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package IRC::Server::Tree::Network;

## An IRC Network with route memoization and simple sanity checks
## IRC::Server::Tree lives in ->tree()

use strictures 1;

use Carp;
use Scalar::Util 'blessed';

use IRC::Server::Tree;

sub new {
  my $class = shift;

  my $memoize = 1;
  my $tree = sub {

    if (@_ == 1) {
      my $item = $_[0];

      return $item
        if blessed($item) and $item->isa('IRC::Server::Tree');

      return IRC::Server::Tree->new($item)
        if ref $item eq 'ARRAY';
    } elsif (@_ > 1) {
      ## Given named opts, we hope.
      ##  memoize => Bool
      ##  tree    => IRC::Server::Tree
      my %opts = @_;
      $opts{lc $_} = delete $opts{$_} for keys %opts;

      $memoize = $opts{memoize} || 1;

      return IRC::Server::Tree->new(
        $opts{tree} ? delete $opts{tree} : ()

    return IRC::Server::Tree->new

  my $self = {
    tree    => $tree->(@_),
    memoize => $memoize,

  bless $self, $class;

  ## Set up ->{seen}


sub reset_tree {
  my ($self) = @_;

  ## Call me for a route clear / seen-item refresh
  ## (ie, after mucking around in the ->tree() )

  $self->{seen} = {};

  my $all_names = $self->tree->names_beneath( $self->tree );

  for my $name (@$all_names) {
    if (++$self->{seen}->{$name} > 1) {
      confess "Passed a broken Tree; duplicate node entries for $name"


sub have_peer {
  my ($self, $peer) = @_;

  return 1 if $self->{seen}->{$peer};


sub _have_route_for_peer {
  my ($self, $peer) = @_;

  return unless $self->{memoize};

  if (ref $self->{seen}->{$peer} eq 'ARRAY') {
    return $self->{seen}->{$peer}


sub add_peer_to_self {
  my ($self, $peer, $arrayref) = @_;

  confess "add_peer_to_self expects a peer name"
    unless defined $peer;

  if ($arrayref) {
      "third arg to add_peer_to_name should be an ARRAY or ",
      "an IRC::Server::Tree"
    ) unless ref $arrayref eq 'ARRAY'
      or blessed $arrayref and $arrayref->isa('IRC::Server::Tree');

  if ( $self->have_peer($peer) ) {
    carp "Tried to add previously-seen node $peer";

  return unless
    $self->tree->add_node_to_top($peer, $arrayref);
  $self->{seen}->{$peer} = 1;
  ## reset_tree() if we might've added children
  $self->reset_tree if $arrayref;

sub add_peer_to_name {
  my ($self, $parent_name, $new_name, $arrayref) = @_;

  ## FIXME
  ## Hmm.. currently no convenient way to use memoized routes
  ## when adding.
  ## Probably should have an add in Tree that can take numerical
  ## routes to the parent's ref.

  confess "add_peer_to_name expects a parent name and new node name"
    unless defined $parent_name and defined $new_name;

  if ($arrayref) {
      "third arg to add_peer_to_name should be an ARRAY or ",
      "an IRC::Server::Tree"
    ) unless ref $arrayref eq 'ARRAY'
      or blessed $arrayref and $arrayref->isa('IRC::Server::Tree');

  if ( $self->have_peer($new_name) ) {
    carp "Tried to add previously-seen node $new_name";

  return unless
    $self->tree->add_node_to_name($parent_name, $new_name, $arrayref);
  $self->{seen}->{$new_name} = 1;
  $self->reset_tree if $arrayref;

sub hop_count {
  ## Returns a hop count as normally used in LINKS output and similar
  my ($self, $peer) = @_;

  confess "hop_count expects a peer name"
    unless defined $peer;

  my $path = $self->trace( $peer );
  return unless $path;


sub split_peer {
  ## Split a peer and return the names of all hops under it.
  my ($self, $peer) = @_;

  confess "split_peer expects a peer name"
    unless defined $peer;

  my $splitref = $self->tree->del_node_by_name( $peer ) || return;

  delete $self->{seen}->{$peer};

  my $names = $self->tree->names_beneath( $splitref );

  if ($names && @$names) {
    delete $self->{seen}->{$_} for @$names;


sub split_peer_nodes {
  my ($self, $peer) = @_;

  confess "split_peer_nodes expects a peer name"
    unless defined $peer;

  my $splitref = $self->tree->del_node_by_name($peer) || return;
  delete $self->{seen}->{$peer};

  for my $name (@{ $self->tree->names_beneath($splitref) || [] }) {
    delete $self->{seen}->{$name}


sub trace {
  my ($self, $peer) = @_;

  confess "trace expects a peer name"
    unless defined $peer;

  if (my $routed = $self->_have_route_for_peer($peer) ) {
    return $self->tree->path_by_indexes( $routed )

