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package Data::Phrasebook::SQL;
use strict;
use warnings FATAL => 'all';
use base qw( Data::Phrasebook::Generic Data::Phrasebook::Debug );
use Carp qw( croak );

use Data::Phrasebook::SQL::Query;

use vars qw($VERSION);
$VERSION = '0.35';

=head1 NAME

Data::Phrasebook::SQL - The SQL/DBI Phrasebook Model.


    use Data::Phrasebook;
    use DBI;

    my $dbh = DBI->connect(...);

    my $book = Data::Phrasebook->new(
        class => 'SQL',
        dbh   => $dbh,
        file  => 'queries.txt',
    my $q = $book->query( 'find_author', {
            author => "Lance Parkin"
    while ( my $row = $q->fetchrow_hashref ) {
        print "He wrote $row->{title}\n";


    find_author=select title,author from books where author = :author


In order to make use of features like placeholders in DBI in conjunction
with phrasebooks, it's helpful to have a phrasebook be somewhat more aware
of how DBI operates. Thus, you get C<Data::Phrasebook::SQL>.

C<Data::Phrasebook::SQL> has knowledge of how DBI works and creates and
executes your queries appropriately.


=head2 new

Not to be accessed directly, but via the parent L<Data::Phrasebook>, by
specifying the class as SQL.

Additional arguments to those described in L<Data::Phrasebook::Generic> are:

=over 4

=item *

C<dbh> - a DBI database handle.


=head1 METHODS

=head2 dbh

Set, or get, the current DBI handle.


sub dbh {
    my $self = shift;
    return @_ ? $self->{dbh} = shift : $self->{dbh};

=head2 query

Constructs a L<Data::Phrasebook::SQL::Query> object from a template. Takes at
least one argument, this being the identifier for the query. The identifier is
used as a key into the phrasebook C<file>. A second argument can be provided,
which is an optional hashref of key to value mappings.

If phrasebook has a YAML source looking much like the following:

        sql: select class,title,author from books where author = :author

You could write:

    my $q = $book->query( 'find_author' );


    my $q = $book->query( 'find_author', {
        author => 'Lance Parkin'
    } );


    my $author = 'Lance Parkin';
    my $q = $book->query( 'find_author', {
        author => \$author,
    } );

    # sql  = select class,title,author from books where author = ?
    # args = 'Lance Parkin'

In the above examples, the parameters are bound to the SQL using the bind
parameters functionality. This is more efficient in most cases where the
same SQL is reused with different values for fields.

However, not all SQL statements just need to bind parameters, some may require
the ability to replace parameters, such as a field list.

        sql: select :fields from books where author = :author

    my $q = $book->query( 'find_author',
        replace => { fields => 'class,title,author' },
        bind    => { author => 'Lance Parkin' }

    # sql  = select class,title,author from books where author = ?
    # args = 'Lance Parkin'

In all instances, if the SQL template requested does not exist or has no
definition, then an error will be thrown.

Consult L<Data::Phrasebook::SQL::Query> for what you can then do with your
returned object.

For reference: the bind hashref argument, if it is given, is given to the
query object's C<order_args> and then C<args> methods.


sub query {
    my ($self,$id,@args) = @_;

	$self->store(3,"->query IN")	if($self->debug);

    my $map = $self->data($id);
    croak "No mapping for '$id'" unless($map);
    my $sql;

    if($self->debug) {
		$self->store(4,"->query id=[$id]");
		$self->store(4,"->query map=[$map]");

    if(ref $map eq 'HASH') {
        croak "No SQL content for '$id'." unless exists $map->{sql}
            and defined $map->{sql};
        $sql = $map->{sql};
    } else {
        $sql = $map;    # we assume sql string only

    unshift @args, 'bind'   if(scalar(@args) == 1); # default is to bind parameters

    if($self->debug) {
        $self->store(4,"->query BEFORE methods");
        $self->store(4,"->query sql=[$sql]");
        $self->store(4,"->query args=[".$self->dumper(\@args)."]");

    my (%args,$params,@order);
    while(@args) {
        # go backwards in case there are duplicate keys
        my $args   = pop @args;
        my $method = pop @args;

        for(keys %$args) {
            $args{$_}->{method} = $method;
            $args{$_}->{value} = $args->{$_};

        $params = $args if($method eq 'bind');

    my $delim_RE = $self->delimiters();
    $sql =~ s{$delim_RE}[
                    if(defined $args{$1} && $args{$1}->{method} eq 'replace') {
                    } else {
                        push @order, $1;

    if($self->debug) {
        $self->store(4,'->query AFTER methods');
        $self->store(4,"->query sql=[$sql]");
        $self->store(4,'->query order=['.join(',',@order).']');
        $self->store(4,'->query params=['.$self->dumper($params).']');

    my $q = Data::Phrasebook::SQL::Query->new(
        sql => $sql,
        order => \@order,
        dbh => $self->dbh,
    $q->args( $q->order_args( $params ) ) if($params);
    return $q;



=head1 SEE ALSO


=head1 SUPPORT

Please see the README file.

=head1 AUTHOR

  Original author: Iain Campbell Truskett (16.07.1979 - 29.12.2003)
  Maintainer: Barbie <> since January 2004.
  for Miss Barbell Productions <>.


  Copyright (C) 2003 Iain Truskett.
  Copyright (C) 2004-2013 Barbie for Miss Barbell Productions.

  This distribution is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  modify it under the Artistic License v2.
