Topic: Easy list ops with List-Objects-WithUtils Date: 2013-03-26

Hmm.. I should sort these hash items. Okay, I've got my sort and map ... but I want to sort these objects by ->name ... oh, right, List::UtilsBy! But I want to iterate five of them at a time ... uh, hmm, is natatime in List::Util or List::MoreUtils?

Ah, screw it:

use List::Objects::WithUtils;

my $hash = hash(%previous);
my $iter = $hash->values
            ->sort_by(sub { $_->name })

while (my @objs = $iter->()) {

But now I want to take a slice from this hash and create a new hash ... ah, fook, what was the syntax again? Hum. I could shove the keys I want in @keys ... but if any of those keys don't exist in the old hash, I don't want them to be set to undef in the new hash, so I need some kind of loop ...

Ah, never mind:

my $newhash = $hash->sliced(qw/foo bar baz/);

There we are!

A modern approach to list types

List::Objects::WithUtils exists to eliminate that whole train of thought by providing a object-oriented interface to list types (arrays and hashes).

Aside from providing native behavior like element manipulation, sort, map, grep, and so forth, you also get the most commonly useful utilities from List::Util, List::MoreUtils, List::UtilsBy, and Syntax::Keyword::Junction.

This post covers the raw basics and the things I use most frequently. See the List::Objects::WithUtils documentation on metacpan for usage details.

The basics

Getting going is pretty easy; where I might declare an array:

my @array = qw/ a b c /;

... or an ARRAY:

my $array = [qw/ a b c /];

I can just use array():

my $array = array(qw/ a b c /);

(Since these are ARRAY-type objects, code that previously treated $array as an ARRAY ref will Just Work so long as it checks 'reftype' where most people might use 'ref' -- porting my old code went pretty smoothly.)

Later on, if I need a plain list back out, I can get all elements:

for my $item ($array->all) {

... or perhaps just find out how many elements the array has:

if ( $array->count > 2 ) {

I can retrieve a specific index via get:

my $second = $array->get(1);

... or change it via set:

$array->set( 1, 'newval' );

The usual array operations work basically as-expected:

my $last  = $array->pop;

my $first = $array->shift;

I can splice or delete items:

$array->splice( 0, 1 );

... and transform lists into strings via join:

my $str = $array->join('');

Working with hashes is much the same; all the expected operations are available. I can create my hash using the expected syntax:

my $hash = hash(
  a => 'foo',
  b => 'bar',
  c => 'baz',

Adding or setting hash elements works essentially as-expected:

$hash->set(d => 'pie');

... but set can also take a sequence of pairs, which is great for combining hashes:

  e => 'cake',
  f => 'banana',

# From a plain Perl hash:
$hash->set( %old );

# From a hash():
$hash->set( $old->export );

Hash operations like keys and values return a list, which is of course presented as an array() object.

That means it's easy to use chained operations to, say, sort by either key or value:

my @bykey = $hash->keys->sort->all;

# By value, unique values only.
my @byval = $hash->values->uniq->sort->all;

Since sort takes a sub, I could sort by a hash element, say:

my $sorted = array(
  hash( foo => 1 ),
  hash( foo => 2 ),
  hash( foo => 3 ),
)->sort(sub {
  $_[0]->get('foo') cmp $_[1]->get('foo')

... but since sort_by is available, it would be much cleaner to do:

$array->sort_by(sub { $_->get('foo') });

(Note the $_ -- sort_by operates on a topicalizer.)

List operations returning new lists makes for pretty chaining:

my @all = 
  $array->grep(sub { $_[0] =~ /foo/ })
        ->map(sub { uc $_[0] })

How about a Schwartzian (with a little extra overhead, granted)?

my $sorted = 
  array(qw/ abcd ab abc a /)
    ->map(sub { [ $_[0], length $_[0] ] })
    ->sort(sub { $_[0]->[1] <=> $_[1]->[1] })
    ->map(sub { $_[0]->[0] })

(This is pointless because we have sort_by available (see above), but it's a well-known idiom with which we can demonstrate chaining.)


One of the most common things I do with a list is apply grep to find stuff -- but sometimes I'm not all that overly interested in what I found, only whether or not it is present.

I could, of course, use grep and check for found elements:

if ( array(1 .. 10)->grep(sub { $_[0] == 4 })->has_any ) {

... or I could turn to has_any or first for the same purpose, which could be more efficient on account of terminating after the first successful hit:

if ( array(1,2,3)->has_any(sub { $_ == 4 }) ) { }

if ( array(1,2,3)->first(sub { $_ == 4}) )    { }

Still, this is a bit ugly; I just want to know if any items meet a certain criteria, and typing 'sub { ... }' every five minutes gets to be silly.

Fortunately, the default array class happens to consume List::Objects::WithUtils::Role::WithJunctions, giving us easy access to Syntax::Keyword::Junction goodness.

Calling any_items returns the overloaded any junction. Our check might look more like:

if ( array(1,2,3)->any_items == 4 ) {

if ( array('a', 'b', 'c')->any_items eq 'b' ) {

You also get all_items for free:

if ( array(1,2,3)->all_items > 0 ) {


Traditional slice syntax isn't so bad when using a normal @array or %hash:

my @array = ( 'a' .. 'z' );
my @first = @array[0 .. 5];

my %hash   = ( foo => 'bar', baz => 'foo', bar => 'baz' );
# Values for wanted keys:
my @foobar = @hash{'foo','bar'};

It starts to get a little more interesting when dealing with references:

my @first  = @{ $array }[0 .. 5];
my @foobar = @{ $hash }{'foo','bar'}

... and downright obnoxious when I'd like to turn a piece of a hash into a new hash, for example:

my %newhash = map {;
  exists $hash->{$_} ? ( $_ => $hash->{$_} ) : ()
} 'foo', 'bar';

Instead of all that, I can just use ->sliced, which works on both array and hash objects. Now that array example looks more like this:

my $array = array( 'a' .. 'z' );
my $slice = $array->sliced( 0 .. 5 );

Unlike ->splice, ->sliced leaves the existing array alone and returns a new array-type object containing the values requested.

A sliced() hash returns a new hash object:

my $newhash = $hash->sliced('foo', 'bar');

When using ->sliced, keys that don't exist in the old hash won't be created with undefined values in the new hash.

In a similar vein, sometimes it's convenient to be able to get all the items before the one matching some condition:

my $before = $array->items_before(sub { $_ eq 'd' });

... or after it:

my $after = $array->items_after(sub { $_ eq 't' });

We can make our hash manipulation rather shorter and a bit prettier:

my $hash = hash( foo => 'bar', baz => 'foo', bar => 'baz' );

A get() that returns a list of values returns an array object:

my @foobar  = $hash->get('foo', 'bar')->all;

There's plenty more. See the official documentation.