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package Padre::Plugin::SpellCheck::Dialog;
  $Padre::Plugin::SpellCheck::Dialog::VERSION = '1.21';

# ABSTRACT: Spell check dialog for Padre

use warnings;
use strict;

use Class::XSAccessor accessors => {
	_autoreplace => '_autoreplace', # list of automatic replaces
	_engine      => '_engine',      # pps:engine object
	_error       => '_errorpos',    # first error spotted [ $word, $pos ]
	_label       => '_label',       # label hosting the misspelled word
	_list        => '_list',        # listbox listing the suggestions
	_offset      => '_offset',      # offset of _text within the editor
	_plugin      => '_plugin',      # reference to spellcheck plugin
	_sizer       => '_sizer',       # window sizer
	_text        => '_text',        # text being spellchecked

use Padre::Current;
use Padre::Wx   ();
use Padre::Util ('_T');
use Encode;

use base 'Wx::Dialog';

# -- constructor

sub new {
	my ( $class, %params ) = @_;

	# create object
	my $config = $params{plugin}->config;
	my $self   = $class->SUPER::new(
		sprintf( _T('Spelling (%s)'), $config->{dictionary} ),
	$self->SetIcon( Wx::GetWxPerlIcon() );
	$self->_error( $params{error} );
	$self->_engine( $params{engine} );
	$self->_offset( $params{offset} );
	$self->_text( $params{text} );
	$self->_plugin( $params{plugin} );
	$self->_autoreplace( {} );

	# create dialog

	return $self;

# -- public methods

# -- gui handlers

# $self->_on_butclose_clicked;
# handler called when the close button has been clicked.
sub _on_butclose_clicked {
	my $self = shift;

# $self->_on_butignore_all_clicked;
# handler called when the ignore all button has been clicked.
sub _on_butignore_all_clicked {
	my ($self) = @_;

	my $word = $self->_error->[0];

# $self->_on_butignore_clicked;
# handler called when the ignore button has been clicked.
sub _on_butignore_clicked {
	my ($self) = @_;

	# remove the beginning of the text, up to after current error
	my $error = $self->_error;
	my ( $word, $pos ) = @$error;
	$pos += length $word;
	my $text = substr $self->_text, $pos;
	my $offset = $self->_offset + $pos;

	# FIXME: as soon as STC issue is resolved:
	# Include UTF8 characters from ignored word
	# to overall count of UTF8 characters
	# so we can set proper selections

	# try to find next error

# $self->_on_butreplace_all_clicked;
# handler called when the replace all button has been clicked.
sub _on_butreplace_all_clicked {
	my ($self) = @_;

	# get replacing word
	my $list = $self->_list;
	my $id = $list->GetNextItem( -1, Wx::wxLIST_NEXT_ALL, Wx::wxLIST_STATE_SELECTED );
	return if $id == -1;
	my $new = $list->GetItem($id)->GetText;

	# store automatic replacement
	my $old = $self->_error->[0];
	$self->_autoreplace->{$old} = $new;

	# do the replacement

# $self->_on_butreplace_clicked;
# handler called when the replace button has been clicked.
sub _on_butreplace_clicked {
	my ($self) = @_;
	my $list = $self->_list;

	# get replacing word
	my $id = $list->GetNextItem( -1, Wx::wxLIST_NEXT_ALL, Wx::wxLIST_STATE_SELECTED );
	return if $id == -1;
	my $new = $list->GetItem($id)->GetText;

	# actually replace word in editor

	# try to find next error

# -- private methods

# $self->_create;
# create the dialog itself.
# no params, no return values.
sub _create {
	my ($self) = @_;

	# create sizer that will host all controls
	my $sizer = Wx::GridBagSizer->new( 5, 5 );

	# create the controls

	# wrap everything in a vbox to add some padding
	my $vbox = Wx::BoxSizer->new(Wx::wxVERTICAL);
	$vbox->Add( $sizer, 1, Wx::wxEXPAND | Wx::wxALL, 5 );

	# set focus on listbox

# $dialog->_create_buttons;
# create the buttons pane.
# no params. no return values.
sub _create_buttons {
	my ($self) = @_;

	my $ba  = Wx::Button->new( $self, -1,              _T('Add to dictionary') );
	my $br  = Wx::Button->new( $self, -1,              _T('Replace') );
	my $bra = Wx::Button->new( $self, -1,              _T('Replace all') );
	my $bi  = Wx::Button->new( $self, -1,              _T('Ignore') );
	my $bia = Wx::Button->new( $self, -1,              _T('Ignore all') );
	my $bc  = Wx::Button->new( $self, Wx::wxID_CANCEL, _T('Close') );
	Wx::Event::EVT_BUTTON( $self, $br,  \&_on_butreplace_clicked );
	Wx::Event::EVT_BUTTON( $self, $bra, \&_on_butreplace_all_clicked );
	Wx::Event::EVT_BUTTON( $self, $bi,  \&_on_butignore_clicked );
	Wx::Event::EVT_BUTTON( $self, $bia, \&_on_butignore_all_clicked );
	Wx::Event::EVT_BUTTON( $self, $bc,  \&_on_butclose_clicked );

	my $sizer = $self->_sizer;
	$sizer->Add( $ba,  Wx::GBPosition->new( 0, 2 ), Wx::GBSpan->new( 1, 1 ), Wx::wxEXPAND );
	$sizer->Add( $br,  Wx::GBPosition->new( 2, 2 ), Wx::GBSpan->new( 1, 1 ), Wx::wxEXPAND );
	$sizer->Add( $bra, Wx::GBPosition->new( 3, 2 ), Wx::GBSpan->new( 1, 1 ), Wx::wxEXPAND );
	$sizer->Add( $bi,  Wx::GBPosition->new( 4, 2 ), Wx::GBSpan->new( 1, 1 ), Wx::wxEXPAND );
	$sizer->Add( $bia, Wx::GBPosition->new( 5, 2 ), Wx::GBSpan->new( 1, 1 ), Wx::wxEXPAND );
	$sizer->Add( $bc,  Wx::GBPosition->new( 7, 2 ), Wx::GBSpan->new( 1, 1 ), Wx::wxEXPAND );


