The Perl Toolchain Summit needs more sponsors. If your company depends on Perl, please support this very important event.
package CPAN::Testers::WWW::Statistics::Graphs;

use warnings;
use strict;
use vars qw($VERSION);

$VERSION = '1.23';


=head1 NAME

CPAN::Testers::WWW::Statistics::Graphs - CPAN Testers Statistics graphs.


  my %hash = { config => 'options' };
  my $obj = CPAN::Testers::WWW::Statistics->new(%hash);
  my $ct = CPAN::Testers::WWW::Statistics::Graphs->new(parent => $obj);


Using previously formatted data, generate graphs using the Google Chart API.

Note that this package should not be called directly, but via its parent as:

  my %hash = { config => 'options' };
  my $obj = CPAN::Testers::WWW::Statistics->new(%hash);


# -------------------------------------
# Library Modules

use File::Basename;
use File::Path;
use HTML::Entities;
use IO::File;
use LWP::UserAgent;
use HTTP::Request;

# -------------------------------------
# Variables

my %month = (
    0 => 'January',   1 => 'February', 2 => 'March',     3 => 'April',
    4 => 'May',       5 => 'June',     6 => 'July',      7 => 'August',
    8 => 'September', 9 => 'October', 10 => 'November', 11 => 'December'

my ($backg,$foreg) = ('black','white');

my @graphs = (
['stats/stats1'     ,'CPAN Testers Statistics - Reports'        ,[qw(UPLOADS REPORTS PASS FAIL)],'TEST_RANGES'  ,'month'],
['stats/stats2'     ,'CPAN Testers Statistics - Attributes'     ,[qw(TESTERS PLATFORMS PERLS)]  ,'TEST_RANGES'  ,'month'],
['stats/stats3'     ,'CPAN Testers Statistics - Non-Passes'     ,[qw(FAIL NA UNKNOWN)]          ,'TEST_RANGES'  ,'month'],
['stats/stats4'     ,'CPAN Testers Statistics - Testers'        ,[qw(ALL FIRST LAST)]           ,'TEST_RANGES'  ,'month'],
['stats/stats6'     ,'CPAN Statistics - Uploads'                ,[qw(AUTHORS DISTROS)]          ,'CPAN_RANGES'  ,'month'],
['stats/stats12'    ,'CPAN Statistics - New Uploads'            ,[qw(AUTHORS DISTROS)]          ,'CPAN_RANGES'  ,'month'],
['stats/build1'     ,'CPAN Testers Performance Graph'           ,[qw(REQUESTS PAGES REPORTS)]   ,'NONE'         ,'daily'],
['stats/pcent1'     ,'CPAN Testers Statistics - Percentages'    ,[qw(FAIL OTHER PASS)]          ,'TEST_RANGES'  ,'month'],
['rates/submit1'    ,'CPAN Submissions - By Month'              ,[qw(EXCLUSIVE INCLUSIVE)]      ,'NONE'         ,'index'],
['rates/submit2'    ,'CPAN Submissions - By Day of the Week'    ,[qw(EXCLUSIVE INCLUSIVE)]      ,'NONE'         ,'index'],
['rates/submit3'    ,'CPAN Submissions - By Day of the Month'   ,[qw(EXCLUSIVE INCLUSIVE)]      ,'NONE'         ,'index'],
['rates/submit4'    ,'CPAN Submissions - By Hour'               ,[qw(EXCLUSIVE INCLUSIVE)]      ,'NONE'         ,'index'],

my $lwp = LWP::UserAgent->new();
$lwp->agent( 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.4) Gecko/20030624' );

my $chart_api    = '';
my $chart_titles = 'chtt=%s&chdl=%s';
my $chart_labels = 'chxt=x,x,y,r&chxl=0:|%s|1:|%s|2:|%s|3:|%s';
my $chart_data   = 'chd=t:%s';
my $chart_colour = 'chco=%s';
my $chart_filler = 'chf=bg,s,dddddd';

my %COLOURS = (
    white      => [255,255,255],
    black      => [0,0,0],
    red        => [255,0,0],
    blue       => [0,0,255],
    purple     => [230,0,230],
    green      => [0,255,0],
    grey       => [128,128,128],
    light_grey => [170,170,170],
    dark_grey  => [75,75,75],
    cream      => [200,200,240],
    yellow     => [255,255,0],
    orange     => [255,128,0],

my @COLOURS = map {sprintf "%s%s%s", _dec2hex($COLOURS{$_}->[0]),_dec2hex($COLOURS{$_}->[1]),_dec2hex($COLOURS{$_}->[2])} qw(red blue green orange purple grey);
my @MONTHS  = map {my @x = split(//); my $x = join(' ',@x); [split(//,$x)]} @MONTH;

