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## Bot::Cobalt core configuration (YAML)
## Some common opts, applicable to the Cobalt core.
## Many opts with sane defaults are commented out.
## (If you don't understand them, feel free to disregard.)
## If you're reading the raw example file, you'll notice %VARS%
## This are intended to be replaced by `cobalt2-installer`.

## Language: <langset>
##  Langsets are YAML and typically live in etc/langs/
##  They are always lowercase.
##  Current core sets include:  english, ebonics
Language: english

  ## Logfile: <path>
  ##  Path to cobalt's core log.
  ##  Defaults to var/cobalt.log relative to cobalt's execdir.
  #Logfile: /home/avenj/pl/cobalt2/var/cobalt.log

## This is the config for the core single-server IRC plugin.
## (aka server context 'Main')
## You will probably have this context, even if using other IRC 
## interface plugins.

  ## Nickname: <nickname>
  ##  The bot's nickname.
  ##  Cobalt will try to regain its nickname if possible.
  ##  Also see Opts->NickRegainDelay in this conf.
  Nickname: "%CFG_BOT_NICK%"

  ## Username: <string>
  ##  Bot's username string.
  ##  (May not matter, if your system is running identd.)
  Username: "%CFG_BOT_USERNAME%"

  ## Realname: <string>
  ##  Bot's GECOS ('real name') string.
  Realname: "%CFG_BOT_REALNAME%"

  ## ServerAddr: <boolean>
  ##  Remote server address.
  ServerAddr: "%CFG_SERVER_ADDR%"

  ## IPv6: <boolean>
  ##  Use IPv6 for this connection.
  ##  Defaults to false.
  #IPv6: 0

  ## AltServers: a list of alternate servers to try
  ##  If AltServers are specified, the bot will attempt to cycle 
  ##  through the list of servers.
  ##  Must be in the format (for example):
  ##    -
  ##    -
  ##  IMPORTANT: Be aware that opts (such as UseSSL) will carry over!
  ##  It is generally recommended you just use a round-robin in the 
  ##  ServerAddr directive instead and leave this commented.
  ##  Future versions may include a more flexible auto-reconnector.
  #  -
  #  -

  ## ServerPort: <port>
  ##  Remote server port.
  ##  6667 is fairly standard for clear-text connections
  ##  6697 has grown to be normal for SSL
  ServerPort: "%CFG_SERVER_PORT%"

  ## ServerPass: <passwd>
  ##  Remote server connect password.

  ## UseSSL: <boolean>
  ##  Comment out 'UseSSL' to use a plain-text connection.
  ##  Make sure ServerPort is an appropriate plain or SSL port.
  ##  You will need POE::Component::SSLify installed to use SSL.

  ## BindAddr: <address>
  ##  A local address to bind to.

  ## NickServPass: <passwd>
  ##  Attempt to autoidentify to NickServ if specified
  ##  There is an obvious security risk to specifying it here.
  ##  You probably want to check permissions for this configuration.
  ##    f.ex; sh$ chmod 600 cobalt.conf

  ## Umodes: <modestr>
  ##  Attempt to issue a user mode change on the bot at connect time.
  #Umodes: '+i'

  ## CmdChar: <char>
  ##  Prefix character for bot commands
  ##  Most plugins look for cmdchar-prefixed command events.
  ##   f.ex; CmdChar: '!'
  CmdChar: "%CFG_CMD_CHAR%"

  ## StonedCheck: <seconds>
  ##  The bot will try to ping the server to determine if it is still 
  ##  responsive. If not, a reconnect is attempted.
  ##  Defaults to 300 seconds
  #StonedCheck: 300

  ## ReconnectDelay: <seconds>
  ##  The time, in seconds, to wait between server reconnect attempts.
  ##  Defaults to 60
  #ReconnectDelay: 60

  ## NickRegainDelay: <seconds>
  ##  Time in seconds before nick regain attempts
  ##  Defaults to 30
  #NickRegainDelay: 30

  ## NotifyOnSync: <boolean>
  ##  Be noisy on channels when we've joined and synced.
  ##  Useful for determining when the bot is ready to respond.
  NotifyOnSync: 1

  ### Some channel-related settings for this server context.
  ### The defaults should be fairly reasonable:

  ## Chan_NickServDelay: <seconds>
  ##  Time to wait for a NS response before joining.
  #Chan_NickServDelay: 1

  ## Chan_RetryAfterKick: <boolean>
  ##  Set to 0 to disable rejoining after a kick.
  #Chan_RetryAfterKick: 1

  ## Chan_RejoinDelay: <seconds>
  ##  Time in seconds before a rejoin attempt.
  #Chan_RejoinDelay: 5

  ## Chan_RetryAfterBan: <seconds>
  ##  Time in seconds before a post-ban rejoin attempt
  ##  Set to 0 to disable retrying after a ban.
  #Chan_RetryAfterBan: 60

  ## FloodCount: <messages>
  ## FloodTime:  <seconds>
  ##  These allow for fine-tuning flood control.
  ##  (The defaults are pretty loose.)
  #FloodCount: 6
  #FloodTime: 6

  ## FloodIgnore: <seconds>
  ##  A temporary ignore is issued when a flood is detected.
  ##  The default ignore time is 20 seconds.
  #FloodIgnore: 20

  ## LogFormat: <template>
  ##  Template string for Bot::Cobalt::Logger
  ##  Example: "[%level%] %time (%pkg%) %msg"
  ##  See 'perldoc Bot::Cobalt::Logger::Output' for details
  #LogFormat: "%level %time (%pkg%) %msg"

  ## LogTimeFormat: <strftime tempelate>
  ##  This is fed to strftime() to create the time string in logs.
  ##  See 'man strftime' or 'perldoc Bot::Cobalt::Logger::Output'
  #LogTimeFormat: "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"