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package Labyrinth::DIUtils::ImageMagick;

use warnings;
use strict;

our $VERSION = '5.06';

=head1 NAME

Labyrinth::DIUtils::ImageMagick - Digital Image utilities driver for ImageMagick.


  use Labyrinth::DIUtils::ImageMagick;


  my $hook = Labyrinth::DIUtils::ImageMagick->new($file);
  my $hook = $hook->rotate($degrees);       # 0 - 360
  my $hook = $hook->reduce($xmax,$ymax);
  my $hook = $hook->thumb($thumbnail,$square);


Handles the driver software for ImageMagick image manipulation; Do not use
this module directly, access via Labyrinth::DIUtils.


#Modules/External Subroutines                                               #

use Image::Magick;


=head1 METHODS

=head2 Contructor

=over 4

=item new($file)

The constructor. Passed a single mandatory argument, which is then used as the
image file for all image manipulation.



sub new {
    my $self  = shift;
    my $image = shift;

    die "no image specified"    if !$image;
    die "no image file found"   if !-f $image;

    # read in current image
    my $i = Image::Magick->new();
    die "object image error: [$image]\n"    if !$i;
    my $c = $i->Read($image);
    die "read image error: [$image] $c\n"   if $c;

    my $atts = {
        'image'     => $image,
        'object'    => $i,

    # create the object
    bless $atts, $self;
    return $atts;

=head2 Image Manipulation

=over 4

=item rotate($degrees)

Object Method. Passed a single mandatory argument, which is then used to turn
the image file the number of degrees specified.


sub rotate {
    my $self = shift;
    my $degs = shift || return undef;

    return  unless($self->{image} && $self->{object});

    my $i = $self->{object};
    $i->Rotate(degrees => $degs);
    my $c = $i->Write($self->{image});
    die "write image error: [$self->{image}] $c\n"   if $c;

    return 1;

=item reduce($xmax,$ymax)

Object Method. Passed two arguments (defaulting to 100x100), which is then
used to reduce the image to a size that fit inside a box of the specified


sub reduce {
    my $self = shift;
    my $xmax = shift || 100;
    my $ymax = shift || 100;

    return  unless($self->{image} && $self->{object});

    my $i = $self->{object};
    my ($width,$height) = $i->Get('columns', 'rows');
    return  unless($width > $xmax || $height > $ymax);

    $i->Scale(geometry => "${xmax}x${ymax}");
    my $c = $i->Write($self->{image});
    die "write image error: [$self->{image}] $c\n"   if $c;

    return 1;

=item thumb($thumbnail,$square)

Object Method. Passed two arguments, the first being the name of the thumbnail
file to be created, and the second being a single dimension of the square box
(defaulting to 100), which is then used to reduce the image to a thumbnail.



sub thumb {
    my $self = shift;
    my $file = shift || return;
    my $smax = shift || 100;

    my $i = $self->{object};
    return  unless($i);

    $i->Scale(geometry => "${smax}x${smax}");
    my $c = $i->Write($file);
    die "write image error: [$self->{image}] $c\n"   if $c;

    return 1;



=head1 SEE ALSO


=head1 AUTHOR

Barbie, <> for
Miss Barbell Productions, L<>


  Copyright (C) 2002-2014 Barbie for Miss Barbell Productions
  All Rights Reserved.

  This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  modify it under the Artistic License 2.0.