# -------------------------------------
# Subroutines


=head2 The Constructor

=over 4

=item * new

Graph creation object. Checks to see whether the data files exist, and allows
the user to turn or off the progress tracking.

new() takes an option hash as an argument, which may contain 'progress => 1'
to turn on the progress tracker and/or 'directory => $dir' to indicate the path
to the data files. If no directory is supplied the current directory is



sub new {
    my $class = shift;
    my %hash  = @_;

    die "Must specify the parent statistics object\n"   unless(defined $hash{parent});

    my $self = {parent => $hash{parent}};
    bless $self, $class;

    $self->{parent}->_log("GRAPHS: new");

    return $self;

=head2 Methods

=over 4

=item * create

Method to facilitate the creation of graphs.



sub create {
    my $self = shift;
    my $status = 0; # assume success

    my $directory = $self->{parent}->directory;

    $self->{parent}->_log("create start");

    for my $g (@graphs) {
        my $results   = "$directory/$g->[0]";
        my ($path,$file) = (dirname($results),basename($results));
        $g->[0] = $file;
        $g->[5] = $path;

        my $ranges = $self->{parent}->ranges($g->[3]);
        $self->{parent}->_log("writing graph - got range [$g->[3]] = " . (scalar(@$ranges)) . ", latest=$ranges->[-1]");

        my $latest = $ranges->[-1];

        for my $r (@$ranges) {
            $self->{parent}->_log("writing graph - $g->[0]-$r");

            my $url = $self->_make_graph($r,@$g);
            next    unless($url);

            $self->{parent}->_log("url - [".(length $url)."] $url");
    #        print "$url\n";

            my $res;
            eval {
                my $req = HTTP::Request->new(GET => $url);
                $res = $lwp->request($req);

            if($@ || !$res->is_success()) {
                $file = "$results-$r.html";
                $self->{parent}->_log("FAIL: $0 - Cannot access page - see '$file' [$url] [" . length($url) . "] [$@]\n");
                $status = 1;
            } elsif($res->header('Content-Type') =~ /html/) {
                $file = "$results-$r.html";
                $self->{parent}->_log("FAIL: $0 - request failed - see '$file'\n");
                $status = 1;
            } else {
                $file = "$results-$r.png";

                if($r eq $latest) {
                    $file = "$results.png";

    $self->{parent}->_log("finish = $status");
    return $status;

sub _save_content {
    my ($res,$file) = @_;
    my $fh = IO::File->new(">$file") or die "$0 - Cannot write file [$file]: $!\n";
    binmode($fh)    if($file =~ /\.png$/);
    print $fh $res->content;

#=item _make_graph
#Creates and writes out a single graph.

sub _make_graph {
    my ($self,$r,$file,$title,$legend,$rcode,$type,$path) = @_;
    my (@dates1,@dates2);
    my $yr = 0;

    my @data = $self->_get_data("$path/$file.txt",$r);
    #use Data::Dumper;
    #print STDERR "#type=$type, file=$file.txt, data=".Dumper(\@data);

$self->{parent}->_log("checkpoint 1");
    return  unless(@data);
$self->{parent}->_log("checkpoint 2");

    for my $date (@{$data[0]}) {
        if($type eq 'index') {
            push @dates1, "'";
            push @dates2, $date;
        } elsif($type eq 'month') {
            my $year  = substr($date,0,4);
            my $month = substr($date,4,2);
            push @dates1, ($month % 2 == 1 ? $MONTHS[$month][0] : '');
            push @dates2, ($year != $yr ? $year : '');
            $yr = $year;
        } else {
            my $year  = substr($date,0,4);
            my $month = substr($date,4,2);
            my $day   = substr($date,6,2);
            push @dates1, ($day == 1 || $day % 7 == 0 ? sprintf "%d", $day : "'");
            push @dates2, ($MONTHS[$month][$day-1] || '');

    my $max = 0;
    for my $inx (1 .. $#data) {
        for my $data (@{$data[$inx]}) {
            $max = $data    if($max < $data);