# $dialog->_create_labels;
# create the top labels.
# no params. no return values.
sub _create_labels {
	my ($self) = @_;
	my $sizer = $self->_sizer;

	# create the labels...
	my $label   = Wx::StaticText->new( $self, -1, _T('Not in dictionary:') );
	my $labword = Wx::StaticText->new( $self, -1, 'w' x 25 );
	$labword->SetBackgroundColour( Wx::Colour->new('#ffaaaa') );

	# ... and place them
	$sizer->Add( $label, Wx::GBPosition->new( 0, 0 ) );
	$sizer->Add( $labword, Wx::GBPosition->new( 0, 1 ), Wx::GBSpan->new( 1, 1 ), Wx::wxEXPAND );

# $dialog->_create_list;
# create the suggestions list.
# no params. no return values.
sub _create_list {
	my ($self) = @_;
	my $sizer = $self->_sizer;

	my $lab = Wx::StaticText->new( $self, -1, _T('Suggestions') );
	$sizer->Add( $lab, Wx::GBPosition->new( 1, 0 ), Wx::GBSpan->new( 1, 3 ), Wx::wxEXPAND );
	my $list = Wx::ListView->new(
	Wx::Event::EVT_LIST_ITEM_ACTIVATED( $self, $list, \&_on_butreplace_clicked );
		Wx::GBPosition->new( 2, 0 ),
		Wx::GBSpan->new( 5, 2 ),

# dialog->_next;
# try to find next mistake, and update dialog to show this new error. if
# no error, display a message and exit.
# no params. no return value.
sub _next {
	my ($self) = @_;
	my $autoreplace = $self->_autoreplace;


		# try to find next mistake
		my ( $word, $pos ) = $self->_engine->check( $self->_text );
		$self->_error( [ $word, $pos ] );

		# no mistake means we're done
		if ( not defined $word ) {
			$self->GetParent->message( _T('Spell check finished.'), 'Padre' );

		# check if we have hit a replace all word
		if ( exists $autoreplace->{$word} ) {
			$self->_replace( $autoreplace->{$word} );
			redo; # move on to next error

	# update gui with new error

# $self->_replace( $word );
# fix current error by replacing faulty word with $word.
# no param. no return value.
sub _replace {
	my ( $self, $new ) = @_;
	my $editor = Padre::Current->editor;

	# replace word in editor
	my $error  = $self->_error;
	my $offset = $self->_offset;
	my ( $word, $pos ) = @$error;
	my $from = $offset + $pos + $self->_engine->_utf_chars;
	my $to   = $from + length Encode::encode_utf8($word);
	$editor->SetSelection( $from, $to );

	# FIXME: as soon as STC issue is resolved:
	# Include UTF8 characters from newly added word
	# to overall count of UTF8 characters
	# so we can set proper selections

	# remove the beginning of the text, up to after replaced word
	my $posold = $pos + length $word;
	my $posnew = $pos + length $new;
	my $text   = substr $self->_text, $posold;
	$offset += $posnew;

# self->_update;
# update the dialog box with current error.
sub _update {
	my ($self) = @_;
	my $error = $self->_error;
	my ( $word, $pos ) = @$error;

	# update selection in parent window
	my $editor = Padre::Current->editor;
	my $offset = $self->_offset;
	my $from   = $offset + $pos + $self->_engine->_utf_chars;
	my $to     = $from + length Encode::encode_utf8($word);
	$editor->SetSelection( $from, $to );

	# update label

	# update list
	my @suggestions = $self->_engine->suggestions($word);
	my $list        = $self->_list;
	my $i = 0;
	foreach my $w ( reverse @suggestions ) {
		next unless defined $w;
		my $item = Wx::ListItem->new;
		my $idx = $list->InsertItem($item);
		last if ++$i == 25; # FIXME: should be a preference

	# select first item
	my $item = $list->GetItem(0);



=head1 NAME

Padre::Plugin::SpellCheck::Dialog - Spell check dialog for Padre

=head1 VERSION

version 1.21


This module implements the dialog window that will be used to interact
with the user when mistakes have been spotted.


=head2 Constructor

=over 4

=item my $dialog = PPS::Dialog->new( %params );

Create and return a new dialog window. The following params are needed:

=over 4

=item text => $text

The text being spell checked.

=item offset => $offset

The offset of C<$text> within the editor. 0 if spell checking the whole file.

=item error => [ $word, $pos ]

The first spotted error, on C<$word> (at position C<$pos>), with some
associated C<$suggestions> (a list reference).

=item engine => $engine

The $engine being used (a C<Padre::Plugin::SpellCheck::Engine> object).



=head2 Instance methods

=over 4


=head1 SEE ALSO

For all related information (bug reporting, source code repository,
etc.), refer to L<Padre::Plugin::SpellCheck>.

=head1 AUTHORS

=over 4

=item *

Fayland Lam <fayland at>

=item *

Jerome Quelin <>

=item *

Ahmad M. Zawawi <>



This software is copyright (c) 2010 by Fayland Lam, Jerome Quelin.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.

