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use Moops;

# Moops + multidimensional TypedArray example courtesy of TOBYINK:

class Cell {
  has name => (is => 'rw', isa => Str);

class Grid types Types::Standard, List::Objects::Types {    
  my $CellType = (InstanceOf['Cell'])->plus_coercions(
      Str, sub { 'Cell'->new(name => $_) },
  has cells => (
      is      => 'ro',
      isa     => TypedArray[TypedArray[$CellType]],
      coerce  => 1,
      handles => {
          get_row   => 'get',
          set_row   => 'set',
          all_rows  => 'all',
          add_row   => 'push',
  method get_cell (Int $row, Int $col)  {
  method set_cell (Int $row, Int $col, Str|Object $value)  {
      $self->get_row($row)->set($col, $value);
  method all_cells ()  {
      map { $_->all } $self->all_rows;
  method get_col (Int $col)  {
      map { $_->get($col) } $self->all_rows;

  method set_col (Int $col, ArrayRef|ArrayObj $values)  {
      my @rows = $self->all_rows;
      for my $i (0 .. $#rows) {
          $rows[$i]->set($col) = $values->[$i];

  method add_col (ArrayRef|ArrayObj $values)  {
      my @rows = $self->all_rows;
      for my $i (0 .. $#rows) {

  method all_cols ()  {
      my $col_count   = $self->get_row(0)->count;
      my $return_type = TypedArray[$CellType];
          map { $return_type->coerce($_); }
          map { [ $self->get_col($_) ]; }
          0 .. $col_count-1;
  method to_string ()  {
      join "\n", map(join("\t", map($_->name, $_->all)), $self->all_rows);

my $grid = Grid->new(
  cells => [
      [ 'foo1', 'bar1' ],
      [ 'foo2', 'bar2' ],

$grid->add_col(['baz1', 'baz2']);
$grid->get_cell(1, 1)->name('QUUX');

say $grid->to_string;