  ## FIXME maybe needs a switch via the memoize new() opt.
  ## If we memoize the indexes, we have to walk that path twice.
  ##  (a search to get indexes, a walk to get names)
  ## If we memoize the route, we spend more memory on hop names.
  my $index_route = $self->tree->trace_indexes( $peer );
  return unless ref $index_route eq 'ARRAY' and scalar @$index_route;

  my $named_hops  = $self->tree->path_by_indexes( $index_route );
  return unless ref $named_hops eq 'ARRAY' and scalar @$named_hops;

  $self->{seen}->{$peer} = $index_route if $self->{memoize};


sub tree {
  my ($self) = @_;



=head1 NAME

IRC::Server::Tree::Network - An enhanced IRC::Server::Tree


  ## Model a network
  my $net = IRC::Server::Tree::Network->new;

  ## Add a couple top-level peers

  ## Add some peers to hubA
  $net->add_peer_to_name('hubA', 'leafB');
  $net->add_peer_to_name('hubA', 'leafC');

  ## [ 'leafB', 'leafC' ] :
  my $split = $net->split_peer('hubA');

See below for complete details.


An IRC::Server::Tree::Network provides simpler methods for interacting 
with an L<IRC::Server::Tree>. It also handles L</trace> route memoization 
and uniqueness-checking.

=head2 new

  my $net = IRC::Server::Tree::Network->new;

  ## With named opts:
  my $net = IRC::Server::Tree::Network->new(
    tree    => $my_tree,

    ## Turn off route preservation:
    memoize => 0,

  ## With an existing Tree and no other opts:
  my $net = IRC::Server::Tree::Network->new(
    IRC::Server::Tree->new( $previous_tree )

The constructor initializes a new Network.


Setting 'memoize' to a false value at construction time will disable 
route preservation, saving some memory at the expense of more frequent 
tree searches.


If an existing Tree is passed in, a list of unique node names in the Tree 
is compiled and validated.

Routes are not stored until a L</trace> is called.

=head2 add_peer_to_self

  $net->add_peer_to_self( $peer_name );

Adds a node identified by the specified peer name to the top level of our 
tree; i.e., a directly-linked peer.

The identifier must be unique. IRC networks may not have duplicate 
entries in the tree.

You can optionally specify an existing tree of nodes to add under the new 
node as an ARRAY:

  $net->add_peer_to_self( $peer_name, $array_ref );

...but it will trigger a tree-walk to reset seen peers.

=head2 add_peer_to_name

  $net->add_peer_to_name( $parent_name, $new_peer_name );

Add a node identified by the specified C<$new_peer_name> to the specified 

Returns empty list and warns if the specified parent is not found.

Specifying an existing ARRAY of nodes works the same as 

=head2 have_peer

  if ( $net->have_peer( $peer_name ) ) {
    . . .

Returns a boolean value indicating whether or not the specified name is 
already seen in the tree. (This relies on our tracked entries, rather 
than finding a path for each call.)

=head2 hop_count

  my $count = $net->hop_count( $peer_name );

Returns the number of hops to the destination node; i.e., a 
directly-linked peer is 1 hop away:

    leafA     - 1 hop
    hubB      - 1 hop
      leafB   - 2 hops

Returns empty list if the peer was not found.

=head2 reset_tree


Clears all currently-known routes and re-validates the tree.

You shouldn't normally need to call this yourself unless you are in the 
process of breaking things severely (such as manipulating the stored 

=head2 split_peer

  my $split_names = $net->split_peer( $peer_name );

Splits a node from the tree.

Returns an ARRAY containing the names of every node beneath the one that 
was split, not including the originally specified peer.

Returns empty list if the peer was not found.

Returns empty arrayref if the node was split but no nodes were underneath 
the split node.

=head2 split_peer_nodes

  my $split_peer_nodes = $net->split_peer_nodes( $peer_name );

Splits a node from the tree just like L</split_peer>, except returns the 
array-of-arrays forming the tree underneath the split peer.

This can be 
fed back to Network add_peer methods such as L</add_peer_to_self> and 

  my $split_nodes = $net->split_peer_nodes( 'hubA' );
  $net->add_peer_to_self( 'NewHub' );
  $net->add_peer_to_name( 'NewHub', $split_nodes );

=head2 trace

  my $trace_names = $net->trace( $peer_name );

A successful trace returns the same value as L<IRC::Server::Tree/trace>; 
see the documentation for L<IRC::Server::Tree> for details.

Returns empty list if the peer was not found.

This proxy method memoizes routes for future lookups. They are cleared 
when L</split_peer> is called.

=head2 tree

The C<tree()> method returns the L<IRC::Server::Tree> object belonging to 
this Network.

  my $as_hash = $net->tree->as_hash;

See the L<IRC::Server::Tree> documentation for details.

Note that calling methods on the Tree object that manipulate the tree 
(adding and deleting nodes) will break future lookups via Network. Don't 
do that; if you need to manipulate the Tree directly, fetch it, change 
it, and create a new Network:

  my $tree = $net->tree;

  ## ... call methods on the IRC::Server::Tree ...

  my $new_net = IRC::Server::Tree::Network->new(

... or if you must, at least call reset_tree to reset our state and 
validate the tree:


=head1 AUTHOR

Jon Portnoy <>
