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use strict;

my $VERSION = '0.12';


=head1 NAME

cpanstats-select - select stats from the CPAN Testers Statistics database.


  perl cpanstats-select             \
    --config=<file>                 \
    --database=<dbcode>             \
    [--sql=<sql>]                   \
    [--id|-i=<id>]                  \
    [--guid=<id>]                   \
    [--grade|-g=<grade>]            \
    [--disto|-m=<distname>]         \
    [--dist|-d=<distname>]          \
    [--version|-v=<distversion>]    \
    [--date|-y=<YYYYMM>]            \
    [--tester|-t=<email>]           \
    [--platform|-o=<platform>]      \


Using the cpanstats database, which should be in the local directory, extracts
all the required data.

=head1 OPTIONS

=over 4

=item --config

Configuration file contain database access details.

=item --database

Specify the database to use, CPANSTATS or LITESTATS



# -------------------------------------
# Library Modules

use Config::IniFiles;
use CPAN::Testers::Common::DBUtils;
use Getopt::ArgvFile default=>1;
use Getopt::Long;

# -------------------------------------
# Variables

my (%options,$dbi);

# -------------------------------------
# Program

##### INITIALISE #####


##### MAIN #####

#       '(id,state,postdate,tester,dist,version,platform,perl) '.

if($options{sql}) {
    my @rows = $dbi->get_query('array',$options{sql});
    if(@rows) {
        for my $row (@rows) {
            print join(",",@$row) . "\n";
    } else {
        print "Sorry, no results returned for SQL [$options{sql}]\n";
} else {
    my $sql = "SELECT * FROM cpanstats WHERE ";
    my @where;

    # only one of the following at a time
    @where = ("dist LIKE '\%$options{distro}\%'")           if(defined $options{distro});
    @where = ("dist='$options{dist}'")                      if(defined $options{dist});
    @where = ("id=$options{id}")                            if(defined $options{id});
    @where = ("guid=$options{guid}")                        if(defined $options{guid});

    push @where, "state='$options{grade}'"                  if(defined $options{grade});
    push @where, "version='$options{version}'"              if(defined $options{version});
    push @where, "version LIKE '\%$options{distversion}\%'" if(defined $options{distversion});
    push @where, "postdate='$options{date}'"                if(defined $options{date});
    push @where, "tester LIKE '\%$options{tester}\%'"       if(defined $options{tester} && $options{tester} ne '-');
    push @where, "tester=''"                                if(defined $options{tester} && $options{tester} eq '-');
    push @where, "platform LIKE '$options{platform}\%'"     if(defined $options{platform} && $options{platform} ne '-');
    push @where, "platform=''"                              if(defined $options{platform} && $options{platform} eq '-');
    push @where, "perl='$options{perl}'"                    if(defined $options{perl} && $options{perl} ne '-');
    push @where, "perl=''"                                  if(defined $options{perl} && $options{perl} eq '-');

    if(@where) {
        $sql .= join(' AND ',@where);
        my @rows = $dbi->get_query('array',$sql);
        if(@rows) {
            for my $row (@rows) {
                print join(",",@$row) . "\n";
        } else {
            print "Sorry, no results returned for SQL [$sql]\n";
    } else {
        print "No SQL arguments given\n";

# -------------------------------------
# Subroutines

sub init_options {
    GetOptions( \%options,

    help(1) if($options{help});

    $options{grade} = lc $options{grade}    if($options{grade});

    help(1,"Must specify the configuration file")               unless(   $options{config});
    help(1,"Configuration file [$options{config}] not found")   unless(-f $options{config});

    help(1,"Must specify the database code (CPANSTATS or LITESTATS)")
        unless($options{database} && $options{database} =~ /^CPANSTATS|LITESTATS$/);

    # load configuration
    my $cfg = Config::IniFiles->new( -file => $options{config} );

    # configure databases
    my $db = $options{database};
    die "No configuration for $db database\n"   unless($cfg->SectionExists($db));
    my %opts = map {$_ => $cfg->val($db,$_);} qw(driver database dbfile dbhost dbport dbuser dbpass);
    $dbi = CPAN::Testers::Common::DBUtils->new(%opts);
    die "Cannot configure $db database\n" unless($dbi);

sub help {
    my ($full,$mess) = @_;

    print "\n$mess\n\n" if($mess);

    if($full) {
        print <<HERE;

Usage: $0
     --config=<file>                - configuration file
     --database=<dbcode>            - CPANSTATS or LITESTATS

    [--id|-i=<id>]                  - cpanstats report id
    [--guid=<guid>]                 - metabase report guid
    [--grade|-g=<grade>]            - report grade
    [--dist|-d=<distname>]          - distribution name
    [--disto|-m=<distname>]         - distribution name (partial match)
    [--version|-v=<distversion>]    - distribution version
    [--date|-y=<YYYYMM>]            - year/month
    [--tester|-t=<email>]           - tester email
    [--platform|-o=<platform>]      - platform (partial match)
    [--perl|-p=<perlversion>]       - perl version

    [--help|-h]                     - this screen

    - combine options (except help) to refine your search
    - all entries (except distro and paltform) require an exact match
    - only one of nntp, dist or distro (in order of preference) is accepted
    - use '-' for tester, perl and platform to find blank entries



    print "$0 v$VERSION\n";




There are no known bugs at the time of this release. However, if you spot a
bug or are experiencing difficulties, that is not explained within the POD
documentation, please send bug reports and patches to the RT Queue (see below).

Fixes are dependent upon their severity and my availability. Should a fix not
be forthcoming, please feel free to (politely) remind me.

RT Queue -

=head1 SEE ALSO



=head1 AUTHOR

Barbie, E<lt>barbie@cpan.orgE<gt>
for Miss Barbell Productions L<>.


  Copyright (C) 2005-2012 Barbie for Miss Barbell Productions
  All Rights Reserved.

  This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  modify it under the Artistic License 2.0.
