use Test::More tests => 2;

package MyVal;
use Validation::Class;

package main;

my $params = {_dc => '0123456789'};

my $v = MyVal->new(
    fields => {
        status => {
            required => 1,
            error    => 'Invalid account status. Use Active/Inactive.',
            filters  => ['trim', 'strip', 'alpha'],
            options  => 'Active, Inactive'
    params         => {_dc => '0123456789'},
    ignore_unknown => 1

# params set at new function
ok $v->validate(keys %{$params}), 'validation ok';

# ok $v->fields->{_dc}, 'found anomaly, param converted to field';
ok !$v->fields->{_dc},
  'anomaly fixed, unknown param no longer converted to field';