    $max = _set_max($max);
    my $range = _set_range(0,$max);

    my (@d,@c);
    my @colours = @COLOURS;
    for my $inx (1 .. $#data) {
        push @c, shift @colours;
        # data needs to be expressed as a percentage of the max
        for(@{$data[$inx]}) {
            #print "pcent = $_ / $max * 100 = ";
            $_ = $_ / $max * 100;
            #print "$_ = ";
            $_ = int($_ * 1) / 1;
            #print "$_\n";

        push @d, join(',',@{$data[$inx]});
    my $d = join('|',@d);
    my $data = sprintf $chart_data, $d;

    my $dates1 = join('|', @dates1);
    my $dates2 = join('|', @dates2);

    my $colour = sprintf $chart_colour, join(',',@c);
    my $titles = sprintf $chart_titles, $title, join('|',@$legend);
    my $labels = sprintf $chart_labels, $dates1, $dates2, $range, $range;
    $titles =~ s/ /+/g;
    $labels =~ s/ /+/g;
    my @api = ($chart_api, $titles, $labels, $colour, $chart_filler, $data) ;

    my $url = join('&',@api);
$self->{parent}->_log("checkpoint 3 - $url");
    return $url;

#=item _get_data
#Reads and returns the contents of the graph data file.

sub _get_data {
    my ($self,$file,$range) = @_;
    my ($fdate,$tdate) = split('-',$range);

    $self->{parent}->_log("get data - range=$range, fdate=$fdate, tdate=$tdate, file=$file");

    my @data;
    my $fh = IO::File->new($file)
        or return ();
        #or die "Cannot open data file [$file]: $!\n";
    while(<$fh>) {
        next    unless($_);
        next    if(/^#/ || /^$/);
        my @values = split(",",$_);
        next    if($values[0] < $fdate || $values[0] > $tdate);
        push @{$data[$_]}, $values[$_]    for(0..$#values);
    return @data;

sub _dec2hex {
    my $hexnum = sprintf("%x", $_[0]);
    return '00'         if(length($hexnum) < 1);
    return '0'.$hexnum  if(length($hexnum) < 2);
    return $hexnum;

sub _set_max {
    my $max = shift;
    my $lmt = 10;

    return $lmt   if($max <= $lmt);

    my $len = length("$max") - 1;
    my $num = substr("$max",0,1);

    if($max < 100_000) {
        my $lmt1 =  (10**$len) *  $num;
        my $lmt2 = ((10**$len) *  $num) + ((1**($len-1)) * 5);
        my $lmt3 =  (10**$len) * ($num + 1);

        return $lmt1    if($max <= $lmt1);
        return $lmt2    if($max <= $lmt2);
        return $lmt3    if($max <= $lmt3);

    $num += ($num % 2) ? 1 : 2;

    return (10**$len) * $num;

sub _set_range {
    my ($min,$max) = @_;

    my $len = length("$max") - 2;
    my $pc0 = $max / 10;

    my $x1 = 10**$len * 1;
    my $x2 = 10**$len * 2;
    my $x5 = 10**$len * 5;
    my $x0 = 10**$len * 10;

    my $step = $pc0 <= $x1 ? $x1 : $pc0 <= $x2 ? $x2 : $pc0 <= $x5 ? $x5 : $x0;

    my @r;
    for(my $r = $min; $r < ($max+$step); $r += $step) {
        my $x = $r < 1000 ? $r : $r < 1000000 ? ($r/1000) . 'k' : ($r/1000000) . 'm';
        push @r, $x;

    return join('|',@r);

q('Will code for a nice Balti Lamb Tikka Bhuna');



CPAN Testers wouldn't exist without the help and support of the Perl 
community. However, since 2008 CPAN Testers has grown far beyond the 
expectations of it's original creators. As a consequence it now requires
considerable funding to help support the infrastructure.

In early 2012 the Enlightened Perl Organisation very kindly set-up a
CPAN Testers Fund within their donatation structure, to help the project
cover the costs of servers and services.

If you would like to donate to the CPAN Testers Fund, please follow the link
below to the Enlightened Perl Organisation's donation site.


If your company would like to support us, you can donate financially via the
fund link above, or if you have servers or services that we might use, please
send an email to with details.

Our full list of current sponsors can be found at our I <3 CPAN Testers site.



There are no known bugs at the time of this release. However, if you spot a
bug or are experiencing difficulties, that is not explained within the POD
documentation, please send bug reports and patches to the RT Queue (see below).

Fixes are dependent upon their severity and my availability. Should a fix not
be forthcoming, please feel free to (politely) remind me.

RT Queue -

=head1 SEE ALSO



=head1 AUTHOR

  Barbie, <>
  for Miss Barbell Productions <>.


  Copyright (C) 2005-2017 Barbie for Miss Barbell Productions.

  This distribution is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  modify it under the Artistic Licence v2.
