
      my $newfile = path(join '/', $target_etc, $relpath);
      say " - Copying '$relpath' -> '$newfile'";
      die "Could not copy '$relpath'; destination '$newfile' already exists\n"
        if $newfile->exists;
      $newfile->spew_utf8( $oldfile->slurp_utf8 );
      my $newsum = md5_hex $newfile->slurp_raw;
      warn "WARNING; checksum mismatch after copy: '$relpath'\n"
        unless $sum_or_dir eq $newsum;

sub non_interactive {
  die "Non-interactive mode doesn't exist yet :(\n"
  # FIXME set up some default var replacements
  # FIXME env or command line opts for rc paths, basics?
  # FIXME call rc_write, build_dir_skeleton, copy_base_confs,
  #  read_format_write, chmod auth.conf

sub interactive_intro {
  say $_ for
    "This is the Bot::Cobalt install helper.",
    "This script will create a cobalt2rc file specifying the bot's paths.",
    "It will also help initialize some starter configuration files.",
    "Press ENTER to continue, Ctrl+C to quit." ;

  readline STDIN;

sub interactive_rcfile {
  say $_ for 
    "The current rcfile location is:",
    "[$Rcfile]" ;
  $Rcfile = ask_question( prompt => 'Path to rcfile' ) if ask_yesno(
    prompt  => 'Enter a different rcfile location?',
    default => 'n',
  $Rcfile = path($Rcfile);

  say "Installing rcfile to $Rcfile";

  say $_ for
    "Bot::Cobalt needs a place to store config and variable data.",
    "This can be any path writable by the user running the bot.",
    "(If it doesn't exist, we will attempt to create it.)" ;
  my $default_basedir = $ENV{HOME} ? $ENV{HOME} . '/cobalt2' : './cobalt2' ;
  my $basedir_ans = ask_question(
    prompt  => 'Base directory',
    default => $default_basedir,

    if ($Rcfile->exists) {
      warn "WARNING; rcfile exists at '$Rcfile'\n";
      my $overwrite = ask_yesno(
        prompt => 'Overwriting existing rcfile?', default => 'n'
      unless ($overwrite) {
        say "Skipping rcfile write; attempting to use existing rcfile.";
        last RCFILE
    rc_write($Rcfile, $basedir_ans);

  # read back new or old rcfile, build_dir_skeleton + copy_base_confs
  my ($new_base, $new_etc, $new_var) = map {; path($_) } rc_read($Rcfile);
  build_dir_skeleton($new_base, $new_etc, $new_var);

sub interactive_cobaltcf {
  my ($conf_repl) = @_;
  say " - 'cobalt.conf'";
  my $cfvars = $conf_repl->get('cobalt');
  $cfvars->set( CFG_BOT_NICK =>
    ask_question( prompt  => 'Nickname', default => 'cobalt2' )

  $cfvars->set( CFG_BOT_USERNAME =>
    ask_question( prompt => 'Username', default => 'cobalt' )
  $cfvars->set( CFG_BOT_REALNAME =>
    ask_question( prompt => 'Realname (GECOS)', default => 'Bot::Cobalt' )

  $cfvars->set( CFG_CMD_CHAR =>
    ask_question( prompt => 'Command prefix character', default => '!' )

  $cfvars->set( CFG_SERVER_ADDR =>
    ask_question( prompt => 'Server address', default => '' )

  say "If you choose to use SSL, POE::Component::SSLify must be installed.";
  my $maybe_ssl = ask_yesno(
    prompt => 'Use SSL for this server?', default => 'n'
  if ($maybe_ssl) {
    local $@;
    eval {; require POE::Component::SSLify };
    if (my $err = $@) {
      say $_ for
        "! POE::Component::SSLify could not be loaded: $err",
        "! SSL may fail!";
  $cfvars->set( CFG_USE_SSL => $maybe_ssl );

  $cfvars->set( CFG_SERVER_PORT =>
      prompt  => 'Server port',
      default => ( $maybe_ssl ? 6697 : 6667 ),

sub interactive_channelscf {
  my ($conf_repl) = @_;
  say " - 'channels.conf'";
  my $cfvars = $conf_repl->get('channels');
  # FIXME audit this situation
  #  ability to add more users?
  #  access to other config opts
  $cfvars->set( CHAN =>
    ask_question( prompt => 'Default channel', default => '#eris' )

sub interactive_authcf {
  my ($conf_repl) = @_;
  say " - 'auth.conf'";
  my $cfvars = $conf_repl->get('auth');

  say $_ for 
    "You will want at least one SuperUser to control the bot.",
    "SuperUsers are hard-coded in 'auth.conf'.",
    "(Other levels of user can be added online later.)" ;
  $cfvars->set( AUTH_USER =>
    ask_question( prompt => 'Username for your superuser', default => 'MyUser' )

  my $term = POSIX::Termios->new;
  $term->setlflag( $term->getlflag & ~POSIX::ECHO );
  my $ans = ask_question( 
    prompt => 'Password for this superuser', default => ''
  my $crypted = mkpasswd $ans;
  $cfvars->set( AUTH_PASS => $crypted );
  $term->setlflag( $term->getlflag | POSIX::ECHO );
  print "\n";

  $cfvars->set( AUTH_MASK =>
      prompt => 'Hostmask for this superuser', default => '*'

sub interactive {
  # step through interactive configuration;
  #  $conf_repl is passed to each sub and filled:
  #    hash(
  #      cobalt => hash(
  #         $TEMPLATE_VAR => $ANSWER,
  #         ...
  #      ),
  #      ...
  #    )
  my @refs = (
    \&interactive_rcfile,       # set up rcfile & dir skel, copy template confs
    \&interactive_cobaltcf,     # configure etc/cobalt.conf
    \&interactive_channelscf,   # configure etc/channels.conf
    \&interactive_authcf,       # configure etc/auth.conf
  my $conf_repl = hash(
    cobalt    => hash,
    channels  => hash,
    auth      => hash,
  $_->($conf_repl) for @refs;

  # should have a readable rcfile now, load it to verify and get etcdir,
  # then read/fill/write templates via read_format_write()
  my (undef, $etcdir) = rc_read($Rcfile);
  for my $kv ($conf_repl->kv->all) {
    my ($path_prefix, $repl_hash) = @$kv;
    my $actual = path( "${etcdir}/${path_prefix}.conf" );
    say " - Writing '$actual'";
    read_format_write($actual, $repl_hash);

  my $authcf_path = path(join '/', $etcdir, 'auth.conf');
  say " - Adjusting permissions for 'auth.conf' (0600) ...";

$NonInteractive ? non_interactive : interactive;

# FIXME more informative quit msg? paths etc
say $_ for
  " - Completed, exiting",
  "(You should check over the files mentioned above manually to verify",
  " correctness and tune other options.)",


=head1 NAME

cobalt2-installer - Initialize a Bot::Cobalt instance


  cobalt2-installer [ --rcfile=PATH ]


A simple walk-through installer for fresh L<Bot::Cobalt> instances.

Interactively asks a few questions to prepare a C<rcfile> and associated
L<Bot::Cobalt> configuration files; language sets and essential skeleton
directories are also copied to the bot home directory specified during the
install process.

Every L<Bot::Cobalt> instance has its own C<rcfile> and directory; to
initialize and run multiple instances, specify a new C<rcfile>:

  # Initialize FredBot:
  cobalt2-installer --rcfile=${HOME}/cobalts/FredBot.rc
  # Start the newly-configured instance:
  cobalt2 --rcfile=${HOME}/cobalts/FredBot.rc

=head1 AUTHOR

Jon Portnoy <>
